package; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.linkedin.databus.core.Checkpoint; import com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.DatabusSubscription; public abstract class CheckpointPersistenceProviderAbstract implements CheckpointPersistenceProvider { /** * The version of the relay-client protocol we're using. Reference wiki: Databus+v2.0++Protocol * * <ul> * <li> 2 - client specifies sources rather than subscriptions and uses single-source checkpoints; * /register returns list of source schemas only </li> * <li> 3 - client specifies subscriptions and uses multi-source checkpoints; * /register returns list of source schemas only </li> * <li> 4 - as with v3, but /register returns map containing schemas for keys and metadata in * addition to sources </li> * </ul> */ protected final int _protocolVersion; // TODO: We want this or DatabusHttpClientImpl's copy to be sole copy (not counting // DatabusHttpV3ClientImpl's copy), but they live in different packages, so // package-private won't work; and a public static variable (or getter) is // undesirable, too (and perhaps unworkable in some places?). DDSDBUS-2107 item 14 private static final int DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 2; // default version public CheckpointPersistenceProviderAbstract() { this(DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION); } public CheckpointPersistenceProviderAbstract(int protocolVersion) { _protocolVersion = protocolVersion; } protected List<String> convertSubsToListOfStrings(List<DatabusSubscription> subs) { List<String> subsSrcStringList = new ArrayList<String> (subs.size()); for (DatabusSubscription sub : subs) { if (_protocolVersion >= 3) // for Espresso and other v3+ relays, use all available subs information { subsSrcStringList.add(sub.uniqString()); } else { subsSrcStringList.add(sub.getLogicalSource().getName()); // for v2 relays, just use source names } } return subsSrcStringList; } @Override public void storeCheckpoint(List<String> sourceNames, Checkpoint checkpoint) throws IOException { } @Override public Checkpoint loadCheckpoint(List<String> sourceNames) { return null; } @Override public void removeCheckpoint(List<String> sourceNames) { } @Override public void storeCheckpointV3(List<DatabusSubscription> subs, Checkpoint checkpoint, RegistrationId registrationId) throws IOException { storeCheckpoint(convertSubsToListOfStrings(subs), checkpoint); } @Override public Checkpoint loadCheckpointV3(List<DatabusSubscription> subs, RegistrationId registrationId) { return loadCheckpoint(convertSubsToListOfStrings(subs)); } @Override public void removeCheckpointV3(List<DatabusSubscription> subs, RegistrationId registrationId) { removeCheckpoint(convertSubsToListOfStrings(subs)); } }