package com.linkedin.databus.core; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.BackoffTimer; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.BackoffTimerStaticConfig; public class DatabusComponentStatus { public enum Status { INITIALIZING (0), RUNNING(100), PAUSED(200), ERROR_RETRY(300), SUSPENDED_ON_ERROR(400), SHUTDOWN(1000); private final int _code; Status(int code) { _code = code; } public int getCode() { return _code; } } public static final String INITIALIZING_MESSAGE = "The databus component is initializing..."; public static final String RUNNING_MESSAGE = "The databus component is running normally."; public static final String PAUSED_MESSAGE = "The databus component is paused by the administrator."; public static final String SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE = "The databus component is being shutdown by the administrator..."; protected final Logger _log; private final String _componentName; private BackoffTimer _retriesCounter; private Status _status; private String _message; private volatile long _lastStartTime; public DatabusComponentStatus(String componentName, Status status, String detailedMessage, BackoffTimer errorRetriesCounter) { _log = Logger.getLogger(DatabusComponentStatus.class.getName() + "_" + componentName); _componentName = componentName; _status = status; _message = detailedMessage; _retriesCounter = errorRetriesCounter; _lastStartTime = -1; } public DatabusComponentStatus(String componentName, Status status, String detailedMessage, BackoffTimerStaticConfig errorRetriesConf) { this(componentName, status, detailedMessage, new BackoffTimer(componentName + ".errorRetries", errorRetriesConf)); } public DatabusComponentStatus(String componentName,Status status, String detailedMessage) { this(componentName, status, detailedMessage, BackoffTimerStaticConfig.UNLIMITED_RETRIES); } public DatabusComponentStatus(String componentName) { this(componentName, Status.INITIALIZING, INITIALIZING_MESSAGE); } public DatabusComponentStatus(String componentName, BackoffTimerStaticConfig errorRetriesConf) { this(componentName, Status.INITIALIZING, INITIALIZING_MESSAGE, errorRetriesConf); } /** * @return the status */ public synchronized Status getStatus() { return _status; } /** * @return the message */ public synchronized String getMessage() { return _message; } /** * @return status object */ public synchronized DatabusComponentStatus getStatusSnapshot() { return new DatabusComponentStatus(_componentName, _status, _message, _retriesCounter); } /** * @return boolean */ public synchronized boolean isRunningStatus() { return (Status.RUNNING == _status); } /** * @return boolean */ public synchronized boolean isPausedStatus() { return (Status.PAUSED == _status || Status.SUSPENDED_ON_ERROR == _status); } public synchronized int getRetriesNum() { return _retriesCounter.getRetriesNum(); } public synchronized int getRetriesLeft() { return _retriesCounter.getRemainingRetriesNum(); } public synchronized long getLastRetrySleepMs() { return _retriesCounter.getCurrentSleepMs(); } /** * block until the status is set to 'running' */ public synchronized void waitForResume() { while (isPausedStatus()) { try {"Entering into waiting state..." + _status); wait();"Existing waiting state with new state..." + _status); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Interruptd while being suspended!"); } } } protected synchronized void setStatus(Status status, String statusDetail) { // Not changing to any other status once we are shutting down if (Status.SHUTDOWN != _status) { Status oldStatus = _status; _status = status; if (Status.PAUSED == oldStatus || Status.SUSPENDED_ON_ERROR == oldStatus) { notifyAll(); } String newMessage = statusDetail; _lastStartTime = -1; switch (_status) { case RUNNING: _retriesCounter.reset(); _lastStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); break; case ERROR_RETRY: { _retriesCounter.backoff(); if (Status.SUSPENDED_ON_ERROR == oldStatus || Status.ERROR_RETRY == oldStatus) { newMessage = _message + ";" + statusDetail; } break; } case SUSPENDED_ON_ERROR: { if (Status.SUSPENDED_ON_ERROR == oldStatus || Status.ERROR_RETRY == oldStatus) { newMessage = _message + ";" + statusDetail; } break; } case INITIALIZING: break;//NOOP case PAUSED: break;//NOOP case SHUTDOWN: break;//impossible } _message = newMessage; } _log.debug(status.toString() + ": " + getMessage()); } public void start() { setStatus(Status.RUNNING, RUNNING_MESSAGE); } public void shutdown() { setStatus(Status.SHUTDOWN, SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE); } public void pause() { setStatus(Status.PAUSED, PAUSED_MESSAGE); } public void resume() { setStatus(Status.RUNNING, RUNNING_MESSAGE); } public boolean retryOnError(String message) { setStatus(Status.ERROR_RETRY, message); return _retriesCounter.backoffAndSleep(); } public boolean retryOnLastError() { return _retriesCounter.backoffAndSleep(); } public void suspendOnError(Throwable error) { setStatus(Status.SUSPENDED_ON_ERROR, null != error ? error.toString() : "unknown error"); } public BackoffTimer getRetriesCounter() { return _retriesCounter; } public void setRetriesCounter(BackoffTimer retriesCounter) { _retriesCounter = retriesCounter; } public long getUptimeMs() { long lastStart = _lastStartTime; return (0 < lastStart) ? System.currentTimeMillis() - lastStart : 0; } public String getComponentName() { return _componentName; } @Override public String toString() { return "DatabusComponentStatus [_componentName=" + _componentName + ", _retriesCounter=" + _retriesCounter + ", _status=" + _status + ", _message=" + _message + ", _lastStartTime=" + _lastStartTime + "]"; } }