package net.glowstone.util; import; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import java.util.List; import static org.bukkit.block.BlockFace.*; /** * A static class housing position-related utilities and constants. * @author Graham Edgecombe */ public final class Position { private Position() { } /** * The number of integer values between each double value. For example, if * the coordinate was {@code 1.5}, this would be sent as * {@code 1.5 * 32 = 48} within certain packets. */ public static final int GRANULARITY = 32; /** * Common Rotation values used blocks such as Signs, Skulls, and Banners. * The order relates to the data/tag that is applied to the block on placing. */ public static final List<BlockFace> ROTATIONS = ImmutableList.of(NORTH, NORTH_NORTH_EAST, NORTH_EAST, EAST_NORTH_EAST, EAST, EAST_SOUTH_EAST, SOUTH_EAST, SOUTH_SOUTH_EAST, SOUTH, SOUTH_SOUTH_WEST, SOUTH_WEST, WEST_SOUTH_WEST, WEST, WEST_NORTH_WEST, NORTH_WEST, NORTH_NORTH_WEST); /** * Gets the X coordinate multiplied the granularity and rounded to an * integer. * @return An integer approximation of the X coordinate. */ public static int getIntX(Location loc) { return (int) (loc.getX() * GRANULARITY); } /** * Gets the Y coordinate multiplied the granularity and rounded to an * integer. * @return An integer approximation of the Y coordinate. */ public static int getIntY(Location loc) { return (int) (loc.getY() * GRANULARITY); } /** * Gets the Z coordinate multiplied the granularity and rounded to an * integer. * @return An integer approximation of the Z coordinate. */ public static int getIntZ(Location loc) { return (int) (loc.getZ() * GRANULARITY); } /** * Gets an integer approximation of the yaw between 0 and 255. * @return An integer approximation of the yaw. */ public static int getIntYaw(Location loc) { return (int) (((loc.getYaw() % 360) / 360) * 256); } /** * Gets an integer approximation of the pitch between 0 and 255. * @return An integer approximation of the yaw. */ public static int getIntPitch(Location loc) { return (int) (((loc.getPitch() % 360) / 360) * 256); } /** * Gets whether there has been a position change between the two Locations. * @return A boolean. */ public static boolean hasMoved(Location first, Location second) { return first.getX() != second.getX() || first.getY() != second.getY() || first.getZ() != second.getZ(); } /** * Gets whether there has been a rotation change between the two Locations. * @return A boolean. */ public static boolean hasRotated(Location first, Location second) { return first.getPitch() != second.getPitch() || first.getYaw() != second.getYaw(); } /** * Copy the contents of one Location to another. * @param source The Location to read from. * @param dest The Location to modify. May be null. * @return The dest parameter, modified if not null. */ public static Location copyLocation(Location source, Location dest) { if (dest == null) { return null; } dest.setWorld(source.getWorld()); dest.setX(source.getX()); dest.setY(source.getY()); dest.setZ(source.getZ()); dest.setPitch(source.getPitch()); dest.setYaw(source.getYaw()); return dest; } /** * Copy the position contents (x,y,z) of one Location to another. * @param source The Location to read the x, y and z values from. * @param dest The Location to modify the x, y and z values. May be null. * @return The dest parameter, modified if not null. */ public static Location copyPosition(Location source, Location dest) { if (dest == null) { return null; } dest.setX(source.getX()); dest.setY(source.getY()); dest.setZ(source.getZ()); return dest; } /** * Get an intercardinal BlockFace from a rotation value, where NORTH is 0. * @param rotation byte value rotation to get * @return intercardinal BlockFace * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If 0 > value > 15 */ public static BlockFace getDirection(byte rotation) { return ROTATIONS.get(rotation); } /** * Gets the byte rotation for an intercardinal BlockFace, where NORTH is 0. * @param rotation Rotation to get * @return byte data value for the given rotation, or -1 if rotation is SELF or null */ public static byte getDirection(BlockFace rotation) { return (byte) ROTATIONS.indexOf(rotation); } }