package com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.common; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ /** * This class provides helper queries used for execution in the BootstrapDBCleaner context * This is a singleton class, and expected to be held by multiple objects and invoked in * various thread contexts. So, the methods are expected to be thread-safe by only operating * with thread-local storage */ public class BootstrapDBCleanerQueryHelper { private static BootstrapDBCleanerQueryHelper _singletonObj = null; public static BootstrapDBCleanerQueryHelper getInstance() { if (_singletonObj == null) { _singletonObj = new BootstrapDBCleanerQueryHelper(); } return _singletonObj; } private BootstrapDBCleanerQueryHelper() { // Singleton class } public String getMarkDeletedStmt() { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("UPDATE bootstrap_loginfo "); sql.append(" set deleted = 1"); sql.append(" where srcid = ?"); sql.append(" and logid = ?"); return sql.toString(); } public String getCandidateLogIdsForSrcStmt() { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select logid, minwindowscn, maxwindowscn from bootstrap_loginfo "); sql.append("where srcid = ?"); sql.append(" and maxwindowscn < ? "); sql.append(" and deleted = 0 "); sql.append(" and logid < ( select max(logid) from bootstrap_loginfo where srcid = ? )"); sql.append(" order by logid desc"); return sql.toString(); } /* * * @return the SrcTable name corresponding to the passed logInfo */ public String getSrcTable(int srcid) { return "tab_" + srcid; } public String getUpdateLogStartSCNStmt() { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("update bootstrap_sources set logstartscn = ?"); sql.append(" where id = ?"); return sql.toString(); } public String getFirstLogTableWithGreaterSCNStmt() { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select logid, minwindowscn, maxwindowscn from bootstrap_loginfo "); sql.append("where srcid = ?"); sql.append(" and minwindowscn > ? "); sql.append(" order by logid asc limit 1"); return sql.toString(); } }