/** * Autogenerated by Avro * * DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY */ package com.linkedin.databus.monitoring.events; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ @SuppressWarnings("all") /** Statistics for connections to a databus database source */ public class DbusDbSourceConnectionStatsEvent extends org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecordBase implements org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord { public static final org.apache.avro.Schema SCHEMA$ = org.apache.avro.Schema.parse("{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"DbusDbSourceConnectionStatsEvent\",\"namespace\":\"com.linkedin.databus.monitoring.events\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"relayId\",\"type\":\"int\",\"doc\":\"The id of the relay that generated the event\"},{\"name\":\"timestampLastResetMs\",\"type\":\"long\",\"doc\":\"unix timestamp of the last reset() call\"},{\"name\":\"timeSinceLastResetMs\",\"type\":\"long\",\"doc\":\"time in ms since the last reset() call\"},{\"name\":\"numOpenDbConns\",\"type\":\"long\",\"doc\":\"number of DB connections open\"},{\"name\":\"numClosedDbConns\",\"type\":\"long\",\"doc\":\"number of DB connections closed\"},{\"name\":\"timestampLastDbConnOpenMs\",\"type\":\"long\",\"doc\":\"the timestamp of the last DB connection open operation\"},{\"name\":\"timestampLastDbConnCloseMs\",\"type\":\"long\",\"doc\":\"the timestamp of the last DB connection close operation \"},{\"name\":\"timeClosedDbConnLifeMs\",\"type\":\"long\",\"doc\":\"total lifespan of closed DB connections \"},{\"name\":\"timeOpenDbConnLifeMs\",\"type\":\"long\",\"doc\":\"total lifespan of currently open DB connections \"},{\"name\":\"numRowsUpdated\",\"type\":\"long\",\"doc\":\"number of updated DB rows received\"}]}"); /** The id of the relay that generated the event */ public int relayId; /** unix timestamp of the last reset() call */ public long timestampLastResetMs; /** time in ms since the last reset() call */ public long timeSinceLastResetMs; /** number of DB connections open */ public long numOpenDbConns; /** number of DB connections closed */ public long numClosedDbConns; /** the timestamp of the last DB connection open operation */ public long timestampLastDbConnOpenMs; /** the timestamp of the last DB connection close operation */ public long timestampLastDbConnCloseMs; /** total lifespan of closed DB connections */ public long timeClosedDbConnLifeMs; /** total lifespan of currently open DB connections */ public long timeOpenDbConnLifeMs; /** number of updated DB rows received */ public long numRowsUpdated; public org.apache.avro.Schema getSchema() { return SCHEMA$; } // Used by DatumWriter. Applications should not call. public java.lang.Object get(int field$) { switch (field$) { case 0: return relayId; case 1: return timestampLastResetMs; case 2: return timeSinceLastResetMs; case 3: return numOpenDbConns; case 4: return numClosedDbConns; case 5: return timestampLastDbConnOpenMs; case 6: return timestampLastDbConnCloseMs; case 7: return timeClosedDbConnLifeMs; case 8: return timeOpenDbConnLifeMs; case 9: return numRowsUpdated; default: throw new org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException("Bad index"); } } // Used by DatumReader. Applications should not call. @SuppressWarnings(value="unchecked") public void put(int field$, java.lang.Object value$) { switch (field$) { case 0: relayId = (java.lang.Integer)value$; break; case 1: timestampLastResetMs = (java.lang.Long)value$; break; case 2: timeSinceLastResetMs = (java.lang.Long)value$; break; case 3: numOpenDbConns = (java.lang.Long)value$; break; case 4: numClosedDbConns = (java.lang.Long)value$; break; case 5: timestampLastDbConnOpenMs = (java.lang.Long)value$; break; case 6: timestampLastDbConnCloseMs = (java.lang.Long)value$; break; case 7: timeClosedDbConnLifeMs = (java.lang.Long)value$; break; case 8: timeOpenDbConnLifeMs = (java.lang.Long)value$; break; case 9: numRowsUpdated = (java.lang.Long)value$; break; default: throw new org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException("Bad index"); } } }