package com.linkedin.databus.core.util; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.apache.avro.Schema; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventBuffer; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventBufferAppendable; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventBufferMult; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventKey; import com.linkedin.databus.core.KeyTypeNotImplementedException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.monitoring.mbean.DbusEventsStatisticsCollector; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.LogicalSourceConfig; public class DatabusEventRandomProducer extends Thread implements DatabusEventProducer { public static final String MODULE = DatabusEventRandomProducer.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); protected static final int MILLISECONDS_IN_NANOS = 1000000; protected static final double NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND = 1000000000.0; protected final CountDownLatch _generationStopped; protected final DbusEventBufferMult _dbusEventBuffer; protected List<IdNamePair> _sources; protected List<Schema> _schemas = null; protected Map<Long,byte[]> _schemaIds= null; protected double _tickInNanos; protected long _duration; protected long _startScn; protected final AtomicBoolean _stopGeneration = new AtomicBoolean(true); protected DbusEventsStatisticsCollector _statsCollector = null; protected final AtomicBoolean _suspendGeneration = new AtomicBoolean(true); protected int _minLength; protected int _maxLength; protected int _maxEventsPerWindow; protected int _minEventsPerWindow; protected String _generationPattern; protected long _totalGenerationTime; protected long _numEventsGenerated; protected RateMonitor _rateMonitor; protected long _generateBaseTime = System.currentTimeMillis()*1000000; // see getCurrentNanoTime() protected long _generateBaseNanoTime = System.nanoTime(); // stop after generated certain number of events protected final AtomicLong _numEventsToGenerate = new AtomicLong(Long.MAX_VALUE); // key range protected final AtomicLong _keyMin = new AtomicLong(0); protected final AtomicLong _keyMax = new AtomicLong(Long.MAX_VALUE); protected final StaticConfig _config; // generate events until the total event size reach a percentage of the Event buffers Maxsize // e.g., 110 will caused the buffer to wrap around protected final AtomicInteger _percentOfBufferToGenerate = new AtomicInteger(Integer.MAX_VALUE); Map<Integer, Integer> genEventsPerSource = new HashMap<Integer, Integer> (100); protected final Random _realRng = new Random(); //different random numbers on different invocations public DatabusEventRandomProducer(DbusEventBufferMult dbuf, long startScn, int eventsPerSecond, long durationInMilliseconds,List<IdNamePair> sources,StaticConfig config) { this(dbuf,startScn,eventsPerSecond, durationInMilliseconds, sources,null,config); } public DatabusEventRandomProducer(DbusEventBufferMult dbuf, long startScn, int eventsPerSecond, long durationInMilliseconds, List<IdNamePair> sources,Map<Long,byte[]> schemaIds) { this(dbuf,startScn,eventsPerSecond, durationInMilliseconds, sources,schemaIds,null); } public DatabusEventRandomProducer(DbusEventBufferMult dbuf, StaticConfig config) { super("DatabusEventRandomProducer"); if ( null == config) { try { config = (new Config()).build(); } catch (InvalidConfigException ice) { throw new RuntimeException(ice); } } _config = config; _statsCollector = new DbusEventsStatisticsCollector(1,"dummy",false, false, null); _generationStopped = new CountDownLatch(1); this._dbusEventBuffer = dbuf; this._duration = config.getDuration(); this._sources = config.getIdNameList(); this._startScn = config.getStartScn(); this.setDaemon(true); this._minLength = config.getMinLength(); this._maxLength = config.geMaxLength(); this._minEventsPerWindow = config.getMinEventsPerWindow(); this._maxEventsPerWindow = config.getMaxEventsPerWindow();"Sources: " + _sources + ",duration:" + _duration + ",tickInMS:" + _tickInNanos + ",startScn" + _startScn);"minEventsPerWindow:" + _minEventsPerWindow + ",maxEventsPerWindow:" + _maxEventsPerWindow); this._tickInNanos = NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND/config.getEventRate();"Will wait for " + _tickInNanos + " nanoseconds per event produced"); for(IdNamePair p : _sources) genEventsPerSource.put(p.getId().intValue(), 0); } public DatabusEventRandomProducer(DbusEventBufferMult dbuf, long startScn, int eventsPerSecond, long durationInMilliseconds, List<IdNamePair> sources,Map<Long,byte[]> schemaIds, StaticConfig config) { super("DatabusEventRandomProducer"); if ( null == config) { try { config = (new Config()).build(); } catch (InvalidConfigException ice) { throw new RuntimeException(ice); } } _config = config; _generationStopped = new CountDownLatch(1); this._dbusEventBuffer = dbuf; this._schemaIds = schemaIds; this._tickInNanos = NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND/eventsPerSecond; this._duration = durationInMilliseconds; this._sources = sources; this._startScn = startScn; this.setDaemon(true); this._minLength = config.getMinLength(); this._maxLength = config.geMaxLength(); this._maxEventsPerWindow = config.getMaxEventsPerWindow(); this._minEventsPerWindow = config.getMinEventsPerWindow(); this._generationPattern = config.getGenerationPattern();"Sources: " + sources + ",duration:" + _duration + ",tickInMS:" + _tickInNanos + ",startScn" + startScn);"Will wait for " + _tickInNanos + " nanoseconds per event produced"); } public long produceNRandomEvents(long startScn, long currentTime, int numberOfEvents, List<IdNamePair> sources, long keyMin, long keyMax, int minLength, int maxLength, List<Schema> schemas) throws KeyTypeNotImplementedException { long endScn = startScn + 1 + (RngUtils.randomPositiveLong() % 100L); // random number between startScn and startScn + 100; long scnDiff = endScn - startScn; long maxScn = startScn; int numSources = sources.size(); int eventsPerSource = numberOfEvents/numSources + 1; if (eventsPerSource <= 0 ) eventsPerSource = 1; _dbusEventBuffer.startAllEvents(); assert endScn > startScn; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("endScn = " + endScn + " startScn = " + startScn); } byte[] defaultSchemaId = "abcdefghijklmnop".getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset()); boolean enableTracing = (RngUtils.randomPositiveLong()%100L <= 1); // trace 1% samples for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEvents; ++i) { DbusEventKey key = new DbusEventKey(RngUtils.randomPositiveLong(keyMin, keyMax)); // random key between 0 and 100M long scn = startScn + (i / scnDiff); //short srcId = sources.get((Integer) (RngUtils.randomPositiveShort() % sources.size())).getId().shortValue(); short srcId = sources.get(i/eventsPerSource).getId().shortValue(); byte[] schemaId=(_schemaIds != null) ? _schemaIds.get((long) srcId) : defaultSchemaId; genEventsPerSource.put((int)srcId, genEventsPerSource.get((int)srcId) + 1); String value = null; int rnd = RngUtils.randomPositiveShort(); int length = minLength + rnd % (maxLength - minLength); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Creating random record with SCN =" + scn + " and length =" + length); } value = RngUtils.randomString(length); // 1K of row data //short lPartitionId = (short) (key.getLongKey() % Short.MAX_VALUE); short lPartitionId = LogicalSourceConfig.DEFAULT_LOGICAL_SOURCE_PARTITION; short pPartitionId = _dbusEventBuffer.getPhysicalPartition(srcId).getId().shortValue(); DbusEventBufferAppendable buf = _dbusEventBuffer.getDbusEventBufferAppendable(srcId); boolean appended = buf.appendEvent(key, pPartitionId, lPartitionId, currentTime, srcId, schemaId, value.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset()), enableTracing, _statsCollector); assert appended == true; maxScn = Math.max(scn, maxScn); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && (i % 7 == 0)) LOG.debug("Produce: srcId=" + srcId + ";pSid=" + _dbusEventBuffer.getPhysicalPartition(srcId) + ";scn=" + scn + "; buf(hc)=" + buf.hashCode()); } // for debug purposes - collect stats how many events for each srcId were generated StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(100); for(Entry<Integer, Integer> e : genEventsPerSource.entrySet()) { s.append(e.getKey() + ":" + e.getValue() + ","); }"generated sources/events = " + s.toString()); _dbusEventBuffer.endAllEvents(maxScn, getCurrentNanoTime(), _statsCollector); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Produce:window:" + maxScn); assert maxScn >= startScn; return maxScn; } public String getRateOfProduction() { if (_totalGenerationTime <= 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Producer hasnt been started yet !!"); double rate = ((double)_numEventsGenerated * 1000 * 1000000)/_totalGenerationTime; String msg = "\"Rate\":" + rate + ",\"NumEvents\":" + _numEventsGenerated + ",\"TotalTime\":" + _totalGenerationTime ; return msg; } public double getProductionRate() { if (_totalGenerationTime <= 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Producer hasnt been started yet !!"); return _rateMonitor.getRate(); //return ((double)_numEventsGenerated * 1000 * 1000000)/_totalGenerationTime; } @Override public boolean startGeneration(long startScn, int eventsPerSecond, long durationInMilliseconds, long numEventToGenerate, int percentOfBufferToGenerate, long keyMin, long keyMax, List<IdNamePair> sources, DbusEventsStatisticsCollector statsCollector) { if (! _stopGeneration.getAndSet(false)) { return false; } for(IdNamePair p : sources) genEventsPerSource.put(p.getId().intValue(), 0); _statsCollector = statsCollector; _tickInNanos = NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND/eventsPerSecond; _duration = durationInMilliseconds; _sources = sources; _startScn = startScn; _keyMin.set(keyMin); _keyMax.set(keyMax); _numEventsToGenerate.set(numEventToGenerate); _percentOfBufferToGenerate.set(percentOfBufferToGenerate);"Will wait for " + _tickInNanos + " nanoseconds per event produced"); start(); return true; } @Override public void stopGeneration() { synchronized(this) { _stopGeneration.set(true); this.notifyAll(); } } public void stopGenerationAndWait() { stopGeneration(); while ( true) { try { _generationStopped.await(); break; } catch ( InterruptedException ie) { } } } @Override public boolean checkRunning() { return ((!_stopGeneration.get()) && (!_suspendGeneration.get())); } @Override public void suspendGeneration() { synchronized(this) { _suspendGeneration.set(true); } } @Override public void resumeGeneration(long numEventToGenerate, int percentOfBufferToGenerate, long keyMin, long keyMax) { synchronized(this) { _suspendGeneration.set(false); _numEventsToGenerate.set(numEventToGenerate); _percentOfBufferToGenerate.set(percentOfBufferToGenerate); _keyMin.set(keyMin); _keyMax.set(keyMax); this.notifyAll(); } } public void fillBuffer(int eventBatchSize) { long maxScn = 0; long currTime = getCurrentNanoTime(); try { maxScn = produceNRandomEvents(_startScn, currTime, eventBatchSize, _sources, _keyMin.get(), _keyMax.get(), _minLength, _maxLength, _schemas); assert(maxScn >= _startScn); _startScn = maxScn + 1; } catch (KeyTypeNotImplementedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void run() { _stopGeneration.set(false); _suspendGeneration.set(false); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); long startTime0 = startTime; long realStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis() * 1000000L; _numEventsGenerated = 0; int eventBatchSize = 10; long currTime = startTime; long sleepTimes = 0; long sleepTime = 0; long firstScn = _startScn; long maxScn; long numEventsGeneratedAfterResume = 0; long eventBufferSize = 0; // get the free space at the beginning as the buffer size long sizeDataEventsBeforeResume = 0; long currSizeDataEvents = _statsCollector.getTotalStats().getSizeDataEvents() * _statsCollector.getTotalStats().getNumDataEvents(); maxScn = firstScn; /* fix firstSCN setting and figure minimum free buffers size available */ long minSpace = Long.MAX_VALUE; for(DbusEventBuffer buf : _dbusEventBuffer.bufIterable()) { if (buf.getMinScn() < 0) buf.start(firstScn-1); long tmpMinSpace = buf.getBufferFreeSpace(); if(tmpMinSpace < minSpace) minSpace = tmpMinSpace; } if(_dbusEventBuffer.bufsNum() > 0) eventBufferSize = minSpace; try { _rateMonitor = new RateMonitor("RandomProducer"); _rateMonitor.start(); while (!_stopGeneration.get() ) {"Resume. currTime (ms) = " + currTime/MILLISECONDS_IN_NANOS + ", startTime (ms) = " + startTime/MILLISECONDS_IN_NANOS + ", elapseTime = " + (currTime - startTime)/MILLISECONDS_IN_NANOS + ", _duration=" + _duration + ", numEventsToGenerate = " + _numEventsToGenerate.get() + ", StartScn = " + firstScn + ", _minEventsPerWindow=" + _minEventsPerWindow + ", _maxEventsPerWindow =" + _maxEventsPerWindow + ", _keyMin =" + _keyMin + ", _keyMax =" + _keyMax + ", _minLength=" + _minLength + ", _maxLength=" + _maxLength + ", numEvents = " + numEventsGeneratedAfterResume + ", eventBufferSize = " + eventBufferSize + ", sources = " + _sources.size()); while (!_stopGeneration.get() && !_suspendGeneration.get() && (currTime - startTime < _duration*MILLISECONDS_IN_NANOS) && (numEventsGeneratedAfterResume < _numEventsToGenerate.get()) && (currSizeDataEvents - sizeDataEventsBeforeResume < _percentOfBufferToGenerate.get()/100.0*eventBufferSize)) { eventBatchSize = _minEventsPerWindow + RngUtils.randomPositiveShort(_realRng)%(_maxEventsPerWindow - _minEventsPerWindow); long before = System.nanoTime(); _rateMonitor.resume(); maxScn = produceNRandomEvents(firstScn, realStartTime + (currTime - startTime0), eventBatchSize, _sources, _keyMin.get(), _keyMax.get(), _minLength, _maxLength, _schemas); assert(maxScn >= firstScn); _rateMonitor.ticks(eventBatchSize + 1); _rateMonitor.suspend(); currTime = System.nanoTime(); currSizeDataEvents = _statsCollector.getTotalStats().getSizeDataEvents() * _statsCollector.getTotalStats().getNumDataEvents(); firstScn = maxScn +1; _numEventsGenerated += eventBatchSize; numEventsGeneratedAfterResume += eventBatchSize; _totalGenerationTime += (currTime - before); long nextTime = (long) (startTime + numEventsGeneratedAfterResume * _tickInNanos); if (nextTime > currTime) { try { ++sleepTimes; sleepTime += (nextTime - currTime); long milliseconds = (nextTime - currTime) / MILLISECONDS_IN_NANOS; int nanoseconds = (int) ((nextTime - currTime) - (milliseconds* MILLISECONDS_IN_NANOS)); Thread.sleep(milliseconds, nanoseconds); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } currTime = System.nanoTime(); } }"Suspended. currTime (ms) = " + currTime/MILLISECONDS_IN_NANOS + ", startTime (ms) = " + startTime/MILLISECONDS_IN_NANOS + ", elapseTime = " + (currTime - startTime)/MILLISECONDS_IN_NANOS + ", numEvents = " + numEventsGeneratedAfterResume + ", eventBufferSize = " + eventBufferSize + ", currEventSize = " + currSizeDataEvents + ", startEventSize = " + sizeDataEventsBeforeResume + ", EventSizeDelta = " + (currSizeDataEvents - sizeDataEventsBeforeResume));; //Suspend till resumed synchronized(this) { if ( !_stopGeneration.get() ) { boolean doWait = false; // Checking again for suspend inside synchronized block to make sure we didn't miss resume outside the synchronized block. if( ! _suspendGeneration.get()) { if ( currTime - startTime >= _duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_NANOS || (numEventsGeneratedAfterResume >= _numEventsToGenerate.get()) || (currSizeDataEvents - sizeDataEventsBeforeResume >= _percentOfBufferToGenerate.get()/100.0*eventBufferSize)) { // Completed this round. Suspending myself till someone calls resume or stop doWait = true; _suspendGeneration.set(true); } else { // case when someone called suspend and resumed immediately before I reached here doWait = false; } } else { // User requested suspension doWait = true; } while (doWait && (!_stopGeneration.get()) && (_suspendGeneration.get())) { try { this.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {"Got Interrupted during suspension: " + ie.getMessage()); } } // reset startTime to wall clock startTime = System.nanoTime(); currTime = startTime; // reset the event size and number of events numEventsGeneratedAfterResume = 0; sizeDataEventsBeforeResume = currSizeDataEvents; } } } _stopGeneration.set(true); } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.error("event generation error:" + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (KeyTypeNotImplementedException e) { LOG.error("event generation error:" + e.getMessage(), e); } finally {"Produced " + _numEventsGenerated + " events in " + (currTime - startTime) + " nanoseconds.");"Slept a total of " + sleepTimes + " times for a duration of " + sleepTime + " nanoseconds.");"Busy time = " + (currTime - startTime - sleepTime) + " nanoseconds."); _rateMonitor.stop(); _generationStopped.countDown(); } } public void setStatsCollector(DbusEventsStatisticsCollector statsCollector){ _statsCollector = statsCollector; } public long getCurrentNanoTime() { return _generateBaseTime + (System.nanoTime()-_generateBaseNanoTime); } public static class StaticConfig { public int getMinLength() { return _minLength; } public int geMaxLength() { return _maxLength; } public int getMaxEventsPerWindow() { return _maxEventsPerWindow; } public int getMinEventsPerWindow() { return _minEventsPerWindow; } public String getGenerationPattern() { return _generationPattern; } public long getStartScn() { return _startScn; } public int getEventRate() { return _eventRate; } public long getDuration() { return _duration; } public StaticConfig(long startScn, int eventRate, long duration, List<IdNamePair> idNameList, int minLength, int maxLength, int minEventsPerWindow, int maxEventsPerWindow, String generationPattern, long eventRngSeed) { super(); this._startScn = startScn; this._eventRate = eventRate; this._duration = duration; this._idNameList = idNameList; this._minLength = minLength; this._maxLength = maxLength; this._minEventsPerWindow = minEventsPerWindow; this._maxEventsPerWindow = maxEventsPerWindow; this._generationPattern = generationPattern; _eventRngSeed = eventRngSeed; LOG.debug("Constructor: IDNameList:" + idNameList); } public List<IdNamePair> getIdNameList() { return _idNameList; } public long getEventRngSeed() { return _eventRngSeed; } protected long _startScn; protected int _eventRate; protected long _duration; protected List<IdNamePair> _idNameList; protected int _minLength; protected int _maxLength; protected int _minEventsPerWindow; protected int _maxEventsPerWindow; protected String _generationPattern; private final long _eventRngSeed; } public static class Config implements ConfigBuilder<StaticConfig> { public Config() { super(); minLength = 1000; maxLength = 1001; minEventsPerWindow = 10; maxEventsPerWindow = 11; generationPattern = "RandomOnly"; } public int getMinLength() { return minLength; } public void setMinLength(int minLength) { this.minLength = minLength; } public int getMaxLength() { return maxLength; } public void setMaxLength(int maxLength) {"maxLength:" + maxLength); this.maxLength = maxLength; } public int getMinEventsPerWindow() { return minEventsPerWindow; } public void setMinEventsPerWindow(int minEventsPerWindow) {"minEventsPerWindow:" + minEventsPerWindow); this.minEventsPerWindow = minEventsPerWindow; } public int getMaxEventsPerWindow() { return maxEventsPerWindow; } public void setMaxEventsPerWindow(int maxEventsPerWindow) {"maxEventsPerWindow:" + maxEventsPerWindow); this.maxEventsPerWindow = maxEventsPerWindow; } public String getGenerationPattern() { return generationPattern; } public void setGenerationPattern(String generationPattern) {"GenerationPattern:" + generationPattern); this.generationPattern = generationPattern; } @Override public StaticConfig build() throws InvalidConfigException { List<IdNamePair> idNameList = new ArrayList<IdNamePair>(); if ( sourceIdMapStr != null ) { String[] tokens = sourceIdMapStr.split("[,]"); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { String[] items = tokens[i].split("[:]"); if (items.length != 2) throw new InvalidConfigException("SourceIdMap Config (" + sourceIdMapStr + ") invalid !!"); IdNamePair pair = new IdNamePair(); pair.setId(Long.parseLong(items[0].trim())); pair.setName(items[1].trim()); LOG.debug("SrcId Entry:" + items[0] + "," + items[1]); idNameList.add(pair); } } //TODO add verification for the config return new StaticConfig(startScn, eventRate, duration, idNameList, minLength, maxLength, minEventsPerWindow, maxEventsPerWindow, generationPattern, _eventRngSeed); } public long getStartScn() { return startScn; } public void setStartScn(long startScn) {"startScn:" + startScn); this.startScn = startScn; } public long getDuration() { return duration; } public void setDuration(long duration) {"Duration:" + duration); this.duration = duration; } public int getEventRate() { return eventRate; } public void setEventRate(int eventRate) {"EventRate:"+ eventRate); this.eventRate = eventRate; } public String getSourceIdMap() { return sourceIdMapStr; } public void setSourceIdMap(String sourceIdMapStr) {"sourceIdMapStr:" + sourceIdMapStr); this.sourceIdMapStr = sourceIdMapStr; } public long getEventRngSeed() { return _eventRngSeed; } public void setEventRngSeed(long eventRngSeed) { _eventRngSeed = eventRngSeed; } protected long startScn; protected int eventRate; protected long duration; protected String sourceIdMapStr; protected int minLength; protected int maxLength; protected int minEventsPerWindow; protected int maxEventsPerWindow; protected String generationPattern; private long _eventRngSeed = -1; } }