package com.linkedin.databus.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import org.codehaus.jackson.type.TypeReference; import com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.LogicalSource; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.IdNamePair; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.SourceIdNameRegistry; /** * * This Class manages 2 meta files and is responsible for generating SourceIds for new sources. * * physical_logical_src_map.json : * This is an json map containing mapping between schema name and the list of logical sources that are databusified * eg: "slink" : [ "" ], * * * : * This file contains mapping from sourceId to logical source names * e.g : * */ public class SchemaMetaDataManager { private Short _maxSrcId = -1; private SourceIdNameRegistry _idNameRegistry = new SourceIdNameRegistry(); private Map<String, TreeSet<String>> _physicalToLogicalSrcMap = null; private final String _idNameMapFile; private final String _physicalToLogicalSrcMapFile; public static final String SRC_ID_NAME_MAP_FILE = ""; public static final String PHYSICAL_TO_LOGICAL_SRC_MAP_FILE = "physical_logical_src_map.json"; public SchemaMetaDataManager(String schemaRegistryLocation) throws IOException { _idNameMapFile = schemaRegistryLocation + "/" + SRC_ID_NAME_MAP_FILE; _physicalToLogicalSrcMapFile = schemaRegistryLocation + "/" + PHYSICAL_TO_LOGICAL_SRC_MAP_FILE; populatePhysicalToLogicalSrcMap(); populateSrcNameIdMap(); } public void store() throws IOException { persistPhysicalToLogicalSrcMap(); persistSrcNameIdMap(); } private void populatePhysicalToLogicalSrcMap() throws IOException { FileInputStream fStream = null; try { fStream = new FileInputStream(new File(_physicalToLogicalSrcMapFile)); ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); _physicalToLogicalSrcMap = m.readValue(fStream,new TypeReference<TreeMap<String,TreeSet<String>>>(){}); } finally { if ( null != fStream) fStream.close(); } } private void persistPhysicalToLogicalSrcMap() throws IOException { ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); String str = m.defaultPrettyPrintingWriter().writeValueAsString(_physicalToLogicalSrcMap); File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("phyToLogicalSrc", ".json.tmp"); FileWriter oStream = null; try { oStream = new FileWriter(tmpFile); oStream.append(str); } finally { if ( null != oStream) oStream.close(); } File destFile = new File(_physicalToLogicalSrcMapFile); boolean success = tmpFile.renameTo(destFile); if ( ! success ) throw new RuntimeException("Unable to persist the mapping json file !!"); } private void populateSrcNameIdMap() throws IOException { int ln = 0; File file = new File(_idNameMapFile); BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file))); String line = null; List<IdNamePair> pairCollection = new ArrayList<IdNamePair>(); Set<String> srcNames = new HashSet<String>(); Set<Short> srcIds = new HashSet<Short>(); while ( (line = reader.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); ln++; // omit comments if (line.startsWith("#")) continue; // if line has comments elsewhere, omit comtents to the right of it. String[] parts = line.split("#"); line = parts[0]; String[] toks = line.split(":"); if (toks.length != 2) throw new RuntimeException("SrcIdToName map file (" + file + ") is corrupted at line number :" + ln); short srcId = new Short(toks[0]); String srcName = toks[1]; _maxSrcId = (short)Math.max(_maxSrcId, srcId); if (srcIds.contains(srcId)) { throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate SrcId (" + srcId + ") present in the file :" + _idNameMapFile); } else if (srcNames.contains(srcName)) { throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate Source name (" + srcName + ") present in the file :" + _idNameMapFile); } srcIds.add(srcId); srcNames.add(srcName); pairCollection.add(new IdNamePair(Long.valueOf(srcId), srcName)); } _idNameRegistry.updateFromIdNamePairs(pairCollection); } finally { if ( null != reader) reader.close(); } } private void persistSrcNameIdMap() throws IOException { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("srcIdToName", ".map.tmp"); FileWriter oStream = null; try { oStream = new FileWriter(tmpFile); TreeSet<LogicalSource> srcs = new TreeSet<LogicalSource>(new Comparator<LogicalSource>() { @Override public int compare(LogicalSource o1, LogicalSource o2) { return o1.getId().compareTo(o2.getId()); } }); srcs.addAll(_idNameRegistry.getAllSources()); for(LogicalSource k : srcs) { oStream.append(k.getId().toString()); oStream.append(":"); oStream.append(k.getName()); oStream.append("\n"); } } finally { if (null != oStream) oStream.close(); } File destFile = new File(_idNameMapFile); boolean success = tmpFile.renameTo(destFile); if ( ! success ) throw new RuntimeException("Unable to persist the mapping file !!"); } public short updateAndGetNewSrcId(String dbName, String srcName) throws DatabusException { _maxSrcId++; dbName = dbName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if ( null != _idNameRegistry.getSource(srcName)) throw new DatabusException("Source Name (" + srcName + ") already available in the schema registry !!"); TreeSet<String> s = null; if (_physicalToLogicalSrcMap.containsKey(dbName)) { s = _physicalToLogicalSrcMap.get(dbName); } else { s = new TreeSet<String>(); _physicalToLogicalSrcMap.put(dbName,s); } s.add(srcName); IdNamePair pair = new IdNamePair(Long.valueOf(_maxSrcId), srcName); LogicalSource src = new LogicalSource(pair); List<LogicalSource> newSources = new ArrayList<LogicalSource>(); newSources.add(src); _idNameRegistry.add(newSources); return _maxSrcId; } public List<String> getManagedSourcesForDB(String db) { Set<String> srcs = _physicalToLogicalSrcMap.get(db); if ( null == srcs) return null; List<String> srcNames = new ArrayList<String>(srcs); Collections.sort(srcNames, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { Integer srcId1 = _idNameRegistry.getSourceId(o1); Integer srcId2 = _idNameRegistry.getSourceId(o2); return srcId1.compareTo(srcId2); } }); return srcNames; } public short getSrcId(String srcName) { LogicalSource src = _idNameRegistry.getSource(srcName); if (src != null) return src.getId().shortValue(); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find the source id for the source name (" + srcName + ")"); } public Map<String, TreeSet<String>> getDbToSrcMap() { return _physicalToLogicalSrcMap; } }