package com.linkedin.databus.client.consumer; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.apache.avro.Schema; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusConstants; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEvent; import com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.DatabusSubscription; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.IdNamePair; /** * Implements callbacks to multiple databus consumers in parallel. It also enforces * a configurable time budget. */ public class MultiConsumerCallback implements DatabusStreamConsumer { public final String MODULE = MultiConsumerCallback.class.getName(); public Logger _log; private final List<DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration> _registrations; private final ExecutorService _executorService; private final List<ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult>> _currentBatch; private final ConsumerCallbackFactory<DatabusCombinedConsumer> _callbackFactory; private final long _timeBudgetNanos; private Map<Long, IdNamePair> _sourceMap; private long _runCallsCounter; private final PriorityQueue<TimestampedFuture<ConsumerCallbackResult>> _submittedCalls; private final Lock _lock = new ReentrantLock(); private final LoggingConsumer _loggingConsumer; //local stats accumulators private final ConsumerCallbackStats _consumerStats; private final UnifiedClientStats _unifiedClientStats; // used only by tests public MultiConsumerCallback(List<DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration> registrations, ExecutorService executorService, long timeBudgetMs, ConsumerCallbackFactory<DatabusCombinedConsumer> callbackFactory) { this(registrations, executorService, timeBudgetMs, callbackFactory, null, null, null, null); } public MultiConsumerCallback(List<DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration> registrations, ExecutorService executorService, long timeBudgetMs, ConsumerCallbackFactory<DatabusCombinedConsumer> callbackFactory, ConsumerCallbackStats consumerStats, // specific to relay or bootstrap mode, not both UnifiedClientStats unifiedClientStats, // used in both relay and bootstrap mode LoggingConsumer loggingConsumer, Logger log) { _registrations = registrations; _executorService = executorService; _timeBudgetNanos = timeBudgetMs * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC; _currentBatch = new ArrayList<ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult>>(2048); _callbackFactory = callbackFactory; _runCallsCounter = 0; _submittedCalls = new PriorityQueue<MultiConsumerCallback.TimestampedFuture<ConsumerCallbackResult>>(100, new TimestampedFutureComparator<ConsumerCallbackResult>()); _consumerStats = consumerStats; _unifiedClientStats = unifiedClientStats; // loggingConsumer, log may be null in unit tests _loggingConsumer = loggingConsumer; if (null != log) { _log = log; } else { _log = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); } } private ConsumerCallbackResult submitBatch(long curNanos, boolean barrierBefore, boolean barrierAfter) { ++_runCallsCounter; ConsumerCallbackResult retValue = ConsumerCallbackResult.SUCCESS; if (0 >= curNanos) curNanos = System.nanoTime(); try { if (barrierBefore) retValue = flushCallQueue(curNanos); if (ConsumerCallbackResult.isSuccess(retValue)) { String batchName = _currentBatch.size() > 0 ? _currentBatch.get(0).getClass().getSimpleName() : ""; for (ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> call: _currentBatch) { Future<ConsumerCallbackResult> future = _executorService.submit(call); _submittedCalls.add(new TimestampedFuture<ConsumerCallbackResult>(call, future, batchName, ++_runCallsCounter)); } } _currentBatch.clear(); if (ConsumerCallbackResult.isSuccess(retValue)) { ConsumerCallbackResult retValue2 = barrierAfter ? flushCallQueue(curNanos) : cleanUpCallQueue(curNanos); retValue = ConsumerCallbackResult.max(retValue, retValue2); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("internal callback error: " + e.getMessage(), e); retValue = ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; } return retValue; } private ConsumerCallbackResult cleanUpCallQueue(long curNanos) { ConsumerCallbackResult result = ConsumerCallbackResult.SUCCESS; TimestampedFuture<ConsumerCallbackResult> top = null; if (0 > curNanos) curNanos = System.nanoTime(); long timeoutNanos = _timeBudgetNanos > 0 ? curNanos - _timeBudgetNanos : 0; //remove completed or expired calls at the head of the queue while ((top = _submittedCalls.peek()) != null && (timeoutNanos >= top.getTimestamp() || top.getFuture().isDone())) { ConsumerCallbackResult callRes = null; if (top.getFuture().isDone()) { callRes = getCallResult(top.getFuture(), top.getCallType(), -1); } else { //timeout callRes = ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; top.getFuture().cancel(true); _log.error("callback timeout: " + top.getCallType() + "; runtime = " + ((top.getTimestamp() - curNanos) / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC) + " ms; try increasing client.connectionDefaults.consumerTimeBudgetMs"); } result = ConsumerCallbackResult.max(result, callRes); if (ConsumerCallbackResult.isFailure(result)) { _log.error("error detected; cancelling all " + _submittedCalls.size() + " outstanding callbacks "); cancelCalls(); } //remove the call dequeueTopFuture(result); } return result; } private void dequeueTopFuture(ConsumerCallbackResult result) { _lock.lock(); try { TimestampedFuture<ConsumerCallbackResult> future = _submittedCalls.poll(); if (null == future) return; ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> callable = future.getCallable(); callable.endCall(result); } finally { _lock.unlock(); } } private ConsumerCallbackResult getCallResult(Future<ConsumerCallbackResult> future, String callType, long timeoutNanos) { try { if (timeoutNanos == 0) { _log.error("Exhausted time budget of " + _timeBudgetNanos/DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + "ms. Skipping remaining callbacks of type " + callType); throw new TimeoutException("No time remaining in a timeout budget of " + (_timeBudgetNanos/DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC) + " ms"); // Exception caught below } ConsumerCallbackResult result = timeoutNanos < 0 ? future.get() : future.get(timeoutNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); if (result == null) { result = ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; _log.error("Client application callback (" + callType + ") returned null"); } else if (!ConsumerCallbackResult.isSuccess(result)) { _log.error("Client application callback (" + callType + ") returned error:" + result); } return result; } catch (ExecutionException ee) { // Consumer threw an exception while fielding the callback. _log.error("Uncaught exception in client application callback (" + callType + "): " + ee.getCause().getCause(), ee.getCause()); } catch (InterruptedException ee) { _log.warn("Client application callback (" + callType + ") interrupted"); } catch (TimeoutException te) { _log.error("Client application timed out handling callback: " + callType + "; Try increasing client.connectionDefaults.consumerTimeBudgetMs " + " or client.connectionDefaults.bstConsumerTimeBudgetMs"); } return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; } /** Cancel all outstanding calls */ private void cancelCalls() { //cancel all remaining outstanding calls TimestampedFuture<ConsumerCallbackResult> top = null; while ( (top = _submittedCalls.poll()) != null) { try { if (! top.getFuture().isDone()) top.getFuture().cancel(true); top.getCallable().endCall(ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("unable to cancel call: " + top.getCallType() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } /** Acts as a barrier for all outstanding calls in the call queue */ public ConsumerCallbackResult flushCallQueue(long curTime) { ConsumerCallbackResult result = ConsumerCallbackResult.SUCCESS; if (0 >= curTime) curTime = System.nanoTime(); TimestampedFuture<ConsumerCallbackResult> top = null; while (_submittedCalls.size() > 0) { top = _submittedCalls.peek(); ConsumerCallbackResult topResult = null; Future<ConsumerCallbackResult> topFuture = top.getFuture(); if (!topFuture.isDone()) { if (0 >= curTime) curTime = System.nanoTime(); long calcTimeout = getEstimatedTimeout(_timeBudgetNanos, curTime,top); long timeoutNanos = _timeBudgetNanos > 0 ? ( calcTimeout > 0 ? calcTimeout : 0) : -1; topResult = getCallResult(topFuture, top.getCallType(), timeoutNanos); curTime = -1; } if (topFuture.isDone() && null == topResult) topResult = getCallResult(topFuture, top.getCallType(), -1); if (null == topResult) topResult = ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; result = ConsumerCallbackResult.max(result, topResult); if (ConsumerCallbackResult.isFailure(result)) { _log.error("error detected; cancelling all " + _submittedCalls.size() + " outstanding callbacks"); cancelCalls(); } if (topFuture.isDone() && result != ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR) { boolean debugEnabled = _log.isDebugEnabled(); if (top.getCallType().equals("StartSourceCallable")) { long runTime = top.getCallable().getNanoRunTime() / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC; if (debugEnabled) { StartSourceCallable tf = (StartSourceCallable) top.getCallable(); _log.debug("StartSourceCallable time taken for source " + tf.getSource() + " = " + runTime); } } else if (top.getCallType().equals("StartDataEventSequenceCallable")) { long runTime = top.getCallable().getNanoRunTime() / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC; if (debugEnabled) { StartDataEventSequenceCallable tf = (StartDataEventSequenceCallable) top.getCallable(); _log.debug("StartDataEventSequenceCallable time taken for source " + tf.getSCN() + " = " + runTime); } } } dequeueTopFuture(result); } return result; } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onCheckpoint(SCN checkpointScn) { long curNanos = System.nanoTime(); for (DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration consumerReg: _registrations) { for (DatabusCombinedConsumer consumer: consumerReg.getConsumers()) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> checkpointCallable = _callbackFactory.createCheckpointCallable(curNanos, checkpointScn, consumer, true); _currentBatch.add(checkpointCallable); if (_consumerStats != null) _consumerStats.registerEventsReceived(1); // really "callbacks received" } } if (_loggingConsumer != null) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> checkpointCallable = _callbackFactory.createCheckpointCallable(curNanos, checkpointScn, _loggingConsumer, false); _currentBatch.add(checkpointCallable); } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { long endNanos = System.nanoTime(); _log.debug("Time spent in databus clientlib by onCheckpoint = " + (endNanos - curNanos) / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + "ms"); } return submitBatch(curNanos, true, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onDataEvent(DbusEvent e, DbusEventDecoder eventDecoder) { boolean debugEnabled = _log.isDebugEnabled(); long curNanos = System.nanoTime(); if (null == _sourceMap) { _log.error("No sources map specified"); if (_consumerStats != null) _consumerStats.registerSrcErrors(); return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; } long srcid = e.srcId(); short lPartitionId = e.logicalPartitionId(); IdNamePair eventSource = _sourceMap.get(srcid); if (null == eventSource) { _log.error("Unknown source"); if (_consumerStats != null) _consumerStats.registerSrcErrors(); return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; } for (DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration reg: _registrations) { DatabusSubscription eventSourceName = DatabusSubscription.createSubscription(eventSource, lPartitionId); if (debugEnabled) _log.debug("event source=" + eventSource + " lpart=" + lPartitionId); if (reg.checkSourceSubscription(eventSourceName)) { if (debugEnabled) _log.debug("consumer matches:" + reg.getConsumer()); ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> dataEventCallable = _callbackFactory.createDataEventCallable(curNanos, e, eventDecoder, reg.getConsumer(), true); _currentBatch.add(dataEventCallable); if (_consumerStats != null) _consumerStats.registerDataEventReceived(e); if (_unifiedClientStats != null) _unifiedClientStats.registerDataEventReceived(e); } } if (_loggingConsumer != null) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> dataEventCallable = _callbackFactory.createDataEventCallable(curNanos, e, eventDecoder, _loggingConsumer, false); _currentBatch.add(dataEventCallable); } if (debugEnabled) { long endNanos = System.nanoTime(); _log.debug("Time spent in databus clientlib by onDataEvent = " + (endNanos - curNanos) / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + "ms"); } return submitBatch(curNanos, false, false); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onEndDataEventSequence(SCN endScn) { long curNanos = System.nanoTime(); for (DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration consumerReg: _registrations) { for (DatabusCombinedConsumer consumer: consumerReg.getConsumers()) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> endWindowCallable = _callbackFactory.createEndDataEventSequenceCallable(curNanos, endScn, consumer, true); _currentBatch.add(endWindowCallable); if (_consumerStats != null) _consumerStats.registerSystemEventReceived(); } } if (_loggingConsumer != null) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> endWindowCallable = _callbackFactory.createEndDataEventSequenceCallable(curNanos, endScn, _loggingConsumer, false); _currentBatch.add(endWindowCallable); } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { long endNanos = System.nanoTime(); _log.debug("Time spent in databus clientlib by onEndDataEventSequence = " + (endNanos - curNanos) / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + "ms"); } return submitBatch(curNanos, true, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onEndSource(String source, Schema sourceSchema) { long curNanos = System.nanoTime(); for (DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration consumerReg: _registrations) { for (DatabusCombinedConsumer consumer: consumerReg.getConsumers()) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> endSourceCallable = _callbackFactory.createEndSourceCallable(curNanos, source, sourceSchema, consumer, true); _currentBatch.add(endSourceCallable); if (_consumerStats != null) _consumerStats.registerEventsReceived(1); } } if (_loggingConsumer != null) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> endSourceCallable = _callbackFactory.createEndSourceCallable(curNanos, source, sourceSchema, _loggingConsumer, false); _currentBatch.add(endSourceCallable); } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { long endNanos = System.nanoTime(); _log.debug("Time spent in databus clientlib by onEndSource = " + (endNanos - curNanos) / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + "ms"); } return submitBatch(curNanos, true, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onRollback(SCN startScn) { long curNanos = System.nanoTime(); for (DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration consumerReg: _registrations) { for (DatabusCombinedConsumer consumer: consumerReg.getConsumers()) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> rollbackCallable = _callbackFactory.createRollbackCallable(curNanos, startScn, consumer, true); _currentBatch.add(rollbackCallable); if (_consumerStats != null) _consumerStats.registerEventsReceived(1); } } if (_loggingConsumer != null) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> rollbackCallable = _callbackFactory.createRollbackCallable(curNanos, startScn, _loggingConsumer, false); _currentBatch.add(rollbackCallable); } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { long endNanos = System.nanoTime(); _log.debug("Time spent in databus clientlib by onRollback = " + (endNanos - curNanos) / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + "ms"); } return submitBatch(curNanos, true, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStartDataEventSequence(SCN startScn) { long curNanos = System.nanoTime(); for (DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration consumerReg: _registrations) { for (DatabusCombinedConsumer consumer: consumerReg.getConsumers()) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> startWindowCallable = _callbackFactory.createStartDataEventSequenceCallable(curNanos, startScn, consumer, true); _currentBatch.add(startWindowCallable); if (_consumerStats != null) _consumerStats.registerEventsReceived(1); } } if (_loggingConsumer != null) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> startWindowCallable = _callbackFactory.createStartDataEventSequenceCallable(curNanos, startScn, _loggingConsumer, false); _currentBatch.add(startWindowCallable); } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { long endNanos = System.nanoTime(); _log.debug("Time spent in databus clientlib by onStartDataEventSequence = " + (endNanos - curNanos) / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + "ms"); } return submitBatch(curNanos, true, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStartSource(String source, Schema sourceSchema) { long curNanos = System.nanoTime(); for (DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration consumerReg: _registrations) { for (DatabusCombinedConsumer consumer: consumerReg.getConsumers()) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> startSourceCallable = _callbackFactory.createStartSourceCallable(curNanos, source, sourceSchema, consumer, true); _currentBatch.add(startSourceCallable); if (_consumerStats != null) _consumerStats.registerEventsReceived(1); } } if (_loggingConsumer != null) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> startSourceCallable = _callbackFactory.createStartSourceCallable(curNanos, source, sourceSchema, _loggingConsumer, false); _currentBatch.add(startSourceCallable); } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { long endNanos = System.nanoTime(); _log.debug("Time spent in databus clientlib by onStartSource = " + (endNanos - curNanos) / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + "ms"); } return submitBatch(curNanos, false, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStartConsumption() { long curNanos = System.nanoTime(); for (DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration consumerReg: _registrations) { for (DatabusCombinedConsumer consumer: consumerReg.getConsumers()) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> startConsumptionCallable = _callbackFactory.createStartConsumptionCallable(curNanos, consumer, true); _currentBatch.add(startConsumptionCallable); if (_consumerStats != null) _consumerStats.registerEventsReceived(1); } } if (_loggingConsumer != null) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> startConsumptionCallable = _callbackFactory.createStartConsumptionCallable(curNanos, _loggingConsumer, false); _currentBatch.add(startConsumptionCallable); } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { long endNanos = System.nanoTime(); _log.debug("Time spent in databus clientlib by onStartConsumption = " + (endNanos - curNanos) / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + "ms"); } return submitBatch(curNanos, false, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStopConsumption() { long curNanos = System.nanoTime(); for (DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration consumerReg: _registrations) { for (DatabusCombinedConsumer consumer: consumerReg.getConsumers()) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> endConsumptionCallable = _callbackFactory.createEndConsumptionCallable(curNanos, consumer, true); _currentBatch.add(endConsumptionCallable); if (_consumerStats != null) _consumerStats.registerEventsReceived(1); } } if (_loggingConsumer != null) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> endConsumptionCallable = _callbackFactory.createEndConsumptionCallable(curNanos, _loggingConsumer, false); _currentBatch.add(endConsumptionCallable); } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { long endNanos = System.nanoTime(); _log.debug("Time spent in databus clientlib by onStopConsumption = " + (endNanos - curNanos) / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + "ms"); } return submitBatch(curNanos, true, true); } public void setSourceMap(Map<Long, IdNamePair> sourceMap) { _sourceMap = sourceMap; } public Map<Long, IdNamePair> getSourceMap() { return _sourceMap; } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onError(Throwable err) { long curNanos = System.nanoTime(); for (DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration consumerReg: _registrations) { for (DatabusCombinedConsumer consumer: consumerReg.getConsumers()) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> onErrorCallable = _callbackFactory.createOnErrorCallable(curNanos, err, consumer, true); _currentBatch.add(onErrorCallable); if (_consumerStats != null) _consumerStats.registerErrorEventsProcessed(1); // FIXME: bug? "processed" usually means consumer callback has completed; registerErrorEventsProcessed() normally called only if consumer callback returns ERROR: why no registerErrorEventsReceived() call here? } } if (_loggingConsumer != null) { ConsumerCallable<ConsumerCallbackResult> onErrorCallable = _callbackFactory.createOnErrorCallable(curNanos, err, _loggingConsumer, false); _currentBatch.add(onErrorCallable); } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { long endNanos = System.nanoTime(); _log.debug("Time spent in databus clientlib by onError = " + (endNanos - curNanos) / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + "ms"); } return submitBatch(curNanos, true, true); } public ConsumerCallbackStats getStats() { return _consumerStats; } static class TimestampedFuture<T> { private final Future<T> _future; private final String _callType; private final long _callNum; private final ConsumerCallable<T> _callable; public TimestampedFuture(ConsumerCallable<T> callable, Future<T> future, String callType, long callNum) { super(); _future = future; _callType = callType; _callNum = callNum; _callable = callable; } public Future<T> getFuture() { return _future; } public long getTimestamp() { return _callable.getCreationTime(); } public long getCallNum() { return _callNum; } public String getCallType() { return _callType; } public ConsumerCallable<T> getCallable() { return _callable; } } static class TimestampedFutureComparator<T> implements Comparator<TimestampedFuture<T>>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public int compare(TimestampedFuture<T> o1, TimestampedFuture<T> o2) { return (int)(o1.getTimestamp() - o2.getTimestamp()); } } public void removeRegistration(DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration reg) { _registrations.remove(reg); } protected long getEstimatedTimeout(long timeBudget, long curTime, TimestampedFuture<ConsumerCallbackResult> top) { return (timeBudget - (curTime - top.getTimestamp())); } }