package com.linkedin.databus2.producers; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DatabusComponentStatus; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventBufferAppendable; import com.linkedin.databus.core.UnsupportedKeyException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.mbean.DatabusReadOnlyStatus; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.seq.MaxSCNReaderWriter; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.EventSourceStatisticsIface; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.ReadEventCycleSummary; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.PhysicalSourceStaticConfig; /** * Common implementation for producing events and adding those to a event buffer */ public abstract class AbstractEventProducer implements EventProducer { //private final SourceDBEventReader _sourceDBEventReader; private final String _name; // The event generation thread and various related member variables. private EventProducerThread _thread; // TBD : Make the two vars below private after GGEventProducer properly overrides only // required functionality protected boolean _pauseRequested = false; protected boolean _shutdownRequested = false; // End TBD private final AtomicLong _sinceSCN = new AtomicLong(-1); protected final DbusEventBufferAppendable _eventBuffer; private final MaxSCNReaderWriter _maxScnReaderWriter; private final DatabusComponentStatus _status; private final DatabusReadOnlyStatus _statusMBean; protected final MBeanServer _mbeanServer; private long _restartScnOffset; private boolean _coldStart= true; // The all important log protected final Logger _log; protected final Logger _eventsLog; public AbstractEventProducer(DbusEventBufferAppendable eventBuffer, MaxSCNReaderWriter maxScnReaderWriter, PhysicalSourceStaticConfig physicalSourceConfig, MBeanServer mbeanServer) { _eventBuffer = eventBuffer; _name = physicalSourceConfig.getName(); _maxScnReaderWriter = maxScnReaderWriter; _restartScnOffset = physicalSourceConfig.getRestartScnOffset(); _coldStart=true; _status = new DatabusComponentStatus(_name + ".dbPuller", physicalSourceConfig.getRetries()); _mbeanServer = mbeanServer; _statusMBean = new DatabusReadOnlyStatus(_name, _status, -1); _statusMBean.registerAsMbean(_mbeanServer); _log = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName() + "_" + _name); _eventsLog = Logger.getLogger("" + _name); } public Logger getEventsLog() { return _eventsLog; } @Override public String getName() { return _name; } @Override public long getSCN() { return _sinceSCN.get(); } @Override public synchronized void start(long sinceSCN) { + ".start: sinceScn = " + sinceSCN + "restartScnOffset = " + _restartScnOffset); if (sinceSCN < 0 && null != _maxScnReaderWriter) { try {"attempting to read persistent event producer checkpoint "); sinceSCN = _maxScnReaderWriter.getMaxScn(); if ((sinceSCN > 1) && _coldStart) { if (sinceSCN > _restartScnOffset) {"sinceSCN read from SCNRW = " + sinceSCN + " restartScnOffset = " + _restartScnOffset ); sinceSCN -= _restartScnOffset; } }"Proposed sinceSCN = " + sinceSCN); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Unable to load MaxSCN: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } if(_thread == null) { // Thread is not already running. Go ahead and start a new one. _sinceSCN.set(sinceSCN);"Starting EventProducerThread from SCN: " + _sinceSCN.get()); _pauseRequested = false; _shutdownRequested = false; _sinceSCN.set(sinceSCN); // init the buffer with the start SCN //only valid for first restart if (_coldStart) { _eventBuffer.start(sinceSCN); } _thread = new EventProducerThread(_name); _thread.setDaemon(true); _thread.start(); } else { // We can't change the SCN if the Thread is already running, so really this should maybe raise an exception // TODO: Should this throw an IllegalThreadStateException? _log.warn("attempting to change checkpoint of a running event producer thread -- ignoring."); _pauseRequested = false; _shutdownRequested = false; notifyAll(); }"" + _name + " started."); } @Override public synchronized boolean isPaused() { return _pauseRequested; } @Override public synchronized boolean isRunning() { return _thread != null && !_shutdownRequested && !_pauseRequested; } @Override public synchronized void unpause() { _pauseRequested = false; notifyAll(); if(_thread == null) { _log.warn("Unpause requested when no event thread is running."); } } @Override public synchronized void pause() { _pauseRequested = true; notifyAll(); } @Override public synchronized void shutdown() { _shutdownRequested = true; notifyAll(); // Interrupt the thread so it can shut down, in case it is waiting on the sleep timer if(_thread != null) { _coldStart=false; _thread.interrupt(); } _statusMBean.unregisterMbean(_mbeanServer); } @Override public void waitForShutdown() throws InterruptedException, IllegalStateException { while (null != _thread && _thread.isAlive()) _thread.join(); } @Override public void waitForShutdown(long timeoutMs) throws InterruptedException, IllegalStateException { if (null != _thread && _thread.isAlive()) _thread.join(timeoutMs); if (null != _thread && _thread.isAlive()) throw new IllegalStateException(); } private class EventProducerThread extends Thread { public EventProducerThread(String producerName) { super("EventProducerThread_" + producerName); } @Override public void run() { boolean firstPause = true; while(true) { //TODO just synchronized(this) ? synchronized(AbstractEventProducer.this) { while(_pauseRequested && !_shutdownRequested) { // If we are paused, then log a message to that effect. // Guarded by "firstPause" so we only log the message once per pause/unpause cycle. if(firstPause) { firstPause = false;"EventProducerThread is pausing because a pause was requested."); } try { AbstractEventProducer.this.wait(); } catch(InterruptedException ex) { //ignore? } } if(_shutdownRequested) { // A shutdown has been requested. Log a message and end the thread."EventProducerThread is stopping because a shutdown was requested."); _thread = null; _eventBuffer.rollbackEvents(); return; } } try { // Read events from all sources ReadEventCycleSummary summary = readEventsFromAllSources(_sinceSCN.get()); // Find the new max SCN across all sources and update _sinceSCN long newSinceSCN = Math.max(summary.getEndOfWindowScn(), _sinceSCN.get()); _sinceSCN.set(newSinceSCN); // Friendly log messages if (_eventsLog.isDebugEnabled() || (_eventsLog.isInfoEnabled() && summary.getTotalEventNum() >0)) {; } if (_status.getRetriesNum() > 0) _status.resume(); _status.getRetriesCounter().reset(); // Sleep until the next cycle _status.getRetriesCounter().sleep(); } catch(EventCreationException ex) { // Log the error and back off the sleep timer _log.error("EventCreationException occurred while reading events from " + _name + ". This error is most likely configuration or data dependent and may require manual intervention.", ex); _status.retryOnError(_name + " error: " + ex.getMessage()); } catch(UnsupportedKeyException ex) { // Log the error and back off the sleep timer _log.error("UnsupportedKeyException occurred while reading events from " + _name + ". This error is most likely configuration or data dependent and may require manual intervention.", ex); _status.retryOnError(_name + " error: " + ex.getMessage()); } catch(DatabusException ex) { // Log the error and backoff the sleep timer _log.error("DatabusException occurred while reading events from " + _name + ". This error may be due to a transient issue (database is down?):" + ex.getMessage(), ex); _status.retryOnError(_name + " error: " + ex.getMessage()); } catch(Exception e) { // Log the error and backoff the sleep timer _log.error("unknown exception occurred while reading events from " + _name + ". This error may be due to a transient issue (database is down?):" + e.getMessage(), e); _status.retryOnError(_name + " error: " + e.getMessage()); } // Reset this flag since we are no longer paused firstPause = false; } } } public DatabusReadOnlyStatus getStatusMBean() { return _statusMBean; } protected abstract ReadEventCycleSummary readEventsFromAllSources(long sinceSCN) throws DatabusException, EventCreationException, UnsupportedKeyException; public abstract List<? extends EventSourceStatisticsIface> getSources(); /** * A get method to access event buffer */ protected DbusEventBufferAppendable getEventBuffer() { return _eventBuffer; } /** * A get method to access maxScnReaderWriter */ protected MaxSCNReaderWriter getMaxScnReaderWriter() { return _maxScnReaderWriter; } }