package; import com.flowpowered.networking.ConnectionManager; import; import; import io.netty.handler.timeout.IdleStateHandler; import io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutHandler; import; /** * Used to initialize the channels. */ public final class GlowChannelInitializer extends ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel> { /** * The time in seconds which are elapsed before a client is disconnected due * to a read timeout. */ private static final int READ_TIMEOUT = 20; /** * The time in seconds which are elapsed before a client is deemed idle due * to a write timeout. */ private static final int WRITE_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 15; private final ConnectionManager connectionManager; public GlowChannelInitializer(ConnectionManager connectionManager) { this.connectionManager = connectionManager; } @Override protected void initChannel(SocketChannel c) { MessageHandler handler = new MessageHandler(connectionManager); CodecsHandler codecs = new CodecsHandler(ProtocolType.HANDSHAKE.getProtocol()); FramingHandler framing = new FramingHandler(); c.pipeline() .addLast("encryption", NoopHandler.INSTANCE) .addLast("framing", framing) .addLast("compression", NoopHandler.INSTANCE) .addLast("codecs", codecs) .addLast("readtimeout", new ReadTimeoutHandler(READ_TIMEOUT)) .addLast("writeidletimeout", new IdleStateHandler(0, WRITE_IDLE_TIMEOUT, 0)) .addLast("handler", handler); } }