package com.linkedin.databus2.core.container; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException; import java.util.Formatter; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpChunk; import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequest; import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponse; import org.jboss.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException; import org.jboss.netty.handler.timeout.WriteTimeoutException; /** * Logs HTTP requests in Netty. The handler tracks both upstream and downstream traffic. * * The format of the messages is: * * direction ip method url rqst_body_size resp_code/channel_status resp_start_time_ms resp_end_time_ms resp_body_size * * <dl> * <dt>direction</dt> * <dd>> for inbound requests and < for outbound requests</dd> * * <dt>ip</dt> * <dd>Peer IP address</dd> * * <dt>method</dt> * <dd>HTML verb: GET, PUT, HEAD, etc. </dd> * * <dt>url</dt> * <dd>The request URL</dd> * * <dt>rqst_body_size</dt> * <dd>The size of the request body</dd> * * <dt>resp_code</dt> * <dd>The HTTP response code</dd> * * <dt>channel_status</dt> * <dd>AOK - no problem, RTE - read timeout, WTE - write timeout, CCE - peer disconnected, * UKE - unknown error</dd> * * <dt>resp_start_time_ms</dt> * <dd>The time to send the first byte of the response in milliseconds</dd> * * <dt>resp_end_time_ms</dt> * <dd>The time to send the last byte of the response in milliseconds</dd> * * <dt>resp_body_size</dt> * <dd>The size of the request body</dd> * * <dl> * * Apart from the standard verbs, the logger uses CONNECT for connection starts and ends. In the * former case *url* is /START and *resp_end_time_ms* contains the time to connect for outgoing * connections . In the latter case, the *url* is /END and *resp_end_time_ms* contains the * total time of the connection. * * The handler relies on the logging facility to add timestamps to log records. * * <p>NOTE: The implementation is not thread-safe and is meant to be instantiated for each channel * pipeline. * */ public class HttpRequestLoggingHandler extends SimpleChannelHandler { public static final String MODULE = HttpRequestLoggingHandler.class.getName(); public static final String INBOUND_MODULE = MODULE + ".in"; public static final String OUTBOUND_MODULE = MODULE + ".out"; public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); public static final Logger INBOUND_LOG = Logger.getLogger(INBOUND_MODULE); public static final Logger OUTBOUND_LOG = Logger.getLogger(OUTBOUND_MODULE); public static final String INBOUND_DIR = ">"; public static final String OUTBOUND_DIR = "<"; public static final int READ_TIMEOUT_CODE = 997; public static final int WRITE_TIMEOUT_CODE = 998; public static final int DISCONNECTED_CODE = 996; private static final String LOG_LINE_FORMAT = "%s %s %s %s %d %03d/%3s %7.2f %7.2f %d"; private static final String CONNECT_LINE_FORMAT = "%s %s %s %s %d %d %14.2f %14.2f %d"; private static final int MAX_SKIPPED_LOG_LINES = 500; private enum State { WAIT, INBOUND_REQUEST, OUTBOUND_REQUEST, INBOUND_RESPONSE, OUTBOUND_RESPONSE, INBOUND_RESPONSE_END, OUTBOUND_RESPONSE_END } private String _peerIp = "N/A"; private String _peerId = "N/A"; private long _connRequestNano = - 1; private long _connStartNano = -1; private long _reqStartNano = -1; private long _respStartNano = -1; private long _respFinishNano = -1; private long _reqBytes = 0; private long _respBytes = 0; private long _connBytes = 0; private String _channelStatusCode = "AOK"; private State _state = State.WAIT; private volatile HttpRequest _request; private HttpResponse _response; private String _lastLogLine = ""; private int _lastLogLineRepeat = 0; public HttpRequestLoggingHandler() { } @Override public void channelConnected(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelStateEvent e) throws Exception { SocketAddress remoteAddress = ctx.getChannel().getRemoteAddress(); if (remoteAddress instanceof InetSocketAddress) { InetSocketAddress inetAddress = (InetSocketAddress)remoteAddress; _peerIp = inetAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress(); } else { _peerIp = remoteAddress.toString(); } _peerId = _peerIp; _connStartNano = System.nanoTime(); _connBytes = 0; logConnectionStart(); super.channelConnected(ctx, e); } @Override public void channelDisconnected(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelStateEvent e) throws Exception { if (null != _request) { switch (_state) { case INBOUND_REQUEST: case INBOUND_RESPONSE: case INBOUND_RESPONSE_END: endHttpResponse(false); break; case OUTBOUND_REQUEST: case OUTBOUND_RESPONSE: case OUTBOUND_RESPONSE_END: endHttpResponse(true); break; case WAIT: break; //NOOP } } logConnectionEnd(); super.channelDisconnected(ctx, e); } @Override public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) throws Exception { if (e.getMessage() instanceof HttpRequest) { // HttpRequest is for a relay from client/bootstrap, hence it is an inbound request //( outbound = false ) HttpRequest req = (HttpRequest)e.getMessage(); startHttpRequest(false, req); } else if (e.getMessage() instanceof HttpResponse) { // HttpResponse is from a relay to a client/bootstrap, hence it is an outbound request //( outbound = true ) HttpResponse resp = (HttpResponse)e.getMessage(); startHttpResponse(true, resp); } else if (e.getMessage() instanceof HttpChunk) { HttpChunk chunk = (HttpChunk)e.getMessage(); processHttpChunk(true, chunk); if (State.OUTBOUND_RESPONSE_END == _state) { endHttpResponse(true); } } super.messageReceived(ctx, e); } @Override public void writeComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, WriteCompletionEvent e) throws Exception { if (State.INBOUND_RESPONSE_END == _state) { endHttpResponse(false); } super.writeComplete(ctx, e); } @Override public void writeRequested(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) throws Exception { if (e.getMessage() instanceof HttpRequest) { HttpRequest req = (HttpRequest)e.getMessage(); startHttpRequest(true, req); } else if (e.getMessage() instanceof HttpResponse) { HttpResponse resp = (HttpResponse)e.getMessage(); startHttpResponse(false, resp); } else if (e.getMessage() instanceof HttpChunk) { HttpChunk chunk = (HttpChunk)e.getMessage(); processHttpChunk(false, chunk); } super.writeRequested(ctx, e); } private void startHttpRequest(boolean outbound, HttpRequest req) { _reqStartNano = System.nanoTime(); _respBytes = 0; _reqBytes = 0; _request = req; _response = null; _channelStatusCode = null; _state = outbound ? State.OUTBOUND_REQUEST : State.INBOUND_REQUEST; //update tracking info String hostHdr = null; String svcHdr = null; if (outbound) { if (req.containsHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_SERVER_HOST_HDR) || req.containsHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_SERVER_SERVICE_HDR)) { hostHdr = req.getHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_SERVER_HOST_HDR); svcHdr = req.getHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_SERVER_SERVICE_HDR); } } else { if (req.containsHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_CLIENT_HOST_HDR) || req.containsHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_CLIENT_SERVICE_HDR)) { hostHdr = req.getHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_CLIENT_HOST_HDR); svcHdr = req.getHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_CLIENT_SERVICE_HDR); } } if (null != hostHdr || null != svcHdr) { updateTrackingInfo(hostHdr, svcHdr); } } private void startHttpResponse(boolean outbound, HttpResponse resp) { _respStartNano = System.nanoTime(); if (! resp.isChunked()) { _respBytes = resp.getContent().readableBytes(); _connBytes += _respBytes; } _response = resp; if (outbound) { _state = resp.isChunked() ? State.OUTBOUND_RESPONSE : State.OUTBOUND_RESPONSE_END; } else { _state = resp.isChunked() ? State.INBOUND_RESPONSE : State.INBOUND_RESPONSE_END; } //update tracking info String hostHdr = null; String svcHdr = null; if (outbound) { if (resp.containsHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_SERVER_HOST_HDR) || resp.containsHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_SERVER_SERVICE_HDR)) { hostHdr = resp.getHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_SERVER_HOST_HDR); svcHdr = resp.getHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_SERVER_SERVICE_HDR); } } else { if (resp.containsHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_CLIENT_HOST_HDR) || resp.containsHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_CLIENT_SERVICE_HDR)) { hostHdr = resp.getHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_CLIENT_HOST_HDR); svcHdr = resp.getHeader(DatabusHttpHeaders.DBUS_CLIENT_SERVICE_HDR); } } if (null != hostHdr || null != svcHdr) { updateTrackingInfo(hostHdr, svcHdr); } if (State.WAIT == _state || State.INBOUND_RESPONSE_END == _state || State.OUTBOUND_RESPONSE_END == _state) { endHttpResponse(outbound); } } private void processHttpChunk(boolean outbound, HttpChunk chunk) { switch (_state) { case INBOUND_REQUEST: case OUTBOUND_REQUEST: { _reqBytes += chunk.getContent().readableBytes(); break; } case OUTBOUND_RESPONSE: case INBOUND_RESPONSE: { _respBytes += chunk.getContent().readableBytes(); _connBytes += chunk.getContent().readableBytes(); if (chunk.isLast()) { if (State.INBOUND_RESPONSE == _state) { _state = State.INBOUND_RESPONSE_END; } else if (State.OUTBOUND_RESPONSE == _state) { _state = State.OUTBOUND_RESPONSE_END; } } break; } case OUTBOUND_RESPONSE_END: case INBOUND_RESPONSE_END: case WAIT: break; //NOOP } } private void endHttpResponse(boolean outbound) { // HACK // Workaround a netty bug in which writeCompleted() and channelClosed() get called // at the same time in different threads. We pull a local copy of _request and deal // with it, so that even if _request is set to null during processing, we are fine. HttpRequest req = _request; String method = (null != req) ? req.getMethod().getName() : "ERR"; String uri = (null != req) ? req.getUri() : "ERR"; int respCode = (null != _response) ? _response.getStatus().getCode() : 0; _respFinishNano = System.nanoTime(); StringBuilder logLineBuilder = new StringBuilder(10000); java.util.Formatter logFormatter = new Formatter(logLineBuilder); logFormatter.format(LOG_LINE_FORMAT, outbound ? OUTBOUND_DIR : INBOUND_DIR, _peerId, method, uri, _reqBytes, respCode, null != _channelStatusCode ? _channelStatusCode : "AOK", (_respStartNano - _reqStartNano) * 1.0 / 1000000.0, (_respFinishNano - _reqStartNano) * 1.0 / 1000000.0, _respBytes); log(outbound, logFormatter); _state = State.WAIT; _request = null; } private void logConnectionStart() { StringBuilder logLineBuilder = new StringBuilder(10000); boolean outbound = _connRequestNano > -1; java.util.Formatter logFormatter = new Formatter(logLineBuilder); logFormatter.format(CONNECT_LINE_FORMAT, outbound ? OUTBOUND_DIR : INBOUND_DIR, _peerId, "CONNECT", "/START", 0, 200, 0.0, outbound ? (System.nanoTime() - _connRequestNano) * 1.0 / 1000000.0 : 0.0, 0); log(outbound, logFormatter); } private void logConnectionEnd() { StringBuilder logLineBuilder = new StringBuilder(10000); boolean outbound = _connRequestNano > -1; Formatter logFormatter = new Formatter(logLineBuilder); logFormatter.format(CONNECT_LINE_FORMAT, outbound ? OUTBOUND_DIR : INBOUND_DIR, _peerId, "CONNECT", "/END", 0, 200, 0.0, outbound ? (System.nanoTime() - _connStartNano) * 1.0 / 1000000.0 : 0.0, _connBytes); log(outbound, logFormatter); } @Override public void connectRequested(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelStateEvent e) throws Exception { _connRequestNano = System.nanoTime(); super.connectRequested(ctx, e); } private void log(boolean outbound, Formatter logLine) { logLine.flush(); String newLogLine = logLine.toString(); boolean skipLog = true; int saveLastLogLineRepeat = _lastLogLineRepeat; if (_lastLogLine.equals(newLogLine) && _lastLogLineRepeat < MAX_SKIPPED_LOG_LINES) { ++_lastLogLineRepeat; } else { skipLog = false; _lastLogLine = newLogLine; _lastLogLineRepeat = 0; } if (!skipLog) { if (outbound) { if (0 != saveLastLogLineRepeat) OUTBOUND_LOG.debug("last line repeated: " + saveLastLogLineRepeat); OUTBOUND_LOG.debug(newLogLine); } else { if (0 != saveLastLogLineRepeat) INBOUND_LOG.debug("last line repeated: " + saveLastLogLineRepeat); INBOUND_LOG.debug(newLogLine); } } } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ExceptionEvent e) throws Exception { if (null == _channelStatusCode) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ReadTimeoutException) _channelStatusCode = "RTE"; else if (e.getCause() instanceof WriteTimeoutException) _channelStatusCode = "WTE"; else if (e.getCause() instanceof ClosedChannelException) _channelStatusCode = "CCE"; else _channelStatusCode="UKE"; } super.exceptionCaught(ctx, e); } private void updateTrackingInfo(String hostHdr, String svcHdr) { _peerId = (null == hostHdr ? _peerIp : hostHdr) + (null == svcHdr ? "" : "[" + svcHdr + "]"); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("updateTrackingInfo: host=" + hostHdr + ",service=" + svcHdr + ",id=" + _peerId); } }