package com.linkedin.databus.core.util; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusConstants; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; /** * A class that can be used to monitor rate of events in a sequence of intervals * */ public class RateControl { private RateMonitor _ra = null; private long _maxEventsPerSec = Long.MIN_VALUE, _maxthrottleDurationInSecs = Long.MIN_VALUE; final private boolean _enabled; private boolean _expired = false; private long _numSleeps = 0; public static final String MODULE = RateControl.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); public RateControl(long numEventsPerSec, long throttleDurationInSecs) { final String name = "internalRateControl"; _ra = new RateMonitor(name); _ra.start(); _maxEventsPerSec = numEventsPerSec; _maxthrottleDurationInSecs = throttleDurationInSecs; _numSleeps = 0; if ((_maxEventsPerSec > 0) && (_maxthrottleDurationInSecs > 0)) { _enabled = true; } else { _enabled = false; } _expired = false; } /** * To be called when an event is received. * Internally keeps track of the rate, and throttles by sleeping appropriately * @throws DatabusException * @return Number of events received since start */ public long incrementEventCount() throws DatabusException { // If throttle is not enabled, this is a no-op ( rate metrics need not be maintained ) if (! isEnabled()) { return Long.MIN_VALUE; } // Enabled, but has expired, this is a no-op ( rate metrics need not be maintained ) if ( checkExpired()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Throttle duration has expired. Accepting events without rate control"); } return Long.MIN_VALUE; } // Enabled, not expired; add the event and compute if we need to throttle _ra.tick(); if (! checkRateExceeded()) { // This event can be accepted without sleeping. Return number of events received so far return _ra.getNumTicks(); } try { // Compute how long we need to sleep long duration = computeSleepDuration(); sleepToMaintainRate(duration); } catch (InterruptedException ie){} return _ra.getNumTicks(); } public boolean isEnabled() { return _enabled; } /** * Sleeps for specified time duration ( specified in nanoseconds ) * * @throws InterruptedException * @throws DatabusException */ protected long sleepToMaintainRate(long duration) throws InterruptedException, DatabusException { if (duration <= 0 ) { throw new DatabusException("Negative duration specified"); } long remainingTimeNSec = duration; long remainingTimeMSec = remainingTimeNSec / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC; remainingTimeNSec -= (remainingTimeMSec * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC); // Make sleep at msec resolution. Err on the side of sleeping for a msec resolution instead of nsecs // to keep rate strictly less than specified rate if (remainingTimeNSec > 0) remainingTimeMSec++; boolean needToSleep = (remainingTimeMSec > 0); if (needToSleep) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Sleeping for remainingTimeMSec = " + remainingTimeMSec); } _ra.sleep(remainingTimeMSec); _numSleeps++; } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("No need to sleep. remainingTimeMSec = " + remainingTimeMSec); } } return remainingTimeMSec; } /** * Checks if the elapsed time since throttling started has gone over throttleDuration specified * This method checks the following * - Throttling has been enabled * - Time since startup is less than throttleDurationInSecs * It does *not* check if the instantaneous rate is higher than the specified rate * @return true if throttling is still in effect */ protected boolean checkExpired() throws DatabusException { if (!_enabled) { return false; } if (_expired) { return true; } long throttleDurationInNs = _ra.getDuration(); if (throttleDurationInNs < (_maxthrottleDurationInSecs*DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_SEC)) { if (_expired != false) { throw new DatabusException("Throttle duration has not expired. _expired must be set to false"); } } else {"Ending throttling of events as " + _maxthrottleDurationInSecs + " have expired"); _expired = true; } return _expired; } /** * Computes the instantaneous rate and check if it exceeds the specified rate * @return true if incoming (instantaneous) rate is higher than specified rate * false otherwise */ protected boolean checkRateExceeded() { double rate = _ra.getRate(); return (rate > _maxEventsPerSec); } /** * Computes the amount of time to sleep to maintain a specified rate * @return amount of time to sleep if rate exceeds limit, or zero */ protected long computeSleepDuration() throws DatabusException { long numEvents = _ra.getNumTicks(); long numNSecsToHaveExpired = (numEvents * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_SEC) / _maxEventsPerSec; long numNSecsExpiredSoFar = _ra.getDuration(); if (numNSecsToHaveExpired > numNSecsExpiredSoFar) { return (numNSecsToHaveExpired - numNSecsExpiredSoFar); } else { return 0; } } /** * Statistics on number of sleeps * @return Num of sleeps attempted since last reset */ public long getNumSleeps() { return _numSleeps; } public void resetNumSleeps() { _numSleeps = 0; } }