package com.linkedin.databus.client.registration; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.client.ConnectionStateFactory; import com.linkedin.databus.client.DatabusHttpClientImpl; import com.linkedin.databus.client.DatabusSourcesConnection; import com.linkedin.databus.client.DatabusSourcesConnection.StaticConfig; import com.linkedin.databus.client.consumer.AbstractDatabusCombinedConsumer; import com.linkedin.databus.client.consumer.DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.linkedin.databus.core.Checkpoint; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DatabusComponentStatus; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventBuffer; import com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.DatabusSubscription; import com.linkedin.databus.core.monitoring.mbean.DbusEventsStatisticsCollector; import com.linkedin.databus.core.monitoring.mbean.DbusEventsStatisticsCollectorMBean; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.filter.DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig; public class DatabusV2RegistrationImpl implements DatabusRegistration { private RegistrationState _state; protected RegistrationId _id; private final Logger _log; private final CheckpointPersistenceProvider _checkpointPersistenceProvider; protected DbusEventsStatisticsCollector _inboundEventsStatsCollector; protected DbusEventsStatisticsCollector _bootstrapEventsStatsCollector; protected ConsumerCallbackStats _relayConsumerStats; protected ConsumerCallbackStats _bootstrapConsumerStats; protected UnifiedClientStats _unifiedClientStats; private final List<DatabusCombinedConsumer> _consumers; private final List<String> _sources; private DatabusSourcesConnection _sourcesConnection; private DatabusRegistration _parent = null; protected final DatabusHttpClientImpl _client; private Status _status = null; private DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig _filterConfig = null; private List<DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration> _streamConsumerRawRegistrations; private List<DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration> _bootstrapConsumerRawRegistrations; /** Suffix Names for Stats Collectors **/ public static final String STREAM_EVENT_STATS_SUFFIX_NAME = ".inbound"; public static final String BOOTSTRAP_EVENT_STATS_SUFFIX_NAME = ""; public static final String RELAY_CONSUMER_STATS_SUFFIX_NAME = ".callback.relay"; public static final String BOOTSTRAP_CONSUMER_STATS_SUFFIX_NAME = ".callback.bootstrap"; public static final String UNIFIED_CLIENT_STATS_SUFFIX_NAME = ".callback.unified"; public class Status extends DatabusComponentStatus { public Status() { super(getStatusName()); } } // TODO: nuke? no Databus callers at all; is this a public (external) API? public DatabusV2RegistrationImpl(RegistrationId id, DatabusHttpClientImpl client) { this(id, client, client.getCheckpointPersistenceProvider(), null, null); } public DatabusV2RegistrationImpl(RegistrationId id, DatabusHttpClientImpl client, CheckpointPersistenceProvider ckptProvider) { this(id, client, ckptProvider, null, null); } // TODO: make private? no other Databus callers except two ctors above; is this a public (external) API? public DatabusV2RegistrationImpl(RegistrationId id, DatabusHttpClientImpl client, CheckpointPersistenceProvider ckptProvider, String[] sources, AbstractDatabusCombinedConsumer[] consumers) { _id = id; _status = new Status(); _client = client; _checkpointPersistenceProvider = ckptProvider; _state = RegistrationState.INIT; _sources = new ArrayList<String>(); _consumers = new ArrayList<DatabusCombinedConsumer>(); final String loggerName = (_id != null) ? _id.getId(): getClass().getName(); _log = Logger.getLogger(loggerName); if ( null != sources) _sources.addAll(Arrays.asList(sources)); if ( null != consumers) _consumers.addAll(Arrays.asList(consumers)); } /** * Add sources to a given registration object * Adding an already existent subscription, will be a no-op. * * This does not create any new the DatabusRegistration object ( only modifies the current one ). * Hence the id of the registration remains the same * * @throws IllegalStateException if this registration has already been started. */ public synchronized void addSubscriptions(String ... sources) throws IllegalStateException { if ( ! _state.isPreStartState()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add sources when state is running or shut down. Current State :" + _state); for (String s : sources) if (! _sources.contains(s)) _sources.add(s); } /** * Remove subscriptions from a given registration object * Removing a non-existent subscription, will be a no-op. * * @throws IllegalStateException if this registration has already been started */ public synchronized void removeSubscriptions(String ... sources) throws IllegalStateException { if ( ! _state.isRunning()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot remove sources when state is running. Current State :" + _state); for (String s : sources) _sources.remove(s); } /** * Adds the specified consumers associated with this registration. * The added consumers will have the same subscription(s) and filter parameters as the other consumers * associated with this registration. */ public synchronized void addDatabusConsumers(Collection<DatabusCombinedConsumer> consumers) throws IllegalStateException { if (! _state.isPreStartState()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add consumers when state is running/shutdown. Current State :" + _state); for (DatabusCombinedConsumer c : consumers) if (! _consumers.contains(c)) _consumers.add(c); } /** * Removes the specified consumers associated with this registration. */ public synchronized void removeDatabusConsumers(Collection<AbstractDatabusCombinedConsumer> consumers) { if (!_state.isRunning()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot remove consumers when state is running. Current State :" + _state); _consumers.removeAll(consumers); } /** * Callback when registration is added to client Registration Set. * @param state */ public synchronized void onRegister() { _state = RegistrationState.REGISTERED; } /** * Initialize Statistics Collectors */ protected synchronized void initializeStatsCollectors() { MBeanServer mbeanServer = null; if ( null != _client ) { mbeanServer = _client.getMbeanServer(); } int ownerId = null == _client ? -1 : _client.getContainerStaticConfig().getId(); String regId = null != _id ? _id.getId() : "unknownReg"; initializeStatsCollectors(regId, ownerId, mbeanServer); if (null != _client) { _client.getBootstrapEventsStats().addStatsCollector(regId, _bootstrapEventsStatsCollector ); _client.getInBoundStatsCollectors().addStatsCollector(regId, _inboundEventsStatsCollector); _client.getRelayConsumerStatsCollectors().addStatsCollector(regId, _relayConsumerStats); _client.getBootstrapConsumerStatsCollectors().addStatsCollector(regId, _bootstrapConsumerStats); _client.getUnifiedClientStatsCollectors().addStatsCollector(regId, _unifiedClientStats); } } /** * Initialize Statistics Collectors */ protected void initializeStatsCollectors(String regId, int ownerId, MBeanServer mbeanServer) { _inboundEventsStatsCollector = new DbusEventsStatisticsCollector(ownerId, regId + STREAM_EVENT_STATS_SUFFIX_NAME, true, false, mbeanServer); _bootstrapEventsStatsCollector = new DbusEventsStatisticsCollector(ownerId, regId + BOOTSTRAP_EVENT_STATS_SUFFIX_NAME, true, false, mbeanServer); _relayConsumerStats = new ConsumerCallbackStats(ownerId, regId + RELAY_CONSUMER_STATS_SUFFIX_NAME, regId, true, false, new ConsumerCallbackStatsEvent()); _bootstrapConsumerStats = new ConsumerCallbackStats(ownerId, regId + BOOTSTRAP_CONSUMER_STATS_SUFFIX_NAME, regId, true, false, new ConsumerCallbackStatsEvent()); _unifiedClientStats = new UnifiedClientStats(ownerId, regId + UNIFIED_CLIENT_STATS_SUFFIX_NAME, regId, true, false, _client.getClientStaticConfig().getPullerThreadDeadnessThresholdMs(), new UnifiedClientStatsEvent()); } @Override public synchronized boolean start() throws IllegalStateException, DatabusClientException {"Starting registration (" + toString() + ") !!"); if (_state.isRunning()) {"Registration (" + _id + ") already started !!"); return false; } if ( _state != RegistrationState.REGISTERED) throw new IllegalStateException("Registration (" + _id + ") not in startable state !! Current State is :" + _state); if ( (null == _sources) || (_sources.isEmpty())) throw new DatabusClientException("Registration (" + _id + ") does not have any sources to start !!"); if ( (null == _consumers) || (_consumers.isEmpty())) throw new DatabusClientException("Registration (" + _id + ") does not have any consumers to start !!"); List<ServerInfo> relays = _client.getRelays(); List<ServerInfo> bootstrapServers = _client.getBootstrapServices(); List<DatabusCombinedConsumer> streamConsumers = new ArrayList<DatabusCombinedConsumer>(); List<DatabusCombinedConsumer> bootstrapConsumers = new ArrayList<DatabusCombinedConsumer>(); if ( (null == relays) || ( relays.isEmpty())) throw new DatabusClientException("No configured relays in the client to start"); Set<ServerInfo> candidateRelays = new HashSet<ServerInfo>(); for (ServerInfo s : relays) { if (canServe(s, _sources)) candidateRelays.add(s); } if (candidateRelays.isEmpty()) throw new DatabusClientException("No candidate relays for source : " + _sources); streamConsumers.addAll(_consumers); boolean canConsumerBootstrap = false; _streamConsumerRawRegistrations = new ArrayList<DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration>(); _streamConsumerRawRegistrations.add(new DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration(streamConsumers, _sources, _filterConfig)); for (DatabusCombinedConsumer c : _consumers) { if ( c.canBootstrap()) { canConsumerBootstrap = true; bootstrapConsumers.add(c); } } boolean enableBootstrap = _client.getClientStaticConfig().getRuntime().getBootstrap().isEnabled(); Set<ServerInfo> candidateBootstrapServers = new HashSet<ServerInfo>(); if (enableBootstrap && canConsumerBootstrap) { if ( (null == bootstrapServers) || ( bootstrapServers.isEmpty())) throw new DatabusClientException("No configured bootstrap servers in the client to start"); for (ServerInfo s : bootstrapServers) { if (canServe(s,_sources)) candidateBootstrapServers.add(s); } if (candidateBootstrapServers.isEmpty()) throw new DatabusClientException("No candidate bootstrap servers for source : " + _sources); _bootstrapConsumerRawRegistrations = new ArrayList<DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration>();; _bootstrapConsumerRawRegistrations.add(new DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration(bootstrapConsumers, _sources, _filterConfig)); } // All validations done. Setup and start initializeStatsCollectors(); DatabusSourcesConnection.StaticConfig connConfig = _client.getClientStaticConfig().getConnection(_sources); if (null == connConfig) connConfig = _client.getClientStaticConfig().getConnectionDefaults(); DbusEventBuffer eventBuffer = null; { DbusEventBuffer.StaticConfig cfg = connConfig.getEventBuffer(); eventBuffer = new DbusEventBuffer(cfg.getMaxSize(), cfg.getMaxIndividualBufferSize(), cfg.getScnIndexSize(), cfg.getReadBufferSize(), cfg.getMaxEventSize(), cfg.getAllocationPolicy(), new File(cfg.getMmapDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "_stream_" + _id), cfg.getQueuePolicy(), cfg.getTrace(), null, cfg.getAssertLevel(), cfg.getBufferRemoveWaitPeriod(), cfg.getRestoreMMappedBuffers(), cfg.getRestoreMMappedBuffersValidateEvents(), cfg.isEnableScnIndex(), _client.getEventFactory()); eventBuffer.setDropOldEvents(true); eventBuffer.start(0); } DbusEventBuffer bootstrapBuffer = null; if (enableBootstrap && canConsumerBootstrap) { DbusEventBuffer.StaticConfig bstCfg = connConfig.getBstEventBuffer(); bootstrapBuffer = new DbusEventBuffer(bstCfg.getMaxSize(), bstCfg.getMaxIndividualBufferSize(), bstCfg.getScnIndexSize(), bstCfg.getReadBufferSize(), bstCfg.getMaxEventSize(), bstCfg.getAllocationPolicy(), new File(bstCfg.getMmapDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "_bootstrap_" + _id ), bstCfg.getQueuePolicy(), bstCfg.getTrace(), null, bstCfg.getAssertLevel(), bstCfg.getBufferRemoveWaitPeriod(), bstCfg.getRestoreMMappedBuffers(), bstCfg.getRestoreMMappedBuffersValidateEvents(), bstCfg.isEnableScnIndex(), _client.getEventFactory()); bootstrapBuffer.setDropOldEvents(false); bootstrapBuffer.start(0); } List<DatabusSubscription> subs = createSubscriptions(_sources); if (null != _checkpointPersistenceProvider && _client.getClientStaticConfig().getCheckpointPersistence().isClearBeforeUse()) {"Clearing checkpoint for sources :" + _sources + " with regId :" + _id); _checkpointPersistenceProvider.removeCheckpoint(_sources); } _sourcesConnection = createConnection(connConfig,subs,candidateRelays,candidateBootstrapServers,eventBuffer,bootstrapBuffer); _sourcesConnection.start(); _state = RegistrationState.STARTED; _status.start(); _state = RegistrationState.STARTED; return true; } private List<DatabusSubscription> createSubscriptions(List<String> sources) throws DatabusClientException { List<DatabusSubscription> subs = null; try { subs = DatabusSubscription.createFromUriList(sources); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DatabusClientException(ex); } return subs; } /** * Factory method to create sources connection * @param connConfig * @param subs * @param candidateRelays * @param candidateBootstrapServers * @param eventBuffer * @param bootstrapBuffer * @return */ protected synchronized DatabusSourcesConnection createConnection(StaticConfig connConfig, List<DatabusSubscription> subs, Set<ServerInfo> candidateRelays, Set<ServerInfo> candidateBootstrapServers, DbusEventBuffer eventBuffer, DbusEventBuffer bootstrapBuffer) {"Creating Sources Connection : Candidate Relays :" + candidateRelays + ", CandidateBootstrapServers :" + candidateBootstrapServers + ", Subscriptions :" + subs); ConnectionStateFactory connStateFactory = new ConnectionStateFactory(DatabusSubscription.getStrList(subs)); DatabusSourcesConnection sourcesConnection = new DatabusSourcesConnection( connConfig, subs, candidateRelays, candidateBootstrapServers, _streamConsumerRawRegistrations, _bootstrapConsumerRawRegistrations, eventBuffer, bootstrapBuffer, _client.getDefaultExecutorService(), _client.getContainerStatsCollector(), _inboundEventsStatsCollector, _bootstrapEventsStatsCollector, _relayConsumerStats, _bootstrapConsumerStats, _unifiedClientStats, _checkpointPersistenceProvider, _client.getRelayConnFactory(), _client.getBootstrapConnFactory(), _client.getHttpStatsCollector(), null, // This should make sure the checkpoint directory structure is compatible with V2. _client, _id.toString(), // Used to uniquely identify logs and mbean name _client.getEventFactory(), null, connStateFactory); return sourcesConnection; } @Override public synchronized void shutdown() throws IllegalStateException { if (! _state.isRunning()) throw new IllegalStateException( "Registration (" + _id + ") is not in running state to be shutdown. Current state :" + _state); _sourcesConnection.unregisterMbeans(); _sourcesConnection.stop(); _status.shutdown(); _state = RegistrationState.SHUTDOWN; // remove this registration stats from client stats Collector list. _client.getBootstrapEventsStats().removeStatsCollector(_id.getId()); _client.getInBoundStatsCollectors().removeStatsCollector(_id.getId()); _client.getRelayConsumerStatsCollectors().removeStatsCollector(_id.getId()); _client.getBootstrapConsumerStatsCollectors().removeStatsCollector(_id.getId()); _client.getUnifiedClientStatsCollectors().removeStatsCollector(_id.getId()); } @Override public synchronized void pause() throws IllegalStateException { if ( _state == RegistrationState.PAUSED) return; if ( (_state != RegistrationState.STARTED) && ( _state != RegistrationState.RESUMED)) throw new IllegalStateException( "Registration (" + _id + ") is not in correct state to be paused. Current state :" + _state); _sourcesConnection.getConnectionStatus().pause(); _status.pause(); _state = RegistrationState.PAUSED; } @Override public synchronized void suspendOnError(Throwable ex) throws IllegalStateException { if ( _state == RegistrationState.SUSPENDED_ON_ERROR) return; if ( !_state.isRunning()) throw new IllegalStateException( "Registration (" + _id + ") is not in correct state to be suspended. Current state :" + _state); _sourcesConnection.getConnectionStatus().suspendOnError(ex); _status.suspendOnError(ex); _state = RegistrationState.SUSPENDED_ON_ERROR; } @Override public synchronized void resume() throws IllegalStateException { if ( _state == RegistrationState.RESUMED) return; if ( (_state != RegistrationState.PAUSED) && ( _state != RegistrationState.SUSPENDED_ON_ERROR)) throw new IllegalStateException( "Registration (" + _id + ") is not in correct state to be resumed. Current state :" + _state); _sourcesConnection.getConnectionStatus().resume(); _status.resume(); _state = RegistrationState.RESUMED; } @Override public RegistrationState getState() { return _state; } @Override public synchronized boolean deregister() throws IllegalStateException { if ((_state == RegistrationState.DEREGISTERED) || (_state == RegistrationState.INIT)) return false; if ( _state.isRunning()) shutdown(); deregisterFromClient(); _state = RegistrationState.DEREGISTERED; return true; } protected void deregisterFromClient() { _client.deregister(this); } @Override public Collection<DatabusSubscription> getSubscriptions() { return DatabusSubscription.createSubscriptionList(_sources); } @Override public synchronized DatabusComponentStatus getStatus() { return _status; } @Override public synchronized Logger getLogger() { return _log; } @Override public DatabusRegistration getParent() { return _parent; } protected void setParent(DatabusRegistration parent) { _parent = parent; } @Override public synchronized DatabusRegistration withRegId(RegistrationId regId) throws DatabusClientException, IllegalStateException { if ( (_id != null) && (_id.equals(regId))) return this; if (! RegistrationIdGenerator.isIdValid(regId)) throw new DatabusClientException("Another registration with the same regId (" + regId + ") already present !!"); if (_state.isRunning()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot update regId when registration is in running state. RegId :" + _id + ", State :" + _state); _id = regId; _status = new Status(); // Component Status should use the correct component name return this; } @Override public synchronized DatabusRegistration withServerSideFilter(DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig filterConfig) throws IllegalStateException { if (_state.isRunning()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot update server-side filter when registration is in running state. RegId :" + _id + ", State :" + _state); _filterConfig = filterConfig; return this; } @Override public List<DbusPartitionInfo> getPartitions() { return null; } @Override public Checkpoint getLastPersistedCheckpoint() { Checkpoint cp =_checkpointPersistenceProvider.loadCheckpoint(_sources); return cp; } @Override public synchronized boolean storeCheckpoint(Checkpoint ckpt) throws IllegalStateException { try { _checkpointPersistenceProvider.storeCheckpoint(_sources, ckpt); } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("Storing checkpoint failed with exception", ioe); return false; } return true; } @Override public DbusEventsStatisticsCollectorMBean getRelayEventStats() { return _inboundEventsStatsCollector; } @Override public DbusEventsStatisticsCollectorMBean getBootstrapEventStats() { return _bootstrapEventsStatsCollector; } @Override public ConsumerCallbackStatsMBean getRelayCallbackStats() { return _relayConsumerStats; } @Override public ConsumerCallbackStatsMBean getBootstrapCallbackStats() { return _bootstrapConsumerStats; } @Override public UnifiedClientStatsMBean getUnifiedClientStats() { return _unifiedClientStats; } @Override public RelayFindMaxSCNResult fetchMaxSCN(FetchMaxSCNRequest request) throws InterruptedException { throw new RuntimeException("Not yet supported !!"); } @Override public RelayFlushMaxSCNResult flush(RelayFindMaxSCNResult fetchSCNResult, FlushRequest flushRequest) throws InterruptedException { throw new RuntimeException("Not yet supported !!"); } @Override public RelayFlushMaxSCNResult flush(FetchMaxSCNRequest maxScnRequest, FlushRequest flushRequest) throws InterruptedException { throw new RuntimeException("Not yet supported !!"); } protected synchronized String getStatusName() { return "Status" + ((_id != null ) ? "_" + _id.getId() : ""); } private static boolean canServe(ServerInfo s, Collection<String> sources) { List<String> supportedSources = s.getSources(); for (String src : sources) { if (! supportedSources.contains(src)) return false; } return true; } @Override public synchronized RegistrationId getRegistrationId() { return _id; } @Override public synchronized String toString() { return "DatabusV2RegistrationImpl [_state=" + _state + ", _id=" + _id + ", _sources=" + _sources + ", _status=" + _status + ", _filterConfig=" + _filterConfig + ", _streamConsumerRawRegistrations=" + _streamConsumerRawRegistrations + ", _bootstrapConsumerRawRegistrations=" + _bootstrapConsumerRawRegistrations + "]"; } @Override public synchronized DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig getFilterConfig() { return _filterConfig; } }