package com.linkedin.databus.core; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.core.ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream.InputStreamEnumerator.ParserLag; import com.linkedin.databus.core.TrailFileNotifier.TrailFileListener; import com.linkedin.databus.core.TrailFileNotifier.TrailFileManager; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.NamedThreadFactory; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.RateMonitor; import com.linkedin.databus.monitoring.mbean.GGParserStatistics; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; /** * A composite InputStream that sequentially reads from an ordered and filtered list of * files found inside the input directory and takes care of reading files that are concurrently appended * in a defined order. * * <pre> * __________________________________________________ * 1 | | 1 * ______________ _____________ ______ ______ _______________ * | | 1 1 | | 1 1 | |1 * | | * | CompositeFIS | --------->| SequenceFIS |-------->| Enumerator |--------> | SingleFIS | * |______________| |_____________| |_____________| |______________| * |1 * | * | * | * | * |1 * _________________ * | | * | TrailFile | * | Notifier | * |_______________| * * * CompositeFIS : ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream * SingleFIS : ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream * </pre> */ public class ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream extends InputStream implements TrailFileListener { public static final String MODULE = ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); /** Directory under which files need to be streamed **/ private final File _dir; /** Underlying Sequence File InputStream **/ private SequenceInputStream _seqStream = null; /** Agent to poll for new files, order them, find deltas and notify this class */ private final TrailFileNotifier _trailFileLocator; /** Client Specified ranker and filter callback **/ private final TrailFileManager _trailFileManager; /** Low Watermark file. All files equal to and greater than this in the ordering defined by FileNameRankFilter will be streamed **/ private File _latestFile; /** Offset in the startFile from which streaming has to start **/ private final long _initialFileOffset; /** Number of byte read calls for this stream */ private volatile long _numReadCalls = 0; /** Number of byte read calls that resulted in a valid byte being sent **/ private volatile long _numReadCallsWithData = 0; /** * Enumerator which provides the never-ending stream of files * and implements interface needed for SequenceInputStream **/ private InputStreamEnumerator _streamEnumerator = null; /** * Lazy initialization is done on streams. This flag is used to denote if initialization is done. */ private boolean _initDone = false; /** * Rate Monitor to track read throughput */ private final RateMonitor _rateMonitor = new RateMonitor("ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream"); /** Are files in the directory be treated like static (not written to concurrently */ private final boolean _staticStream; private boolean _closed = false; /** First Trail File Flag for setting offsets **/ private boolean _firstTrailFile = true; /** executor for stats updating task */ private ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor _executor; private final long STATS_COLLECTION_PERIOD = 5000; //5 seconds private GGParserStatistics _ggParserStats = null; public void setGGParserStats(GGParserStatistics st) { _ggParserStats = st; } /** * * Construct a trail directory input stream. * @param dir : directory from which trail files will be picked * @param filter : Filter and Sorted callback provided to filter and rank the files by trail order * @param staticStream : Are files in the directory be treated like static files. Parser should set this to false */ public ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream(String dir, TrailFileManager filter, boolean staticStream) throws IOException { this(dir,null,-1L,filter,staticStream); } @Override public String toString() { return "ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream{" + "_dir=" + _dir + ", _seqStream=" + _seqStream + ", _trailFileLocator=" + _trailFileLocator + ", _trailFileManager=" + _trailFileManager + ", _latestFile=" + _latestFile + ", _initialFileOffset=" + _initialFileOffset + ", _numReadCalls=" + _numReadCalls + ", _numReadCallsWithData=" + _numReadCallsWithData + ", _streamEnumerator=" + _streamEnumerator + ", _initDone=" + _initDone + ", _rateMonitor=" + _rateMonitor + ", _staticStream=" + _staticStream + ", _closed=" + _closed + ", _firstTrailFile=" + _firstTrailFile + '}'; } /** * * Construct a trail directory input stream. * @param dir : directory from which trail files will be picked * @param startFile : current file from which data has to be recorded. * @param offset : Offset to the startFile from which streaming should start. If offset <= 0, then the entire file is read... * @param filter : Filter and Sorted callback provided to filter and rank the files by trail order * @param staticStream : Are files in the directory be treated like static files. Parser should set this to false * @throws IOException */ public ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream(String dir, String startFile, long offset, TrailFileManager filter, boolean staticStream) throws IOException { validateDir(dir); _dir = new File(dir); _trailFileManager = filter; _latestFile = (startFile == null) ? null : new File(_dir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + startFile); _initialFileOffset = offset; _staticStream = staticStream; _trailFileLocator = new TrailFileNotifier(_dir, _trailFileManager, _latestFile, 10, this); _rateMonitor.start(); _rateMonitor.suspend(); // start timer to collect stats _executor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1, new NamedThreadFactory("StatsTime for " + dir, true)); // add directory to the thread name _executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { updateParserStats(); } }, STATS_COLLECTION_PERIOD, STATS_COLLECTION_PERIOD, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } /** * Validate directory * @param dir * @throws IOException */ private void validateDir(String dir) throws IOException { File d = new File(dir); if (! d.isDirectory()) throw new IOException("Path (" + dir +") does not exist or is not a directory !!"); } /** * Sets up the sequence stream from the trail files located. * @throws IOException */ public void initializeStream() throws IOException { _streamEnumerator = new InputStreamEnumerator(_staticStream, _trailFileManager, _ggParserStats); boolean success = _trailFileLocator.fetchOneTime(); if ( ! success ) return ; _seqStream = new SequenceInputStream(_streamEnumerator); if ( ! _staticStream) _trailFileLocator.start(); // Note: TrailFileLocator needs to be started only after seqStream is constructed. _initDone = true; } public RateMonitor getRateMonitor() { return _rateMonitor; } public enum ReadCall { READ_ONE_BYTE, READ_BULK, READ_BULK_WITH_OFFSETS }; private int readData(byte[] b, int off, int len, ReadCall readCall) throws IOException { // Initialize stream first time if ( ! _initDone) { initializeStream(); } int ret = ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream.EOF; int numBytesRead = 0; _rateMonitor.resume(); if ( null != _seqStream) { switch(readCall) { case READ_BULK: ret =; numBytesRead = ret; break; case READ_BULK_WITH_OFFSETS: ret =, off, len); numBytesRead = ret; break; case READ_ONE_BYTE: ret =; numBytesRead = 1; } } if (ret != ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream.EOF) { _numReadCallsWithData++; _rateMonitor.ticks(numBytesRead); if(_ggParserStats != null) _ggParserStats.addBytesParsed(_rateMonitor.getNumTicks()); } _rateMonitor.suspend(); _numReadCalls++; return ret; } @Override public int read() throws IOException { return readData(null, -1, -1, ReadCall.READ_ONE_BYTE); } @Override public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException { return readData(b, -1, -1, ReadCall.READ_BULK); } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { return readData(b, off, len, ReadCall.READ_BULK_WITH_OFFSETS); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if(_executor != null) _executor.shutdownNow(); if ( (null != _trailFileLocator) && (_trailFileLocator.isAlive())) _trailFileLocator.shutdown(); closeStream(); } private void closeStream() throws IOException { if (_closed) return;"Closing Stream !!"); if(_streamEnumerator != null) _streamEnumerator.close(); if (null != _seqStream) _seqStream.close();"Stream closed !!"); _closed = true; } @Override public void onNewTrailFile(File file) throws DatabusException { long offset = 0; if ( _firstTrailFile) { offset = _initialFileOffset; // Defensive Check to ensure we are getting the file we are expecting if ((null != _latestFile) && (! file.equals(_latestFile)) ) { throw new DatabusException("Expected to get " + _latestFile + " but got " + file); } _firstTrailFile = false; } else { // Defensive Check to ensure we are not seeing old files. if (!_trailFileManager.isNextFileInSequence(_latestFile, file)) { throw new DatabusException("Expected to get next file to " + _latestFile + " but got " + file); } } _latestFile = file; _streamEnumerator.enqueueNewTrailFile(new FilePosition(file, offset)); } @Override public void onError(Throwable ex) { LOG.error("Closing the inputStream because of error", ex); try { closeStream(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to close the inputStream", e); } } protected TrailFileNotifier getTrailFileNotifier() { return _trailFileLocator; } public long getNumReadCalls() { return _numReadCalls; } public long getNumReadCallsWithData() { return _numReadCallsWithData; } public File getCurrentFile() { ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream s = _streamEnumerator.getCurrStream(); if ( null == s) return null; return s.getFile(); } public long getCurrentPosition() { ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream s = _streamEnumerator.getCurrStream(); if ( null == s) return -1; return s.getCurrPosition(); } public boolean isClosed() { return _closed; } /** * * Stream which returns EOF for any read. Used as start and end stream(on shutdown). */ public static class EOFStream extends InputStream { @Override public int read() throws IOException { return ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream.EOF; } } private static class FilePosition { @Override public String toString() { return "FilePosition [file=" + file + ", offset=" + offset + "]"; } private final File file; private final long offset; public FilePosition(File file, long offset) { super(); this.file = file; this.offset = offset; } public File getFile() { return file; } public long getOffset() { return offset; } } /** * * Enumerator for sequencing input-stream from trail files used by SequenceInputStream. * This enumerator never gets exhausted (hasMoreElements() always true (unless closed explicitly) and nextElement() blocks if no more files !!) * */ public static class InputStreamEnumerator implements Enumeration<InputStream> { private ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream _currStream = null; private final Queue<FilePosition> _newTrailFiles = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<FilePosition>(); private final boolean _isStaticStream; private final Lock _lock = new ReentrantLock(); private final Condition _notEmpty = _lock.newCondition(); private boolean _firstStream = true; private volatile boolean _closed = false; private final InputStream _beginStream = new EOFStream(); private final InputStream _endStream = new EOFStream(); private final Map<String, Long> _inputFileSizes = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Long>()); private final Map<String, Long> _inputFileModTimes = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Long>()); private final TrailFileManager _trailFileFilter; private final GGParserStatistics _ggParserStats; // to avoid updates for the same file private File _mostRecentParsedFile; private File _mostRecentFileAdded = null; private long _mostRecentFileAddedSize=0; public InputStreamEnumerator(boolean staticStream, TrailFileManager trailFileFilter, GGParserStatistics ggParserStats) throws IOException { _isStaticStream = staticStream; _trailFileFilter = trailFileFilter; _ggParserStats = ggParserStats; } /** * describes the lag between the file currently being processed and latest file available * bytesLag - between position in the currentStream file and end of the latest trail file * timeLag - timeStamp_of_the_current_file - timeStamp_of_the_latest_file * filesLag - number of files between current file and the latest file (including latest, excluding current) */ public static class ParserLag { private final long _bytesLag; private final long _tsBegin; private final long _tsEnd; private final int _filesLag; public ParserLag(long byteLag, long tsBegin, long tsEnd, int fileLag) { _bytesLag = byteLag; _tsBegin = tsBegin; _tsEnd = tsEnd; _filesLag = fileLag; } public long getBytesLag() { return _bytesLag; } public long getTSBegin() { return _tsBegin; } public long getTSEnd() { return _tsEnd; } public int getFilesLag() { return _filesLag; } @Override public String toString() { return "LAG:bytes="+_bytesLag+";files="+_filesLag+"; tsBegin="+_tsBegin + ";tsEnd=" + _tsEnd; } } /** * * @return number of bytes/files/seconds between current position and the end of latest file */ public ParserLag calculateLag() { File trailFile = null; int totalBytes = 0; int totalFiles = 0; long modTSFirst = 0, modTSLast = 0; // mod times of the files in the queue Long size=null; Long modTime; _lock.lock(); try { // check the current file being parsed (it is not in the queue anymore) if(_currStream != null) { File fc = _currStream.getFile(); size = _inputFileSizes.get(fc.getAbsolutePath()); if(size == null || _newTrailFiles.size()==0) { //if no new files, this file may have been appended size = Long.valueOf(fc.length()); _inputFileSizes.put(fc.getAbsolutePath(), size); } // adjust the offset totalBytes += size - _currStream.getCurrPosition(); // get the mod time modTime = _inputFileModTimes.get(fc.getAbsolutePath()); if(modTime == null || _newTrailFiles.size()==0) { //if no new files, this file may have been appended modTime = Long.valueOf(fc.lastModified()); _inputFileModTimes.put(fc.getAbsolutePath(), modTime); } modTSFirst = modTime; modTSLast = modTime; //only for the current file } // add-up all the files in the queue for(FilePosition fp : _newTrailFiles) { trailFile = fp.getFile(); size = _inputFileSizes.get(trailFile.getAbsolutePath()); // cache values to avoid extra disk op if(size == null) { size = Long.valueOf(trailFile.length()); _inputFileSizes.put(trailFile.getAbsolutePath(), size); } totalBytes += size.longValue(); totalFiles ++; // mod time - we just want it for the first file if(modTSFirst == 0) { modTime = _inputFileModTimes.get(trailFile.getAbsolutePath()); if(modTime == null) { modTime = Long.valueOf(trailFile.lastModified()); _inputFileModTimes.put(trailFile.getAbsolutePath(), modTime); } modTSFirst = modTime; } } // Since last file may be appended - we need to re-check it every time // 'trailFile' is the file reference from the loop above. // if it is not null - this is the file that may be appended if(trailFile != null) { // get current size, totalBytes already includes its size from the previous loop and it may be incorrect totalBytes -= size.longValue(); // undo prev size of this file and get a new one size = Long.valueOf(trailFile.length()); _inputFileSizes.remove(trailFile.getAbsolutePath()); // since file may be appended do not cache its size totalBytes += size.longValue(); // get current modTime modTime = Long.valueOf(trailFile.lastModified()); _inputFileModTimes.remove(trailFile.getAbsolutePath()); modTSLast = modTime; } } finally { _lock.unlock(); } return new ParserLag(totalBytes, modTSFirst, modTSLast, totalFiles); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer toString = new StringBuffer("InputStreamEnumerator{" + "_currStream=" + _currStream + ", numberOfNewTrailFiles=" + _newTrailFiles.size() + ", _isStaticStream=" + _isStaticStream + ", _lock=" + _lock + ", _notEmpty=" + _notEmpty + ", _firstStream=" + _firstStream + ", _closed=" + _closed + ", _beginStream=" + _beginStream + ", _endStream=" + _endStream); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) toString.append(", _newTrailFiles = " + _newTrailFiles); return toString.append('}').toString(); } @Override public boolean hasMoreElements() { _lock.lock(); try { if ( _closed ) return false; // Always return true for non-static stream unless closed. if ( !_isStaticStream) return true; return !_newTrailFiles.isEmpty(); } finally { _lock.unlock(); } } @Override public InputStream nextElement() { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Moving to next InputStream !!"); InputStream stream = null; _lock.lock(); try { if ( _firstStream) { /** * First Stream has to be set because SequenceInputStream constructor calls nextElement() directly. * Without this, the the thread could block if no files available at that time. */ stream = _beginStream; _firstStream = false; return stream; } if ( _closed ) return _endStream; while ( (_newTrailFiles.isEmpty()) && (!_closed)) _notEmpty.await(); if ( _closed ) return null; if(_currStream != null) {"about to switch to the next file from " + _currStream.getFile()); // file is done. remove its info from the caches _inputFileSizes.remove(_currStream.getFile().getAbsolutePath()); _inputFileModTimes.remove(_currStream.getFile().getAbsolutePath()); } FilePosition newFilePos = _newTrailFiles.poll(); try { if(_isStaticStream || (!_newTrailFiles.isEmpty())) _currStream = ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream.createStaticFileInputStream( newFilePos.getFile().getAbsolutePath(), newFilePos.getOffset()); else _currStream = ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream.createAppendingFileInputStream( newFilePos.getFile().getAbsolutePath(), newFilePos.getOffset(),100); stream = _currStream; // update the stats parserFileStarted(newFilePos.getFile()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to construct stream for trail filePos (" + newFilePos + ")",e); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to construct stream for trail filePos (" + newFilePos + ")",e); } } catch (InterruptedException ie ) { LOG.error("Got interrupted while waiting for new trail files !!", ie); } finally { _lock.unlock(); } return stream; } /** * Called by TrailFileNotifier thread if it finds new file in the order defined by the FileNameRanker object. * @param file */ public void enqueueNewTrailFile(FilePosition filePos) { _lock.lock(); try { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Enqueueing new trail file Position: " + filePos); if ( _closed) { LOG.error("Trying to insert new filePos (" + filePos + ") when in closed state. Skipping !!"); return; } // for metrics collection parserAddNewFile(filePos.getFile()); if ( _newTrailFiles.isEmpty()) { if ( null != _currStream) _currStream.appendDone(); } _newTrailFiles.offer(filePos); _notEmpty.signal(); } finally { _lock.unlock(); } } public void close() { _lock.lock(); try { _closed = true; _notEmpty.signal(); //to wakeup thread waiting on this } finally { _lock.unlock(); } } public ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream getCurrStream() { return _currStream; } /** * new trail file has been added. * @param f */ public void parserAddNewFile(File f) { if(_mostRecentFileAdded != null && _trailFileFilter.compareFileName(f, _mostRecentFileAdded) <= 0) { LOG.warn("adding file that has been added before=" + f + ". ignoring."); return; } if(_ggParserStats != null) _ggParserStats.addNewFile(1); //update stats } /** * parsing of next file started * @param f */ public void parserFileStarted(File f) { if(_mostRecentParsedFile != null && _trailFileFilter.compareFileName(f, _mostRecentParsedFile) <= 0) { LOG.warn("skipping update for the file("+f+") because it has been recorded already. most recent file=" + _mostRecentParsedFile); return; // avoid updates for the same file } if(_ggParserStats != null) _ggParserStats.addParsedFile(1); _mostRecentParsedFile = f; } } private void updateParserStats() { if(_streamEnumerator == null || (_ggParserStats == null)) return; ParserLag pLag = _streamEnumerator.calculateLag(); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("running updateParserStats. lag=" + pLag); _ggParserStats.setBytesLag(pLag.getBytesLag()); _ggParserStats.setFilesLag(pLag.getFilesLag()); _ggParserStats.setModTimeLag(pLag.getTSBegin(), pLag.getTSEnd()); } }