package; import net.glowstone.GlowServer; import net.glowstone.GlowWorld; import; import net.glowstone.util.nbt.CompoundTag; import net.glowstone.util.nbt.NBTInputStream; import net.glowstone.util.nbt.NBTOutputStream; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import*; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.logging.Level; public class NbtWorldMetadataService implements WorldMetadataService { private final GlowWorld world; private final File dir; private final GlowServer server; private CompoundTag unknownTags; public NbtWorldMetadataService(GlowWorld world, File dir) { = world; this.dir = dir; server = (GlowServer) Bukkit.getServer(); if (!dir.isDirectory() && !dir.mkdirs()) { server.getLogger().warning("Failed to create directory: " + dir); } } @Override public WorldFinalValues readWorldData() throws IOException { // determine UUID of world UUID uid = null; File uuidFile = new File(dir, "uid.dat"); if (uuidFile.exists()) { try (DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(uuidFile))) { uid = new UUID(in.readLong(), in.readLong()); } catch (IOException e) { handleWorldException("uid.dat", e); } } if (uid == null) { uid = UUID.randomUUID(); } // read in world information CompoundTag level = new CompoundTag(); File levelFile = new File(dir, "level.dat"); if (levelFile.exists()) { try (NBTInputStream in = new NBTInputStream(new FileInputStream(levelFile))) { level = in.readCompound(); if (level.isCompound("Data")) { level = level.getCompound("Data"); } else { server.getLogger().warning("Loading world \"" + world.getName() + "\": reading from root, not Data"); } } catch (IOException e) { handleWorldException("level.dat", e); } } // seed long seed = 0L; if (level.isLong("RandomSeed")) { seed = level.getLong("RandomSeed"); level.remove("RandomSeed"); } // time of day and weather status if (level.isByte("thundering")) { world.setThundering(level.getBool("thundering")); level.remove("thundering"); } if (level.isByte("raining")) { world.setStorm(level.getBool("raining")); level.remove("raining"); } if (level.isInt("thunderTime")) { world.setThunderDuration(level.getInt("thunderTime")); level.remove("thunderTime"); } if (level.isInt("rainTime")) { world.setWeatherDuration(level.getInt("rainTime")); level.remove("rainTime"); } if (level.isLong("Time")) { world.setFullTime(level.getLong("Time")); level.remove("Time"); } if (level.isLong("DayTime")) { world.setTime(level.getLong("DayTime")); level.remove("DayTime"); } // spawn position if (level.isInt("SpawnX") && level.isInt("SpawnY") && level.isInt("SpawnZ")) { world.setSpawnLocation(level.getInt("SpawnX"), level.getInt("SpawnY"), level.getInt("SpawnZ")); level.remove("SpawnX"); level.remove("SpawnY"); level.remove("SpawnZ"); } // game rules if (level.isCompound("GameRules")) { CompoundTag gameRules = level.getCompound("GameRules"); for (String key : gameRules.getValue().keySet()) { if (gameRules.isString(key)) { world.setGameRuleValue(key, gameRules.getString(key)); } } level.remove("GameRules"); } // strip single-player Player tag if it exists if (level.isCompound("Player")) { server.getLogger().warning("World \"" + world.getName() + "\": removing single-player Player tag"); level.remove("Player"); } // save unknown tags for later unknownTags = level; return new WorldFinalValues(seed, uid); } private void handleWorldException(String file, IOException e) { server.unloadWorld(world, false); server.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to access " + file + " for world " + world.getName(), e); } @Override public void writeWorldData() throws IOException { File uuidFile = new File(dir, "uid.dat"); try (DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(uuidFile))) { UUID uuid = world.getUID(); out.writeLong(uuid.getMostSignificantBits()); out.writeLong(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits()); } // start with unknown tags from reading CompoundTag out = new CompoundTag(); if (unknownTags != null) { out.getValue().putAll(unknownTags.getValue()); } // Seed and core information out.putString("LevelName", world.getName()); out.putInt("version", 19133); out.putLong("LastPlayed", Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()); out.putLong("RandomSeed", world.getSeed()); // Normal level data out.putLong("Time", world.getFullTime()); out.putLong("DayTime", world.getTime()); out.putBool("thundering", world.isThundering()); out.putBool("raining", world.hasStorm()); out.putInt("thunderTime", world.getThunderDuration()); out.putInt("rainTime", world.getWeatherDuration()); // Spawn location Location loc = world.getSpawnLocation(); out.putInt("SpawnX", loc.getBlockX()); out.putInt("SpawnY", loc.getBlockY()); out.putInt("SpawnZ", loc.getBlockZ()); // Game rules CompoundTag gameRules = new CompoundTag(); String[] gameRuleKeys = world.getGameRules(); for (String key : gameRuleKeys) { gameRules.putString(key, world.getGameRuleValue(key)); } out.putCompound("GameRules", gameRules); // Not sure how to calculate this, so ignoring for now out.putLong("SizeOnDisk", 0); CompoundTag root = new CompoundTag(); root.putCompound("Data", out); try (NBTOutputStream nbtOut = new NBTOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(dir, "level.dat")))) { nbtOut.writeTag(root); } catch (IOException e) { handleWorldException("level.dat", e); } } }