package com.linkedin.databus.core; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventBuffer.AllocationPolicy; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.BufferPosition; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.BufferPositionParser; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.AssertLevel; /** * An index that is used by the EventBuffer to store scn->offset mappings. * * Main buffer is divided into regions (may contain multiple physical buffers). * * ScnIndex is a buffer too, which is divided into blocks. One block per region of the main buffer. * Each Block is of size SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD and contains SCN and corresponding OFFSET * (for the structure of the offset see * * Each block describes one region in the main buffer. Number of regions in the main buffer is: * num_reigions = size_of_the_scn_index_buffer/SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD * Size of the region is: MainBufferSize/num_regions * * To find an SCN - one should look in SCN buffer to find the starting offset (using binary search) * in the main buffer and then scan sequentially starting from the offset. * Event_Window may span over multiple regions. In this case all the blocks in scn index that correspond * to these regions will have same values (SCN and OFFSET of the start of the window). * * Next Event will start from the next available region (this is what is returned by getLargerOffset(). * * In ScnIndex: * head - points to the next available block to read * tail - next available block to write * * Example: * Main buffer size - 1000bytes * Scn index size - 160bytes. 10 blocks. * |---|----|---|----|---|-----|----|----|----| * scn| 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 6 | ....| 10 | 15 | | * off| 0 | 100|100|100 |400| ....|700 |800 | | * |---|--- |---|----|---|-----|----|----|----| * 0 1 2 3 7 8 9 * * * (scn, data) * |------|------|-------|-----|--------------------|-----------------|-----------|-----| * scn| 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 6 ....... |10,11,12,13,14 | | | * |------|------|-------|-----|--------------------|-----------------|-----------|-----| * 0 100 200 300 400 700 800 * * Event window with SCN 4 spans from offset 0 to 90. * Event window with SCN 5 spans from offset 100 to 350. * Event window with SCN 6 starts from offset 400. * The blocks 1,2,3 of scn index will have the same SCN (5) and Offset(100). And block 4 * will have scn 6 and index 400. * * Events with SCN 10-14 are all fit into region between 700 and 800, so SCN index only points * at the first scn of this range. So if one need to find event with SCN 12, they'll need * to do a serial scan from offset 700. * @author sdas * */ public class ScnIndex extends InternalDatabusEventsListenerAbstract { public static final String MODULE = ScnIndex.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); public static final int SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD = 16; public static final String SCNINDEX_METAINFO_FILE_NAME = "scnIndexMetaFile"; private final ByteBuffer buffer; private final BufferPositionParser positionParser; private volatile int head = -1; // head = first valid position in the index private volatile int tail = 0; // tail = position at which we start writing private final int maxElements; private long lastScnWritten = -1; private int lastWrittenPosition = -1; private final int blockSize; private final int individualBufferSize; private final ReentrantReadWriteLock rwLock; private boolean updateOnNext; private boolean isFirstCheck = true; private final AssertLevel _assertLevel; private final File _mmapSessionDirectory; public boolean isEnabled() { return _enabled; } private final boolean _enabled; private boolean updatedOnCurrentWindow = false; // see assertLastWrittenPosition /** * Public constructor : takes in the number of index entries that will be kept */ public ScnIndex(int maxIndexSize, long totalAddressedSpace, int individualBufferSize, BufferPositionParser parser, AllocationPolicy allocationPolicy, boolean restoreBuffer, File mmapSessionDirectory, AssertLevel assertLevel, boolean enabled, ByteOrder byteOrder) { _enabled = enabled; _assertLevel = null != assertLevel ? assertLevel : AssertLevel.NONE; rwLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); maxElements = maxIndexSize/SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD; int proposedBlockSize = (int) (totalAddressedSpace / maxElements); if ((1L * proposedBlockSize * maxElements)< totalAddressedSpace) { proposedBlockSize++; } blockSize = proposedBlockSize; assert(1L * blockSize * maxElements >= totalAddressedSpace); positionParser = parser; int bufSize = maxElements * SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD; if (isEnabled()) { buffer = DbusEventBuffer.allocateByteBuffer(bufSize, byteOrder, allocationPolicy, restoreBuffer, mmapSessionDirectory, new File(mmapSessionDirectory, "scnIndex")); } else { buffer = null; } _mmapSessionDirectory = mmapSessionDirectory; this.individualBufferSize = individualBufferSize; this.lastScnWritten = -1L; updateOnNext = false; if (!isEnabled()) {"ScnIndex not enabled"); return; } // See if we have metaInfoFile to set from if(allocationPolicy == AllocationPolicy.MMAPPED_MEMORY && restoreBuffer) { File metaFile = new File(mmapSessionDirectory, SCNINDEX_METAINFO_FILE_NAME); DbusEventBufferMetaInfo mi = null; if(metaFile.exists()) { mi = new DbusEventBufferMetaInfo(metaFile); try { mi.loadMetaInfo(); if(mi.isValid()) setAndValidateMetaState(mi); else throw new DbusEventBufferMetaInfo.DbusEventBufferMetaInfoException(mi, "metaInfoFile is not valid"); } catch (DbusEventBufferMetaInfo.DbusEventBufferMetaInfoException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { LOG.warn("restoreMMappedBuffer is set to true, but file " + metaFile + " does't exist"); } }"ScnIndex configured with: maxElements = " + maxElements); } /** * read some meta data from the file and set/verify state * @throws DbusEventBufferMetaInfo.DbusEventBufferMetaInfoException * */ private void setAndValidateMetaState(DbusEventBufferMetaInfo mi) throws DbusEventBufferMetaInfo.DbusEventBufferMetaInfoException {"loading metaInfoFile " + mi.toString()); DbusEventBufferMetaInfo.BufferInfo bi = mi.getScnIndexBufferInfo(); buffer.limit(bi.getLimit()); buffer.position(bi.getPos()); if(buffer.position() > buffer.limit() || buffer.limit() > buffer.capacity() || buffer.capacity() != bi.getCapacity()){ throw new DbusEventBufferMetaInfo.DbusEventBufferMetaInfoException(mi, "ScnIndex buffer is not valid: pos =" + buffer.position() + "; limit = " + buffer.limit() + "; cap=" + buffer.capacity() + "; miCapacity= " + bi.getCapacity()); } int scnBufferSize = mi.getInt("scnBufferSize"); if(scnBufferSize != buffer.capacity()) throw new DbusEventBufferMetaInfo.DbusEventBufferMetaInfoException(mi, "Invalid scnBufferSize in meta file:" + scnBufferSize + "(expected =" + buffer.capacity() + ")"); this.lastScnWritten = mi.getLong("lastScnWritten"); this.updateOnNext = mi.getBool("updateOnNext"); this.head = mi.getInt("head"); this.lastScnWritten = mi.getLong("lastScnWritten"); this.tail = mi.getInt("tail"); int miMaxElements = mi.getInt("maxElements"); if(miMaxElements != maxElements || (maxElements * SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD) != scnBufferSize) { throw new DbusEventBufferMetaInfo.DbusEventBufferMetaInfoException(mi, "maxElements in meta file didn't match maxElements:" + miMaxElements + " != " + maxElements); } this.lastWrittenPosition = mi.getInt("lastWrittenPosition"); int miBlockSize = mi.getInt("blockSize"); if(miBlockSize != blockSize) { throw new DbusEventBufferMetaInfo.DbusEventBufferMetaInfoException(mi, "miBlockSize in meta file didn't match blockSize:" + miBlockSize + " != " + blockSize); } int miIndividualBufferSize = mi.getInt("individualBufferSize"); if(miIndividualBufferSize != individualBufferSize) { throw new DbusEventBufferMetaInfo.DbusEventBufferMetaInfoException(mi, "miIndividualBufferSize in meta file didn't match individualBufferSize:" + miIndividualBufferSize + " != " + individualBufferSize); } this.isFirstCheck = mi.getBool("isFirstCheck"); this.updatedOnCurrentWindow = mi.getBool("updatedOnCurrentWindow"); // run some more validations assertHead(); assertTail(); assertOrder(); assertOffsets(); } public void saveBufferMetaInfo() throws IOException { if (!isEnabled()) { return; } DbusEventBufferMetaInfo mi = new DbusEventBufferMetaInfo(new File(_mmapSessionDirectory, SCNINDEX_METAINFO_FILE_NAME));"about to save scnindex state into " + mi.toString()); //save scnIndex file info mi.setScnIndexBufferInfo(new DbusEventBufferMetaInfo.BufferInfo(buffer.position(), buffer.limit(), buffer.capacity())); mi.setVal("scnBufferSize", Integer.toString(buffer.capacity())); mi.setVal("lastScnWritten", Long.toString(lastScnWritten)); mi.setVal("updateOnNext",Boolean.toString(updateOnNext)); //private final BufferPositionParser positionParser; mi.setVal("head", Integer.toString(head)); mi.setVal("tail", Integer.toString(tail)); mi.setVal("maxElements", Integer.toString(maxElements)); mi.setVal("lastScnWritten", Long.toString(lastScnWritten)); mi.setVal("lastWrittenPosition", Integer.toString(lastWrittenPosition)); mi.setVal("blockSize", Integer.toString(blockSize)); mi.setVal("individualBufferSize", Integer.toString(individualBufferSize)); mi.setVal("isFirstCheck", Boolean.toString(isFirstCheck)); mi.setVal("updatedOnCurrentWindow", Boolean.toString(updatedOnCurrentWindow)); // AssertLevel _assertLevel - no need to save, may be changed between the calles. // File _mmapSessionDirectory; - no need to save, is passed as an arugment mi.saveAndClose(); } /** * in case of MMaped file - flush the content */ @Override public void close() { if (isEnabled()) { flushMMappedBuffers(); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); if (isEnabled()) { sb.append("{\"head\": "); sb.append(head); sb.append(", \"headIdx\":"); sb.append(head / SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD); sb.append(", \"tail\":"); sb.append(tail); sb.append(", \"tailIdx\":"); sb.append(tail / SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD); sb.append(", \"lastWrittenPosition\":"); sb.append(lastWrittenPosition); sb.append(", \"lastScnWritten\":"); sb.append(lastScnWritten); sb.append(", \"size\":"); sb.append(size()); sb.append(", \"maxSize\":"); sb.append(maxElements); sb.append(", \"minScn\":"); sb.append(getMinScn()); sb.append(", \"blockSize\":"); sb.append(blockSize); sb.append(" \"updateOnNext\":"); sb.append(updateOnNext); sb.append(" \"assertLevel\":"); sb.append(_assertLevel); sb.append("}\n"); } else { sb.append("{\"enabled\" : false}"); } return sb.toString(); } // // print each block's content from the index // if the same offset - consolidate into one line // also (to save disk space and improve readability) - use simplified log format public void printVerboseString(Logger log, Level l) { // create a temp logger with simplified message //PatternLayout defaultLayout = new PatternLayout("%d{ISO8601} +%r [%t] (%p) {%c} %m%n"); PatternLayout defaultLayout = new PatternLayout("%m%n"); ConsoleAppender defaultAppender = new ConsoleAppender(defaultLayout); Logger newLog = Logger.getLogger("Simple"); newLog.removeAllAppenders(); newLog.addAppender(defaultAppender); newLog.setAdditivity(false); newLog.setLevel(Level.ALL); log.log(l, toString()); if (!isEnabled()) { log.log(l, "ScnIndex is disabled"); return; } // consolidated printing: // beginBlock-endBlock:SCN=>Offset // actual line is printed only when offset changes long currentOffset, beginBlock; long endBlock; long currentScn = -1; currentOffset = -1; endBlock = beginBlock = 0; newLog.log(l, "logger name: " + log.getName() + " ts:" + (new Date())); for (int position = 0; position < buffer.limit(); position += SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD) { long nextOffset = getOffset(position); if (currentOffset < 0) currentOffset = nextOffset; long nextBlock = position/SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD; long nextScn = getScn(position); if (currentScn < 0) currentScn = nextScn; if(nextOffset != currentOffset || currentScn != nextScn) { // new offset - print the previous line newLog.log(l, buildBlockIndexString(beginBlock, endBlock, currentScn, currentOffset)); currentOffset = nextOffset; beginBlock = nextBlock; currentScn = nextScn; } endBlock = nextBlock; //log.log(p, i/SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD + ":" + nextScn + "->" + nextOffset); } // final line newLog.log(l, buildBlockIndexString(beginBlock, endBlock, currentScn, currentOffset)); } private String buildBlockIndexString(long beginBlock, long endBlock, long scn, long offset) { String block = "" + endBlock; if(beginBlock != endBlock) block = "[" + beginBlock + "-" + endBlock + "]"; return block + ":" + scn + "->"+offset + " " + positionParser.toString(offset); } /** * Returns the minimum scn currently stored by the index */ public long getMinScn() { if (!isEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException("ScnIndex not enabled"); } acquireReadLock(); try { if (empty()) { return -1; } else { long minScn = getScn(head); return minScn; } } finally { releaseReadLock(); } } private void acquireReadLock() { rwLock.readLock().lock(); } private void releaseReadLock() { rwLock.readLock().unlock(); } void acquireWriteLock() { rwLock.writeLock().lock(); } void releaseWriteLock() { rwLock.writeLock().unlock(); } /** * Moves the lastWritten position * @param blockNumber the number of the SCNIndex element to update * @param scn the new SCN of the above element * @param offset the new offset of the above element */ private void setScnOffset(int blockNumber, long scn, long offset) { boolean isDebug = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); assertEquals("SCN Index Tail Check", buffer.position(),tail, AssertLevel.QUICK); int startPos = tail; updatedOnCurrentWindow = false; // if new window in the same block we just wrote, skip : // In the case of multiple window boundaries insied a single block : SCNIndex always points to the first window in that block if (lastWrittenPosition == blockNumber*SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD) return; try { acquireWriteLock(); int currentWritePosition = tail; boolean overwritingHead = (currentWritePosition == head); if (lastWrittenPosition >= 0 ) { long lastWrittenScn = this.getScn(lastWrittenPosition); long lastWrittenOffset = this.getOffset(lastWrittenPosition); // Setup the blocks between tail and the passed block number. while ((!overwritingHead) && (currentWritePosition != blockNumber*SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD)) { if ( currentWritePosition == head ) { overwritingHead = true; break; } if (isDebug) LOG.trace("ScnIndex:Extend:" + "[" + buffer.position() + "]" + lastWrittenScn + "->" + lastWrittenOffset); buffer.putLong(lastWrittenScn); buffer.putLong(lastWrittenOffset); lastWrittenPosition = currentWritePosition; if (buffer.position() == buffer.limit()) { buffer.position(0); } currentWritePosition = buffer.position(); } if (currentWritePosition == head) overwritingHead = true; } else { overwritingHead = false; } //Update the corresponding index entry only when we are not overwriting HEAD. if ( !overwritingHead ) { if (isDebug) LOG.debug("ScnIndex:Write:"+"["+buffer.position()+"]"+scn+"->"+offset); buffer.putLong(scn); buffer.putLong(offset); lastScnWritten = scn; lastWrittenPosition = currentWritePosition; updatedOnCurrentWindow = true; if (buffer.position() == buffer.limit()) { buffer.position(0); } currentWritePosition = buffer.position(); } if (head < 0) { // Buffer was empty, we should have written starting from startPosition head = startPos; } // Set tail to be ready for the next write tail = buffer.position(); if ( isDebug) { LOG.debug("Setting SCNIndex tail to :" + tail + " after writing EVB offset :" + positionParser.toString(offset) + " for SCN : " + scn + " till block number :" + blockNumber); } if (_assertLevel.quickEnabled()) { assertHead(); assertTail(); if (_assertLevel.mediumEnabled()) { assertOrder(); assertOffsets(); } } } finally { releaseWriteLock(); } } int getBlockNumber(long offset) { if (!isEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException("ScnIndex not enabled"); } long bufferIndex = positionParser.bufferIndex(offset); long buf_offset = positionParser.bufferOffset(offset); long blockNumber = (bufferIndex * this.individualBufferSize + buf_offset) / blockSize; return (int) blockNumber; } void flushMMappedBuffers() { if (!isEnabled()) { return; } if (buffer instanceof MappedByteBuffer) ((MappedByteBuffer)buffer).force(); } /* * ScnIndexEntry * * Wraps the contents of each record (scn, offset) * Primarily used for passing this info to the caller */ public class ScnIndexEntry { private long _scn; private long _offset; public long getScn() { return _scn; } public void setScn(long scn) { this._scn = scn; } public long getOffset() { return _offset; } public void setOffset(long offset) { this._offset = offset; } public ScnIndexEntry(long scn, long offset) { super(); this._scn = scn; this._offset = offset; } } /* * */ public ScnIndexEntry getClosestOffset(long searchScn) throws OffsetNotFoundException { acquireReadLock(); try { if (!isEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException("ScnIndex not enabled"); } if (empty()) {"ScnIndex is empty"); throw new OffsetNotFoundException(); } // binary search final int startRightOfs = tail; int left = head; int right = startRightOfs; int index; index = midPoint(left, right, buffer.limit()); long currScn = getScn(index); boolean found = false; while (!found) { if (isClosestScn(currScn, searchScn, index, startRightOfs)) { int lessIndex = decrement(index, buffer.limit()); long lessScn = getScn(lessIndex); while ((index!=head) && (currScn == lessScn)) { index = lessIndex; currScn = lessScn; lessIndex = decrement(index, buffer.limit()); lessScn = getScn(lessIndex); } found = true; return new ScnIndexEntry(currScn,getOffset(index)); } else { if (currScn > searchScn) { if ((index == right) || ((left + SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD)%buffer.limit() == right)){ LOG.error("Case 1 : currScn > searchScn and index == right" + "index = " + index + " right = " + right + " left = " + left + " buffer.limit = " + buffer.limit() + " searchScn = " + searchScn + " currScn = " + currScn); printVerboseString(LOG, Level.ERROR); throw new OffsetNotFoundException(); } right = index; } else { if (index == left) { LOG.error("Case 2 : currScn <= searchScn and index == left" + "index = " + index + " right = " + right + " left = " + left + " buffer.limit = " + buffer.limit() + " searchScn = " + searchScn + " currScn = " + currScn); printVerboseString(LOG, Level.ERROR); throw new OffsetNotFoundException(); } left = index; } int prevIndex = index; index = midPoint(left, right, buffer.limit()); if (prevIndex == index) { LOG.error("Case 3 : currScn > searchScn and prevIndex == index" + "index = " + index + " prevIndex = " + prevIndex + " right = " + right + " left = " + left + " buffer.limit = " + buffer.limit() + " searchScn = " + searchScn + " currScn = " + currScn); printVerboseString(LOG, Level.ERROR); throw new OffsetNotFoundException(); } currScn = getScn(index); } } return new ScnIndexEntry(currScn,getOffset(index)); } finally { releaseReadLock(); } } private boolean empty() { return (numElements(head, tail, buffer.limit()) == 0); } /** * Returns the scn of an index entry * @param entryOffset the physical offset of the entry in the index buffer */ private long getScn(int entryOffset) { return buffer.getLong(entryOffset); } /** * Returns the offset of an index entry * @param entryOffset the physical offset of the entry in the index buffer */ private long getOffset(int entryOffset) { return buffer.getLong(entryOffset + 8); } private int entryIndexOfs(int entryIndex) { return (head + entryIndex * SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD) % (SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD * maxElements); } /** * Returns the scn of an index entry * @param entryIndex the index of the entry relative to the head * @return the scn or -1 if not found */ private long getEntryScn(int entryIndex) { if (-1 == head) return -1; return getScn(entryIndexOfs(entryIndex)); } /** * Returns the offset of an index entry * @param entryIndex the index of the entry relative to the head * @return the scn or -1 if not found */ private long getEntryOffset(int entryIndex) { if (-1 == head) return -1; return getOffset(entryIndexOfs(entryIndex)); } private boolean isClosestScn(long indexScn, long searchScn, int index, int maxIndex) { if (indexScn == searchScn) { return true; } if (indexScn < searchScn) { if ((index + SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD)%buffer.limit() == maxIndex) { return true; } else { return (getScn((index+SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD)%buffer.limit()) > searchScn); } } return false; } private int size() { return ScnIndex.numElements(head, tail, maxElements * SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD); } private static int numElements(int left, int right, int end) { if (left < 0) { return 0; } if (left == right) { return end/SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD; } if ( left < right ) { return ((right - left)/SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD); } else { return (end - left + right)/SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD; } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private boolean full() { return (numElements(head, tail, buffer.limit()) == maxElements); } private static int midPoint(int left, int right, int end) { int size = numElements(left, right, end); return (left + (size/2)*SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD) % end; } private static int decrement(int index, int end) { if (index >= SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD) { return (index - SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD); } else { return (end - SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD); } } public void clear() { if(!isEnabled()) { return; } buffer.rewind(); head = -1; tail = 0; this.lastScnWritten = -1L; lastWrittenPosition = head; updateOnNext = false; } @Override public void onEvent(DbusEvent event, long offset, int size) { if(!isEnabled()) { return; } boolean shouldUpdate = shouldUpdate(event); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("ScnIndex:onEvent:offset" + offset + " Event:"+event.sequence()+";shouldUpdate="+shouldUpdate+";eop="+event.isEndOfPeriodMarker()); if (shouldUpdate) { // event window scn should be monotonically increasing if (event.sequence()<lastScnWritten) { throw new RuntimeException("Event Sequence " + event.sequence() + " < lastScnWritten " + lastScnWritten); } int blockNumber = getBlockNumber(offset); setScnOffset(blockNumber, event.sequence(), offset); } } private boolean shouldUpdate(DbusEvent event) { boolean returnVal = (updateOnNext && !event.isControlMessage()); updateOnNext = (event.isEndOfPeriodMarker()); return returnVal; } public boolean isEmpty() { if (!isEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException("ScnIndex not enabled"); } return head==-1; } protected void setUpdateOnNext(boolean val) { if (!isEnabled()) { return; } updateOnNext = val; } protected boolean getUpdateOnNext() { if (!isEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException("ScnIndex not enabled"); } return updateOnNext; } /** * Return a valid offset (which represents a valid event window start point) which is larger than the offset passed in * If there are no valid offsets then return -1 * @param offset */ public long getLargerOffset(long offset) { if (!isEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException("ScnIndex not enabled"); } /* * TODO: Longer-Term fix : DDSDBUS-386 : Implement logic to enable setting up the head to a window whose block number * is same as the current Head position's block number */ // Note: not acquiring read lock because this is called by the writer boolean trace = false; int blockNumber = getBlockNumber(offset); long currentOffset = getOffset(blockNumber*SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD); // the retrieved offset could be < , == or > than the passed in offset .. haha ! int maxIterations = numElements(head, tail, buffer.limit()); if (trace) {"offset = " + offset + ";blockNumber = " + blockNumber + ";currentOffset = " + currentOffset + ";currentScn = " + getScn(blockNumber*SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD));"maxIterations = " + maxIterations); } long prevOffset = currentOffset; while ((prevOffset == currentOffset) && (maxIterations > 0)) { blockNumber++; if (blockNumber >= maxElements) { blockNumber =0; } prevOffset = currentOffset; currentOffset = getOffset(blockNumber*SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD); --maxIterations; } // either currentOffset is > offset or it is wrapped around or we couldn't find a valid candidate if (maxIterations ==0) { return -1; } if (trace) {"Returning currentOffset = " + currentOffset + " prevOffset = " + prevOffset + " offset = "+ offset); } return currentOffset; } void moveHead(long offset) { if (!isEnabled()) { return; } moveHead(offset, -1); } /** * This method is to get around a problem with the ScnIndex when an Iterator is trying to * remove events at the head of a window. If the window is pointed by entries in the ScnIndex * after the removal, these entries will become invalid. * * THIS IS A HACK! After this look ups in the index will return partial results for this window. * Luckily currently the iterator removal is used only by the client which does not use the * ScnIndex. * * TODO: This has to be fixed * * @param newHeadOffset the new event buffer head */ void moveHead(long newHeadOffset, long newHeadScn) { if (!isEnabled()) { return; } boolean debugEnabled = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); int proposedHead; int blockNumber = -1; if (newHeadOffset < 0) { if (head >= 0) LOG.warn("track(ScnIndex.head): resetting head to -1: " + newHeadOffset); proposedHead = -1; } else { blockNumber = getBlockNumber(newHeadOffset); proposedHead = blockNumber * SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD; } acquireWriteLock(); try { //we have to be careful about the following situations: // |---H---T---PH----| or |---T--PH----H---| // The above can happen if we are on the client side, and start removing events from a window // before we've seen the end of the window. In that case, the tail has not been updated yet // and the proposed head can overshoot the tail. boolean moveTail = newHeadScn >= 0 && (head < tail && tail <= proposedHead) || (proposedHead >= tail && proposedHead < head); if (moveTail && blockNumber >= 0) { long oldHeadScn = head >= 0 ? getScn(head) : -1; long oldHeadOfs = head >= 0 ? getOffset(head) : -1; if (0 == proposedHead && head > 0) {"in:" + newHeadScn); } //Update the tail to match the new head position if (debugEnabled) { LOG.debug("adjusting tail to match net head position; before: proposedHead=" + proposedHead + " newOfs=" + newHeadOffset + " newScn=" + newHeadScn + " oldScn=" + oldHeadScn + " oldOfs=" + oldHeadOfs); LOG.debug(this); } setScnOffset(blockNumber, newHeadScn, oldHeadScn == newHeadScn ? oldHeadOfs : newHeadOffset); if (debugEnabled) { LOG.debug("adjusting tail to match net head position; after " + this); } } head = proposedHead; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("After move head: " + this); } if (head >= 0) { long oldHeadOfs = getOffset(head); if (oldHeadOfs != newHeadOffset) { //we need to update the Offset for all adjacent entries with the same offset as the head int i = head; int n = size(); long curOfs = oldHeadOfs; //"i=" + i + " n=" + n + " curOfs=" + curOfs + " headOfs=" + headOfs); //this.printVerboseString(LOG, Level.ERROR); do { buffer.putLong(i + 8, newHeadOffset); i += SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD; if (buffer.limit() - i < SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD) i = 0; n--; if (n >0 ) curOfs = getOffset(i); } while (i != tail && n > 0 && curOfs == oldHeadOfs); //"i=" + i + " n=" + n + " curOfs=" + curOfs + " headOfs=" + headOfs); //this.printVerboseString(LOG, Level.ERROR); } } else { tail = 0; } if (_assertLevel.quickEnabled()) { assertHead(); assertTail(); } } finally { releaseWriteLock(); } } /* * Non-Junit Utility method for assertions. */ private void assertEquals(String message, long exp, long actual, AssertLevel level) { if (_assertLevel.getIntValue() < level.getIntValue()) return; if (exp != actual) { LOG.fatal("FAIL :" + message + ", Expected :" + exp + ", Actual :" + actual); throw new RuntimeException("FAIL :" + message + ", Expected :" + exp + ", Actual :" + actual); } } /* * Asserts that EVB Head and SCNINdex Head is consistent */ public void assertHeadPosition(long evbHead) { if (!isEnabled()) { return; } long expHead = -1; if ( evbHead > 0 ) { int blockNumber = getBlockNumber(evbHead); expHead = blockNumber * SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD; if (expHead != head) { String msg = "SCN Index Head is (" + head + ") Expected Head was (" + expHead +") Event Buffer Head is :" + evbHead; LOG.fatal(msg); LOG.fatal("SCN Index is (assertHeadPosition):"); printVerboseString(LOG, org.apache.log4j.Level.FATAL); throw new RuntimeException(msg.toString()); } } } /* * Asserts that EVB eventStartIndex and SCNINdex lastWrittenPosition is consistent * This is a consistency check called in endEvents after the SCNIndex is updated. * eventStartIndex is the EVB offset to the beginning of the current window (whose endEvents() is being processed) * lastWrittenPosition refers to the last SCNIndex block we updated. * * Except for the following cases, both of these values should be equal * a) First Event Window written to the EVB * b) when overWritingHead was detected while trying to update the SCNIndex for the current window. */ public void assertLastWrittenPos(BufferPosition evbStartPos) { if (!isEnabled()) { return; } long expTail = -1; long evbStartLoc = evbStartPos.getRealPosition(); if ( (evbStartPos.getPosition() > 0) && (!isFirstCheck) && updatedOnCurrentWindow) { int blockNumber = getBlockNumber(evbStartLoc); expTail = blockNumber * SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD; if (expTail != lastWrittenPosition) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.append("SCN Index LWP is (" + lastWrittenPosition + ") Expected LWP was (" + expTail +") Event Buffer Start Index is :" + evbStartPos); msg.append("SCN Index is(assertLastWrittenPos) :" + toString()); msg.append("SCN at LWP: " + getScn(lastWrittenPosition) + ", Offset :" + positionParser.toString(getOffset(lastWrittenPosition))); LOG.fatal(msg); throw new RuntimeException(msg.toString()); } } isFirstCheck = false; } private void smartVerbosePrint() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() || maxElements < 10000) { printVerboseString(LOG, Level.ERROR); } } private void assertTail() { if (empty()) { if (0 != tail) throw new AssertionError("invalid empty tail: " + tail + "; state: " + this); } else if (0 > tail || maxElements * SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD <= tail) { throw new AssertionError("invalid tail: " + tail + "; state: " + this); } else if (0 != tail % SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD) { throw new AssertionError("tail not aligned: " + tail + "; state: " + this); } } private void assertHead() { if (empty()) { if (head != -1) throw new AssertionError("invalid empty head: " + head+ "; state: " + this); } else { if (0 != head % SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD) { throw new AssertionError("head not aligned: " + head + "; state: " + this); } if (0 > head || maxElements * SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD <= head) { throw new AssertionError("invalid head: " + head + "; state: " + this); } } } private void assertOrder() { int sz = size(); if (0 == sz) return; for (int i = 0; i < sz - 1; ++i) { long scn1 = getEntryScn(i); long scn2 = getEntryScn(i + 1); long ofs1 = getEntryOffset(i); long ofs2 = getEntryOffset(i + 1); if (scn1 > scn2) { smartVerbosePrint(); throw new AssertionError("scn[" + i + "] = " + scn1 + " > " + scn2 + " = scn[" + (i + 1) + "]; \nstate:" + this); } else if (scn1 == scn2) { if (ofs1 != ofs2) { smartVerbosePrint(); throw new AssertionError("scn[" + i + "] = " + scn1 + " == " + scn2 + " = scn[" + (i + 1) + "] but ofs[" + i + "] = " + ofs1 + "!= " + ofs2 + " = ofs[" + (i + 1) + "]; \nstate:" + this); } } else if (ofs1 >= ofs2) { smartVerbosePrint(); throw new AssertionError("ofs[" + i + "] = " + ofs1 + " >= " + ofs2 + " = ofs[" + (i + 1) + "] but scn[" + i + "] = " + scn1 + " < " + scn2 + " = scn[" + (i + 1) + "]; \nstate:" + this); } } } private void assertOffsets() { int sz = size(); if (0 == sz) return; long minGen = Long.MAX_VALUE; long maxGen = Long.MIN_VALUE; int minGenIdx = -1; int maxGenIdx = -1; long minOfs = -1; long maxOfs = 2; int lastNewOfs = -1; int prevOfs = -1; for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { int indexOfs = entryIndexOfs(i); //physical offset in the index of the i-th entry long ofs1 = getOffset(indexOfs); //offset in the event buffer for the i-th entry long ofs_1 = prevOfs != -1 ? getOffset(prevOfs) : -1; //offset in the event buffer for the (i-1)-th entry long gen1 = positionParser.bufferGenId(ofs1); long block1 = getBlockNumber(ofs1); int expBlock = -1; if (i == 0 || ofs1 != ofs_1) expBlock = indexOfs / SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD; else expBlock = lastNewOfs / SIZE_OF_SCN_OFFSET_RECORD; if (gen1 < minGen) { minGen = gen1; minGenIdx = i; minOfs = ofs1; } if (gen1 > maxGen) { maxGen = gen1; maxGenIdx = i; maxOfs = ofs1; } if (expBlock != block1 ) { smartVerbosePrint(); throw new AssertionError("block(offset[" + i + "]=" + ofs1 + ")=" + block1 + " != " + expBlock + "; state:" + this); } if (ofs1 != ofs_1) lastNewOfs = indexOfs; prevOfs = indexOfs; } if (maxGen - minGen > 1) { smartVerbosePrint(); throw new AssertionError("genId (ofs[" + minGenIdx + "]) + 1 = " + (minGen + 1) + " < " + maxGen + " = genId(ofs[ " + maxGenIdx + "]); minOfs=" + minOfs + "->" + positionParser.toString(minOfs) + "; maxOfs=" + maxOfs + "->" + positionParser.toString(maxOfs) + "; \nstate:" + this); } } /** * package private to allow helper classes to inspect internal details */ int getHead() { if (!isEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException("ScnIndex not enabled"); } return head; } /** * package private to allow helper classes to inspect internal details */ int getTail() { if (!isEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException("ScnIndex not enabled"); } return tail; } /** The position parser used byt the index (for testing purposes) */ BufferPositionParser getPositionParser() { if (!isEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException("ScnIndex not enabled"); } return positionParser; } }