package; import com.flowpowered.networking.MessageHandler; import net.glowstone.EventFactory; import net.glowstone.GlowServer; import net.glowstone.entity.GlowPlayer; import net.glowstone.inventory.*; import; import; import; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.*; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType.SlotType; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.Recipe; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; public final class WindowClickHandler implements MessageHandler<GlowSession, WindowClickMessage> { @Override public void handle(GlowSession session, WindowClickMessage message) { boolean result = false; try { result = process(session.getPlayer(), message); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { GlowServer.logger.warning(session.getPlayer().getName() + ": illegal argument while handling click: " + ex); } if (!result) { + ": [rejected] " + message); } session.send(new TransactionMessage(message.getId(), message.getTransaction(), result)); } private boolean process(final GlowPlayer player, final WindowClickMessage message) { final int viewSlot = message.getSlot(); final InventoryView view = player.getOpenInventory(); final GlowInventory top = (GlowInventory) view.getTopInventory(); final GlowInventory bottom = (GlowInventory) view.getBottomInventory(); final ItemStack slotItem = view.getItem(viewSlot); final ItemStack cursor = player.getItemOnCursor(); // check that the player has a correct view of the item if (!Objects.equals(message.getItem(), slotItem) && (message.getMode() == 0 || message.getMode() == 1)) { // reject item change because of desynced inventory // in mode 3 (get) and 4 (drop), client does not send item in slot under cursor if (message.getMode() == 0 || message.getItem() != null) { // in mode 1 (shift click), client does not send item in slot under cursor if the // action did not result in any change on the client side (inventory full) or // if there's an item under the cursor player.sendItemChange(viewSlot, slotItem); return false; } } // determine inventory and slot clicked, used in some places // todo: attempt to allow for users to implement their own inventory? // CraftBukkit does not allow this but it may be worth the trouble for // the extensibility. final GlowInventory inv; if (viewSlot < top.getSize()) { inv = top; } else { inv = bottom; } final int invSlot = view.convertSlot(viewSlot); final InventoryType.SlotType slotType = inv.getSlotType(invSlot); // handle dragging if (message.getMode() == 5) { // 5 0 * start left drag // 5 1 add slot left drag // 5 2 * end left drag // 5 4 * start right drag // 5 5 add slot right drag // 5 6 * end right drag DragTracker drag = player.getInventory().getDragTracker(); boolean right = (message.getButton() >= 4); switch (message.getButton()) { case 0: // start left drag case 4: // start right drag return drag.start(right); case 1: // add slot left case 5: // add slot right return drag.addSlot(right, message.getSlot()); case 2: // end left drag case 6: // end right drag List<Integer> slots = drag.finish(right); if (slots == null || cursor == null) { return false; } ItemStack newCursor = cursor.clone(); Map<Integer, ItemStack> newSlots = new HashMap<>(); int perSlot = right ? 1 : cursor.getAmount() / slots.size(); for (int dragSlot : slots) { ItemStack oldItem = view.getItem(dragSlot); if (oldItem == null || cursor.isSimilar(oldItem)) { Inventory dragInv = dragSlot < top.getSize() ? top : bottom; int oldItemAmount = oldItem == null ? 0 : oldItem.getAmount(); int transfer = Math.min(Math.min(perSlot, cursor.getAmount()), maxStack(dragInv, cursor.getType()) - oldItemAmount); ItemStack newItem = combine(oldItem, cursor, transfer); newSlots.put(dragSlot, newItem); newCursor = amountOrNull(newCursor, newCursor.getAmount() - transfer); if (newCursor == null) { break; } } } InventoryDragEvent event = new InventoryDragEvent(view, newCursor, cursor, right, newSlots); if (event.isCancelled()) { return false; } for (Map.Entry<Integer, ItemStack> entry : newSlots.entrySet()) { view.setItem(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } player.setItemOnCursor(newCursor); return true; } return false; } // determine what action will be taken and fire event final ClickType clickType = WindowClickLogic.getClickType(message.getMode(), message.getButton(), viewSlot); InventoryAction action = WindowClickLogic.getAction(clickType, slotType, cursor, slotItem); if (clickType == ClickType.UNKNOWN || action == InventoryAction.UNKNOWN) { // show a warning for unknown click type GlowServer.logger.warning(player.getName() + ": mystery window click " + clickType + "/" + action + ": " + message); } // deny CLONE_STACK for non-creative mode players if (action == InventoryAction.CLONE_STACK && player.getGameMode() != GameMode.CREATIVE) { action = InventoryAction.NOTHING; } // determine whether NOTHING, HOTBAR_MOVE_AND_READD or HOTBAR_SWAP should be executed if (clickType == ClickType.NUMBER_KEY) { ItemStack destItem = bottom.getItem(message.getButton()); if (slotItem == null) { if (destItem == null) { // both items are null, do nothing action = InventoryAction.NOTHING; } else if (!inv.itemPlaceAllowed(invSlot, destItem)) { // current item is null and destItem cannot be moved into current slot action = InventoryAction.NOTHING; } } else if (slotItem != null && destItem != null && (inv != bottom || !inv.itemPlaceAllowed(invSlot, destItem))) { // target and source inventory are different or destItem cannot be placed in current slot action = InventoryAction.HOTBAR_MOVE_AND_READD; } } if (WindowClickLogic.isPlaceAction(action)) { // check whether item can be dropped into the clicked slot if (!inv.itemPlaceAllowed(invSlot, cursor)) { // placement not allowed if (slotItem != null && slotItem.isSimilar(cursor)) { // item in slot is the same as item on cursor if (cursor.getAmount() + 1 == cursor.getMaxStackSize()) { // There is still space under the cursor for one item action = InventoryAction.PICKUP_ONE; } else if (cursor.getAmount() < cursor.getMaxStackSize()) { // There is still some space under the cursor action = InventoryAction.PICKUP_SOME; } } else { action = InventoryAction.NOTHING; } } } InventoryClickEvent event = null; if (top == inv && top instanceof GlowCraftingInventory && top.getSlotType(invSlot) == SlotType.RESULT) { // Clicked on output slot of crafting inventory if (slotItem == null) { // No crafting recipe result, don't do anything action = InventoryAction.NOTHING; } int cursorAmount = cursor == null ? 0 : cursor.getAmount(); if (slotItem != null && cursorAmount + slotItem.getAmount() <= slotItem.getMaxStackSize()) { // if the player can take the whole result if (WindowClickLogic.isPickupAction(action) || WindowClickLogic.isPlaceAction(action)) { // always take the whole crafting result out of the crafting inventories action = InventoryAction.PICKUP_ALL; } else if (action == InventoryAction.DROP_ONE_SLOT) { // always drop the whole stack, not just single items action = InventoryAction.DROP_ALL_SLOT; } } else { // if their cursor is full, do nothing action = InventoryAction.NOTHING; } // if we do anything, call the CraftItemEvent // this ignores whether the crafting process actually happens (full inventory, etc.) if (action != InventoryAction.NOTHING) { Recipe recipe = ((GlowCraftingInventory) inv).getRecipe(); if (clickType == ClickType.NUMBER_KEY) { event = new CraftItemEvent(recipe, view, slotType, viewSlot, clickType, action, message.getButton()); } else { event = new CraftItemEvent(recipe, view, slotType, viewSlot, clickType, action); } } } if (event == null) { if (clickType == ClickType.NUMBER_KEY) { event = new InventoryClickEvent(view, slotType, viewSlot, clickType, action, message.getButton()); } else { event = new InventoryClickEvent(view, slotType, viewSlot, clickType, action); } } EventFactory.callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { return false; } boolean handled = true; switch (action) { case NOTHING: break; case UNKNOWN: // return false rather than break - this case is "handled" but // any action the client tried to take should be denied return false; // PICKUP_* case PICKUP_ALL: view.setItem(viewSlot, null); int cursorAmount = cursor == null ? 0 : cursor.getAmount(); player.setItemOnCursor(amountOrNull(slotItem, cursorAmount + slotItem.getAmount())); break; case PICKUP_HALF: { // pick up half (favor picking up) int keepAmount = slotItem.getAmount() / 2; ItemStack newCursor = slotItem.clone(); newCursor.setAmount(slotItem.getAmount() - keepAmount); inv.setItem(invSlot, amountOrNull(slotItem, keepAmount)); player.setItemOnCursor(newCursor); break; } case PICKUP_SOME: // pick up as many items as possible int pickUp = Math.min(cursor.getMaxStackSize() - cursor.getAmount(), slotItem.getAmount()); view.setItem(viewSlot, amountOrNull(slotItem, slotItem.getAmount() - pickUp)); player.setItemOnCursor(amountOrNull(cursor, cursor.getAmount() + pickUp)); break; case PICKUP_ONE: view.setItem(invSlot, amountOrNull(slotItem, slotItem.getAmount() - 1)); player.setItemOnCursor(amountOrNull(cursor, cursor.getAmount() + 1)); break; // PLACE_* case PLACE_ALL: view.setItem(viewSlot, combine(slotItem, cursor, cursor.getAmount())); player.setItemOnCursor(null); break; case PLACE_SOME: { // slotItem *should* never be null in this situation? int transfer = Math.min(cursor.getAmount(), maxStack(inv, slotItem.getType()) - slotItem.getAmount()); view.setItem(viewSlot, combine(slotItem, cursor, transfer)); player.setItemOnCursor(amountOrNull(cursor, cursor.getAmount() - transfer)); break; } case PLACE_ONE: view.setItem(viewSlot, combine(slotItem, cursor, 1)); player.setItemOnCursor(amountOrNull(cursor, cursor.getAmount() - 1)); break; case SWAP_WITH_CURSOR: view.setItem(viewSlot, cursor); player.setItemOnCursor(slotItem); break; // DROP_* case DROP_ALL_CURSOR: if (cursor != null) { drop(player, cursor); player.setItemOnCursor(null); } break; case DROP_ONE_CURSOR: if (cursor != null) { drop(player, amountOrNull(cursor.clone(), 1)); player.setItemOnCursor(amountOrNull(cursor, cursor.getAmount() - 1)); } break; case DROP_ALL_SLOT: if (slotItem != null) { drop(player, slotItem); view.setItem(viewSlot, null); } break; case DROP_ONE_SLOT: if (slotItem != null) { drop(player, amountOrNull(slotItem.clone(), 1)); view.setItem(viewSlot, amountOrNull(slotItem, slotItem.getAmount() - 1)); } break; // shift-click case MOVE_TO_OTHER_INVENTORY: if (slotItem != null) { inv.handleShiftClick(player, view, viewSlot, slotItem); } break; case HOTBAR_MOVE_AND_READD: case HOTBAR_SWAP: GlowPlayerInventory playerInv = player.getInventory(); int hotbarSlot = message.getButton(); ItemStack destItem = playerInv.getItem(hotbarSlot); if (slotItem == null) { // nothing in current slot if (destItem == null) { // no action return false; } else { // move from hotbar to current slot // do nothing if current slots does not accept the item if (action == InventoryAction.HOTBAR_SWAP) { inv.setItem(invSlot, destItem); playerInv.setItem(hotbarSlot, null); } return true; } } else { if (destItem == null) { // move from current slot to hotbar playerInv.setItem(hotbarSlot, slotItem); inv.setItem(invSlot, null); return true; } else { // both are non-null, swap them playerInv.setItem(hotbarSlot, slotItem); if (action == InventoryAction.HOTBAR_SWAP) { inv.setItem(invSlot, destItem); } else { inv.setItem(invSlot, null); playerInv.addItem(destItem); } return true; } } case CLONE_STACK: // only in creative and with no item on cursor handled earlier // copy and maximize item ItemStack stack = slotItem.clone(); stack.setAmount(stack.getType().getMaxStackSize()); player.setItemOnCursor(stack); break; case COLLECT_TO_CURSOR: if (cursor == null) { return false; } int slotCount = view.countSlots(); if (GlowInventoryView.isDefault(view)) { // view.countSlots does not account for armor slots slotCount += 4; } for (int i = 0; i < slotCount && cursor.getAmount() < maxStack(inv, cursor.getType()); ++i) { ItemStack item = view.getItem(i); SlotType type = (i < top.getSize() ? top : bottom).getSlotType(view.convertSlot(i)); if (item == null || !cursor.isSimilar(item) || type == SlotType.RESULT) { continue; } int transfer = Math.min(item.getAmount(), maxStack(inv, cursor.getType()) - cursor.getAmount()); cursor.setAmount(cursor.getAmount() + transfer); view.setItem(i, amountOrNull(item, item.getAmount() - transfer)); } break; } if (handled && top == inv && top instanceof GlowCraftingInventory && top.getSlotType(invSlot) == SlotType.RESULT) { // we need to check whether the crafting result was used // and if it was consume the ingredients GlowCraftingInventory craftingInv = (GlowCraftingInventory) top; if (craftingInv.getResult() == null) { // it was used -> consume ingredients craftingInv.craft(); } } if (!handled) { GlowServer.logger.warning(player.getName() + ": unhandled click action " + action + " for " + message); } return handled; } private void drop(GlowPlayer player, ItemStack stack) { // drop the stack if it's valid if (stack != null && stack.getAmount() > 0) { player.drop(stack); } } private ItemStack combine(ItemStack slotItem, ItemStack cursor, int amount) { if (slotItem == null) { ItemStack stack = cursor.clone(); stack.setAmount(amount); return stack; } else if (slotItem.isSimilar(cursor)) { slotItem.setAmount(slotItem.getAmount() + amount); return slotItem; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to combine dissimilar " + slotItem + " and " + cursor); } } private ItemStack amountOrNull(ItemStack original, int amount) { original.setAmount(amount); return amount <= 0 ? null : original; } private int maxStack(Inventory inv, Material mat) { return Math.min(inv.getMaxStackSize(), mat.getMaxStackSize()); } }