package; /** * Enumeration of the different Minecraft protocol states. */ public enum ProtocolType { HANDSHAKE(new HandshakeProtocol()), STATUS(new StatusProtocol()), LOGIN(new LoginProtocol()), PLAY(new PlayProtocol()); private final GlowProtocol protocol; ProtocolType(GlowProtocol protocol) { this.protocol = protocol; } /** * Get a GlowProtocol corresponding to this protocol type. * @return A matching GlowProtocol. */ public GlowProtocol getProtocol() { return protocol; } /** * Get the ProtocolType corresponding to the given id if possible. * @param id The protocol type id. * @return The matching ProtocolType, or null. */ public static ProtocolType getById(int id) { final ProtocolType[] values = values(); if (id < 0 || id >= values.length) { return null; } return values[id]; } }