package com.linkedin.databus2.relay; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.avro.Schema; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericDatumWriter; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.core.ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusConstants; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventBufferAppendable; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventInfo; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventKey; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusOpcode; import com.linkedin.databus.core.TrailFilePositionSetter; import com.linkedin.databus.core.UnsupportedKeyException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.monitoring.mbean.DbusEventsStatisticsCollector; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.RateControl; import com.linkedin.databus.monitoring.mbean.EventSourceStatistics; import com.linkedin.databus.monitoring.mbean.GGParserStatistics; import com.linkedin.databus.monitoring.mbean.GGParserStatistics.TransactionInfo; import com.linkedin.databus.monitoring.mbean.GGParserStatisticsMBean; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.container.netty.ServerContainer; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.seq.MaxSCNReaderWriter; import com.linkedin.databus2.ggParser.XmlStateMachine.ColumnsState.KeyPair; import com.linkedin.databus2.ggParser.XmlStateMachine.DbUpdateState; import com.linkedin.databus2.ggParser.XmlStateMachine.TransactionState; import com.linkedin.databus2.ggParser.XmlStateMachine.TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate; import com.linkedin.databus2.ggParser.XmlStateMachine.TransactionSuccessCallBack; import com.linkedin.databus2.ggParser.staxparser.StaxBuilder; import com.linkedin.databus2.ggParser.staxparser.XmlParser; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.AbstractEventProducer; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.EventCreationException; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.PartitionFunction; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.EventReaderSummary; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.EventSourceStatisticsIface; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.GGMonitoredSourceInfo; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.GGXMLTrailTransactionFinder; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.ReadEventCycleSummary; import; import; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.LogicalSourceStaticConfig; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.PhysicalSourceStaticConfig; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.SchemaId; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.SchemaRegistryService; /** * The event producer implementation for the xml trail file based event producer. * The producer controls the xmlparser (start, pause, shutdown etc.) */ public class GoldenGateEventProducer extends AbstractEventProducer { //Physical source config for which this relay is configured (should be only the golden gate (gg://) sources. private final PhysicalSourceStaticConfig _pConfig; //The schema registry service the relay uses to fetch the schemas. private final SchemaRegistryService _schemaRegistryService; private final DbusEventsStatisticsCollector _statsCollector; //The scn of the first event. //TBD : Reconcile this with sinceScn in the parent class ? private final AtomicLong _scn = new AtomicLong(-1); // The scn with which the event buffer is started // TBD : Reconcile this with sinceScn in the parent class ? private final AtomicLong _startPrevScn = new AtomicLong(-1); //This variable depicts the current state of the event producer State _currentState = State.INIT; //The workerthread is a thread that controls the xml parser private WorkerThread _worker; //Reentrant lock to protect pause requests private final Lock _pauseLock = new ReentrantLock(true); private final Condition _pausedCondition = _pauseLock.newCondition(); //The hashMap holds the sourceId => Partition function private final HashMap<Integer,PartitionFunction> _partitionFunctionHashMap; // Ensures relay reads at a controlled rate private RateControl _rc; private final GGParserStatistics _ggParserStats; //list of all sources we are interested in private final Map<Short, GGMonitoredSourceInfo> _monitoredSources = new HashMap<Short, GGMonitoredSourceInfo>(); // special source to collect global data public static final short GLOBAL_SOURCE_ID=0; private final List<ObjectName> _registeredMbeans = new ArrayList<ObjectName>(); private final MBeanServer _mbeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); /** DB Events Logger */ private final Logger _eventsLog; private enum State { INIT, PAUSED, RUNNING, SHUTDOWN }; public final Logger _log; /** * * @param pConfig The physical source config for which the event producer is configured. * @param schemaRegistryService Schema registry to fetch schemas * @param dbusEventBuffer An event buffer to which the producer can write/append events. * @param statsCollector Reporting stats * @param maxScnReaderWriters To read/write the maxScn from maxScn file * @throws DatabusException */ public GoldenGateEventProducer(PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pConfig, SchemaRegistryService schemaRegistryService, DbusEventBufferAppendable dbusEventBuffer, DbusEventsStatisticsCollector statsCollector, MaxSCNReaderWriter maxScnReaderWriters) throws DatabusException { super(dbusEventBuffer, maxScnReaderWriters, pConfig, null); _pConfig = pConfig; _schemaRegistryService = schemaRegistryService; _statsCollector = statsCollector; _currentState = State.INIT; _partitionFunctionHashMap = new HashMap<Integer, PartitionFunction>(); _eventsLog = Logger.getLogger("" + pConfig.getName()); if (_pConfig != null) { long eventRatePerSec = pConfig.getEventRatePerSec(); long maxThrottleDurationInSecs = pConfig.getMaxThrottleDurationInSecs(); if ((eventRatePerSec > 0) && (maxThrottleDurationInSecs > 0)) { _rc = new RateControl(eventRatePerSec, maxThrottleDurationInSecs); } else { // Disable rate control _rc = new RateControl(Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MIN_VALUE); } } final String MODULE = GoldenGateEventProducer.class.getName(); _log = Logger.getLogger(MODULE + "." + getName()); //Create a hashmap for logical source id ==> PartitionFunction, this will be used as the logical partition Id for the event creation // also create a list(map) of MonitoredSourceInfo objects to monitor GGEventProducer progress for(int i = 0; i < _pConfig.getSources().length; i++) { LogicalSourceStaticConfig logicalSourceStaticConfig = _pConfig.getSources()[i]; GGMonitoredSourceInfo source = buildGGMonitoredSourceInfo(logicalSourceStaticConfig, _pConfig); _monitoredSources.put(source.getSourceId(), source); } // get one fake global source for total stats LogicalSourceStaticConfig logicalSourceStaticConfig = new LogicalSourceStaticConfig(GLOBAL_SOURCE_ID, _pConfig.getName(), "", "constant:1", (short)0, false, null, null, null); GGMonitoredSourceInfo source = buildGGMonitoredSourceInfo(logicalSourceStaticConfig, _pConfig); _monitoredSources.put(source.getSourceId(), source); // create stats collector for parser _ggParserStats = new GGParserStatistics(_pConfig.getName()); registerParserMbean(_ggParserStats); } public GGMonitoredSourceInfo buildGGMonitoredSourceInfo( LogicalSourceStaticConfig sourceConfig, PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pConfig) throws DatabusException, InvalidConfigException { // udpate partition mapping PartitionFunction partitionFunction = GGEventGenerationFactory.buildPartitionFunction(sourceConfig); _partitionFunctionHashMap.put((int)sourceConfig.getId(), partitionFunction); EventSourceStatistics statisticsBean = new EventSourceStatistics(sourceConfig.getName()); GGMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo = new GGMonitoredSourceInfo(sourceConfig.getId(), sourceConfig.getName(), statisticsBean); registerMbeans(sourceInfo); return sourceInfo; } private void registerParserMbean(GGParserStatisticsMBean parserBean) throws DatabusException { try { Hashtable<String,String> props = new Hashtable<String,String>(); props.put("type", "GGParserStatistics"); props.put("name", _pConfig.getName()); ObjectName objectName = new ObjectName(ServerContainer.JMX_DOMAIN, props); if (_mbeanServer.isRegistered(objectName)) { _log.warn("Unregistering old ggparser statistics mbean: " + objectName); _mbeanServer.unregisterMBean(objectName); } _mbeanServer.registerMBean(parserBean, objectName);"Registered gg-parser statistics mbean: " + objectName); _registeredMbeans.add(objectName); } catch(Exception ex) { _log.error("Failed to register the GGparser statistics mbean for db = " + _pConfig.getName() + " due to an exception.", ex); throw new DatabusException("Failed to initialize GGparser statistics mbean.", ex); } } // register each source with the mbeanServer private void registerMbeans(GGMonitoredSourceInfo source) throws DatabusException { try { Hashtable<String,String> props = new Hashtable<String,String>(); props.put("type", "SourceStatistics"); props.put("name", source.getSourceName()); ObjectName objectName = new ObjectName(ServerContainer.JMX_DOMAIN, props); if (_mbeanServer.isRegistered(objectName)) { _log.warn("Unregistering old gg-source statistics mbean: " + objectName); _mbeanServer.unregisterMBean(objectName); } _mbeanServer.registerMBean(source.getStatisticsBean(), objectName);"Registered gg-source statistics mbean: " + objectName); _registeredMbeans.add(objectName); } catch(Exception ex) { _log.error("Failed to register the gg-source statistics mbean for source (" + source.getSourceName() + ") due to an exception.", ex); throw new DatabusException("Failed to initialize gg event statistics mbeans.", ex); } } public GGParserStatistics getParserStats() { return _ggParserStats; } /** * Returns the name of the source for which this relay is configured */ @Override public String getName() { return (_pConfig != null) ? _pConfig.getName() : "NONE"; } /** * Get the last scn that the relay written to the buffer. * Will return <=0 if called before starting the producer * @return */ @Override public long getSCN() { return _scn.get(); } /** * * @param sinceSCN */ @Override public synchronized void start(long sinceSCN) {"Start golden gate evert producer requested."); if (_currentState == State.RUNNING) { _log.error("Thread already running! "); return; } _scn.set(TrailFilePositionSetter.USE_LATEST_SCN); if (sinceSCN > 0) { _scn.set(sinceSCN); } else { if (getMaxScnReaderWriter() != null) { try { long scn = getMaxScnReaderWriter().getMaxScn(); //If the max scn is greater than 0, then honor it. if(scn > 0) { //apply the restart SCN offset long newScn = (scn >= _pConfig.getRestartScnOffset()) ? scn - _pConfig.getRestartScnOffset() : 0;"Checkpoint read = " + scn + " restartScnOffset= " + _pConfig.getRestartScnOffset() + " Adjusted SCN= " + newScn); if (newScn > 0) { _scn.set(newScn); } } else //If the max scn is set to <0, this is a special case that we use to let the trail file notifier that you want to override the default behaviour of starting with the latest scn. {"Overridding default behaviour (start with latest scn), using scn : " + scn + " to start the relay"); if(scn != TrailFilePositionSetter.USE_EARLIEST_SCN && scn != TrailFilePositionSetter.USE_LATEST_SCN) throw new DatabusException("The scn you have passed is neither EARLIEST or LATEST setting, cannot proceed with using this scn"); _scn.set(scn); } } catch (DatabusException e) { _log.warn("Could not read saved maxScn: Defaulting to startSCN=" + _scn.get()); } } } if(_worker == null) {"Starting with scn = " + _scn.get()); _worker = new WorkerThread(); _worker.setDaemon(true); _worker.start(); } } @Override public boolean isRunning() { if(_currentState == State.RUNNING) return true; return false; } @Override public boolean isPaused() { if(_currentState == State.PAUSED) return true; return false; } // TBD : Reconcile this behavior with the pause/unpause functionality in parent class @Override public void unpause() {"Golden gate evert producer unpause requested."); _pauseLock.lock(); try{ _pauseRequested = false; _pausedCondition.signalAll(); } catch(Exception e) { _log.error("Error while unpausing the golden gate event producer: " + e); } finally{ _pauseLock.unlock(); } } // TBD : Reconcile this behavior with the pause/unpause functionality in parent class @Override public void pause() {"Golden gate evert producer pause requested."); _pauseLock.lock(); try{ _pauseRequested = true; } catch(Exception e) { _log.error("Error while unpausing the golden gate event producer: " + e); } finally{ _pauseLock.unlock(); } } private synchronized boolean isPauseRequested() { return _pauseRequested; } // TBD : Reconcile this behavior in parent class @Override public synchronized void shutdown() {"Golden gate evert producer shutdown requested."); _shutdownRequested = true; for (ObjectName name:_registeredMbeans) { try { _mbeanServer.unregisterMBean(name);"Unregistered gg-source mbean: " + name); } catch (MBeanRegistrationException e) { _log.warn("Exception when unregistering gg-source statistics mbean: " + name + e) ; } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) { _log.warn("Exception when unregistering gg-source statistics mbean: " + name + e) ; } } if (_worker != null) { if(_worker._parser == null) { _log.error("The parser is null, unable to shutdown the event producer"); return; } _worker._parser.setShutDownRequested(true); _worker.interrupt(); } _log.warn("Shut down request sent to thread"); } // TBD : Reconcile this behavior in parent class @Override public synchronized void waitForShutdown() throws InterruptedException, IllegalStateException { if (_currentState != State.SHUTDOWN) { if (_worker != null) _worker.join(); } } @Override public synchronized void waitForShutdown(long timeout) throws InterruptedException, IllegalStateException { if (_currentState != State.SHUTDOWN) { if (_worker != null) _worker.join(timeout); } } @Override protected ReadEventCycleSummary readEventsFromAllSources(long sinceSCN) throws DatabusException, EventCreationException, UnsupportedKeyException { throw new NotImplementedException("Not implemented"); } private class WorkerThread extends Thread{ private HandleXmlCallback _xmlCallback; private XmlParser _parser; private int nullTransactions = 0; private class HandleXmlCallback implements TransactionSuccessCallBack { // The outstanding transaction's DbUpdates buffer which is yet to be written private List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> _pendingDbUpdatesBuffer = null; // The outstanding transaction's meta data private TransactionInfo _pendingTxnInfo = null; /** * Last Seen SCN. Please note that this need not be the SCN which was last buffered or appended to * the buffer. When there is SCN regression, we skip the txns but we track the SCN here to update * regression stats. * * This is used for correct counting of SCNRegressions, When the trail file has txns with SCN * in the below order, there is 2 occurrence of SCN regression as seen by the parser. * 10 <-- Last buffered SCN * 7 <-- SCN Regression here * 8 <-- No regression here as it is still higher than the previous txn. * 6 <-- SCN Regression here * 11 */ private long _lastSeenScn = -1; /** * * Responsible for merging transactions with same SCN and deciding if events from the pendingTxnBuffer have * to be appended to the Event buffer. * * @param dbUpdates : Currently seen transaction's db updates * @param txnInfo : Currently seen transaction's meta data. This is not expected to be null * * @return MergeDbResult which contains the flag if EVB appending has to happen along with the data that have * to be appended. */ private MergeDbResult mergeTransactions(List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates, TransactionInfo txnInfo) { MergeDbResult result = null; if (_pendingTxnInfo == null) { /** * This is the first transaction after startup. So, just buffer it locally */ _pendingTxnInfo = txnInfo; if ( null != dbUpdates) { _pendingDbUpdatesBuffer = new ArrayList<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate>(dbUpdates); } else { _pendingDbUpdatesBuffer = new ArrayList<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate>(); } result = MergeDbResult.createDoNotAppendResult(txnInfo, getNumEventsInTxn(dbUpdates)); } else if (txnInfo.getScn() == _pendingTxnInfo.getScn()) { /** * The newly seen transaction has the same SCN as the previous one(s). Merge and do not write to buffer yet * * When merging transactions, there could be events with same key appearing in multiple transactions which have the same SCN. * We will guarantee that the last seen event (in the trail file order = commit order) is buffered and intermediate images are discarded */ _pendingDbUpdatesBuffer = DBUpdatesMergeUtils.mergeTransactionData(dbUpdates,_pendingDbUpdatesBuffer); // New TransactionInfo will have new Txn's SCN and Timestamp _pendingTxnInfo = new TransactionInfo(_pendingTxnInfo.getTransactionSize() + txnInfo.getTransactionSize(), _pendingTxnInfo.getTransactionTimeRead() + txnInfo.getTransactionTimeRead(), txnInfo.getTransactionTimeStampNs(), txnInfo.getScn()); // We will update the parser stats for this txn though as it had already read the transaction. result = MergeDbResult.createDoNotAppendResult(txnInfo, getNumEventsInTxn(dbUpdates)); } else if ( txnInfo.getScn() > _pendingTxnInfo.getScn()){ /** * The newly seen transaction has higher SCN than the previous. We can write to the buffer now. * The parser stats will be updated with the latest Transaction only as previous transaction has already been * updated. */ result = MergeDbResult.createAppendResult(_pendingDbUpdatesBuffer, _pendingTxnInfo, txnInfo, getNumEventsInTxn(dbUpdates)); if ( null != dbUpdates) _pendingDbUpdatesBuffer = new ArrayList<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate>(dbUpdates); else _pendingDbUpdatesBuffer = new ArrayList<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate>(); _pendingTxnInfo = txnInfo; } else { /** * The newly seen transaction has lower SCN than the previous one. Log an Error and skip */ _log.error("Last Read Transaction's SCN is lower than that of previously read. Skipping this Transaction. Last Read SCN :" + txnInfo.getScn() + " Previously Read SCN : " + _pendingTxnInfo.getScn()); result = MergeDbResult.createDoNotAppendResult(txnInfo, 0); if (_lastSeenScn > txnInfo.getScn()) { _ggParserStats.addScnRegression(txnInfo.getScn()); } } _lastSeenScn = txnInfo.getScn(); return result; } private int getNumEventsInTxn(List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates) { if ( null == dbUpdates) return 0; int numEvents = 0; for (TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate d : dbUpdates) { numEvents += d.getNumDbUpdates(); } return numEvents; } @Override public void onTransactionEnd(List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> newDbUpdates, TransactionInfo newTxnInfo) throws DatabusException, UnsupportedKeyException { long scn = newTxnInfo.getScn(); if(newDbUpdates == null)"Received empty transaction callback with no DbUpdates with scn " + scn); if(!isReadyToRun()) return; MergeDbResult result = mergeTransactions(newDbUpdates,newTxnInfo); List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates = result.getMergedDbUpdates(); TransactionInfo txnInfo = result.getMergedTxnInfo(); if (! result.isDoAppendToBuffer()) { _ggParserStats.addTransactionInfo(result.getLastParsedTxnInfo(), result.getNumEventsInLastParsedTxn()); return; } //SCN of the txn that we are going to write. scn = txnInfo.getScn(); try { if((dbUpdates == null) || (dbUpdates.isEmpty())) { checkAndInsertEOP(scn); } else { addEventToBuffer(dbUpdates, txnInfo); } _ggParserStats.addTransactionInfo(result.getLastParsedTxnInfo(), result.getNumEventsInLastParsedTxn()); } catch (DatabusException e) //TODO upon exception, retry from the last SCN. { _ggParserStats.addError(); _log.error("Error while adding events to buffer: " + e); throw e; } catch (UnsupportedKeyException e) { _ggParserStats.addError(); _log.error("Error while adding events to buffer: " + e); throw e; } } } /** * The method inserts EOP for every 100 times //TODO update with config name * @param scn */ private void checkAndInsertEOP(long scn) { _scn.set(scn); nullTransactions++; if(nullTransactions >= 100) //TODO add a configuration to get this value, number of null transactions before inserting EOP {"Inserting EOP in the buffer after "+ nullTransactions + " empty transactions at scn = " + scn); getEventBuffer().startEvents(); getEventBuffer().endEvents(scn, _statsCollector); nullTransactions = 0; } } /** * * @return true if ready to run, false if shutdown or should not run */ private boolean isReadyToRun(){ if(_shutdownRequested) {"The parser is already shutdown"); _currentState = GoldenGateEventProducer.State.SHUTDOWN; return false; } _pauseLock.lock(); try{ if (isPauseRequested() && _currentState != GoldenGateEventProducer.State.PAUSED) { _currentState = GoldenGateEventProducer.State.PAUSED; _log.warn("Pausing event generator"); while (_currentState == GoldenGateEventProducer.State.PAUSED && !_shutdownRequested && isPauseRequested()) { try { _pausedCondition.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { _log.warn("Paused thread interrupted! Shutdown requested=" + _shutdownRequested); } } } } finally { _pauseLock.unlock(); } if (!_shutdownRequested) { _currentState = GoldenGateEventProducer.State.RUNNING; } return true; } @Override public void run() { ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream compositeInputStream = null; try { if(_xmlCallback == null) _xmlCallback = new HandleXmlCallback(); String xmlDir = GGEventGenerationFactory.uriToGGDir(_pConfig.getUri()); String xmlPrefix = GGEventGenerationFactory.uriToXmlPrefix(_pConfig.getUri()); File file = new File(xmlDir); if(!file.exists() || !file.isDirectory()) { _log.fatal("Unable to load the directory: "+ xmlDir + " it doesn't seem to be a valid directory"); throw new DatabusException("Invalid trail file directory"); } boolean parseError = false; do { try{"Using xml directory : "+ xmlDir + " and using the xml Prefix : " + xmlPrefix); compositeInputStream = locateScnInTrailFile(xmlDir,xmlPrefix); compositeInputStream.setGGParserStats(_ggParserStats);"Attempting to start the parser..."); //Not a retry, first time the producer is started, in which case, start the eventBuffer with the appropriate scn if(!parseError) {"Starting dbusEventBuffer with _scn : " + _startPrevScn.get()); getEventBuffer().start(_startPrevScn.get()); } else { _log.warn("Umm, looks like the parser had failed, this is an retry attempt using _scn: " + _scn.get());"CompositeInputStream used:" + compositeInputStream); } StaxBuilder builder = new StaxBuilder(_schemaRegistryService, wrapStreamWithXmlTags(compositeInputStream), _pConfig, _xmlCallback); if(_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("CompositeInputStream used:" + compositeInputStream); _parser = builder.getParser(); builder.processXml(); // --> The call doesn't return after this (it starts processing the xml trail files), unless a shutdown is requested or an exception is thrown. parseError = false; //--> If this code path is executed, then the shutdown has been requested } catch (XMLStreamException e) { _ggParserStats.addParsingError(); //If the parser was in the middle of execution and an shutdown was issued, then an xmlstream exception is expected. if(_shutdownRequested ) { parseError = false; } else { _log.error("Error while parsing the xml, will retry loading the parser", e);"Last scn seen before the crash: " + _scn.get());"CompositeInputStream used:" + compositeInputStream); parseError = true; } } finally { if(compositeInputStream != null) compositeInputStream.close(); } }while(parseError); //TODO && retry count (add config to control number of retires) } catch (RuntimeException e) {"CompositeInputStream used:" + compositeInputStream); _log.error("Error while parsing data, compositeInputStream shutting down the relay", e); _currentState = GoldenGateEventProducer.State.SHUTDOWN; throw e; } catch (Exception e) {"CompositeInputStream used:" + compositeInputStream); _log.error("Error while parsing data, compositeInputStream shutting down the relay", e); _currentState = GoldenGateEventProducer.State.SHUTDOWN; return; } } } /** * The method takes the an inputstream as an input and wraps it around with xml tags, * sets the xml encoding and xml version specified in the physical sources config. * @param compositeInputStream The inputstream to be wrapped with the xml tags * @return */ private InputStream wrapStreamWithXmlTags(InputStream compositeInputStream) { String xmlVersion = _pConfig.getXmlVersion(); String xmlEncoding = _pConfig.getXmlEncoding(); String xmlStart = "<?xml version=\""+ xmlVersion + "\" encoding=\""+ xmlEncoding +"\"?>\n<root>"; String xmlEnd = "</root>";"The xml start tag used is:" + xmlStart); List xmlTagsList = Arrays.asList(new InputStream[] { new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlStart.getBytes(Charset.forName(xmlEncoding))), compositeInputStream, new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlEnd.getBytes(Charset.forName(xmlEncoding))), }); Enumeration<InputStream> streams = Collections.enumeration(xmlTagsList); SequenceInputStream seqStream = new SequenceInputStream(streams); return seqStream; } /** * Given an xml directory and prefix, the method identifies the file which has the scn (_scn from event producer class) * and returns an inputstream reader pointing to the scn location. If the scn is not found: * 1. If scn less than what is present in the trail file directory (minimum) - throws a fatal exception. * 2. If exact scn is not found, but it's greater than the minimum scn in the trail file directory, it returns the closest scn greater than _scn (from the event producer class). * This methods reads and modifies the _scn from the event producer class. * @param xmlDir The directory where the trail files are located * @param xmlPrefix The prefix of the xml trail files, eg. x4 * @return * @throws IOException * @throws DatabusException */ private ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream locateScnInTrailFile(String xmlDir, String xmlPrefix) throws Exception { ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream compositeInputStream = null; TrailFilePositionSetter.FilePositionResult filePositionResult = null; TrailFilePositionSetter trailFilePositionSetter = null; while(compositeInputStream == null) {"Requesting trail file position setter for scn: " + _scn.get()); trailFilePositionSetter = new TrailFilePositionSetter(xmlDir,xmlPrefix, getName()); filePositionResult = trailFilePositionSetter.locateFilePosition(_scn.get(), new GGXMLTrailTransactionFinder());"File position at : "+ filePositionResult); switch(filePositionResult.getStatus()) { case ERROR: _log.fatal("Unable to locate the scn in the trail file."); throw new DatabusException("Unable to find the given scn " + _scn.get() + " in the trail files"); case NO_TXNS_FOUND: //If the latest scn is not found in the trail files, then use the earliest scn. if(_scn.get() == TrailFilePositionSetter.USE_LATEST_SCN) {"Switching from USE_LATEST_SCN to USE_EARLIEST_SCN because no trail files were not found"); _scn.set(TrailFilePositionSetter.USE_EARLIEST_SCN); } long noTxnsFoundSleepTime = 500; //TODO sleep get configuration for sleep time"NO_TXNS_FOUND, sleeping for "+ noTxnsFoundSleepTime + " ms before retrying"); Thread.sleep(noTxnsFoundSleepTime); break; case EXACT_SCN_NOT_FOUND: {"Exact SCN was not found, the closest scn found was: " + filePositionResult.getTxnPos().getMinScn()); compositeInputStream = new ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream(xmlDir, filePositionResult.getTxnPos().getFile(), filePositionResult.getTxnPos().getFileOffset(), new TrailFilePositionSetter.FileFilter(new File(xmlDir), xmlPrefix), false); long foundScn = filePositionResult.getTxnPos().getMaxScn(); /** * If exact scn is not found, the trail file position setter returns the next immediate available scn, i.e., the contract guarantees * a scn always greater than the given scn (foundscn > _scn). We use the _scn (requested scn to be found) as the prevScn to start the event buffer. * And the scn found as the current scn(first event in the relay). */ if(foundScn <= _scn.get()) throw new DatabusException("EXACT_SCN_NOT_FOUND, but foundScn is <= _scn "); _startPrevScn.set(_scn.get());"Changing current scn from " + _scn.get() + " to " + foundScn);"Planning to use prevScn " + _startPrevScn); _scn.set(foundScn); break; } case FOUND: {"Exact SCN was found" + filePositionResult.getTxnPos().getMaxScn()); compositeInputStream = new ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream(xmlDir, filePositionResult.getTxnPos().getFile(), filePositionResult.getTxnPos().getFileOffset(), new TrailFilePositionSetter.FileFilter(new File(xmlDir), xmlPrefix), false); /** * The trail file position setter returns FOUND in two cases: * 1. MaxScn was given as input. * 2. Earliest or Latest scn was given as input. * For both the cases, we set the prevScn to the foundScn-1 and the foundScn as the currentScn. */ long foundScn = filePositionResult.getTxnPos().getMaxScn(); //Assert that if maxScn was requested, the trail file position setter has returned the exact scn (It has returned FOUND). if(_scn.get() >=0 && _scn.get() != foundScn) { throw new DatabusException("The exact scn was not found, but the trail file position setter has returned FOUND!"); } _startPrevScn.set(foundScn - 1); _scn.set(foundScn); break; } default: throw new DatabusException("Unhandled file position result in switch case, terminating producer."); } } if(filePositionResult == null) {; throw new DatabusException("file position Result returned by TrailFilePositionSetter is null!"); } if(_scn.get() <= 0) {"The scn is <=0, using scn from file position setter:" + filePositionResult); _scn.set(filePositionResult.getTxnPos().getMaxScn()); } return compositeInputStream; } /** * Given a DBImage, returns the key * If it is a single key, it returns the object if it is LONG /INT / STRING * For compound key, it casts the fields as String, delimits the fields and returns the appended string * @param dbUpdate The post-image of the event * @return Actual key object * @throws DatabusException */ static protected Object obtainKey(DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage dbUpdate) throws DatabusException { if (null == dbUpdate) { throw new DatabusException("DBUpdateImage is null"); } List<KeyPair> pairs = dbUpdate.getKeyPairs(); if (null == pairs || pairs.size() == 0) { throw new DatabusException("There do not seem to be any keys"); } if (pairs.size() == 1) { Object key = dbUpdate.getKeyPairs().get(0).getKey(); Schema.Type pKeyType = dbUpdate.getKeyPairs().get(0).getKeyType(); Object keyObj = null; if (pKeyType == Schema.Type.INT) { if (key instanceof Integer) { keyObj = key; } else { throw new DatabusException( "Schema.Type does not match actual key type (INT) " + key.getClass().getName()); } } else if (pKeyType == Schema.Type.LONG) { if (key instanceof Long) { keyObj = key; } else { throw new DatabusException( "Schema.Type does not match actual key type (LONG) " + key.getClass().getName()); } keyObj = key; } else { keyObj = key; } return keyObj; } else { // Treat multiple keys as a separate case to avoid unnecessary casts Iterator<KeyPair> li = pairs.iterator(); String compositeKey = ""; while (li.hasNext()) { KeyPair kp =; Schema.Type pKeyType = kp.getKeyType(); Object key = kp.getKey(); if (pKeyType == Schema.Type.INT) { if (key instanceof Integer) compositeKey += kp.getKey().toString(); else throw new DatabusException( "Schema.Type does not match actual key type (INT) " + key.getClass().getName()); } else if (pKeyType == Schema.Type.LONG) { if (key instanceof Long) compositeKey += key.toString(); else throw new DatabusException( "Schema.Type does not match actual key type (LONG) " + key.getClass().getName()); } else { compositeKey += key; } if (li.hasNext()) { // Add the delimiter for all keys except the last key compositeKey += DbusConstants.COMPOUND_KEY_DELIMITER; } } return compositeKey; } } /** * * @param dbUpdates The dbUpdates present in the current transaction * @param ti The meta information about the transaction. (See TransactionInfo class for more details). * @throws DatabusException * @throws UnsupportedKeyException */ protected void addEventToBuffer(List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates, TransactionInfo ti) throws DatabusException, UnsupportedKeyException { if(dbUpdates.size() == 0) throw new DatabusException("Cannot handle empty dbUpdates"); long scn = ti.getScn(); long timestamp = ti.getTransactionTimeStampNs(); EventSourceStatistics globalStats = getSource(GLOBAL_SOURCE_ID).getStatisticsBean(); /** * We skip the start scn of the relay, we have already added a EOP for this SCN in the buffer. * Why is this not a problem ? * There are two cases: * 1. When we use the earliest/latest scn if there is no maxScn (We don't really have a start point). So it's really OK to miss the first event. * 2. If it's the maxSCN, then event was already seen by the relay. */ if(scn == _startPrevScn.get()) {"Skipping this transaction, EOP already send for this event"); return; } getEventBuffer().startEvents(); int eventsInTransactionCount = 0; List<EventReaderSummary> summaries = new ArrayList<EventReaderSummary>(); for (int i = 0; i < dbUpdates.size(); ++i) { GenericRecord record = null; TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate perSourceUpdate = dbUpdates.get(i); short sourceId = (short)perSourceUpdate.getSourceId(); // prepare stats collection per source EventSourceStatistics perSourceStats = getSource(sourceId).getStatisticsBean(); Iterator<DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage> dbUpdateIterator = perSourceUpdate.getDbUpdatesSet().iterator(); int eventsInDbUpdate = 0; long dbUpdatesEventsSize = 0; long startDbUpdatesMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); while(dbUpdateIterator.hasNext()) //TODO verify if there is any case where we need to rollback. { DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage dbUpdate =; //Construct the Databus Event key, determine the key type and construct the key Object keyObj = obtainKey(dbUpdate); DbusEventKey eventKey = new DbusEventKey(keyObj); //Get the logicalparition id PartitionFunction partitionFunction = _partitionFunctionHashMap.get((int)sourceId); short lPartitionId = partitionFunction.getPartition(eventKey); record = dbUpdate.getGenericRecord(); //Write the event to the buffer if (record == null) throw new DatabusException("Cannot write event to buffer because record = " + record); if(record.getSchema() == null) throw new DatabusException("The record does not have a schema (null schema)"); try { //Collect stats on number of dbUpdates for one source eventsInDbUpdate++; //Count of all the events in the current transaction eventsInTransactionCount++; // Serialize the row ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Encoder encoder = new BinaryEncoder(bos); GenericDatumWriter<GenericRecord> writer = new GenericDatumWriter<GenericRecord>( record.getSchema()); writer.write(record, encoder); byte[] serializedValue = bos.toByteArray(); //Get the md5 for the schema SchemaId schemaId = SchemaId.createWithMd5(dbUpdate.getSchema()); //Determine the operation type and convert to dbus opcode DbusOpcode opCode; if(dbUpdate.getOpType() == DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT || dbUpdate.getOpType() == DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.UPDATE) { opCode = DbusOpcode.UPSERT; if(_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("The event with scn "+ scn +" is INSERT/UPDATE"); } else if(dbUpdate.getOpType() == DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.DELETE) { opCode = DbusOpcode.DELETE; if(_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("The event with scn "+ scn +" is DELETE"); } else { throw new DatabusException("Unknown opcode from dbUpdate for event with scn:" + scn); } //Construct the dbusEvent info DbusEventInfo dbusEventInfo = new DbusEventInfo(opCode, scn, (short)_pConfig.getId(), lPartitionId, timestamp, sourceId, schemaId.getByteArray(), serializedValue, false, false); dbusEventInfo.setReplicated(dbUpdate.isReplicated()); perSourceStats.addEventCycle(1, ti.getTransactionTimeRead(), serializedValue.length, scn); globalStats.addEventCycle(1, ti.getTransactionTimeRead(), serializedValue.length, scn); long tsEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); perSourceStats.addTimeOfLastDBAccess(tsEnd); globalStats.addTimeOfLastDBAccess(tsEnd); //Append to the event buffer getEventBuffer().appendEvent(eventKey, dbusEventInfo, _statsCollector); _rc.incrementEventCount(); dbUpdatesEventsSize += serializedValue.length; } catch (IOException io) { perSourceStats.addError(); globalStats.addEmptyEventCycle(); _log.error("Cannot create byte stream payload: " + dbUpdates.get(i).getSourceId()); } } long endDbUpdatesMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); long dbUpdatesElapsedTimeMs = endDbUpdatesMs - startDbUpdatesMs; // Log Event Summary at logical source level EventReaderSummary summary = new EventReaderSummary(sourceId, _monitoredSources.get(sourceId).getSourceName(), scn, eventsInDbUpdate, dbUpdatesEventsSize,-1L /* Not supported */, dbUpdatesElapsedTimeMs, timestamp, timestamp, -1L /* Not supported */); if (_eventsLog.isInfoEnabled()) {; } summaries.add(summary); if(_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("There are "+ eventsInDbUpdate + " events seen in the current dbUpdate"); } // Log Event Summary at Physical source level ReadEventCycleSummary summary = new ReadEventCycleSummary(_pConfig.getName(), summaries, scn, -1 /* Overall time including query time not calculated */); if (_eventsLog.isInfoEnabled()) {; }"Writing "+ eventsInTransactionCount + " events from transaction with scn: " + scn); if(scn <= 0) throw new DatabusException("Unable to write events to buffer because of negative/zero scn: " + scn); getEventBuffer().endEvents(scn, _statsCollector); _scn.set(scn); if (getMaxScnReaderWriter() != null) { try { getMaxScnReaderWriter().saveMaxScn(_scn.get()); } catch (DatabusException e) { _log.error("Cannot save scn = " + _scn + " for physical source = " + getName(), e); } } } protected RateControl getRateControl() { return _rc; } @Override public List<? extends EventSourceStatisticsIface> getSources() { return new ArrayList<GGMonitoredSourceInfo>(_monitoredSources.values()); } /** * return MonitoredSourceInfo per source * @param sourceId * @return MonitoredSourceInof for this source id */ public GGMonitoredSourceInfo getSource(short sourceId) { return _monitoredSources.get(sourceId); } private static class MergeDbResult { /** * Flag to enable appending dbUpdates to buffer. */ private final boolean _doAppendToBuffer; /** * DBUpdates of the transaction(s) that will be written to EVB. In the case of * multiple transactions with same SCN, this list will contain the merged DBUpdates */ private final List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> _mergedDbUpdates; /* * TxnInfo of the transaction(s) which will be written to the EVB. In the case of * multiple transactions with same SCN, this Transaction Info contains the merged * stats */ private final TransactionInfo _mergedTxnInfo; /** * Transaction Info of the last transaction that was parsed. Even in the case of * multiple transactions with same SCNs, lastParsedTxnInfo will contain stats * pertaining to the last such transaction that was parsed. */ private final TransactionInfo _lastParsedTxnInfo; /** * Number of Events in the last parsed transaction. Even in the case of multiple * transactions with same SCNs, this will contain only the count of events for the * last such transaction that was parsed. */ private final int _numEventsInLastParsedTxn; protected static MergeDbResult createDoNotAppendResult(TransactionInfo lastParsedTxnInfo, int numEventsInLastParsedTxn) { return new MergeDbResult(false, null, null, lastParsedTxnInfo, numEventsInLastParsedTxn); } protected static MergeDbResult createAppendResult(List<PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> mergedDbUpdates, TransactionInfo mergedTxnInfo, TransactionInfo lastParsedTxnInfo, int numEventsInLastParsedTxn) { return new MergeDbResult(true, mergedDbUpdates, mergedTxnInfo, lastParsedTxnInfo, numEventsInLastParsedTxn); } private MergeDbResult(boolean doAppendToBuffer, List<PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> mergedDbUpdates, TransactionInfo mergedTxnInfo, TransactionInfo lastParsedTxnInfo, int numEventsInLastParsedTxn) { super(); this._doAppendToBuffer = doAppendToBuffer; this._mergedDbUpdates = mergedDbUpdates; this._mergedTxnInfo = mergedTxnInfo; this._lastParsedTxnInfo = lastParsedTxnInfo; this._numEventsInLastParsedTxn = numEventsInLastParsedTxn; } public boolean isDoAppendToBuffer() { return _doAppendToBuffer; } public List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> getMergedDbUpdates() { return _mergedDbUpdates; } public TransactionInfo getMergedTxnInfo() { return _mergedTxnInfo; } public TransactionInfo getLastParsedTxnInfo() { return _lastParsedTxnInfo; } public int getNumEventsInLastParsedTxn() { return _numEventsInLastParsedTxn; } @Override public String toString() { return "MergeDbResult [doAppendToBuffer=" + _doAppendToBuffer + ", mergedDbUpdates=" + _mergedDbUpdates + ", mergedTxnInfo=" + _mergedTxnInfo + ", lastParsedTxnInfo=" + _lastParsedTxnInfo + ", numEventsInLastParsedTxn=" + _numEventsInLastParsedTxn + "]"; } } }