package; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonProcessingException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.Checkpoint; import com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.DatabusSubscription; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.ConfigApplier; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.ConfigBuilder; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.ConfigManager; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException; /** * Stores checkpoints to disk as simple files. The format is that the checkpoint for each stream * is stored in a different file whose name can be uniquely derived from the stream. For debugging * purposes, the provider can also support rolling files, where the last few (configurable) * checkpoint files are also stored. The format of the files is <StreamId>.xxx where xxx is * monotonically increasing number. The latest checkpoint is <StreamId>.current . * * The format of the files is * Line 1: json representation of the checkpoint * Line 2: crc of json * * @author cbotev * */ public class FileSystemCheckpointPersistenceProvider extends CheckpointPersistenceProviderAbstract { public static final String MODULE = FileSystemCheckpointPersistenceProvider.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); private static final int MAX_STREAMID_NAME_LENGTH = 240; private static final String COMMON_SOURCENAME_PREFIX = ""; /** The static configuration */ private final StaticConfig _staticConfig; /** Runtime config manager*/ private final ConfigManager<RuntimeConfig> _configManager; /** Cache for checkpoints. The invariant is that if the cache has an entry, it is the * latest version. If there is no entry, then either there is no checkpoint or the checkpoint * is persisted in a file on the disk */ private final HashMap<String, CacheEntry> _cache; private final ReadWriteLock _cacheLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true); public FileSystemCheckpointPersistenceProvider() throws InvalidConfigException { this (new Config(), 2); } public FileSystemCheckpointPersistenceProvider(Config config, int protocolVersion) throws InvalidConfigException { this(, protocolVersion); } public FileSystemCheckpointPersistenceProvider(StaticConfig config, int protocolVersion) throws InvalidConfigException { super(protocolVersion); _staticConfig = config; _cache = new HashMap<String, CacheEntry>(100); _staticConfig.getRuntime().setManagedInstance(this); _configManager = new ConfigManager<RuntimeConfig>(_staticConfig.getRuntimeConfigPrefix(), _staticConfig.getRuntime()); } public StaticConfig getStaticConfig() { return _staticConfig; } @Override public Checkpoint loadCheckpointV3(List<DatabusSubscription> subs, RegistrationId registrationId) { return loadCheckpointInternal(convertSubsToListOfStrings(subs), registrationId); } @Override public void storeCheckpointV3(List<DatabusSubscription> subs, Checkpoint checkpoint, RegistrationId registrationId) throws IOException { storeCheckpointInternal(convertSubsToListOfStrings(subs), checkpoint, registrationId); } @Override public void removeCheckpointV3(List<DatabusSubscription> subs, RegistrationId registrationId) { removeCheckpointInternal(convertSubsToListOfStrings(subs), registrationId); } @Override public Checkpoint loadCheckpoint(List<String> sourceNames) { return loadCheckpointInternal(sourceNames, null); } @Override public void storeCheckpoint(List<String> sourceNames, Checkpoint checkpoint) throws IOException { storeCheckpointInternal(sourceNames, checkpoint, null); } @Override public void removeCheckpoint(List<String> sourceNames) { removeCheckpointInternal(sourceNames, null); } private Checkpoint loadCheckpointInternal(List<String> sourceNames, RegistrationId registrationId) { String streamId = calcStreamId(sourceNames); try { CacheEntry cacheEntry = doLoadCheckpoint(sourceNames, streamId, registrationId); Checkpoint result = (null == cacheEntry) ? null : cacheEntry.getCheckpoint(); return result; } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Error loading checkpoint", ioe); return null; } } private void storeCheckpointInternal(List<String> sourceNames, Checkpoint checkpoint, RegistrationId registrationId) throws IOException { String streamId = calcStreamId(sourceNames); //make sure we have the latest copy CacheEntry cacheEntry = doLoadCheckpoint(sourceNames, streamId, registrationId); if (null == cacheEntry) { throw new IOException("Creation of checkpoint failed: " + streamId); } if (!cacheEntry.setCheckpoint(checkpoint)) { throw new IOException("Storing of checkpoint failed"); } } private void removeCheckpointInternal(List<String> sourceNames, RegistrationId registrationId) {"Removing checkpoint for:" + sourceNames); String streamId = calcStreamId(sourceNames); String key = calculateIndexForCache(streamId, registrationId); Lock writeLock = _cacheLock.writeLock(); writeLock.lock(); try { _cache.remove(key); File rootDirectoryForRegistrationId; if (null == registrationId) rootDirectoryForRegistrationId = getStaticConfig().getRootDirectory(); else rootDirectoryForRegistrationId = new File (getStaticConfig().getRootDirectory(), registrationId.getId()); File curCheckpointFile = new File(rootDirectoryForRegistrationId, streamId + ".current"); if (curCheckpointFile.exists()) { if (!curCheckpointFile.delete()) { LOG.error("checkpoint removal failed: " + sourceNames); LOG.error("could not delete file:" + curCheckpointFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } /** * Creates a cache entry if none exists; otherwise returns current cache entry * @param sourceNames the stream sources * @return the cache entry * @throws IOException */ CacheEntry doLoadCheckpoint(List<String> sourceNames, String streamId, RegistrationId registrationId) throws IOException { Lock readLock = _cacheLock.readLock(); readLock.lock(); CacheEntry cacheEntry = null; String key = calculateIndexForCache(streamId, registrationId); try { cacheEntry = _cache.get(key); } finally { readLock.unlock(); } if (null == cacheEntry) { Lock writeLock = _cacheLock.writeLock(); writeLock.lock(); try { cacheEntry = new CacheEntry(streamId, registrationId); _cache.put(key, cacheEntry); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } return cacheEntry; } private String calculateIndexForCache(String streamId, RegistrationId registrationId) { String key = streamId; if (null != registrationId) { assert(false == registrationId.getId().isEmpty()); key = registrationId.getId() + streamId; } return key; } static String calcStreamId(List<String> sourceNames) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024); sb.append("cp_"); boolean useShortNames = (sourceNames.size() >= 5); boolean first = true; for (String sourceName: sourceNames) { if (!first) sb.append('-'); first = false; //Be less verbose for checkpoint with many sources; don't break previous consumers with //existing checkpoints String realSourceName = (useShortNames && sourceName.startsWith(COMMON_SOURCENAME_PREFIX)) ? sourceName.substring(COMMON_SOURCENAME_PREFIX.length()) : sourceName; sb.append(realSourceName.replaceAll("\\W", "_")); } if (sb.length() > MAX_STREAMID_NAME_LENGTH) sb.delete(MAX_STREAMID_NAME_LENGTH, sb.length()); return sb.toString(); } public File generateCheckpointFile(String basename, RegistrationId registrationId, int index) { File rootDirectory; if (null == registrationId) rootDirectory = _staticConfig.getRootDirectory(); else rootDirectory = new File(_staticConfig.getRootDirectory(), registrationId.getId()); return StaticConfig.generateCheckpointFile(rootDirectory, basename, index); } public ConfigManager<RuntimeConfig> getConfigManager() { return _configManager; } class CacheEntry { private Checkpoint _checkpoint; private boolean _checkpointLoaded; private TreeSet<HistoryEntry> _historyEntries; private final String _filePrefix; private final RegistrationId _registrationId; private File _rootDirectory; public CacheEntry(String streamId, RegistrationId registrationId) throws IOException { _checkpointLoaded = false; _filePrefix = streamId + "."; _registrationId = registrationId; if (null == _registrationId) _rootDirectory = _staticConfig.getRootDirectory(); else _rootDirectory = new File (_staticConfig.getRootDirectory(), _registrationId.getId()); boolean success = _rootDirectory.exists() || _rootDirectory.mkdirs(); if ( ! success ) { LOG.error("Failed to create checkpoint directory (" + _rootDirectory + ")"); } } public synchronized Checkpoint getCheckpoint() { if (! _checkpointLoaded) { loadCurrentCheckpoint(); _checkpointLoaded = true; } return _checkpoint; } private boolean loadCurrentCheckpoint() { //We read the current checkpoint from the file. If we encounter an error, we log an error //but we preserve the null value for the checkpoint and move on. boolean hasError = false; File cpFile = new File(_rootDirectory, _filePrefix + "current"); if (cpFile.exists()) { try { BufferedReader checkpointFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(cpFile)); String jsonLine = checkpointFile.readLine(); if (null == jsonLine) { LOG.error("Checkpoint JSON serialization expected"); hasError = true; } Checkpoint newCheckpoint = null; if (!hasError) { try { newCheckpoint = new Checkpoint(jsonLine); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("checkpoint loaded:" + newCheckpoint.toString()); } catch (JsonProcessingException jpe) { hasError = true; LOG.error("Unable to deserialize checkpoint", jpe); } } if (!hasError) { _checkpoint = newCheckpoint; } checkpointFile.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error(ioe); } } return !hasError; } public synchronized boolean setCheckpoint(Checkpoint checkpoint) { if (null == checkpoint) { LOG.error("Cannot save null checkpoints"); return false; } boolean hasError = false; RuntimeConfig runtimeConfig = getConfigManager().getReadOnlyConfig(); if (runtimeConfig.isHistoryEnabled()) { findHistoryFiles(); } File newCheckpointFile = new File(_rootDirectory, _filePrefix + "newcurrent"); File curCheckpointFile = new File(_rootDirectory, _filePrefix + "current"); boolean hasCurCheckpointFile = curCheckpointFile.exists(); hasError = hasError || !storeCheckpoint(checkpoint, newCheckpointFile); if (!hasError) { if (hasCurCheckpointFile && runtimeConfig.isHistoryEnabled() ) { addHistoryEntry(curCheckpointFile); } else { File oldCheckpointFile = new File(_rootDirectory, _filePrefix + "oldcurrent"); if (oldCheckpointFile.exists() && !oldCheckpointFile.delete()) { LOG.error("removing old checkpoint file failed:" + oldCheckpointFile.getAbsolutePath()); } if (hasCurCheckpointFile && !curCheckpointFile.renameTo(oldCheckpointFile)) { LOG.error("saving old checkpoint file failed: " + oldCheckpointFile.getAbsolutePath()); } if (hasCurCheckpointFile) { if (curCheckpointFile.exists() && !curCheckpointFile.delete()) { LOG.warn("deletion of checkpoint file failed:" + curCheckpointFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } } if (!newCheckpointFile.renameTo(curCheckpointFile)) { hasError = true; LOG.error("Saving current checkpoint failed"); } } if (!hasError) { _checkpoint = checkpoint; } return !hasError; } private void findHistoryFiles() { _historyEntries = new TreeSet<HistoryEntry>(); File[] historyFiles = getStaticConfig().getRootDirectory().listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.startsWith(_filePrefix); } }); if (null == historyFiles) { LOG.warn("Unable to find history files " + _filePrefix + "*"); } else { for (File f: historyFiles) { HistoryEntry entry = createHistoryEntry(f); if (null != entry) _historyEntries.add(entry); } } } private boolean storeCheckpoint(Checkpoint checkpoint, File toFile) { boolean hasError = false; if (toFile.exists() && !toFile.delete()) { LOG.error("deletion of file failed: " + toFile.getAbsolutePath()); } try { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(toFile); String checkpointJson = checkpoint.toString(); out.println(checkpointJson); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { hasError = true; LOG.error("Store checkpoint error", e); } return ! hasError; } private void cleanupHistoryFiles() { RuntimeConfig runtimeConfig = getConfigManager().getReadOnlyConfig(); int maxSize = runtimeConfig.getHistorySize(); while (_historyEntries.size() > maxSize) { _historyEntries.remove(_historyEntries.last()); } } private HistoryEntry createHistoryEntry(File file) { int suffixIdx = file.getName().lastIndexOf('.'); if (-1 == suffixIdx) return null; String suffix = file.getName().substring(suffixIdx + 1); int index = -1; try { index = Integer.parseInt(suffix); return (index < 0) ? null : new HistoryEntry(index, file); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return null; } } private void addHistoryEntry(File f) { HistoryEntry newEntry = new HistoryEntry(-1, f); _historyEntries.add(newEntry); cleanupHistoryFiles(); Iterator<HistoryEntry> descIter = _historyEntries.descendingIterator(); while (descIter.hasNext()) { HistoryEntry entry =; entry.bumpUpVersion(); } } class HistoryEntry implements Comparable<HistoryEntry> { private int _index; private File _file; public HistoryEntry(int index, File file) { super(); _index = index; _file = file; } public void bumpUpVersion() { ++_index; File newFile = generateCheckpointFile(_filePrefix, _registrationId, _index); if (newFile.exists() && !newFile.delete()) { LOG.warn("failed to remove file:" + newFile.getAbsolutePath()); } if (!_file.renameTo(newFile)) { LOG.error("File rollover failed: from " + _file.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + newFile.getAbsolutePath()); } _file = newFile; } @Override public int compareTo(HistoryEntry other) { return this._index - other._index; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (null == other || !(other instanceof HistoryEntry)) return false; HistoryEntry otherEntry = (HistoryEntry)other; return this._index == otherEntry._index; } @Override public int hashCode() { return this._index; } } } /** * Runtime configuration for the file-system checkpoint persistence provider * * {@see FileSystemCheckpointPersistenceProvider} */ public static class RuntimeConfig implements ConfigApplier<RuntimeConfig> { private final boolean _historyEnabled; private final int _historySize; public RuntimeConfig(boolean historyEnabled, int historySize) { super(); _historyEnabled = historyEnabled; _historySize = historySize; } /** A flag that indicates if the provider is archive previously persisted checkpoints */ public boolean isHistoryEnabled() { return _historyEnabled; } /** The number of archived checkpoints to store. Meaningful only if {@link #isHistoryEnabled()} * is *true*. */ public int getHistorySize() { return _historySize; } @Override public void applyNewConfig(RuntimeConfig oldConfig) { // No shared state to change; runtime config settings are used on demand } @Override public boolean equals(Object otherConfig) { if (null == otherConfig || !(otherConfig instanceof RuntimeConfig)) return false; return equalsConfig((RuntimeConfig)otherConfig); } @Override public boolean equalsConfig(RuntimeConfig otherConfig) { if (null == otherConfig) return false; return getHistorySize() == otherConfig.getHistorySize() && isHistoryEnabled() == otherConfig.isHistoryEnabled(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return _historySize ^ (_historyEnabled ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0); } @Override public String toString() { return "RuntimeConfig [_historyEnabled=" + _historyEnabled + ", _historySize=" + _historySize + "]"; } } public static class RuntimeConfigBuilder implements ConfigBuilder<RuntimeConfig> { /** Max valid history size; if you increase this make sure the file name generation uses * enough digits in the extension */ public static final int MAX_HISTORY_SIZE = 99; public static final String CHECKPOINT_FILE_EXT_PATTERN = "%02d"; /** A flag if checkpoint history is to be saved */ private boolean _historyEnabled = false; /** The number of checkpoints in the history */ private int _historySize = 5; private FileSystemCheckpointPersistenceProvider _managedInstance = null; public RuntimeConfigBuilder() { } /** * Checks if checkpoint history is enabled. * @return true iff checkpoint history is enabled */ public boolean isHistoryEnabled() { return _historyEnabled; } public void setHistoryEnabled(boolean historyEnabled) { _historyEnabled = historyEnabled; } /** * Obtains the max number of checkpoints to be stored in the history (in addition to the latest * one). * @return the number of checkpoints in the history */ public int getHistorySize() { return _historySize; } /** Changes the number of archived checkpoints to store. Meaningful only if * {@link #isHistoryEnabled()} is *true*. * * The number must be between 1 and {@link #MAX_HISTORY_SIZE}. * */ public void setHistorySize(int historySize) { _historySize = historySize; } public FileSystemCheckpointPersistenceProvider getManagedInstance() { return _managedInstance; } public void setManagedInstance(FileSystemCheckpointPersistenceProvider managedInstance) { _managedInstance = managedInstance; } @Override public RuntimeConfig build() throws InvalidConfigException { if (_historySize <= 0 || _historySize > MAX_HISTORY_SIZE) { throw new InvalidConfigException("Invalid history size:" + _historySize); } if (null == _managedInstance) { throw new InvalidConfigException("No associated managed instance for runtime config"); } return new RuntimeConfig(_historyEnabled, _historySize); } @Override public String toString() { return "RuntimeConfigBuilder [_historyEnabled=" + _historyEnabled + ", _historySize=" + _historySize + ", _managedInstance=" + _managedInstance + "]"; } } /** Static configuration for the file-system checkpoint persistence provider. * * @see FileSystemCheckpointPersistenceProvider */ public static class StaticConfig { private final File _rootDirectory; private final RuntimeConfigBuilder _runtime; private final String _runtimeConfigPrefix; public StaticConfig(File rootDirectory, RuntimeConfigBuilder runtime, String runtimeConfigPrefix) { super(); _rootDirectory = rootDirectory; _runtime = runtime; _runtimeConfigPrefix = runtimeConfigPrefix; } /** The root directory for all checkpoint files. */ public File getRootDirectory() { return _rootDirectory; } /** The runtime configuration properties */ public RuntimeConfigBuilder getRuntime() { return _runtime; } public String getRuntimeConfigPrefix() { return _runtimeConfigPrefix; } public static File generateCheckpointFile(File rootDir, String basename, int index) { Formatter fmt = new Formatter(); try { fmt.format(RuntimeConfigBuilder.CHECKPOINT_FILE_EXT_PATTERN, index); return new File(rootDir, basename + fmt.toString()); } finally { fmt.close(); } } @Override public String toString() { return "StaticConfig [_rootDirectory=" + _rootDirectory + ", _runtime=" + _runtime + ", _runtimeConfigPrefix=" + _runtimeConfigPrefix + "]"; } } public static class Config implements ConfigBuilder<StaticConfig> { /** The root directory for the checkpoint files */ private String _rootDirectory = "./databus2-checkpoints"; /** Property prefix for the runtime*/ private String _runtimeConfigPrefix = "databus.checkpointPersistence.fileSystem."; private RuntimeConfigBuilder _runtime; public Config() { super(); _runtime = new RuntimeConfigBuilder(); } public String getRootDirectory() { return _rootDirectory; } public void setRootDirectory(String rootDirectory) { _rootDirectory = rootDirectory; } public RuntimeConfigBuilder getRuntime() { return _runtime; } public void setRuntime(RuntimeConfigBuilder runtime) { _runtime = runtime; } public String getRuntimeConfigPrefix() { return _runtimeConfigPrefix; } public void setRuntimeConfigPrefix(String runtimeConfigPrefix) { _runtimeConfigPrefix = runtimeConfigPrefix; } @Override public StaticConfig build() throws InvalidConfigException { File rootDirectory = new File(_rootDirectory); if (!rootDirectory.exists()) { if (!rootDirectory.mkdirs()) { throw new InvalidConfigException("Invalid checkpoint directory:" + rootDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } }"Checkpoint directory:" + rootDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); return new StaticConfig(rootDirectory, _runtime, _runtimeConfigPrefix); } } }