package com.linkedin.databus.monitoring.mbean; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import; import; import; import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificDatumWriter; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.core.monitoring.mbean.AbstractMonitoringMBean; import; public class DbusDbSourceConnectionStats extends AbstractMonitoringMBean<DbusDbSourceConnectionStatsEvent> implements DbusDbSourceConnectionStatsMBean { public static final String MODULE = DbusDbSourceConnectionStats.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); public DbusDbSourceConnectionStats(int relayId, boolean enabled, boolean threadSafe, DbusDbSourceConnectionStatsEvent initData) { super(enabled, threadSafe, initData); _event.relayId = relayId; reset(); } @Override public long getNumClosedDbConns() { Lock readLock = acquireReadLock(); try { return _event.numClosedDbConns; } finally { releaseLock(readLock); } } @Override public long getNumOpenDbConns() { Lock readLock = acquireReadLock(); try { return _event.numOpenDbConns; } finally { releaseLock(readLock); } } @Override public long getNumRowsUpdated() { Lock readLock = acquireReadLock(); try { return _event.numRowsUpdated; } finally { releaseLock(readLock); } } @Override public long getTimeClosedDbConnLifeMs() { Lock readLock = acquireReadLock(); try { return _event.timeClosedDbConnLifeMs; } finally { releaseLock(readLock); } } @Override public long getTimeOpenDbConnLifeMs() { Lock readLock = acquireReadLock(); try { return _event.timeOpenDbConnLifeMs; } finally { releaseLock(readLock); } } @Override public long getTimestampLastDbConnCloseMs() { Lock readLock = acquireReadLock(); try { return _event.timestampLastDbConnCloseMs; } finally { releaseLock(readLock); } } @Override public long getTimestampLastDbConnOpenMs() { Lock readLock = acquireReadLock(); try { return _event.timestampLastDbConnOpenMs; } finally { releaseLock(readLock); } } @Override public long getTimeSinceLastResetMs() { Lock readLock = acquireReadLock(); try { return _event.timeSinceLastResetMs; } finally { releaseLock(readLock); } } @Override public long getTimestampLastResetMs() { Lock readLock = acquireReadLock(); try { return _event.timestampLastResetMs; } finally { releaseLock(readLock); } } @Override public JsonEncoder createJsonEncoder(OutputStream out) throws IOException { return new JsonEncoder(_event.getSchema(), out); } @Override public void registerDbConnClose(long timestamp, long lifespan) { Lock writeLock = acquireWriteLock(); try { ++ _event.numClosedDbConns; -- _event.numOpenDbConns; _event.timeClosedDbConnLifeMs += lifespan; _event.timestampLastDbConnCloseMs = Math.max(_event.timestampLastDbConnCloseMs, timestamp); } finally { releaseLock(writeLock); } } @Override public void registerDbConnOpen(long timestamp) { Lock writeLock = acquireWriteLock(); try { ++ _event.numOpenDbConns; _event.timestampLastDbConnOpenMs = Math.max(_event.timestampLastDbConnOpenMs, timestamp); } finally { releaseLock(writeLock); } } @Override public void registerDbRowsRead(int num) { Lock writeLock = acquireWriteLock(); try { _event.numRowsUpdated += num; } finally { releaseLock(writeLock); } } @Override protected void cloneData(DbusDbSourceConnectionStatsEvent event) { event.relayId = _event.relayId; event.timestampLastResetMs = _event.timestampLastResetMs; event.timeSinceLastResetMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - _event.timestampLastResetMs; event.numClosedDbConns = _event.numClosedDbConns; event.numOpenDbConns = _event.numOpenDbConns; event.numRowsUpdated = _event.numRowsUpdated; event.timeClosedDbConnLifeMs = _event.timeClosedDbConnLifeMs; event.timeOpenDbConnLifeMs = _event.timeOpenDbConnLifeMs; event.timestampLastDbConnCloseMs = _event.timestampLastDbConnCloseMs; event.timestampLastDbConnOpenMs = _event.timestampLastDbConnOpenMs; } @Override protected void doMergeStats(Object eventData) { if (! (eventData instanceof DbusDbSourceConnectionStatsEvent)) { LOG.warn("Attempt to merge unknown event class" + eventData.getClass().getName()); return; } DbusDbSourceConnectionStatsEvent e = (DbusDbSourceConnectionStatsEvent)eventData; /** Allow use negative relay IDs for aggregation across multiple relays */ if (_event.relayId > 0 && e.relayId != _event.relayId) { LOG.warn("Attempt to data for a different relay " + e.relayId); return; } _event.numClosedDbConns += e.numClosedDbConns; _event.numOpenDbConns += e.numOpenDbConns; _event.numRowsUpdated += e.numRowsUpdated; _event.timeClosedDbConnLifeMs += e.timeClosedDbConnLifeMs; _event.timeOpenDbConnLifeMs += e.timeOpenDbConnLifeMs; _event.timestampLastDbConnCloseMs = Math.max(_event.timestampLastDbConnCloseMs, e.timestampLastDbConnCloseMs); _event.timestampLastDbConnOpenMs = Math.max(_event.timestampLastDbConnOpenMs, e.timestampLastDbConnOpenMs); } @Override protected SpecificDatumWriter<DbusDbSourceConnectionStatsEvent> getAvroWriter() { return new SpecificDatumWriter<DbusDbSourceConnectionStatsEvent>(DbusDbSourceConnectionStatsEvent.class); } @Override protected DbusDbSourceConnectionStatsEvent newDataEvent() { return new DbusDbSourceConnectionStatsEvent(); } @Override protected void resetData() { _event.timestampLastResetMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); _event.timeSinceLastResetMs = 0; _event.numClosedDbConns = 0; _event.numOpenDbConns = 0; _event.numRowsUpdated = 0; _event.timeClosedDbConnLifeMs = 0; _event.timeOpenDbConnLifeMs = 0; _event.timestampLastDbConnCloseMs = 0; _event.timestampLastDbConnOpenMs = 0; } @Override public ObjectName generateObjectName() throws MalformedObjectNameException { Hashtable<String, String> mbeanProps = generateBaseMBeanProps(); mbeanProps.put("relayId", Integer.toString(_event.relayId)); return new ObjectName(AbstractMonitoringMBean.JMX_DOMAIN, mbeanProps); } }