package net.glowstone.entity; import com.flowpowered.networking.Message; import net.glowstone.EventFactory; import net.glowstone.constants.GlowPotionEffect; import net.glowstone.inventory.EquipmentMonitor; import; import; import; import org.bukkit.EntityEffect; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.Sound; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.entity.*; import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent; import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Criterias; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Objective; import org.bukkit.util.BlockIterator; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import java.util.*; /** * A GlowLivingEntity is a {@link org.bukkit.entity.Player} or {@link org.bukkit.entity.Monster}. * * @author Graham Edgecombe. */ public abstract class GlowLivingEntity extends GlowEntity implements LivingEntity { /** * Potion effects on the entity. */ private final Map<PotionEffectType, PotionEffect> potionEffects = new HashMap<>(); /** * The entity's health. */ protected double health; /** * The magnitude of the last damage the entity took. */ private double lastDamage; /** * How long the entity has until it runs out of air. */ private int airTicks = 300; /** * The maximum amount of air the entity can hold. */ private int maximumAir = 300; /** * The number of ticks remaining in the invincibility period. */ private int noDamageTicks = 0; /** * The default length of the invincibility period. */ private int maxNoDamageTicks = 10; /** * A custom overhead name to be shown for non-Players. */ private String customName; /** * Whether the custom name is shown. */ private boolean customNameVisible; /** * Whether the entity should be removed if it is too distant from players. */ private boolean removeDistance; /** * Whether the (non-Player) entity can pick up armor and tools. */ private boolean pickupItems; /** * Monitor for the equipment of this entity. */ private EquipmentMonitor equipmentMonitor = new EquipmentMonitor(this); /** * The LivingEntity's AttributeManager. */ private final AttributeManager attributeManager; /** * Creates a mob within the specified world. * * @param location The location. */ public GlowLivingEntity(Location location) { super(location); attributeManager = new AttributeManager(this); attributeManager.setProperty(AttributeManager.Key.KEY_MAX_HEALTH, 20); health = AttributeManager.Key.KEY_MAX_HEALTH.getDef(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internals @Override public void pulse() { super.pulse(); // invulnerability if (noDamageTicks > 0) { --noDamageTicks; } Material mat = getEyeLocation().getBlock().getType(); // breathing if (mat == Material.WATER || mat == Material.STATIONARY_WATER) { if (canTakeDamage(EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.DROWNING)) { --airTicks; if (airTicks <= -20) { airTicks = 0; damage(1, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.DROWNING); } } } else { airTicks = maximumAir; } if (isTouchingMaterial(Material.CACTUS) && canTakeDamage(EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.CONTACT)) { damage(1, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.CONTACT); } if (location.getY() < -64) { // no canTakeDamage call - pierces through game modes damage(4, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.VOID); } if (isWithinSolidBlock()) damage(1, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.SUFFOCATION); // potion effects List<PotionEffect> effects = new ArrayList<>(potionEffects.values()); for (PotionEffect effect : effects) { // pulse effect PotionEffectType type = effect.getType(); GlowPotionEffect glowType = GlowPotionEffect.getEffect(type); if (glowType != null) { glowType.pulse(this, effect); } if (effect.getDuration() > 0) { // reduce duration and re-add addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(type, effect.getDuration() - 1, effect.getAmplifier(), effect.isAmbient()), true); } else { // remove removePotionEffect(type); } } } @Override public void reset() { super.reset(); equipmentMonitor.resetChanges(); } @Override public List<Message> createUpdateMessage() { List<Message> messages = super.createUpdateMessage(); for (EquipmentMonitor.Entry change : equipmentMonitor.getChanges()) { messages.add(new EntityEquipmentMessage(id, change.slot, change.item)); } attributeManager.applyMessages(messages); return messages; } public AttributeManager getAttributeManager() { return attributeManager; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Properties @Override public double getEyeHeight() { return 0; } @Override public double getEyeHeight(boolean ignoreSneaking) { return getEyeHeight(); } @Override public Location getEyeLocation() { return getLocation().add(0, getEyeHeight(), 0); } @Override public Player getKiller() { return null; } @Override public boolean hasLineOfSight(Entity other) { return false; } @Override public EntityEquipment getEquipment() { return null; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Properties @Override public int getNoDamageTicks() { return noDamageTicks; } @Override public void setNoDamageTicks(int ticks) { noDamageTicks = ticks; } @Override public int getMaximumNoDamageTicks() { return maxNoDamageTicks; } @Override public void setMaximumNoDamageTicks(int ticks) { maxNoDamageTicks = ticks; } @Override public int getRemainingAir() { return airTicks; } @Override public void setRemainingAir(int ticks) { airTicks = Math.min(ticks, maximumAir); } @Override public int getMaximumAir() { return maximumAir; } @Override public void setMaximumAir(int ticks) { maximumAir = Math.max(0, ticks); } @Override public boolean getRemoveWhenFarAway() { return removeDistance; } @Override public void setRemoveWhenFarAway(boolean remove) { removeDistance = remove; } @Override public boolean getCanPickupItems() { return pickupItems; } @Override public void setCanPickupItems(boolean pickup) { pickupItems = pickup; } /** * Get the hurt sound of this entity, or null for silence. * @return the hurt sound if available */ protected Sound getHurtSound() { return null; } /** * Get the death sound of this entity, or null for silence. * @return the death sound if available */ protected Sound getDeathSound() { return null; } /** * Get whether this entity should take damage from the specified source. * Usually used to check environmental sources such as drowning. * @param damageCause the damage source to check * @return whether this entity can take damage from the source */ public boolean canTakeDamage(EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause damageCause) { return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Line of Sight private List<Block> getLineOfSight(Set<Material> transparent, int maxDistance, int maxLength) { // same limit as CraftBukkit if (maxDistance > 120) { maxDistance = 120; } LinkedList<Block> blocks = new LinkedList<>(); Iterator<Block> itr = new BlockIterator(this, maxDistance); while (itr.hasNext()) { Block block =; blocks.add(block); if (maxLength != 0 && blocks.size() > maxLength) { blocks.removeFirst(); } Material material = block.getType(); if (transparent == null) { if (material != Material.AIR) { break; } } else { if (!transparent.contains(material)) { break; } } } return blocks; } private List<Block> getLineOfSight(HashSet<Byte> transparent, int maxDistance, int maxLength) { Set<Material> materials = new HashSet<Material>(); Iterator<Byte> itr = transparent.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { byte b =; materials.add(Material.getMaterial((int) b)); } return getLineOfSight(materials, maxDistance, maxLength); } @Override public List<Block> getLineOfSight(Set<Material> transparent, int maxDistance) { return getLineOfSight(transparent, maxDistance, 0); } @Deprecated @Override public List<Block> getLineOfSight(HashSet<Byte> transparent, int maxDistance) { return getLineOfSight(transparent, maxDistance, 0); } @Deprecated @Override public Block getTargetBlock(HashSet<Byte> transparent, int maxDistance) { return getLineOfSight(transparent, maxDistance).get(0); } @Override public Block getTargetBlock(Set<Material> materials, int maxDistance) { return getLineOfSight(materials, maxDistance).get(0); } @Deprecated @Override public List<Block> getLastTwoTargetBlocks(HashSet<Byte> transparent, int maxDistance) { return getLineOfSight(transparent, maxDistance, 2); } @Override public List<Block> getLastTwoTargetBlocks(Set<Material> materials, int maxDistance) { return getLineOfSight(materials, maxDistance, 2); } /** * Returns whether the entity's eye location is within a solid block */ public boolean isWithinSolidBlock() { return getEyeLocation().getBlock().getType().isOccluding(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Projectiles @Override public Egg throwEgg() { return launchProjectile(Egg.class); } @Override public Snowball throwSnowball() { return launchProjectile(Snowball.class); } @Override public Arrow shootArrow() { return launchProjectile(Arrow.class); } @Override public <T extends Projectile> T launchProjectile(Class<? extends T> projectile) { return launchProjectile(projectile, getLocation().getDirection()); // todo: multiply by some speed } @Override public <T extends Projectile> T launchProjectile(Class<? extends T> projectile, Vector velocity) { T entity = world.spawn(getEyeLocation(), projectile); entity.setVelocity(velocity); return entity; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Health @Override public double getHealth() { return health; } @Override public void setHealth(double health) { if (health < 0) health = 0; if (health > getMaxHealth()) health = getMaxHealth(); = health; //TODO: Once Glowstone has proper entity support, entities can have UUID names on the scoreboard if (this instanceof GlowPlayer) { GlowPlayer player = (GlowPlayer) this; for (Objective objective: getServer().getScoreboardManager().getMainScoreboard().getObjectivesByCriteria(Criterias.HEALTH)) { objective.getScore(player.getName()).setScore((int) health); } } } @Override public void damage(double amount) { damage(amount, null, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.CUSTOM); } @Override public void damage(double amount, Entity source) { damage(amount, source, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.CUSTOM); } @Override public void damage(double amount, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause) { damage(amount, null, cause); } @Override public void damage(double amount, Entity source, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause) { // invincibility timer if (noDamageTicks > 0 || health <= 0 || !canTakeDamage(cause)) { return; } else { noDamageTicks = maxNoDamageTicks; } // fire resistance if (cause != null && hasPotionEffect(PotionEffectType.FIRE_RESISTANCE)) { switch (cause) { case PROJECTILE: if (source == null || !(source instanceof Fireball)) { break; } case FIRE: case FIRE_TICK: case LAVA: return; } } // fire event // todo: use damage modifier system EntityDamageEvent event; if (source == null) { event = new EntityDamageEvent(this, cause, amount); } else { event = new EntityDamageByEntityEvent(source, this, cause, amount); } EventFactory.callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } // apply damage amount = event.getFinalDamage(); lastDamage = amount; setHealth(health - amount); playEffect(EntityEffect.HURT); // play sounds, handle death if (health <= 0.0) { Sound deathSound = getDeathSound(); if (deathSound != null) { world.playSound(location, deathSound, 1.0f, 1.0f); } // todo: drop items } else { Sound hurtSound = getHurtSound(); if (hurtSound != null) { world.playSound(location, hurtSound, 1.0f, 1.0f); } } } @Override public double getMaxHealth() { return attributeManager.getPropertyValue(AttributeManager.Key.KEY_MAX_HEALTH); } @Override public void setMaxHealth(double health) { attributeManager.setProperty(AttributeManager.Key.KEY_MAX_HEALTH, health); } @Override public void resetMaxHealth() { setMaxHealth(20); } @Override public double getLastDamage() { return lastDamage; } @Override public void setLastDamage(double damage) { lastDamage = damage; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Invalid health methods @Override public void _INVALID_damage(int amount) { damage(amount); } @Override public int _INVALID_getLastDamage() { return (int) getLastDamage(); } @Override public void _INVALID_setLastDamage(int damage) { setLastDamage(damage); } @Override public void _INVALID_setMaxHealth(int health) { setMaxHealth(health); } @Override public int _INVALID_getMaxHealth() { return (int) getMaxHealth(); } @Override public void _INVALID_damage(int amount, Entity source) { damage(amount, source); } @Override public int _INVALID_getHealth() { return (int) getHealth(); } @Override public void _INVALID_setHealth(int health) { setHealth(health); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Potion effects @Override public boolean addPotionEffect(PotionEffect effect) { return addPotionEffect(effect, false); } @Override public boolean addPotionEffect(PotionEffect effect, boolean force) { if (potionEffects.containsKey(effect.getType())) { if (force) { removePotionEffect(effect.getType()); } else { return false; } } potionEffects.put(effect.getType(), effect); EntityEffectMessage msg = new EntityEffectMessage(getEntityId(), effect.getType().getId(), effect.getAmplifier(), effect.getDuration(), effect.isAmbient()); for (GlowPlayer player : world.getRawPlayers()) { if (player == this) { // special handling for players having a different view of themselves player.getSession().send(new EntityEffectMessage(0, effect.getType().getId(), effect.getAmplifier(), effect.getDuration(), effect.isAmbient())); } else if (player.canSeeEntity(this)) { player.getSession().send(msg); } } return true; } @Override public boolean addPotionEffects(Collection<PotionEffect> effects) { boolean result = true; for (PotionEffect effect : effects) { if (!addPotionEffect(effect)) { result = false; } } return result; } @Override public boolean hasPotionEffect(PotionEffectType type) { return potionEffects.containsKey(type); } @Override public void removePotionEffect(PotionEffectType type) { if (!hasPotionEffect(type)) return; potionEffects.remove(type); EntityRemoveEffectMessage msg = new EntityRemoveEffectMessage(getEntityId(), type.getId()); for (GlowPlayer player : world.getRawPlayers()) { if (player == this) { // special handling for players having a different view of themselves player.getSession().send(new EntityRemoveEffectMessage(0, type.getId())); } else if (player.canSeeEntity(this)) { player.getSession().send(msg); } } } @Override public Collection<PotionEffect> getActivePotionEffects() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(potionEffects.values()); } @Override public void setOnGround(boolean onGround) { super.setOnGround(onGround); if (onGround && getFallDistance() > 3) { float damage = this.getFallDistance() - 3; damage = Math.round(damage); if (damage == 0) { setFallDistance(0); return; } EntityDamageEvent ev = new EntityDamageEvent(this, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.FALL, damage); this.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(ev); if (ev.isCancelled()) { setFallDistance(0); return; } this.setLastDamageCause(ev); this.damage(ev.getDamage()); } this.setFallDistance(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Custom name @Override public void setCustomName(String name) { customName = name; } @Override public String getCustomName() { return customName; } @Override public void setCustomNameVisible(boolean flag) { customNameVisible = flag; } @Override public boolean isCustomNameVisible() { return customNameVisible; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Leashes @Override public boolean isLeashed() { return false; } @Override public Entity getLeashHolder() throws IllegalStateException { return null; } @Override public boolean setLeashHolder(Entity holder) { return false; } }