package com.linkedin.databus2.relay; import static; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.apache.avro.Schema; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.easymock.EasyMock; import org.easymock.IAnswer; import org.jboss.netty.logging.InternalLoggerFactory; import org.jboss.netty.logging.Log4JLoggerFactory; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusConstants; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEvent; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventBuffer; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventBuffer.DbusEventIterator; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventBufferAppendable; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventBufferMult; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventInfo; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventKey; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventV2Factory; import com.linkedin.databus.core.UnsupportedKeyException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.FileUtils; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.RateControl; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.RateMonitor.MockRateMonitor; import com.linkedin.databus.monitoring.mbean.EventSourceStatistics; import com.linkedin.databus.monitoring.mbean.GGParserStatistics; import com.linkedin.databus.monitoring.mbean.GGParserStatistics.TransactionInfo; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.BackoffTimerStaticConfigBuilder; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.seq.MaxSCNReaderWriter; import com.linkedin.databus2.ggParser.XmlStateMachine.ColumnsState; import com.linkedin.databus2.ggParser.XmlStateMachine.DbUpdateState; import com.linkedin.databus2.ggParser.XmlStateMachine.DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage; import com.linkedin.databus2.ggParser.XmlStateMachine.TransactionState; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.EventSourceStatisticsIface; import; import; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.LogicalSourceConfig; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.LogicalSourceStaticConfig; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.PhysicalSourceConfig; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.PhysicalSourceStaticConfig; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.PhysicalSourceStaticConfig.ChunkingType; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.ReplicationBitSetterStaticConfig; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.ReplicationBitSetterStaticConfig.MissingValueBehavior; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.SchemaRegistryService; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.VersionedSchema; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.VersionedSchemaId; import com.linkedin.databus2.test.ConditionCheck; import com.linkedin.databus2.test.TestUtil; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ public class TestGoldenGateEventProducer { public static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TestGoldenGateEventProducer.class); private final String avroSchema = "{" + "\"type\" : \"record\"," + "\"name\" : \"user\"," + "\"namespace\" : \"my.example\"," + "\"fields\" : [{\"name\" : \"name\", \"type\" : \"string\"}]" + "}"; private final String avroSchema2 = "{" + "\"type\" : \"record\"," + "\"name\" : \"user\"," + "\"namespace\" : \"my.example\"," + "\"fields\" : [{\"name\" : \"name1\", \"type\" : \"string\"}," + " {\"name\" : \"name2\", \"type\" : \"string\"}]" + "}"; private final String sourceAvroSchema = "{" + " \"name\" : \"Shortlinks_V3\", " + " \"doc\" : \"Auto-generated Avro schema for SHORTLINKS. Generated at May 21, 2013 12:05:14 PM PDT\"," + " \"type\" : \"record\", " + " \"meta\" : \"dbFieldName=SHORTLINKS;dbFieldType=SHORTLINKS;pk=linkCode;\"," + " \"fields\" : [ {" + " \"name\" : \"linkCode\", " + " \"type\" : [ \"string\", \"null\" ]," + " \"meta\" : \"dbFieldName=LINK_CODE;dbFieldPosition=0;dbFieldType=VARCHAR2;\"" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"ggModiTs\"," + " \"type\" : [ \"long\", \"null\" ]," + " \"meta\" : \"dbFieldName=GG_MODI_TS;dbFieldPosition=8;dbFieldType=TIMESTAMP;\"" + " }, {" + " \"name\" : \"ggStatus\"," + " \"type\" : [ \"string\", \"null\" ]," + " \"meta\" : \"dbFieldName=GG_STATUS;dbFieldPosition=9;dbFieldType=VARCHAR2;\"" + " } ]," + " \"namespace\" : \"\"" + " }"; private final String SCNPATTERN = "SCNPATTERN"; private final String _transactionPattern = "" + "<transaction timestamp=\"2013-07-29:13:26:15.000000\">\n" + "<dbupdate table=\"part1.source1\" type=\"insert\">\n" + " <columns>\n" + " <column name=\"LINK_CODE\" key=\"true\">100</column>\n" + " <column name=\"GG_MODI_TS\">2013-07-28:13:26:15.208130000</column>\n" + " <column name=\"GG_STATUS\">o</column>\n" + " </columns>\n" + " <tokens>\n" + " <token name=\"TK-XID\">4.24.94067</token>\n" + " <token name=\"TK-CSN\">" + SCNPATTERN + "</token>\n" + " <token name=\"TK-UNAME\">SOURCE1</token>\n" + " </tokens>\n" + " </dbupdate>\n" + " <dbupdate table=\"part1.source2\" type=\"insert\">\n" + " <columns>\n" + " <column name=\"LINK_CODE\" key=\"true\">101</column>\n" + " <column name=\"GG_MODI_TS\">2013-07-29:13:26:15.212166000</column>\n" + " <column name=\"GG_STATUS\">o</column>\n" + " </columns>\n" + " <tokens>\n" + " <token name=\"TK-XID\">4.24.94067</token>\n" + " <token name=\"TK-CSN\">" + SCNPATTERN + "</token>\n" + " <token name=\"TK-UNAME\">SOURCE2</token>\n" + " </tokens>\n" + " </dbupdate>\n" + "</transaction>"; private final int _transactionPatternSize = _transactionPattern.length() - 7*2; // -7 to compensate diff in length betwee "SCNPATTERN" and length of actuall scn (length("200")) static { TestUtil.setupLogging(Level.INFO); } @BeforeClass public void setUpClass() throws InvalidConfigException { String rootDirPath = System.getProperty(TestGoldenGateEventProducer.class .getName() + ".rootDir"); // set up logging TestUtil.setupLoggingWithTimestampedFile(true, "/tmp/TestGoldenGateEventProducer_", ".log", Level.INFO); InternalLoggerFactory.setDefaultFactory(new Log4JLoggerFactory()); } @Test public void testRegexParsing() throws Exception { //Set SCN Pattern rexpr = Pattern.compile("(<token\\s+name=\"TK-CSN\"\\s*>\\s*([0-9]+)\\s*</token>)"); String source1 = "<token name=\"TK-CSN\">1234</token><token name=\"TK-CSN\">1234</token>"; Matcher result1 = rexpr.matcher(source1); while (result1.find()) { String m =; long newScn = Long.parseLong(m); Assert.assertEquals(newScn, 1234); } String source2 = "<token name=\"TK-CSN\" > 1234 </token><token name=\"TK-CSN\" >1234 </token>"; Matcher result2 = rexpr.matcher(source2); while (result2.find()) { String m =; long newScn = Long.parseLong(m); Assert.assertEquals(newScn, 1234); } } @Test public void testDbUpdatesMergeUtils() throws Exception { short[] sourceIds = new short[] { 505, 506 }; long scn = 10; // Case when 2 txn have same source and keys { String key = "key1"; String oldVal = "val1"; Map<String, String> keyVals1 = new HashMap<String, String>(); keyVals1.put(key, oldVal); Map<String, String> keyVals2 = new HashMap<String, String>(); String newVal = "val2"; keyVals2.put(key, newVal); List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> oldDbUpdates = generateUpdatesForSchema2(sourceIds, keyVals1, scn); List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> newDbUpdates = generateUpdatesForSchema2(sourceIds, keyVals2, scn); List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> result = DBUpdatesMergeUtils.mergeTransactionData(newDbUpdates, oldDbUpdates); Assert.assertEquals("Number of Source batches", 2, result.size()); Assert.assertEquals("Result Set Size", result.get(0).getDbUpdatesSet().size(), 1); Assert.assertEquals("Result Set Size", result.get(1).getDbUpdatesSet().size(), 1); DBUpdateImage dbi = result.get(0).getDbUpdatesSet().iterator().next(); DBUpdateImage expDbi = newDbUpdates.get(0).getDbUpdatesSet().iterator().next(); Assert.assertEquals("SCN Check", scn, dbi.getScn()); String k = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name1"); String v = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name2"); String expK = (String) expDbi.getGenericRecord().get("name1"); String expV = (String) expDbi.getGenericRecord().get("name2"); Assert.assertEquals("Key Check", expK, k); Assert.assertEquals("Val Check", expV, v); dbi = result.get(1).getDbUpdatesSet().iterator().next(); expDbi = newDbUpdates.get(1).getDbUpdatesSet().iterator().next(); Assert.assertEquals("SCN Check", scn, dbi.getScn()); k = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name1"); v = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name2"); expK = (String) expDbi.getGenericRecord().get("name1"); expV = (String) expDbi.getGenericRecord().get("name2"); Assert.assertEquals("Key Check", expK, k); Assert.assertEquals("Val Check", expV, v); } // Case when 2 txn have same source but different keys { String key = "key1"; String oldVal = "val1"; Map<String, String> keyVals1 = new HashMap<String, String>(); keyVals1.put(key, oldVal); Map<String, String> keyVals2 = new HashMap<String, String>(); key = "key2"; String newVal = "val2"; keyVals2.put(key, newVal); List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> oldDbUpdates = generateUpdatesForSchema2(sourceIds, keyVals1, scn); List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> newDbUpdates = generateUpdatesForSchema2(sourceIds, keyVals2, scn); List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> result = DBUpdatesMergeUtils.mergeTransactionData(newDbUpdates, oldDbUpdates); Assert.assertEquals("Number of Source batches", 2, result.size()); Assert.assertEquals("Result Set Size", result.get(0).getDbUpdatesSet().size(), 2); Assert.assertEquals("Result Set Size", result.get(1).getDbUpdatesSet().size(), 2); Iterator<DBUpdateImage> itr = result.get(0).getDbUpdatesSet().iterator(); DBUpdateImage dbi =; Assert.assertEquals("SCN Check", scn, dbi.getScn()); String k = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name1"); String v = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name2"); dbi =; Assert.assertEquals("SCN Check", scn, dbi.getScn()); String k2 = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name1"); String v2 = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name2"); if (keyVals1.containsKey(k)) { Assert.assertEquals("Val Check", keyVals1.get(k), v); Assert.assertEquals("Val Check 2", keyVals2.get(k2), v2); } else { Assert.assertEquals("Val Check", keyVals2.get(k), v); Assert.assertEquals("Val Check 2", keyVals1.get(k2), v2); } itr = result.get(1).getDbUpdatesSet().iterator(); dbi =; Assert.assertEquals("SCN Check", scn, dbi.getScn()); k = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name1"); v = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name2"); dbi =; Assert.assertEquals("SCN Check", scn, dbi.getScn()); k2 = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name1"); v2 = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name2"); if (keyVals1.containsKey(k)) { Assert.assertEquals("Val Check", keyVals1.get(k), v); Assert.assertEquals("Val Check 2", keyVals2.get(k2), v2); } else { Assert.assertEquals("Val Check", keyVals2.get(k), v); Assert.assertEquals("Val Check 2", keyVals1.get(k2), v2); } } // Case when 2 txns have different sources { String key = "key1"; String oldVal = "val1"; Map<String, String> keyVals1 = new HashMap<String, String>(); keyVals1.put(key, oldVal); Map<String, String> keyVals2 = new HashMap<String, String>(); key = "key2"; String newVal = "val2"; keyVals2.put(key, newVal); List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> oldDbUpdates = generateUpdatesForSchema2(new short[] { sourceIds[0] }, keyVals1, scn); List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> newDbUpdates = generateUpdatesForSchema2(new short[] { sourceIds[1] }, keyVals2, scn); List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> result = DBUpdatesMergeUtils.mergeTransactionData(newDbUpdates, oldDbUpdates); Assert.assertEquals("Number of Source batches", 2, result.size()); Assert.assertEquals("Result Set Size", result.get(0).getDbUpdatesSet().size(), 1); Assert.assertEquals("Result Set Size", result.get(1).getDbUpdatesSet().size(), 1); Iterator<DBUpdateImage> itr = result.get(0).getDbUpdatesSet().iterator(); DBUpdateImage dbi =; Assert.assertEquals("SCN Check", scn, dbi.getScn()); String k = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name1"); String v = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name2"); Assert.assertEquals("Val Check", keyVals1.get(k), v); itr = result.get(1).getDbUpdatesSet().iterator(); dbi =; Assert.assertEquals("SCN Check", scn, dbi.getScn()); k = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name1"); v = (String) dbi.getGenericRecord().get("name2"); Assert.assertEquals("Val Check", keyVals2.get(k), v); } } @Test public void testSCNRegressionStats() throws Exception { short[] sourceIds = new short[] { 505, 506 }; String[] sourceNames = new String[] { "source1", "source2" }; PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pssc = buildSimplePssc(sourceIds, sourceNames, "gg:///tmp:xxx"); DbusEventBufferAppendable mb = createBufMult(pssc); // start producer GoldenGateEventProducer gg = new GoldenGateEventProducer(pssc, null, mb, null, null); Object handleXmlCallbackObject = getHandleXmlCallbackInnerInstance(gg); Method method = getOnTransactionEndMethod(); // generates the updates List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); keys.add("key1"); GGParserStatistics ggParserStats = gg.getParserStats(); // SCN = 10 long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC; List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates1 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, 10); method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates1, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, 10) }); timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + 1; Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 0, ggParserStats.getNumSCNRegressions()); Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", -1, ggParserStats.getLastRegressedScn()); Assert.assertEquals("MaxScn", 10, ggParserStats.getMaxScn()); // SCN = 5 Regression List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, 5); // SCN Regression here method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp + 1, 5) }); Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 1, ggParserStats.getNumSCNRegressions()); Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 5, ggParserStats.getLastRegressedScn()); Assert.assertEquals("MaxScn", 10, ggParserStats.getMaxScn()); // SCN = 6 No Regression here dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, 6); method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp + 1, 6) }); Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 1, ggParserStats.getNumSCNRegressions()); Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 5, ggParserStats.getLastRegressedScn()); Assert.assertEquals("MaxScn", 10, ggParserStats.getMaxScn()); // SCN = 3 : SCN regression again dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, 3); method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp + 1, 3) }); Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 2, ggParserStats.getNumSCNRegressions()); Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 3, ggParserStats.getLastRegressedScn()); Assert.assertEquals("MaxScn", 10, ggParserStats.getMaxScn()); // SCN = 11: No regression here dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, 11); method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp + 1, 11) }); Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 2, ggParserStats.getNumSCNRegressions()); Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 3, ggParserStats.getLastRegressedScn()); Assert.assertEquals("MaxScn", 11, ggParserStats.getMaxScn()); } /** * * Test to cover merging of transactions with same SCNs */ @Test public void testTransactionsWithDuplicateSCN() throws Exception { short[] sourceIds = new short[] { 505, 506 }; String[] sourceNames = new String[] { "source1", "source2" }; PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pssc = buildSimplePssc(sourceIds, sourceNames, "gg:///tmp:xxx"); DbusEventBufferAppendable mb = createBufMult(pssc); // start producer GoldenGateEventProducer gg = new GoldenGateEventProducer(pssc, null, mb, null, null); Object handleXmlCallbackObject = getHandleXmlCallbackInnerInstance(gg); Method method = getOnTransactionEndMethod(); // generates the updates List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); keys.add("key1"); // SCN = 10 - Case where both transactions having same SCNs : same set of sources and // same keys long scn = 10; long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC; List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates1 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, scn); method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates1, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + 1; List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, scn); // Same SCN as before method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp + 1, scn) }); // Expect no events as events are not yet appended to buffer. testStats(gg, new EventStatsValues(sourceIds[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new EventStatsValues(sourceIds[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new EventStatsValues(GoldenGateEventProducer.GLOBAL_SOURCE_ID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); // SCN = 11 - Case where both transactions having same SCNs : same set of sources but // different keys { scn = 11; timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + 1; dbUpdates1 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, scn); method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates1, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + 1; keys.clear(); keys.add("key2"); dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, scn); // Same SCN as before method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); // Testing for SCN = 10 case testStats(gg, new EventStatsValues(sourceIds[0], 5, 0, 1, 0, 10), new EventStatsValues(sourceIds[1], 5, 0, 1, 0, 10), new EventStatsValues(GoldenGateEventProducer.GLOBAL_SOURCE_ID, 5, 0, 2, 0, 10)); } // SCN = 12 - Case where both transactions having same SCNs but different set of // sources { scn = 12; keys.clear(); keys.add("key2"); timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + 2; dbUpdates1 = generateUpdates(new short[] { sourceIds[1] }, keys, scn); method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates1, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(new short[] { sourceIds[0] }, keys, scn); // Same SCN // as before method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); // Testing for SCN = 11 case testStats(gg, new EventStatsValues(sourceIds[0], 5, 0, 3, 0, 11), new EventStatsValues(sourceIds[1], 5, 0, 3, 0, 11), new EventStatsValues(GoldenGateEventProducer.GLOBAL_SOURCE_ID, 5, 0, 6, 0, 11)); } // SCN = 13 - Case where more than 2 transactions having same SCNs and keys. The keys // will be merged. { scn = 13; timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + 3; dbUpdates1 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, scn); method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates1, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, scn); // Same SCN as before method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); dbUpdates1 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, scn); method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates1, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, scn); // Same SCN as before method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); // Testing for SCN = 12 case testStats(gg, new EventStatsValues(sourceIds[0], 5, 0, 4, 0, 12), new EventStatsValues(sourceIds[1], 5, 0, 4, 0, 12), new EventStatsValues(GoldenGateEventProducer.GLOBAL_SOURCE_ID, 5, 0, 8, 0, 12)); } // SCN = 14 - Case where more than 2 transactions having same SCNs but different keys. { scn = 14; timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + 3; dbUpdates1 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, scn); method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates1, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, scn); // Same SCN as before method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); keys.clear(); keys.add("key5"); dbUpdates1 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, scn); method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates1, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, scn); // Same SCN as before method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); // Testing for SCN = 13 case testStats(gg, new EventStatsValues(sourceIds[0], 5, 0, 5, 0, 13), new EventStatsValues(sourceIds[1], 5, 0, 5, 0, 13), new EventStatsValues(GoldenGateEventProducer.GLOBAL_SOURCE_ID, 5, 0, 10, 0, 13)); } // THis is an extra-call but the corresponding events will not be added to EVB. // This is needed to flush the events in the above call to EVB scn = 15; timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + 4; method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates1, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); // Testing for SCN = 12 case testStats(gg, new EventStatsValues(sourceIds[0], 5, 0, 7, 0, 14), new EventStatsValues(sourceIds[1], 5, 0, 7, 0, 14), new EventStatsValues(GoldenGateEventProducer.GLOBAL_SOURCE_ID, 5, 0, 14, 0, 14)); } private static void testStats(GoldenGateEventProducer gg, EventStatsValues ...eventStatsValues ) { Map<Short, EventStatsValues> eventStatsValuesMap = new HashMap<Short, EventStatsValues>(); for (EventStatsValues e : eventStatsValues) { eventStatsValuesMap.put(e.getSrcId(), e); } for (EventSourceStatisticsIface si : gg.getSources()) { EventSourceStatistics ss = si.getStatisticsBean(); + ": scn=" + ss.getMaxScn() + ",averageSize=" + ss.getAvgEventSerializedSize() + ",numErrors=" + ss.getNumErrors() + ",totalEvents=" + ss.getNumTotalEvents() + ",averageFactTime=" + ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent() + ",timeSinceDb=" + ss.getTimeSinceLastDBAccess()); EventStatsValues e = eventStatsValuesMap.get(si.getSourceId()); Assert.assertEquals(e.getAvgEventSize(), ss.getAvgEventSerializedSize()); Assert.assertEquals(e.getNumErrors(), ss.getNumErrors()); Assert.assertEquals(e.getNumTotalEvents(), ss.getNumTotalEvents()); Assert.assertEquals(e.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent(), ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent()); Assert.assertEquals(e.getMaxScn(), ss.getMaxScn()); } } private static class EventStatsValues { private final short srcId; private final long avgEventSize; private final long numErrors; private final long numTotalEvents; private final long avgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent; private final long maxScn; public EventStatsValues(short srcId, long avgEventSize, long numErrors, long numTotalEvents, long avgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent, long maxScn) { super(); this.srcId = srcId; this.avgEventSize = avgEventSize; this.numErrors = numErrors; this.numTotalEvents = numTotalEvents; this.avgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent = avgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent; this.maxScn = maxScn; } public short getSrcId() { return srcId; } public long getAvgEventSize() { return avgEventSize; } public long getNumErrors() { return numErrors; } public long getNumTotalEvents() { return numTotalEvents; } public long getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent() { return avgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent; } public long getMaxScn() { return maxScn; } } /** * test collection of parser stats, especially lag between parsed and added files * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testGGParserStats() throws Exception { short[] sourceIds = new short[] { 505, 506 }; String[] sourceNames = new String[] { "source1", "source2" }; // setup trail Files directory File ggTrailDir = FileUtils.createTempDir("testGGParserStats"); // configure physical source String uri = "gg://" + ggTrailDir.getAbsolutePath() + ":x3"; PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pssc = buildSimplePssc(sourceIds, sourceNames, uri);"Uri=" + uri); // create schema Schema s = Schema.parse(sourceAvroSchema); VersionedSchema vs = new VersionedSchema(new VersionedSchemaId("source1", (short) 3), s, null); // mock for schema registry SchemaRegistryService srs = EasyMock.createMock(SchemaRegistryService.class); EasyMock.expect(srs.fetchLatestVersionedSchemaBySourceName("source1")) .andReturn(vs) .anyTimes(); EasyMock.expect(srs.fetchLatestVersionedSchemaBySourceName("source2")) .andReturn(vs) .anyTimes(); EasyMock.expect(srs.fetchLatestVersionedSchemaBySourceName(null)).andReturn(vs); // mock for MaxSCNReadWriter MaxSCNReaderWriter mscn = EasyMock.createMock(MaxSCNReaderWriter.class); EasyMock.expect(mscn.getMaxScn()).andReturn((long) -2).atLeastOnce(); mscn.saveMaxScn(EasyMock.anyLong()); EasyMock.expectLastCall().anyTimes(); EasyMock.replay(mscn); EasyMock.replay(srs); int totalTransWritten = 0; int totalFilesWritten = 0; // buffer DbusEventBufferAppendable mb = createBufMult(pssc); // start GG producer GoldenGateEventProducer gg = new GoldenGateEventProducer(pssc, srs, mb, null, mscn); // create first 2 files addToTrailFile(new File(ggTrailDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/x301"), 100, 4); addToTrailFile(new File(ggTrailDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/x302"), 200, 4); totalTransWritten = 8; totalFilesWritten = 2; // get hold of parser stats object final GGParserStatistics ggParserStats = gg.getParserStats(); // all should be 0 Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getNumFilesParsed()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getNumFilesAdded()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getFilesLag()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getTimeLag()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getBytesLag()); try {"starting event producer"); gg.start(-2); // -2 here does nothing. actual setting happens thru the mock of // MaxSCNReadWriter // let it parse first files TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() { @Override public boolean check() { return ggParserStats.getNumFilesParsed() == 2 && (8 * _transactionPatternSize == ggParserStats.getNumBytesTotalParsed()); } }, "First two files parsed", 2000, LOG); // stats in the interim Assert.assertEquals(2, ggParserStats.getNumFilesParsed()); Assert.assertEquals(2, ggParserStats.getNumFilesAdded()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getFilesLag()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getTimeLag()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getBytesLag()); Assert.assertEquals(totalTransWritten * _transactionPatternSize, ggParserStats.getNumBytesTotalParsed()); gg.pause(); // the file will get parsed but not processed addToTrailFile(new File(ggTrailDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/x303"), 300, 4); totalTransWritten += 4; totalFilesWritten++; TestUtil.sleep(2000); // to get more then a ms lag time addToTrailFile(new File(ggTrailDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/x304"), 400, 4); totalTransWritten += 4; totalFilesWritten++; TestUtil.sleep(6000); // to guarantee we picked up stats update (stats are updated // every 5 seconds) // now we should be 2 files behind. parser thread gets paused AFTER it start // processing the file // so the actuall value will be 1 file behind int lagFiles = 1; // 303(already started being parsed), only 304 is behind long lagBytes = 1 * 4 * _transactionPatternSize; // 1 file, 4 transactions each /* * Assert.assertEquals(totalFilesWritten-1, ggParserStats.getNumFilesParsed()); * Assert.assertEquals(totalFilesWritten, ggParserStats.getNumFilesAdded()); * Assert.assertEquals(lagFiles, ggParserStats.getFilesLag()); // because 303 got * parsed * * // we added 4 files and parsed 3 , so the diff should be 1 file size (4 * trasactions in 1 file) Assert.assertEquals(lagBytes, * ggParserStats.getBytesLag()); Assert.assertTrue(ggParserStats.getTimeLag()>0); */ gg.unpause(); TestUtil.sleep(5000); // now we should catchup Assert.assertEquals(4, ggParserStats.getNumFilesParsed()); Assert.assertEquals(4, ggParserStats.getNumFilesAdded()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getFilesLag()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getTimeLag()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getBytesLag()); // append to a file"pausing again"); gg.pause(); addToTrailFile(new File(ggTrailDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/x304"), 410, 4); totalTransWritten += 4; TestUtil.sleep(1000); addToTrailFile(new File(ggTrailDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/x304"), 420, 4); totalTransWritten += 4; TestUtil.sleep(2000); gg.unpause(); TestUtil.sleep(5500); // should be still up Assert.assertEquals(4, ggParserStats.getNumFilesParsed()); Assert.assertEquals(4, ggParserStats.getNumFilesAdded()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getFilesLag()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getTimeLag()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getBytesLag()); // assert the stats int totalFilesSize = totalTransWritten * _transactionPatternSize; Assert.assertEquals((totalFilesSize / totalFilesWritten), ggParserStats.getAvgFileSize()); Assert.assertEquals(true, ggParserStats.getAvgParseTransactionTimeNs() > 0); Assert.assertEquals("part1", ggParserStats.getPhysicalSourceName()); Assert.assertEquals(totalFilesSize / totalTransWritten, ggParserStats.getAvgTransactionSize()); Assert.assertEquals(423, ggParserStats.getMaxScn()); Assert.assertEquals(totalTransWritten * 2, ggParserStats.getNumTotalEvents()); // 2 // events // per // transaction Assert.assertEquals(totalTransWritten, ggParserStats.getNumTransactionsTotal()); Assert.assertEquals(totalTransWritten, ggParserStats.getNumTransactionsWithEvents()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getNumTransactionsWithoutEvents()); Assert.assertEquals(true, ggParserStats.getTimeSinceLastAccessMs() > 0); Assert.assertEquals(totalTransWritten * _transactionPatternSize, ggParserStats.getNumBytesTotalParsed()); Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 0, ggParserStats.getNumSCNRegressions()); Assert.assertEquals("LastSCNRegressed", -1, ggParserStats.getLastRegressedScn()); } finally { gg.shutdown(); } return; } // testing add trail file public void testWriter() throws IOException { addToTrailFile(new File("/tmp/bbb"), 20, 3); addToTrailFile(new File("/tmp/bbb"), 30, 4); } private void addToTrailFile(File file, long startingSCN, int numTransactions) throws IOException { long lenBefore = file.length(); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( file , true ) ); for(int i=0; i<numTransactions; i++) { String tr = _transactionPattern.replaceAll(SCNPATTERN, String.valueOf(startingSCN++)); writer.write(tr); } writer.close(); Assert.assertEquals(_transactionPatternSize * numTransactions, file.length() - lenBefore); } private PhysicalSourceStaticConfig buildSimplePssc(short [] sourceIds, String [] sourceNames, String uri) throws InvalidConfigException { String partitionFunction = "constant:1"; String pPartName = "part1"; short pPartId = 0; PhysicalSourceConfig pc = new PhysicalSourceConfig(pPartName, uri, pPartId); for(int i=0; i<sourceIds.length; i++) { LogicalSourceConfig lc = new LogicalSourceConfig(); lc.setId(sourceIds[i]); lc.setName(sourceNames[i]); lc.setPartitionFunction(partitionFunction); lc.setUri(pPartName + "." + sourceNames[i]); // this format is expected by GG pc.addSource(lc); } return; } @Test public void testAddEventToBuffer() throws InvalidConfigException, UnsupportedKeyException, DatabusException { // No rate control long rate = 0; PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pssc = buildPssc(rate, 0L); long scn = 10; DbusEventBuffer mb = (DbusEventBuffer)createBufMult(pssc); GoldenGateEventProducer gg = new GoldenGateEventProducer(pssc, null, mb, null, null); List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates = new ArrayList<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate>( 10); int sourceId = 505; HashSet<DBUpdateImage> db = new HashSet<DBUpdateImage>(); Object key = new String("name"); Schema.Type keyType = Schema.Type.RECORD; ColumnsState.KeyPair kp = new ColumnsState.KeyPair(key, keyType); ArrayList<ColumnsState.KeyPair> keyPairs = new ArrayList<ColumnsState.KeyPair>( 1); keyPairs.add(kp); Schema s = Schema.parse(avroSchema); GenericRecord gr = new GenericData.Record(s); gr.put("name", "phani"); DBUpdateImage dbi = new DBUpdateImage(keyPairs, scn, gr, s, DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT,false); db.add(dbi); TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate dbUpdate = new TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate( sourceId, db); dbUpdates.add(dbUpdate); long timestamp = System.nanoTime(); gg.addEventToBuffer(dbUpdates, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn)); Assert.assertEquals(gg.getRateControl().getNumSleeps(), 0); DbusEventIterator iter = mb.acquireIterator("test"); int count = 0; long eventTs = 0; while(iter.hasNext()) { DbusEvent e =; if(count==1) { // first event prev control event eventTs = e.timestampInNanos(); } count ++; } Assert.assertEquals("Event timestamp in Ns", timestamp, eventTs); Assert.assertEquals("Got events " , 3, count); return; } @Test public void testGGProducerStats() throws InvalidConfigException, UnsupportedKeyException, DatabusException, IllegalArgumentException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException { short[] sourceIds = new short[] { 505, 506 }; String[] sourceNames = new String[] { "source1", "source2" }; PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pssc = buildSimplePssc(sourceIds, sourceNames, "gg:///tmp:xxx"); long scn = 10; DbusEventBufferAppendable mb = createBufMult(pssc); // start producer GoldenGateEventProducer gg = new GoldenGateEventProducer(pssc, null, mb, null, null); Object handleXmlCallbackObject = getHandleXmlCallbackInnerInstance(gg); Method method = getOnTransactionEndMethod(); // generates the updates List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); keys.add("keys1"); // SCN = 10 List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates = generateUpdates(new short[] { sourceIds[0] }, keys, scn); // SCN = 11 List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates1 = generateUpdates(new short[] { sourceIds[1] }, keys, scn + 1); // SCN = 12 List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(new short[] { sourceIds[1] }, keys, scn + 2); long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC; // gg.addEventToBuffer(dbUpdates, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn)); // gg.addEventToBuffer(dbUpdates1, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp+1, scn+1)); method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) }); method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates1, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp + 1, scn + 1) }); // THis is an extra-call but the corresponding events will not be added to EVB. // This is needed to flush the events in the above call to EVB method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp + 1, scn + 2) }); for (EventSourceStatisticsIface si : gg.getSources()) { EventSourceStatistics ss = si.getStatisticsBean(); + ": scn=" + ss.getMaxScn() + ",averageSize=" + ss.getAvgEventSerializedSize() + ",numErrors=" + ss.getNumErrors() + ",totalEvents=" + ss.getNumTotalEvents() + ",averageFactTime=" + ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent() + ",timeSinceDb=" + ss.getTimeSinceLastDBAccess()); if (si.getSourceId() == 505) { Assert.assertEquals(6, ss.getAvgEventSerializedSize()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getNumErrors()); Assert.assertEquals(1, ss.getNumTotalEvents()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent()); // we are not // really // reading Assert.assertEquals(10, ss.getMaxScn()); } if (si.getSourceId() == 506) { Assert.assertEquals(6, ss.getAvgEventSerializedSize()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getNumErrors()); Assert.assertEquals(1, ss.getNumTotalEvents()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent()); // we are not // really // reading Assert.assertEquals(11, ss.getMaxScn()); } if (si.getSourceId() == GoldenGateEventProducer.GLOBAL_SOURCE_ID) { Assert.assertEquals(6, ss.getAvgEventSerializedSize()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getNumErrors()); Assert.assertEquals(2, ss.getNumTotalEvents()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent()); Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent()); // we are not // really // reading Assert.assertEquals(11, ss.getMaxScn()); } } long approximateTimeSinceLastTransactionMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC; long diff = gg.getParserStats().getTimeSinceLastTransactionMs() - approximateTimeSinceLastTransactionMs; Assert.assertTrue("time diff is too big:" + diff, diff >= 0 && diff < 30); // somewhat // close // and IN // MS (not // NS) return; } /** * * Helper Method to instantiate a private inner class "HandleXMLCallback" which is actually * present under another private inner class called "WorkerThread" */ private Object getHandleXmlCallbackInnerInstance(GoldenGateEventProducer gg) throws IllegalArgumentException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException { // Get Hold of WorkerThread Class which is private Class<?>[] innerClasses = GoldenGateEventProducer.class.getDeclaredClasses(); Class<?> workerThreadClass = null; for (Class<?> c : innerClasses) { if (c.getSimpleName().equals("WorkerThread")) { workerThreadClass = c; break; } } Constructor<?> workerThreadConstructor = workerThreadClass.getDeclaredConstructors()[0]; workerThreadConstructor.setAccessible(true); Object workerObject = workerThreadConstructor.newInstance(gg); innerClasses = workerThreadClass.getDeclaredClasses(); Class<?> handleXmlCallbackClass = null; for (Class<?> c : innerClasses) { if (c.getSimpleName().equals("HandleXmlCallback")) { handleXmlCallbackClass = c; break; } } Constructor<?> handleXmlCallbackConstructor = handleXmlCallbackClass.getDeclaredConstructors()[0]; handleXmlCallbackConstructor.setAccessible(true); Object handleXmlCallbackObject = handleXmlCallbackConstructor.newInstance(workerObject); return handleXmlCallbackObject; } /** * Helper Method to get the "onTransactionEnd()" method in the private inner class "HandleXMLCallback" * which is actually present under another private inner class called "WorkerThread" */ private Method getOnTransactionEndMethod() throws IllegalArgumentException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException { // Get Hold of WorkerThread Class which is private Class<?>[] innerClasses = GoldenGateEventProducer.class.getDeclaredClasses(); Class<?> workerThreadClass = null; for (Class<?> c : innerClasses) { if (c.getSimpleName().equals("WorkerThread")) { workerThreadClass = c; break; } } Constructor<?> workerThreadConstructor = workerThreadClass.getDeclaredConstructors()[0]; workerThreadConstructor.setAccessible(true); innerClasses = workerThreadClass.getDeclaredClasses(); Class<?> handleXmlCallbackClass = null; for (Class<?> c : innerClasses) { if (c.getSimpleName().equals("HandleXmlCallback")) { handleXmlCallbackClass = c; break; } } Method method = handleXmlCallbackClass.getDeclaredMethod("onTransactionEnd", new Class[] { List.class, TransactionInfo.class }); return method; } //aux method to generate updates private List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> generateUpdatesForSchema2(short[] sourceIds, Map<String, String> keyVals, long scn) throws DatabusException { List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates = new ArrayList<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate>( 10); HashSet<DBUpdateImage> db = new HashSet<DBUpdateImage>(); String keyName = "name1"; String valName = "name2"; Schema.Type keyType = Schema.Type.RECORD; Schema s = Schema.parse(avroSchema2); for (short sourceId : sourceIds) { for (String k : keyVals.keySet()) { ColumnsState.KeyPair kp = new ColumnsState.KeyPair(k, keyType); ArrayList<ColumnsState.KeyPair> keyPairs = new ArrayList<ColumnsState.KeyPair>( 1); keyPairs.add(kp); GenericRecord gr = new GenericData.Record(s); gr.put(keyName, k); gr.put(valName, keyVals.get(k)); DBUpdateImage dbi = new DBUpdateImage(keyPairs, scn, gr, s, DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT,false); db.add(dbi); TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate dbUpdate = new TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate( sourceId, db); dbUpdates.add(dbUpdate); } } return dbUpdates; } //aux method to generate updates private List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> generateUpdates(short[] sourceIds, List<String> keys, long scn) throws DatabusException { List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates = new ArrayList<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate>( 10); HashSet<DBUpdateImage> db = new HashSet<DBUpdateImage>(); String keyName = "name"; Schema.Type keyType = Schema.Type.RECORD; Schema s = Schema.parse(avroSchema); for (short sourceId : sourceIds) { for (String k : keys) { ColumnsState.KeyPair kp = new ColumnsState.KeyPair(k, keyType); ArrayList<ColumnsState.KeyPair> keyPairs = new ArrayList<ColumnsState.KeyPair>( 1); keyPairs.add(kp); GenericRecord gr = new GenericData.Record(s); gr.put(keyName, k); DBUpdateImage dbi = new DBUpdateImage(keyPairs, scn, gr, s, DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT,false); db.add(dbi); TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate dbUpdate = new TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate( sourceId, db); dbUpdates.add(dbUpdate); } } return dbUpdates; } @Test public void testAddEventToBufferRateControl1() throws InvalidConfigException, UnsupportedKeyException, DatabusException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { // Test with throttle value less than, equal to and greater than number of events ( when rate == 1) // Number of sleeps must be min(numEvents, throttleDurationInSecs testAddEventToBufferRateControl(3); testAddEventToBufferRateControl(5); testAddEventToBufferRateControl(7); } private void testAddEventToBufferRateControl(long throttleDurationInSecs) throws InvalidConfigException, UnsupportedKeyException, DatabusException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { // 1 event per second required. Send 5 events. Must have 4 sleeps. long rate = 1; int numEvents = 5; PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pssc = buildPssc(rate, throttleDurationInSecs); long scn = 10; DbusEventBufferAppendable mb = createBufMult(pssc); GoldenGateEventProducer gg = new GoldenGateEventProducer(pssc, null, mb, null, null); // enable if want to run with mocked timer // run_with_mock_timer(gg); int sourceId = 505; HashSet<DBUpdateImage> db = new HashSet<DBUpdateImage>(); // name1 is the only key ColumnsState.KeyPair kp1 = new ColumnsState.KeyPair(new String("name1"), Schema.Type.RECORD); ArrayList<ColumnsState.KeyPair> keyPairs = new ArrayList<ColumnsState.KeyPair>( numEvents); keyPairs.add(kp1); Schema s = Schema.parse(avroSchema2); GenericRecord gr1 = new GenericData.Record(s); gr1.put("name1", "phani1"); gr1.put("name2", "boris1"); GenericRecord gr2 = new GenericData.Record(s); gr2.put("name1", "phani2"); gr2.put("name2", "boris2"); GenericRecord gr3 = new GenericData.Record(s); gr3.put("name1", "phani3"); gr3.put("name2", "boris3"); GenericRecord gr4 = new GenericData.Record(s); gr4.put("name1", "phani4"); gr4.put("name2", "boris4"); GenericRecord gr5 = new GenericData.Record(s); gr5.put("name1", "phani5"); gr5.put("name2", "boris5"); DBUpdateImage dbi1 = new DBUpdateImage(keyPairs, scn, gr1, s, DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT, false); DBUpdateImage dbi2 = new DBUpdateImage(keyPairs, scn, gr2, s, DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT, false); DBUpdateImage dbi3 = new DBUpdateImage(keyPairs, scn, gr3, s, DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT, false); DBUpdateImage dbi4 = new DBUpdateImage(keyPairs, scn, gr4, s, DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT, false); DBUpdateImage dbi5 = new DBUpdateImage(keyPairs, scn, gr5, s, DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT, false); db.add(dbi1); db.add(dbi2); db.add(dbi3); db.add(dbi4); db.add(dbi5); // For a given transaction, and logical source : only 1 update ( the last one succeeds ) Assert.assertEquals(1,db.size()); // Generate 5 transactions with the same update for (int i=0; i< numEvents;i++) { List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates = new ArrayList<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate>( 10); TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate dbUpdate = new TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate( sourceId, db); dbUpdates.add(dbUpdate); long timestamp = 60; gg.addEventToBuffer(dbUpdates, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn)); scn++; } // It may not sleep the very first time as 1 second may have elapsed from when the rate control got started to when event in // getting inserted. Subsequently, expect rate control to kick in long numSleeps = Math.min(numEvents,throttleDurationInSecs); Assert.assertEquals(gg.getRateControl().getNumSleeps(),numSleeps); gg.getRateControl().resetNumSleeps(); return; } private PhysicalSourceStaticConfig buildPssc(long rate, long throttleDuration) throws InvalidConfigException { String name = "anet"; short id = 505, partition = 0; String uri = "gg:///mnt/dbext/x1"; String resourceKey = "test"; String partitionFunction = "constant:1"; boolean skipInfinityScn = false; String queryHints = null; LogicalSourceStaticConfig[] sources = new LogicalSourceStaticConfig[1]; LogicalSourceStaticConfig lssc = new LogicalSourceStaticConfig(id, name, uri, partitionFunction, partition, skipInfinityScn, queryHints, queryHints, queryHints); sources[0] = lssc; String role = "MASTER"; long slowSourceQueryThreshold = 0L; long restartScnOffset = 0L; BackoffTimerStaticConfigBuilder bsc = new BackoffTimerStaticConfigBuilder(); ChunkingType ct = ChunkingType.NO_CHUNKING; long txnsPerChunk = 0L; long scnChunkSize = 0L; long chunkedScnThreshold = 0L; long maxScnDelayMs = 0L; long eventRatePerSec = rate; long eventRateThrottleDuration = throttleDuration; int largestEventSizeInBytes = 10240; long largestWindowSizeInBytes = 10240; DbusEventBuffer.Config cfgBuilder = new DbusEventBuffer.Config(); cfgBuilder.setMaxSize(10 * 1024 * 1024); cfgBuilder.setScnIndexSize(2 * 1024 * 1024); cfgBuilder.setAllocationPolicy("MMAPPED_MEMORY"); DbusEventBuffer.StaticConfig dbusEventBuffer =; boolean errorOnMissingFields = true; String xmlVersion = "1.0"; String xmlEncoding = ""; String fieldName = ""; String regex = ""; ReplicationBitSetterStaticConfig replicationBitSetter = new ReplicationBitSetterStaticConfig( ReplicationBitSetterStaticConfig.SourceType.NONE, fieldName, regex, MissingValueBehavior.STOP_WITH_ERROR); PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pssc = new PhysicalSourceStaticConfig(name, id, uri, resourceKey, sources, role, slowSourceQueryThreshold, restartScnOffset,, ct, txnsPerChunk, scnChunkSize, chunkedScnThreshold, maxScnDelayMs, eventRatePerSec, eventRateThrottleDuration, dbusEventBuffer, largestEventSizeInBytes, largestWindowSizeInBytes, errorOnMissingFields, xmlVersion, xmlEncoding, replicationBitSetter); return pssc; } /** * Creates a DbusBufMult */ private DbusEventBufferAppendable createBufMult(PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pssc) throws InvalidConfigException { DbusEventBuffer.StaticConfig config = null; if(config == null) { try { DbusEventBuffer.Config cfgBuilder = new DbusEventBuffer.Config(); cfgBuilder.setMaxSize(10*1024*1024); cfgBuilder.setScnIndexSize(2*1024*1024); cfgBuilder.setAllocationPolicy("MMAPPED_MEMORY"); config =; } catch (InvalidConfigException e) { fail("invalid configuration" ,e); } } PhysicalSourceStaticConfig [] pConfigs = new PhysicalSourceStaticConfig[1]; pConfigs[0] = pssc; DbusEventBufferMult eventBufferMult = new DbusEventBufferMult(pConfigs, config, new DbusEventV2Factory()); for(DbusEventBuffer b : eventBufferMult.bufIterable()) { b.start(1); } DbusEventBufferAppendable buf = eventBufferMult.getDbusEventBufferAppendable(505); return buf; } /** * Creates a mock DbusEventBufMult */ private DbusEventBufferAppendable createMockBufMult() { long scn = 10; DbusEventBufferAppendable deba = EasyMock .createMock(DbusEventBufferAppendable.class); deba.startEvents(); EasyMock.expectLastCall().andAnswer(new IAnswer() { @Override public Object answer() { return null; } }); DbusEventKey dek = EasyMock.createNiceMock(DbusEventKey.class); EasyMock.expect( deba.appendEvent(dek, EasyMock.createNiceMock(DbusEventInfo.class), null)).andReturn(Boolean.TRUE); deba.endEvents(EasyMock.eq(scn), null); EasyMock.expectLastCall().andAnswer(new IAnswer() { @Override public Object answer() { return null; } }); EasyMock.replay(deba); return deba; } private void run_with_mock_timer(GoldenGateEventProducer gg) throws NoSuchFieldException,IllegalAccessException { RateControl rc = gg.getRateControl(); MockRateMonitor mrm = new MockRateMonitor("mock"); mrm.setNanoTime(0L); mrm.start(); Field field = rc.getClass().getDeclaredField("_ra"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(rc, mrm); } @Test public void testTimeStampFactoryMethod() throws DatabusException { long timeStamp = 1373438353567L; //Milliseconds test Assert.assertEquals(timeStamp, GGEventGenerationFactory.ggTimeStampStringToMilliSeconds("2013-07-10:06:39:13.567000000")); //Nano seconds test Assert.assertEquals(timeStamp* DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC, GGEventGenerationFactory.ggTimeStampStringToNanoSeconds("2013-07-10:06:39:13.567000000")); //Micro seconds as input test Assert.assertEquals(timeStamp* DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC, GGEventGenerationFactory.ggTimeStampStringToNanoSeconds("2013-07-10:06:39:13.567000")); //Milliseconds as input test Assert.assertEquals(timeStamp* DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC, GGEventGenerationFactory.ggTimeStampStringToNanoSeconds("2013-07-10:06:39:13.567")); } @Test(expectedExceptions = DatabusException.class) public void testTimeStampFactoryMethodInvalidFormat() throws DatabusException { GGEventGenerationFactory.ggTimeStampStringToNanoSeconds("2013-07-10:06:39:13"); } @Test(expectedExceptions = DatabusException.class) public void testTimeStampFactoryMethod2() throws DatabusException { long ts1 = GGEventGenerationFactory.ggTimeStampStringToNanoSeconds("2013-07-10:06:39:13"); long ts2 = GGEventGenerationFactory.ggTimeStampStringToNanoSeconds("2013-07-10:06:39:10"); Assert.assertEquals(ts1-ts2, 3*DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_SEC); long ts3 = GGEventGenerationFactory.ggTimeStampStringToNanoSeconds("2013-07-10:06:36:13"); Assert.assertEquals(ts1-ts3, 3 * 60 * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_SEC); long ts4 = GGEventGenerationFactory.ggTimeStampStringToNanoSeconds("2013-07-10:03:39:13"); Assert.assertEquals(ts1-ts4, 3 * 60 * 60 * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_SEC); long ts5 = GGEventGenerationFactory.ggTimeStampStringToNanoSeconds("2013-07-07:06:39:13"); Assert.assertEquals(ts1-ts5, 3 * 60 * 60 * 24 * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_SEC); } }