package com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ServiceLoader; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException; import; import; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DatabusRuntimeException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.IdNamePair; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; public class DatabusSubscription { public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DatabusSubscription.class); private final PhysicalSource _physicalSource; private final PhysicalPartition _physicalPartition; private final LogicalSourceId _logicalPartition; private static volatile SubscriptionUriCodec _defaultCodec = LegacySubscriptionUriCodec.getInstance(); private static final Map<String, SubscriptionUriCodec> _uriCodecs = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SubscriptionUriCodec>(3); private static ServiceLoader<SubscriptionUriCodec> _codecSetLoader = ServiceLoader.load(SubscriptionUriCodec.class); static { loadAndRegisterCodecs(); } /** * An API method for use by external clients to create a subscription object from a URI string * The format of the URI string is described below * * @param subUriString : A string of the form * espresso://[MASTER|SLAVE|ANY]/EspressoDBName/PartitionNumber/TableName * It is possible to specify a wildcard(*) for Partition number and tableName * * @return A DatabusSubscription object that may be used to register a databus consumer to a DatabusV3 Client * @throws DatabusException * @throws URISyntaxException */ public static DatabusSubscription createFromUri(String subUriString) throws DatabusException, URISyntaxException { //a hack for the default URI decoder where there may be a colon as a partition separator //this will make the URI parser try to decoded it as a scheme separator int colonIdx = subUriString.indexOf(':'); if (colonIdx >= 0) { String prefix = subUriString.substring(0, colonIdx); if (! _uriCodecs.containsKey(prefix) && !_defaultCodec.getScheme().equals(prefix)) subUriString = _defaultCodec.getScheme() + ":" + subUriString; } URI subUri = new URI(subUriString); return createFromUri(subUri); } /** * Given a list of subscription strings, creates a list of DatabusSubscription objects * * @param subUriStringList : Decodes a list of subscription URIs * @return List<DatabusSubscription> : List of associated subscription objects in the corresponding order */ public static List<DatabusSubscription> createFromUriList(Collection<String> subUriStringList) throws DatabusException, URISyntaxException { List<DatabusSubscription> subList = new ArrayList<DatabusSubscription>(subUriStringList.size()); for (String subUriString: subUriStringList) { subList.add(createFromUri(subUriString)); } return subList; } /** * DO NOT USE externally. This is meant for internal databus usage. Please use {@link createFromUri(String)} * instead. * @see <a href=""/> * * A DatabusSubscription object is represents the smallest unit of subscription in Databus client. * @param physicalSource - Describes the server which physically stores co-located logical sources. * Typically this is a Oracle or MySQL server instance * @param physicalPartition - In Databus 2.0, it represents the database instance. When it is "master" * it repsents database instance in our primary colo. * In Databus 3.0, it represents the instance to which all updates (writes) * are routed to * @param logicalPartition- Represents a logical source ( and its representation with an id ). It is a * collection of data records with the same record schema. */ public DatabusSubscription(PhysicalSource physicalSource, PhysicalPartition physicalPartition, LogicalSourceId logicalPartition) { super(); if (null == physicalSource) throw new NullPointerException("physical source"); if (null == physicalPartition) throw new NullPointerException("physical partition"); if (null == logicalPartition) throw new NullPointerException("logical partition"); _physicalSource = physicalSource; _physicalPartition = physicalPartition; _logicalPartition = logicalPartition; } /** * DO NOT USE externally. This is meant for internal databus usage * This may be removed in a future release * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static DatabusSubscription createSubscription(IdNamePair pair, short lPartitionId) { LogicalSource ls = new LogicalSource(pair); // this is ESPRESSO specific code - TODO needs to be moved ? (DDSDBUS-107) String name = pair.getName(); String[] idx = name.split("\\."); if(idx.length != 2 && !name.equals("*")) //v2 mode may have source of form com.linkedin.databus.member2 for e.g. return createSimpleSourceSubscription(pair.getName()); // v3 case String dbName = idx[0]; PhysicalPartition pPart = new PhysicalPartition((int)lPartitionId, dbName); LogicalSourceId lSrcId = new LogicalSourceId(ls, lPartitionId); return new DatabusSubscription(PhysicalSource.createAnySourceWildcard(), pPart, lSrcId); } public static DatabusSubscription createMasterSourceSubscription(LogicalSource source) { return new DatabusSubscription(PhysicalSource.createMasterSourceWildcard(), PhysicalPartition.createAnyPartitionWildcard(), LogicalSourceId.createAllPartitionsWildcard(source)); } public static DatabusSubscription createSlaveSourceSubscription(LogicalSource source) { return new DatabusSubscription(PhysicalSource.createSlaveSourceWildcard(), PhysicalPartition.createAnyPartitionWildcard(), LogicalSourceId.createAllPartitionsWildcard(source)); } /** * DO NOT USE externally. This is meant for internal databus usage * This may be removed in a future release * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static DatabusSubscription createSimpleSourceSubscription(LogicalSource source) { return new DatabusSubscription(PhysicalSource.createAnySourceWildcard(), PhysicalPartition.createAnyPartitionWildcard(), LogicalSourceId.createAllPartitionsWildcard(source)); } /** * DO NOT USE externally. This is meant for internal databus usage * This may be removed in a future release * TODO Make private and/or change name when we are sure nobody is using these. */ @Deprecated private static DatabusSubscription createSimpleSourceSubscription(String source) { LogicalSource ls = new LogicalSource(source); return new DatabusSubscription(PhysicalSource.createAnySourceWildcard(), PhysicalPartition.createAnyPartitionWildcard(), LogicalSourceId.createAllPartitionsWildcard(ls)); } /** * A method to convert from a subscription to a string representation of a source * TODO Look like this method also uses old-style epsresso subscriptions strings? */ public String generateSubscriptionString() { String name = getLogicalSource().getName(); String[] idx = name.split("\\."); //v2 mode may have source of form com.linkedin.databus.member2. // Also wild card logical sources are only supported in V3. if(idx.length != 2 && !name.equals("*")) return name; // v3 case SubscriptionUriCodec codec = DatabusSubscription.getUriCodec("espresso"); URI u = codec.encode(this); return u.toString(); } /** * Given a subscription, the method below constructs a pretty name * * The expected input/output is of the following formats: * 1. subs = [""] * prettyName = "dbPrefix_tableName" * * 2. subs = ["",""], * prettyName = "dbPrefix1_tableName1_dbPrefix2_tableName2" * * 3. subs =["espresso:/db/1/tableName1" * prettyName = "db_tableName1_1" * * 4. subs =["espresso:/db/<wildcard>/tableName1"]. where wildcard=* * prettyName = "db_tableName1" * * 5. subs =["espresso:/db/1/<wildcard>"]. where wildcard=* * prettyName = "db_1" */ public String createPrettyNameFromSubscription() { String s = generateSubscriptionString(); URI u = null; try { u = new URI(s); } catch (URISyntaxException e){ throw new DatabusRuntimeException("Unable to decode a URI from the string s = " + s + " subscription = " + toString()); } if (null == u.getScheme()) { // TODO: Have V2 style subscriptions have an explicit codec type. Make it return "legacy" codec // here. Given a subscription string, we should be able to convert it to DatabusSubscription // in an idempotent way. That is, converting back and forth should give the same value // Subscription of type String[] parts = s.split("\\."); int len = parts.length; if (len == 0) { // Error case String errMsg = "Unexpected format for subscription. sub = " + toString() + " string = " + s; throw new DatabusRuntimeException(errMsg); } else if (len == 1) { // Unit-tests case: logicalSource is specified as "source1" return parts[0]; } else { // Expected case. String pn = parts[len-2] + "_" + parts[len-1]; return pn; } } else if (u.getScheme().equals("espresso")) { // Given that this subscription conforms to EspressoSubscriptionUriCodec, // logicalSourceName (DBName.TableName) and partitionNumber(1) are guaranteed to be non-null String dbName = getPhysicalPartition().getName(); boolean isWildCardOnTables = getLogicalSource().isAllSourcesWildcard(); String name = getLogicalPartition().getSource().getName(); boolean isWildCardOnPartitions = getPhysicalPartition().isAnyPartitionWildcard(); String pId = getPhysicalPartition().getId().toString(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(dbName); if (! isWildCardOnTables) { sb.append("_"); String[] parts = name.split("\\."); assert(parts.length == 2); sb.append(parts[1]); } if (!isWildCardOnPartitions) { sb.append("_"); sb.append(pId); } s = sb.toString(); } else { String errMsg = "The subscription object described as " + toString() + " is not of null or espresso type codec"; throw new DatabusRuntimeException(errMsg); } return s; } /** * A utility method provided to compute a pretty name when a list of subscriptions are provided. * This is a fairly common use-case when multiple subscriptions are specified in a registration * for Databus V2 * * Each of the individual subscriptions prettyNames are concatenated with an "_" in between if they * are different * */ public static String getPrettyNameForListOfSubscriptions(List<DatabusSubscription> subscriptions) { if (null == subscriptions) { return ""; } Set<String> prettyNames = new TreeSet<String>(); // Collect all prettyNames for(DatabusSubscription sub: subscriptions) { String curPartName = sub.createPrettyNameFromSubscription(); prettyNames.add(curPartName); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<String> iter = prettyNames.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { sb.append(; if (iter.hasNext()) { sb.append("_"); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * DO NOT USE externally. This is meant for internal databus usage * This may be removed in a future release */ public static DatabusSubscription createPhysicalPartitionReplicationSubscription (PhysicalPartition physicalPartition) { return new DatabusSubscription(PhysicalSource.createMasterSourceWildcard(), physicalPartition, LogicalSourceId.createAllPartitionsWildcard( LogicalSource.createAllSourcesWildcard())); } /** * DO NOT USE externally. This is meant for internal databus usage * Convert a list of sources specified in V2 format (String) to V3 format (DatabusSubscription) */ public static List<DatabusSubscription> createSubscriptionList(List<String> sources) { List<DatabusSubscription> subsSources = new ArrayList<DatabusSubscription>(); for (String s : sources) { DatabusSubscription sub = null; try { sub = DatabusSubscription.createFromUri(s); subsSources.add(sub); } catch (DatabusException d) { LOG.error("Error processing subscription " + sub + " with exception " + d); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOG.error(e); } } return subsSources; } /** * DO NOT USE externally. This is meant for internal databus usage * Convert a list of sources specified in V3 format (DatabusSubscription) to V2 format (String) */ public static List<String> getStrList(List<DatabusSubscription> sources) { List<String> strSources = new ArrayList<String>(); for (DatabusSubscription sub : sources) { String s = sub.generateSubscriptionString(); strSources.add(s); } return strSources; } /** * Create a DatabusSubscription object from a JSON string * @param json the string with JSON serialization of the DatabusSubscription */ public static DatabusSubscription createFromJsonString(String json) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); Builder result = mapper.readValue(json, Builder.class); return; } public PhysicalSource getPhysicalSource() { return _physicalSource; } public PhysicalPartition getPhysicalPartition() { return _physicalPartition; } public LogicalSourceId getLogicalPartition() { return _logicalPartition; } public LogicalSource getLogicalSource() { return _logicalPartition.getSource(); } public boolean equalsSubscription(DatabusSubscription other) { // subscriptions - we don't check one to one boolean eq = _physicalSource.isAnySourceWildcard() || other._physicalSource.isAnySourceWildcard() || _physicalSource.equals(other._physicalSource); if(!eq) return false; eq = _physicalPartition.isAnyPartitionWildcard() || other._physicalPartition.isAnyPartitionWildcard() || _physicalPartition.equals(other._physicalPartition); if(!eq) return false; eq = _logicalPartition.equals(other._logicalPartition); if(!eq) return false; return true; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (null == other || !(other instanceof DatabusSubscription)) return false; return equalsSubscription((DatabusSubscription)other); } @Override public int hashCode() { return _physicalSource.hashCode() ^ _physicalPartition.hashCode() ^ _logicalPartition.hashCode(); } public String toJsonString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200); sb.append("{\"physicalSource\":"); sb.append(_physicalSource.toJsonString()); sb.append(",\"physicalPartition\":"); sb.append(_physicalPartition.toJsonString()); sb.append(",\"logicalPartition\":"); sb.append(_logicalPartition.toJsonString()); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } /** * generate a uniq string representation per subscription * @return string. */ public String uniqString(){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(_physicalPartition.getName()); sb.append('_'); sb.append(_physicalPartition.getId()); sb.append('_'); sb.append(_logicalPartition.getSource().getId()); sb.append('_'); sb.append(_logicalPartition.getSource().getName()); sb.append('_'); sb.append(_logicalPartition.getId()); return sb.toString(); } public static DatabusSubscription createFromUri(URI subUri) throws DatabusException { SubscriptionUriCodec codec = (null == subUri.getScheme() || 0 == subUri.getScheme().length() || subUri.getScheme().equals(_defaultCodec.getScheme()) ) ? _defaultCodec : _uriCodecs.get(subUri.getScheme()); if (null == codec) codec = _defaultCodec; return codec.decode(subUri); } /** * Given a comma-separated list of subscription URIs specified as strings, returns a list of * DatabusSubscription objects * * @param subUriListString : Comma-separated list of subscription URIs * @return List<DatabusSubscription> : List of associated subscription objects in the corresponding order */ public static List<DatabusSubscription> createFromUriListString(String subUriListString) throws DatabusException, URISyntaxException { String[] subUriStringList = subUriListString.split(","); List<DatabusSubscription> subList = new ArrayList<DatabusSubscription>(subUriStringList.length); for (String subUriString: subUriStringList) { subList.add(createFromUri(subUriString)); } return subList; } /** * DO NOT USE externally. This is meant for internal databus usage */ public static List<String> createUriStringList(Collection<DatabusSubscription> subs, SubscriptionUriCodec codec) { ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(subs.size()); for (DatabusSubscription sub: subs) { String uri = codec.encode(sub).toString(); result.add(uri); } return result; } /** * loads and registers codecs */ public static void loadAndRegisterCodecs() {"Registering URI codecs."); for (SubscriptionUriCodec codec: _codecSetLoader) {"Registering URI codec:" + codec.getScheme()); registerUriCodec(codec); } } /** * Registers a new subscription URI codec. If a codec for that scheme already exists, it will be * replaced. * @param codec the codec to register */ public static void registerUriCodec(SubscriptionUriCodec codec) { if (null == codec.getScheme() || 0 == codec.getScheme().length()) { _defaultCodec = codec; } else { SubscriptionUriCodec old = _uriCodecs.put(codec.getScheme(), codec); if (null != old) { LOG.warn("replacing existing codec for scheme " + old.getScheme() + ": " + old); } } } /** * Unregisters the specified codec */ public static void unregisterUriCodec(SubscriptionUriCodec codec) { if(codec.equals(_uriCodecs.get(codec.getScheme()))) _uriCodecs.remove(codec.getScheme()); } /** * Unregisters the codec for the specified scheme */ public static void unregisterUriCodec(String codecScheme) { _uriCodecs.remove(codecScheme); } /** * Obtains the subscription URI codec for a given scheme (e.g. oracle or espresso). * @return the codec or null if none exists */ public static SubscriptionUriCodec getUriCodec(String scheme) { return _uriCodecs.get(scheme); } @Override public String toString() { return toJsonString(); } public StringBuilder toSimpleString(StringBuilder sb) { if (null == sb) { sb = new StringBuilder(100); } sb.append("[ps="); _physicalSource.toSimpleString(sb).append(", pp="); _physicalPartition.toSimpleString(sb).append(", ls="); _logicalPartition.getSource().toSimpleString(sb).append("]"); return sb; } public String toSimpleString() { return toSimpleString(null).toString(); } public static class Builder { private PhysicalSource.Builder _physicalSource = new PhysicalSource.Builder();; private PhysicalPartition.Builder _physicalPartition = new PhysicalPartition.Builder(); private LogicalSourceId.Builder _logicalPartition = new LogicalSourceId.Builder(); public PhysicalSource.Builder getPhysicalSource() { return _physicalSource; } public void setPhysicalSource(PhysicalSource.Builder physicalSource) { _physicalSource = physicalSource; } public PhysicalPartition.Builder getPhysicalPartition() { return _physicalPartition; } public void setPhysicalPartition(PhysicalPartition.Builder physicalPartition) { _physicalPartition = physicalPartition; } public LogicalSourceId.Builder getLogicalPartition() { return _logicalPartition; } public void setLogicalPartition(LogicalSourceId.Builder logicalSourceId) { _logicalPartition = logicalSourceId; } public DatabusSubscription build() { return new DatabusSubscription(,,; } public boolean isEqualToSource(String source) { LogicalSource ls = _logicalPartition.getSource().build(); if(ls.isAllSourcesWildcard()) return true; return ls.getName().equals(source); } } public static SubscriptionUriCodec getDefaultCodec() { return _defaultCodec; } }