package; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; import org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkServer; import org.testng.AssertJUnit; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.linkedin.databus.client.DatabusClientDSCUpdater; import com.linkedin.databus.client.LastWriteTimeTrackerImpl; import; import com.linkedin.databus.core.Checkpoint; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusClientMode; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException; import com.linkedin.databus.groupleader.impl.zkclient.LeaderElectUtils; public class TestDatabusClientNode { // static private final String CLUSTER_SERVER_LIST = "localhost:2181,localhost:2182,localhost:2183"; static private final String CLUSTER_SERVER_LIST = "localhost:8100"; protected static final int _zkServerTickTime = 2000; public List<ZkServer> startZk(int port) throws IOException { String zkTestDataParentDir = "."; String zkServerList = "localhost:" + port; String zkTestDataRootDir = zkTestDataParentDir + "/zkroot-client"; List<Integer> localPortsList = LeaderElectUtils.parseLocalPorts(zkServerList); List<ZkServer> localZkServers = LeaderElectUtils.startLocalZookeeper(localPortsList, zkTestDataRootDir, _zkServerTickTime); return localZkServers; } public void stopZk(List<ZkServer> localZkServers) { LeaderElectUtils.stopLocalZookeeper(localZkServers); } @Test public void testMasterSlave() throws InterruptedException, DummyClientException, IOException { List<ZkServer> localZkServers = startZk(8100); try { Integer totalCountExpected = 100; int numNodes = 10; int delayMs = 10; int numIter = 1; Integer expectedWorkLoad = totalCountExpected/numNodes; long updateTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int iter = 0; iter < numIter; ++iter) { DummyClient nodes[] = new DummyClient[numNodes]; Thread threads[] = new Thread[numNodes]; for (int i=0; i < numNodes; ++i) { nodes[i] = new DummyClient(expectedWorkLoad,"counters","worker_" + (int) (Math.random()*1000), totalCountExpected, delayMs, updateTimestamp); // nodes[i] = new DummyClient(expectedWorkLoad,"counters","worker_" ,totalCountExpected,delayMs); threads[i] = new Thread(nodes[i]); } for (int i=0; i < threads.length; ++i) { threads[i].start(); Thread.sleep(i*(iter*2+20)); } for (int i=0; i < threads.length;++i) { //wait for 1000ms - protect against hung processes threads[i].join(1000); } boolean exhausted=false; boolean tsExhausted=false; for (DummyClient w1: nodes) { System.err.printf("Worker =%s\n",w1.toString()); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(w1.getActualWorkCount().intValue() == expectedWorkLoad.intValue()); if (w1.getSharedWorkCounter().intValue() == totalCountExpected.intValue()) { exhausted = true; } long diff = w1.getDSCTimestamp() - updateTimestamp; if (diff == totalCountExpected) { tsExhausted = true; } System.err.println("Timestamp Diff=" + diff); } AssertJUnit.assertTrue(exhausted); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(tsExhausted); } } finally { stopZk(localZkServers); } } @Test public void testSharedCheckPointPersistence() throws InvalidConfigException, IOException { List<ZkServer> localZkServers = startZk(8100); DatabusClientNode clusterNode = null; try { clusterNode = new DatabusClientNode (new DatabusClientNode.StaticConfig(true,CLUSTER_SERVER_LIST, 2000, 5000, "/DummyClient", "dbus-client", "one",true,null)); DatabusClientGroupMember groupMember = clusterNode.getMember("/DummyClient","dbus-client","one"); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(groupMember != null); SharedCheckpointPersistenceProvider sharedCp = new SharedCheckpointPersistenceProvider(groupMember, new SharedCheckpointPersistenceProvider.StaticConfig( 0)); //join the group; AssertJUnit.assertTrue(groupMember.join()); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(groupMember.waitForLeaderShip(5000)); Vector<String> sources1 = new Vector<String> (); sources1.add("bizfollow_biz"); sources1.add("bizfollow_rev"); Vector<String> sources2 = new Vector<String> (); sources2.add("bizfollow_biz"); Vector<String> sources3 = new Vector<String> (); sources3.add("bizfollow_biz") ; sources3.add("bizfollow_test") ; sources3.add("bizfollow_intl"); checkSharedCps(sharedCp,sources1); checkSharedCps(sharedCp,sources2); checkSharedCps(sharedCp,sources3); //delete the node; groupMember.removeSharedData(); } finally { if (clusterNode != null) clusterNode.close(); stopZk(localZkServers); } } @Test public void testZkTempIsolation() throws DummyClientException, InterruptedException, IOException { //zk is up; Integer totalCountExpected = 5000; int numNodes = 2; int delayMs = 10; int interruptCount = 1000; Integer expectedWorkLoad = totalCountExpected/numNodes; long updateTimestamp=System.currentTimeMillis(); List<ZkServer> localZkServers = startZk(8100); try { DummyClient nodes[] = new DummyClient[numNodes]; Thread threads[] = new Thread[numNodes]; for (int i=0; i < numNodes; ++i) { nodes[i] = new DummyClient(expectedWorkLoad,"counters","worker_" + (int) (Math.random()*1000),totalCountExpected,delayMs,updateTimestamp); threads[i] = new Thread(nodes[i]); } for (int i=0; i < threads.length; ++i) { threads[i].start(); Thread.sleep(10); } Thread.sleep(2000); DummyClient origLeader = findLeader(nodes); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(origLeader != null); System.out.printf("Current leader=%s\n",origLeader.getName()); //Threads have started; and are writing to shared storage; now kill zookeeper Thread.sleep(interruptCount*delayMs); origLeader.leaveGroup(); Thread.sleep(1000); origLeader.joinGroup(); DummyClient newLeader = findLeader(nodes); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(newLeader != null); System.out.printf("New leader=%s\n",newLeader.getName()); for (int i=0; i < threads.length;++i) { //wait for 1000ms - protect against hung processes threads[i].join(10L * expectedWorkLoad * delayMs); } AssertJUnit.assertFalse(origLeader.getName().equals(newLeader.getName())); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(origLeader.getSharedWorkCounter() < expectedWorkLoad); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(newLeader.getSharedWorkCounter() < totalCountExpected); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(newLeader.getSharedWorkCounter().equals(expectedWorkLoad)); } finally { stopZk(localZkServers); } } private DummyClient findLeader(DummyClient[] nodes) { for (DummyClient n: nodes) { if (n.isLeader()) { return n; } } return null; } protected void checkSharedCps(SharedCheckpointPersistenceProvider sharedCp, Vector<String> sources) { Checkpoint cp = new Checkpoint(); cp.setConsumptionMode(DbusClientMode.ONLINE_CONSUMPTION); Random r = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); long scn = r.nextLong(); cp.setWindowScn(scn); cp.setWindowOffset(-1); try { sharedCp.storeCheckpoint(sources,cp); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(false); } Checkpoint newCp = sharedCp.loadCheckpoint(sources); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(newCp != null); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(newCp.getWindowScn() == cp.getWindowScn()); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(newCp.getWindowOffset().equals(cp.getWindowOffset())); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(newCp.getConsumptionMode() == cp.getConsumptionMode()); System.out.printf("Stored scn = %d\n",newCp.getWindowScn()); } /** * * @author snagaraj * Dummy client that uses clientNode to test master/slave relationship; * Initially, just use the blocking API; * Task is to read a counter from shared state; and increment with a delay -countWorkLoad- number of times and then die; */ public static class DummyClient implements Runnable { //represents the logical node/entity participating on the physical connection; private final DatabusClientNode _clusterNode; //represents the 'physical' node connection to group; private final Integer _countWorkload; private Integer _actualWorkCount; private Integer _sharedWorkCounter; private final Integer _totalWorkLoadCount; private final static String NAMESPACE = "/DummyClientTest"; private final int _delayMs; private final static int sessionTimeOutMillis = 10000; private final static int connectionTimeOutMillis = 5000; private final static String KEY= "dummy-key"; private final String _group; private final String _name; private final DatabusClientDSCUpdater _dscUpdater; private final long _baseUpdateTimestamp; public DummyClient(Integer countWorkload,String group, String name,Integer totalWorkLoadCount,int delayMs,long updateTimeInMs) throws DummyClientException { try { _group = group; _name = name; _clusterNode = new DatabusClientNode(new DatabusClientNode.StaticConfig(true,CLUSTER_SERVER_LIST, sessionTimeOutMillis, connectionTimeOutMillis, NAMESPACE, _group, _name,true,"test-shared")); } catch (InvalidConfigException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DummyClientException(); } _countWorkload = countWorkload; _actualWorkCount = 0; _sharedWorkCounter=0; _totalWorkLoadCount = totalWorkLoadCount; _delayMs = delayMs; if (!_clusterNode.isConnected()) throw new DummyClientException(); DatabusClientGroupMember member = _clusterNode.getMember(NAMESPACE, _group, _name); _dscUpdater = new DatabusClientDSCUpdater(member,new LastWriteTimeTrackerImpl(),2); _baseUpdateTimestamp = updateTimeInMs; } public String getName() { return _name; } public boolean isLeader() { DatabusClientGroupMember member = _clusterNode.getMember(NAMESPACE, _group, _name); if (member != null) { return member.isLeader(); } return false; } public Integer getActualWorkCount() { return _actualWorkCount; } public Integer getSharedWorkCounter() { return _sharedWorkCounter; } public long getDSCTimestamp() { return _dscUpdater.getLocalTimestamp(); } @Override public void run() { Integer start = null; long baseTs = 0 ; synchronized (this) { DatabusClientGroupMember member = _clusterNode.getMember(NAMESPACE, _group, _name); //hello group; if (member.join()) { //sit around till leadership is conferred; //start dsc reader thread; Thread t = new Thread(_dscUpdater); t.start(); member.waitForLeaderShip(); System.out.printf("Acquired leadership: %s\n",member.getName()); //read shared data start = (Integer) member.readSharedData(KEY); //leader; reads local value: this should contain the last updated time value; baseTs = _dscUpdater.getLocalTimestamp(); if (baseTs==0) { baseTs = _baseUpdateTimestamp; } //stop the dsc thread for master; _dscUpdater.stop(); } else { System.err.printf("%s could not join group!\n",member.getName()); _clusterNode.close(); return; } } if (start==null) { //bootstrap; start=0; System.err.printf("Start is null! Start at: %d\n",(int) start); } System.err.printf("Start at: %d\n",(int) start); Integer i=0; for (;i < _countWorkload; ++i) { start++; _actualWorkCount++; //shared write of dsc timestamp; _dscUpdater.writeTimestamp(baseTs + _actualWorkCount); try { Thread.sleep(_delayMs); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.printf("start=%d",start); } } boolean wroteSharedData = false; synchronized(this) { DatabusClientGroupMember member = _clusterNode.getMember(NAMESPACE, _group, _name); wroteSharedData = member.writeSharedData(KEY,start); if (wroteSharedData) { _sharedWorkCounter = start; if (_sharedWorkCounter.equals(_totalWorkLoadCount)) { System.err.printf("Cleanup: %s is cleaning up:\n",member.toString()); member.removeSharedData(); } } else { DatabusClientGroupMember m = _clusterNode.getMember(NAMESPACE, _group, _name); System.err.printf("%s write of shared state=%d didn't succeed: Current leader is : %s\n",m.getName(),(int) i,m.getLeader()); } _clusterNode.close(); } } //use only in unit-tests synchronized void leaveGroup() { DatabusClientGroupMember m = _clusterNode.getMember(NAMESPACE, _group, _name); m.leave(); _clusterNode.close(); } //use only in unit-tests synchronized void joinGroup() {; DatabusClientGroupMember member = _clusterNode.getMember(NAMESPACE, _group, _name); member.join(); } @Override public String toString() { return "name= " + _name + " countWorkLoad=" + _countWorkload + "; actualWorkCount=" + _actualWorkCount + "; sharedWorkCounter=" + _sharedWorkCounter + " totalWorkLoadCount=" + _totalWorkLoadCount ; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class DummyClientException extends Exception { public DummyClientException() { super(); } } } }