package; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Formatter; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.client.DatabusHttpClientImpl; import com.linkedin.databus.client.consumer.AbstractDatabusCombinedConsumer; import; import; import; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEvent; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventInternalReadable; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.ConfigBuilder; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException; public abstract class DtailPrinter extends AbstractDatabusCombinedConsumer { public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DtailPrinter.class); public static final String GLOBAL_STATS_FORMAT = "\n======== DTAILed STATISTICS =========\n" + "elapsed, ms : %d\n" + "events : %d\n" + "events/sec : %6.2f\n" + "windows : %d\n" + "windows/sec : %6.2f\n" + "payload, total : %d\n" + "payload, MB/s : %6.2f\n" + "avg payload,B : %d\n" + "bytes, total : %d\n" + "bytes, MB/s : %6.2f\n" + "avg lag, ms : %6.2f\n\n"; public static enum PrintVerbosity { EVENT, SOURCE, WINDOW, LIFECYCLE } public static enum MetadataOutput { NONE, ONLY, INCLUDE } public static class StaticConfig { private final long _maxEventsNum; private final PrintVerbosity _printPrintVerbosity; private final long _maxDurationMs; private final boolean _printStats; public StaticConfig(PrintVerbosity printPrintVerbosity, long maxEventsNum, long maxDurationMs, boolean printStats) { _maxEventsNum = maxEventsNum; _printPrintVerbosity = printPrintVerbosity; _maxDurationMs = maxDurationMs; _printStats = printStats; } public long getMaxEventsNum() { return _maxEventsNum; } public PrintVerbosity getPrintPrintVerbosity() { return _printPrintVerbosity; } public long getMaxDurationMs() { return _maxDurationMs; } public boolean isPrintStats() { return _printStats; } } protected static class StaticConfigBuilderBase { private long _maxEventsNum = Long.MAX_VALUE; private PrintVerbosity _printPrintVerbosity = PrintVerbosity.EVENT; private long _maxDurationMs = Long.MAX_VALUE; private boolean _printStats = false; public long getMaxEventsNum() { return _maxEventsNum; } public void setMaxEventsNum(long maxEventsNum) { _maxEventsNum = maxEventsNum; } public PrintVerbosity getPrintPrintVerbosity() { return _printPrintVerbosity; } public void setPrintPrintVerbosity(PrintVerbosity printPrintVerbosity) { _printPrintVerbosity = printPrintVerbosity; } public long getMaxDurationMs() { return _maxDurationMs; } public void setMaxDurationMs(long maxDurationMs) { _maxDurationMs = maxDurationMs; } public boolean isPrintStats() { return _printStats; } public void setPrintStats(boolean printStats) { _printStats = printStats; } } public static class StaticConfigBuilder extends StaticConfigBuilderBase implements ConfigBuilder<StaticConfig> { @Override public StaticConfig build() throws InvalidConfigException { return new StaticConfig(getPrintPrintVerbosity(), getMaxEventsNum(), getMaxDurationMs(), isPrintStats()); } } protected final DatabusHttpClientImpl _client; protected final StaticConfig _conf; protected final OutputStream _out; protected boolean _done = false; protected long _eventsNum = 0; protected long _winNum = 0; protected long _startTs = 0; protected long _endTs = 0; protected long _payloadBytes = 0; protected long _eventBytes = 0; protected long _eventLagNs = 0; public DtailPrinter(DatabusHttpClientImpl client, StaticConfig conf, OutputStream out) { _client = client; _conf = conf; _out = out; } public abstract ConsumerCallbackResult printEvent(DbusEventInternalReadable e, DbusEventDecoder eventDecoder); protected ConsumerCallbackResult processEvent(DbusEventInternalReadable e, DbusEventDecoder eventDecoder) { if (_done) return ConsumerCallbackResult.SUCCESS; ConsumerCallbackResult result = printEvent(e, eventDecoder); if (ConsumerCallbackResult.isSuccess(result)) { _endTs = System.currentTimeMillis(); ++ _eventsNum; _eventBytes += e.size(); _payloadBytes += e.payloadLength(); long lag = _endTs * 1000000 - e.timestampInNanos(); _eventLagNs += lag; //System.out.println("lag: " + e.timestampInNanos() + "->" + lag + "->" + (_eventLagNs / _eventsNum)); if (_eventsNum >= _conf.getMaxEventsNum()) { _done = true;"event limit reached:" + _eventsNum); } long elapsed = _endTs - _startTs; //"elapsed: " + elapsed + "; limit=" + _conf.getMaxDurationMs()); if (elapsed > _conf.getMaxDurationMs()) { _done = true;"time limit reached; elapsed, ms:" + elapsed); } if (_done) { //printStats();"Dtail shutting down ..."); _client.shutdownAsynchronously(); } } return result; } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onDataEvent(DbusEvent e, DbusEventDecoder eventDecoder) { if (!(e instanceof DbusEventInternalReadable)) { throw new ClassCastException("DbusEvent not readable"); } DbusEventInternalReadable er = (DbusEventInternalReadable)e; return processEvent(er, eventDecoder); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onBootstrapEvent(DbusEvent e, DbusEventDecoder eventDecoder) { if (!(e instanceof DbusEventInternalReadable)) { throw new ClassCastException("DbusEvent not readable"); } DbusEventInternalReadable er = (DbusEventInternalReadable)e; return processEvent(er, eventDecoder); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStartConsumption() { startConsumption(); return super.onStartConsumption(); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStartBootstrap() { startConsumption(); return super.onStartBootstrap(); } protected void startConsumption() { if (0 >= _startTs) { _startTs = System.currentTimeMillis(); _endTs = _startTs;"start timestamp:" + _startTs); } } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStopConsumption() { if (_conf.isPrintStats()) { printStats(); } return super.onStopConsumption(); } public void printStats() { if (0 == _winNum) _winNum = 1; long elapsedMs = _endTs - _startTs; Formatter fmt = new Formatter(); fmt.format(GLOBAL_STATS_FORMAT, elapsedMs, _eventsNum, (1000.0 * _eventsNum / elapsedMs), _winNum, (1000.0 * _winNum / elapsedMs), _payloadBytes, (1000.0 * _payloadBytes / elapsedMs), _payloadBytes / _eventsNum, _eventBytes, (1000.0 * _eventBytes / elapsedMs), 1.0 * _eventLagNs / (1000000L * _eventsNum)); fmt.flush(); fmt.close(); String statsStr = fmt.toString(); try { _out.write(statsStr.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset())); _out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("unable to write stats", e); } } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStartDataEventSequence(SCN startScn) { ++ _winNum; return super.onStartDataEventSequence(startScn); } }