package com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.utils; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventKey; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventKey.KeyType; import com.linkedin.databus.core.UnsupportedKeyException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.ConfigBuilder; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.RateMonitor; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.StringUtils; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.EventCreationException; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.EventReaderSummary; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.ReadEventCycleSummary; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.SourceDBEventReader; import com.linkedin.databus2.util.DBHelper; public class BootstrapSrcDBEventReader extends DbusSeederBaseThread implements SourceDBEventReader { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BootstrapSrcDBEventReader.class); private static final long MILLISEC_TO_MIN = (1000 * 60); private final List<OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo> _sources; private final DataSource _dataSource; private final BootstrapEventBuffer _bootstrapSeedWriter; private final int _numRetries; private final int _numRowsPrefetch; private final int _LOBPrefetchSize; private final int _commitInterval; private final long _sinceSCN; private final int _numRowsPerQuery; private final boolean _enableNumRowsQuery; private final Map<String, Long> _lastRows; private final Map<String, String> _lastKeys; private final Map<String, File> _keyTxnFilesMap; private final Map<String, Integer> _keyTxnBufferSizeMap; private final Map<String, String> _pKeyNameMap; private final Map<String,DbusEventKey.KeyType> _pKeyTypeMap; private final Map<String, String> _pKeyIndexMap; private final Map<String, String> _queryHintMap; private final Map<String,String> _eventQueryMap; private final Map<String,String> _beginSrcKeyMap; private final Map<String,String> _endSrcKeyMap; private final Method _setLobPrefetchSizeMethod; private final Class<?> _oraclePreparedStatementClass; public Map<String, File> getKeyTxnFilesMap() { return _keyTxnFilesMap; } public Map<String, Integer> getKeyTxnBufferSizeMap() { return _keyTxnBufferSizeMap; } public Map<String, String> getpKeyNameMap() { return _pKeyNameMap; } public Map<String, DbusEventKey.KeyType> getpKeyTypeMap() { return _pKeyTypeMap; } public BootstrapSrcDBEventReader(DataSource dataSource, BootstrapEventBuffer eventBuffer, StaticConfig config, List<OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo> sources, Map<String, Long> lastRows, Map<String, String> lastKeys, long sinceSCN ) throws Exception { super("BootstrapSrcDBEventReader"); List<OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo> sourcesTemp = new ArrayList<OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo>(); sourcesTemp.addAll(sources); _sources = Collections.unmodifiableList(sourcesTemp); _dataSource = dataSource; _bootstrapSeedWriter = eventBuffer; _keyTxnFilesMap = new HashMap<String, File>(); _numRowsPerQuery = config.getNumRowsPerQuery(); _keyTxnBufferSizeMap = config.getKeyTxnBufferSizeMap(); Map<String,String> keyTxnFiles = config.getKeyTxnFilesMap(); Iterator<Entry<String, String>> itr = keyTxnFiles.entrySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Entry<String,String> entry =;"Adding KeyTxnMapFile Entry :" + entry); _keyTxnFilesMap.put(entry.getKey(),new File(entry.getValue())); } _enableNumRowsQuery = config.isEnableNumRowsQuery(); _commitInterval = config.getCommitInterval(); _numRowsPrefetch = config.getNumRowsPrefetch(); _LOBPrefetchSize = config.getLOBPrefetchSize(); _numRetries = config.getNumRetries(); _sinceSCN = sinceSCN; _lastRows = new HashMap<String,Long>(lastRows); _lastKeys = new HashMap<String,String>(lastKeys); _pKeyNameMap = config.getPKeyNameMap(); _pKeyTypeMap = config.getPKeyTypeMap(); _pKeyIndexMap = config.getPKeyIndexMap(); _queryHintMap = config.getQueryHintMap(); _eventQueryMap = config.getEventQueryMap(); _beginSrcKeyMap = config.getBeginSrcKeyMap(); _endSrcKeyMap = config.getEndSrcKeyMap(); File file = new File("ojdbc6-"); URL ojdbcJarFile = file.toURI().toURL(); URLClassLoader cl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(new URL[]{ojdbcJarFile}); _oraclePreparedStatementClass = cl.loadClass("oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement"); _setLobPrefetchSizeMethod = _oraclePreparedStatementClass.getMethod("setLobPrefetchSize", int.class); validate(); } public void validate() throws Exception { if ( null == _pKeyTypeMap) throw new Exception("_pKeyTypeMap cannot be null !!"); if ( null == _pKeyNameMap) throw new Exception("_pKeyNameMap cannot be null !!"); boolean isNullIndex = (null == _pKeyIndexMap); boolean isNullQueryHint = ( null == _queryHintMap); if ( isNullIndex && isNullQueryHint) throw new Exception("Index and Query Hint both cannot be null !!"); for (OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo s : _sources) { if ( null == _pKeyTypeMap.get(s.getEventView())) throw new Exception("pKey Type for Source (" + s.getEventView() + ") not provided !!"); if ( null == _pKeyNameMap.get(s.getEventView())) throw new Exception("pKey Name for Source (" + s.getEventView() + ") not provided !!"); if ( (isNullIndex || (null == _pKeyIndexMap.get(s.getEventView()))) && (isNullQueryHint || ( null == _queryHintMap.get(s.getEventView())))) { throw new Exception("Both pkey Index and Query Hint for source (" + s.getEventView() + ") not provided !!"); } } } @Override public void run() { try { readEventsFromAllSources(_sinceSCN); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Got Error when executing readEventsFromAllSources !!",ex); } + " done seeding ||"); } @Override public ReadEventCycleSummary readEventsFromAllSources(long sinceSCN) throws DatabusException, EventCreationException, UnsupportedKeyException { List<EventReaderSummary> summaries = new ArrayList<EventReaderSummary>(); long maxScn = EventReaderSummary.NO_EVENTS_SCN; long endScn = maxScn; boolean error = false; long startTS = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { _rate.start(); _rate.suspend(); Connection conn = null; try { conn = _dataSource.getConnection();"Oracle JDBC Version :" + conn.getMetaData().getDriverVersion()); } finally { DBHelper.close(conn); } if ( ! _sources.isEmpty()) { // Script assumes seeding is done for one schema at a time // just use one source to get the schema name for sy$txlog maxScn = getMaxScn(_sources.get(0)); } for ( OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo : _sources) {"Bootstrapping " + sourceInfo.getEventView()); _bootstrapSeedWriter.start(maxScn); EventReaderSummary summary = readEventsForSource(sourceInfo, maxScn); // Script assumes seeding is done for one schema at a time // just use one source to get the schema name for sy$txlog endScn = getMaxScn(_sources.get(0)); _bootstrapSeedWriter.endEvents(BootstrapEventBuffer.END_OF_SOURCE, endScn, null); summaries.add(summary); } } catch (Exception ex) { error = true; throw new DatabusException(ex); } finally { // Notify writer that I am done if ( error ) { _bootstrapSeedWriter.endEvents(BootstrapEventBuffer.ERROR_CODE, endScn,null); LOG.error("Seeder stopping unexpectedly !!"); } else { _bootstrapSeedWriter.endEvents(BootstrapEventBuffer.END_OF_FILE, endScn,null);"Completed Seeding !!"); }"Start SCN :" + maxScn);"End SCN :" + endScn); } long endTS = System.currentTimeMillis(); ReadEventCycleSummary cycleSummary = new ReadEventCycleSummary("seeder", summaries, maxScn, (endTS - startTS)); return cycleSummary; } public long getNumRows(Connection conn, String table) throws SQLException { String sql = generateCountQuery(table); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; long numRows = 0; try { conn = _dataSource.getConnection();"NumRows Query :" + sql); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); rs = pstmt.executeQuery();; numRows = rs.getLong(1); } finally { DBHelper.close(rs,pstmt,conn); } return numRows; } private EventReaderSummary readEventsForSource(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo, long maxScn) throws DatabusException, EventCreationException, UnsupportedKeyException,SQLException, IOException { int retryMax = _numRetries; int numRetry = 0; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; KeyType keyType = _pKeyTypeMap.get(sourceInfo.getEventView()); String keyName = _pKeyNameMap.get(sourceInfo.getEventView()); String sql = _eventQueryMap.get(sourceInfo.getEventView()); String endSrcKey = _endSrcKeyMap.get(sourceInfo.getEventView()); if (sql == null) { sql = generateEventQuery2(sourceInfo,keyName, keyType, getPKIndex(sourceInfo), getQueryHint(sourceInfo)); }"Chunked Query for Source (" + sourceInfo + ") is :" + sql);"EndSrcKey for source (" + sourceInfo +") is :" + endSrcKey); PrimaryKeyTxn endKeyTxn = null; if ((null != endSrcKey) && (! endSrcKey.trim().isEmpty()) ) { if ( KeyType.LONG == keyType ) endKeyTxn = new PrimaryKeyTxn(new Long(endSrcKey)); else endKeyTxn = new PrimaryKeyTxn(endSrcKey); } long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); int numRowsFetched = 0; long totalEventSize = 0; long timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); long checkpointInterval = _commitInterval; boolean done = false; long lastTime = timeStart; long numRows = 0; PrimaryKeyTxn pKey = null; String minKeySQL = generateMinKeyQuery(sourceInfo, keyName); String srcName = sourceInfo.getEventView();"Bootstrapping for Source :" + srcName); String lastKey = _lastKeys.get(sourceInfo.getEventView()); File f = _keyTxnFilesMap.get(srcName); FileWriter oStream = new FileWriter(f,f.exists()); BufferedWriter keyTxnWriter = new BufferedWriter(oStream,_keyTxnBufferSizeMap.get(srcName)); _bootstrapSeedWriter.startEvents(); RateMonitor seedingRate = new RateMonitor("Seeding Rate"); RateMonitor queryRate = new RateMonitor("Query Rate"); seedingRate.start(); seedingRate.suspend(); queryRate.start(); queryRate.suspend(); boolean isException = false; long totProcessTime =0; try { conn = _dataSource.getConnection(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); if ( _enableNumRowsQuery ) numRows = getNumRows(conn, getTableName(sourceInfo)); else numRows = -1; long currRowId = _lastRows.get(sourceInfo.getEventView()); /** * First Key to be seeded will be decided in the following order: * 1. Use bootstrap_seeder_state's last srcKey as the key for the first chunk. * 2. If (1) is empty, use passed-in begin srcKey. * 3. If (2) is also empty, use Oracle's minKey as the first Chunk Key. */ if ( null == lastKey ) { lastKey = _beginSrcKeyMap.get(sourceInfo.getEventView());"No last Src Key available in bootstrap_seeder_state for source (" + sourceInfo + ". Trying beginSrc Key from config :" + lastKey); } if ( (null == lastKey) || (lastKey.trim().isEmpty()) ) { if ( KeyType.LONG == keyType ) pKey = new PrimaryKeyTxn(executeAndGetLong(minKeySQL)); else pKey = new PrimaryKeyTxn(executeAndGetString(minKeySQL)); } else { if ( KeyType.LONG == keyType ) pKey = new PrimaryKeyTxn(Long.parseLong(lastKey)); else pKey = new PrimaryKeyTxn(lastKey); } PrimaryKeyTxn lastRoundKeyTxn = new PrimaryKeyTxn(pKey); PrimaryKeyTxn lastKeyTxn = new PrimaryKeyTxn(pKey); long numUniqueKeysThisRound = 0; boolean first = true; _rate.resume(); while ( ! done ) {"MinKey being used for this round:" + pKey ); numUniqueKeysThisRound = 0; try { lastRoundKeyTxn.copyFrom(pKey); if ( KeyType.LONG == keyType ) { pstmt.setLong(1,pKey.getKey()); } else { String key = pKey.getKeyStr(); pstmt.setString(1, key); } pstmt.setLong(2, _numRowsPerQuery); pstmt.setFetchSize(_numRowsPrefetch); if ( _oraclePreparedStatementClass.isInstance(pstmt)) { try { _setLobPrefetchSizeMethod.invoke(pstmt, _LOBPrefetchSize); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EventCreationException("Unable to set Lob Prefetch size" + e.getMessage()); } }"Executing Oracle Query :" + sql + ". Key: " + pKey + ",NumRows: " + _numRowsPerQuery); queryRate.resume(); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); queryRate.suspend();"Total Query Latency :" + queryRate.getDuration()/1000000000L); long totLatency = 0; long txnId = 0; int numRowsThisRound = 0; seedingRate.resume(); while ( { _rate.tick(); seedingRate.tick(); currRowId++; txnId = rs.getLong(2); if ( KeyType.LONG == keyType ) { pKey.setKeyTxn(rs.getLong(1),txnId); } else { String key = rs.getString(1); pKey.setKeyStrTxn(key,txnId); } //Write TXN to file pKey.writeTo(keyTxnWriter); //"TXNId is :" + txnId + ",RowId is :" + currRowId); long start = System.nanoTime(); long eventSize = sourceInfo.getFactory().createAndAppendEvent(maxScn, timestamp, rs, _bootstrapSeedWriter, false, null); long latency = System.nanoTime() - start; totLatency += latency; totalEventSize += eventSize; totProcessTime += (totLatency/1000*1000); numRowsFetched++; numRowsThisRound++; if ( lastKeyTxn.compareKey(pKey) != 0) { numUniqueKeysThisRound++; lastKeyTxn.copyFrom(pKey); } if ( numRowsFetched%checkpointInterval == 0 ) { // Commit this batch and reinit _bootstrapSeedWriter.endEvents(currRowId,timestamp,null); keyTxnWriter.flush(); _bootstrapSeedWriter.startEvents(); long procTime = totLatency/1000000000; long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff = (currTime - lastTime)/1000; long timeSinceStart = (currTime - timeStart)/1000; double currRate = _rate.getRate(); currRate = (currRate <= 0) ? 1 : currRate; if ( _enableNumRowsQuery) { double remTime = (numRows - currRowId)/(currRate);"Processed " + checkpointInterval + " rows in " + diff + " seconds, Processing Time (seconds) so far :" + (procTime) + ",Seconds elapsed since start :" + (timeSinceStart) + ",Approx Seconds remaining :" + remTime + ",Overall Row Rate:" + _rate.getRate() + "(" + seedingRate.getRate() + ")" + ",NumRows Fetched so far:" + numRowsFetched + ". TotalEventSize :" + totalEventSize); } else {"Processed " + checkpointInterval + " rows in " + diff + " seconds, Processing Time (seconds) so far :" + (procTime) + ",Seconds elapsed since start :" + (timeSinceStart) + ",Overall Row Rate:" + _rate.getRate() + "(" + seedingRate.getRate() + ")" + ",NumRows Fetched so far:" + numRowsFetched + ". TotalEventSize :" + totalEventSize); } lastTime = currTime; } if ( (null != endKeyTxn) && (endKeyTxn.compareKey(lastKeyTxn) < 0) ) {"Seeding to be stopped for current source as it has completed seeding upto endSrckey :" + endKeyTxn + ", Current SrcKey :" + lastKeyTxn); break; } } seedingRate.suspend(); if ( (numRowsThisRound <= 1) || ((numRowsThisRound < _numRowsPerQuery) && (numUniqueKeysThisRound <= 1))) {"Seeding Done for source :" + sourceInfo.getEventView() + ", numRowsThisRound :" + numRowsThisRound + ", _numRowsPerQuery :" + _numRowsPerQuery + ", numUniqueKeys :" + numUniqueKeysThisRound); done = true; } else if ((numRowsThisRound == _numRowsPerQuery) && (numUniqueKeysThisRound <= 1)) { String msg = "Seeding stuck at infinte loop for source : " + sourceInfo.getEventView() + ", numRowsThisRound :" + numRowsThisRound + ", _numRowsPerQuery :" + _numRowsPerQuery + ", numUniqueKeys :" + numUniqueKeysThisRound + ", lastChunkKey :" + lastRoundKeyTxn; LOG.error(msg); throw new DatabusException(msg); } else if ( null != endKeyTxn) { if ( endKeyTxn.compareKey(lastKeyTxn) < 0 ) {"Seeding stopped for source :" + sourceInfo.getEventView() + ", as it has completed seeding upto the endSrckey :" + endKeyTxn + ", numRowsThisRound :" + numRowsThisRound + ", _numRowsPerQuery :" + _numRowsPerQuery + ", numUniqueKeys :" + numUniqueKeysThisRound + " , Current SrcKey :" + lastKeyTxn); done = true; } } if (currRowId > 0 && (!first || done)) { currRowId--; //Since next time, we will read the last seen record again }"about to call end events with currRowId = " + currRowId); first = false; _bootstrapSeedWriter.endEvents(currRowId,timestamp,null); isException = false; } catch (SQLException ex) { LOG.error("Got SQLException for source (" + sourceInfo + ")", ex); _bootstrapSeedWriter.rollbackEvents(); numRetry++; isException = true; if (numRetry >= retryMax) { throw new DatabusException("Error: Reached max retries for reading/processing bootstrap", ex); } } finally { DBHelper.close(rs); rs = null; } } } catch (DatabusException ex) { isException = true; throw ex; } finally { DBHelper.close(rs,pstmt,conn); keyTxnWriter.close(); rs = null; _rate.suspend(); if ( ! isException) { dedupeKeyTxnFile(_keyTxnFilesMap.get(srcName), keyType); } } long timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); long elapsedMin = (timeEnd - timeStart)/(MILLISEC_TO_MIN);"Processed " + numRowsFetched + " rows of Source: " + sourceInfo.getSourceName() + " in " + elapsedMin + " minutes" ); return new EventReaderSummary(sourceInfo.getSourceId(), sourceInfo.getSourceName(), -1, numRowsFetched, totalEventSize, (timeEnd - timeStart),totProcessTime,0,0,0); } private long getMaxScn(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo) throws SQLException { String schema = ( sourceInfo.getEventSchema() == null) ? "" : sourceInfo.getEventSchema() + "."; String table = schema + "sy$txlog"; /* StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select max(scn) from "); sql.append(table); String query = sql.toString(); */ String query = "select " + "max(" + schema + "sync_core.getScn(scn,ora_rowscn)) " + "from " + table + " where " + "scn >= (select max(scn) from " + table + ")"; long maxScn = executeAndGetLong(query); return maxScn; } private long executeAndGetLong(String query) throws SQLException { long val = -1; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = _dataSource.getConnection(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); boolean ret =; assert(ret); val = rs.getLong(1);"Query:" + query + ",Result is :" + val); } catch ( SQLException sqlEx) { LOG.error("Got error while executing query:" + query, sqlEx); throw sqlEx; } finally { DBHelper.close(rs, pstmt, conn); } return val; } private String executeAndGetString(String query) throws SQLException { String val = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = _dataSource.getConnection(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); boolean ret =; assert(ret); val = rs.getString(1);"Query:" + query + ",Result is :" + val); } catch ( SQLException sqlEx) { LOG.error("Got error while executing query:" + query, sqlEx); throw sqlEx; } finally { DBHelper.close(rs, pstmt, conn); } return val; } public static String getTableName(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo) { String schema = ( sourceInfo.getEventSchema() == null) ? "" : sourceInfo.getEventSchema() + "."; String table = schema + "sy$" + sourceInfo.getEventView(); return table; } public String getPKIndex(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo) { String index = _pKeyIndexMap.get(sourceInfo.getEventView()); if ( null == index) { index = sourceInfo.getEventView() + "_pk"; } return index; } public String getQueryHint(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo) { String index = _queryHintMap.get(sourceInfo.getEventView()); if ( null == index) { return null; } return index; } /* private String generateEventQuery(MonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo) { String table = getTableName(sourceInfo); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select txn, src.* from "); sql.append(table); sql.append(" src"); sql.append(" where txn > ? and txn <= ?"); return sql.toString(); } */ public static String generateEventQuery2(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo, String keyName, KeyType keyType, String pkIndex, String queryHint) { return generateEventQuery2(getTableName(sourceInfo),keyName, keyType, pkIndex, queryHint); } public static String generateEventQuery2(String table, String keyName, KeyType keyType, String pkIndex, String queryHint) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select * from ("); if ( (null == queryHint) || ( queryHint.isEmpty())) sql.append("select /*+ INDEX(src ").append(pkIndex).append(") */ "); else sql.append("select /*+ " + queryHint + " */ "); sql.append(keyName).append( " keyn,"); sql.append(" txn txnid, src.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by src.").append(keyName).append(" asc) as row_counter from "); sql.append(table); sql.append(" src"); sql.append(" where src." + keyName + " >= ?"); sql.append(" ) where row_counter <= ?"); return sql.toString(); } /** * Same as previous query; but doesn't include keyName in query result; all keys greater than keyName * @param table * @param keyName : databus schema's key - e.g. 'key' or 'id' or 'memberId' * @param keyType : TODO: remove - unused here * @param pkIndex : used to develop hint used in oracle query * @param queryHint: other hints * @return */ public static String generateEventQueryAudit(String table, String keyName, KeyType keyType, String pkIndex, String queryHint) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select * from ("); if ( (null == queryHint) || ( queryHint.isEmpty())) sql.append("select /*+ INDEX(src ").append(pkIndex).append(") */ "); else sql.append("select /*+ " + queryHint + " */ "); sql.append(keyName).append( " keyn,"); sql.append(" txn txnid, src.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by src.").append(keyName).append(" asc) as row_counter from "); sql.append(table); sql.append(" src"); sql.append(" where src." + keyName + " > ?"); sql.append(" ) where row_counter <= ?"); return sql.toString(); } public static String generateMinKeyQuery(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo, String keyName) { return generateMinKeyQuery(getTableName(sourceInfo), keyName ); } public static String generateMinKeyQuery(String table, String keyName) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select min(" + keyName + ") "); sql.append("from " + table); return sql.toString(); } private static String generateCountQuery(String table) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select count(*) from "); sql.append(table); return sql.toString(); } private void dedupe(String file, String tmpFile, KeyType type) throws Exception { BufferedReader reader = null; BufferedWriter writer = null; PrimaryKeyTxn keyTxn = null; PrimaryKeyTxn oldKeyTxn = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(StringUtils.createFileReader(file)); writer = new BufferedWriter(StringUtils.createFileWriter(tmpFile)); keyTxn = new PrimaryKeyTxn(Long.MIN_VALUE); oldKeyTxn = new PrimaryKeyTxn(Long.MIN_VALUE); keyTxn.setType(type); oldKeyTxn.setType(type); boolean first = true; while (true) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (null == line) break; keyTxn.readFrom(line); long cmp = keyTxn.compareKey(oldKeyTxn); if ( cmp != 0) { if ( ! first ) { oldKeyTxn.writeTo(writer); } oldKeyTxn.copyFrom(keyTxn); } first = false; } oldKeyTxn.writeTo(writer); } catch ( Exception ex ) { LOG.error("Got exception while deduping key_txns", ex); } finally { if ( null != reader) reader.close(); if ( null != writer) writer.close(); } } private void dedupeKeyTxnFile(File keyTxnFile, KeyType keyType) { boolean numericKey = (keyType == KeyType.LONG); StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder(); String tmpFile = keyTxnFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".tmp"; String backupFile = keyTxnFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".pre";"Post Processing the KeyTXN File :" + keyTxnFile.toString()); cmd.append("sort -t "); cmd.append(PrimaryKeyTxn.DELIMITER); cmd.append(" -k 1"); if ( numericKey ) cmd.append("n"); cmd.append(" -k 2nr "); cmd.append(keyTxnFile.getAbsolutePath()); cmd.append(" -o ").append(tmpFile); String cmd1 = "cp " + keyTxnFile.getAbsolutePath() + " " + backupFile; String cmd2 = cmd.toString(); String cmd3 = "rm " + tmpFile + " " ; try { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();"Executing command :" + cmd1); Process pr1 = rt.exec(cmd1); int res = pr1.waitFor(); if ( res != 0) { LOG.error("**********************"); LOG.error("Error Executing CMD (" + cmd1 + "), Error: (STDOUT=" + getStream(pr1.getInputStream()) + ") (STDERR=" + getStream(pr1.getErrorStream()) + "). Result was :" + res); LOG.error("**********************"); }"Executing command :" + cmd2); Process pr2 = rt.exec(cmd2); res = pr2.waitFor(); if ( res != 0) { LOG.error("**********************"); LOG.error("Error Executing CMD (" + cmd2 + "), Error: (STDOUT=" + getStream(pr2.getInputStream()) + ") (STDERR=" + getStream(pr2.getErrorStream()) + "). Result was :" + res); LOG.error("**********************"); }"Removing duplicate Entries from the sorted list"); dedupe(tmpFile,keyTxnFile.getAbsolutePath(), keyType);"Executing command :" + cmd3); Process pr3 = rt.exec(cmd3); res = pr3.waitFor(); if ( res != 0) { LOG.error("**********************"); LOG.error("Error Executing CMD (" + cmd3 + "), Error: (STDOUT=" + getStream(pr3.getInputStream()) + ") (STDERR=" + getStream(pr3.getErrorStream()) + "). Result was :" + res); LOG.error("**********************"); }"Post Processing the KeyTXN File done successfully :" + keyTxnFile.toString()); } catch ( Exception io) { LOG.error("Postprocessing the KeyTXNFile :" + keyTxnFile + " failed !!", io);"CMD1 :" + cmd1);"CMD2 :" + cmd2);"CMD3 :" + cmd3); } } private String getStream(InputStream stream) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, StringUtils.DEFAULT_CHARSET)); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { String s = reader.readLine(); if ( null == s) break; str.append(s); } return str.toString(); } public static class StaticConfig { public int getNumRowsPrefetch() { return _numRowsPrefetch; } public Map<String, String> getEventQueryMap() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return _eventQueryMap; } public int getLOBPrefetchSize() { return _LOBPrefetchSize; } public int getCommitInterval() { return _commitInterval; } public int getNumRetries() { return _numRetries; } public Map<String, String> getKeyTxnFilesMap() { return _keyTxnFilesMap; } public Map<String, Integer> getKeyTxnBufferSizeMap() { return _keyTxnBufferSizeMap; } public Map<String, String> getPKeyNameMap() { return _pKeyNameMap; } public Map<String, String> getQueryHintMap() { return _queryHintMap; } public Map<String, DbusEventKey.KeyType> getPKeyTypeMap() { return _pKeyTypeMap; } public Map<String, String> getPKeyIndexMap() { return _pKeyIndexMap; } public int getNumRowsPerQuery() { return _numRowsPerQuery; } public boolean isEnableNumRowsQuery() { return _enableNumRowsQuery; } public Map<String, String> getBeginSrcKeyMap() { return _beginSrcKeyMap; } public Map<String, String> getEndSrcKeyMap() { return _endSrcKeyMap; } public StaticConfig(boolean enableNumRowsQuery, int numRowsPrefetch, int LOBPrefetchSize, int commitInterval, int numRetries, int numRowsPerQuery, Map<String, String> keyTxnFilesMap, Map<String, Integer> keyTxnBufferSizeMap, Map<String, String> pKeyNameMap, Map<String, DbusEventKey.KeyType> pKeyTypeMap, Map<String, String> pKeyIndexMap, Map<String, String> queryHintMap, Map<String, String> eventQueryMap, Map<String, String> beginSrcKeyMap, Map<String, String> endSrcKeyMap) { super(); this._enableNumRowsQuery = enableNumRowsQuery; this._numRowsPrefetch = numRowsPrefetch; this._LOBPrefetchSize = LOBPrefetchSize; this._commitInterval = commitInterval; this._numRetries = numRetries; this._numRowsPerQuery = numRowsPerQuery; this._keyTxnFilesMap = keyTxnFilesMap; this._keyTxnBufferSizeMap = keyTxnBufferSizeMap; this._pKeyNameMap = pKeyNameMap; this._pKeyTypeMap = pKeyTypeMap; this._pKeyIndexMap = pKeyIndexMap; this._queryHintMap = queryHintMap; this._eventQueryMap = eventQueryMap; this._beginSrcKeyMap = beginSrcKeyMap; this._endSrcKeyMap = endSrcKeyMap; } private final boolean _enableNumRowsQuery; private final int _numRowsPrefetch; private final int _LOBPrefetchSize; private final int _commitInterval; private final int _numRetries; private final int _numRowsPerQuery; private final Map<String, String> _keyTxnFilesMap; private final Map<String, Integer> _keyTxnBufferSizeMap; private final Map<String, String> _pKeyNameMap; private final Map<String, DbusEventKey.KeyType> _pKeyTypeMap; private final Map<String, String> _pKeyIndexMap; private final Map<String, String> _queryHintMap; private final Map<String, String> _eventQueryMap; private final Map<String, String> _beginSrcKeyMap; private final Map<String, String> _endSrcKeyMap; } public static class Config implements ConfigBuilder<StaticConfig> { private static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_NUM_ROWS_QUERY = false; private static final int DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS_PREFETCH = 10; private static final int DEFAULT_LOB_PREFETCH_SIZE = 4000; private static final int DEFAULT_COMMIT_INTERVAL = 10000; private static final int DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS_PER_QUERY = 100000; private static final int DEFAULT_NUM_RETRIES = 2; private static final String DEFAULT_KEYTXN_MAP_FILES = "keyTxnMapFile.txt" ; private static final Integer DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 0; private static final String DEFAULT_PKEY_NAME = "key"; private static final String DEFAULT_PKEY_TYPE = "LONG"; private static final String DEFAULT_QUERY_HINT = ""; private static final String DEFAULT_BEGINSRC_KEY = ""; private static final String DEFAULT_ENDSRC_KEY = ""; public Config() { _enableNumRowsQuery = DEFAULT_ENABLE_NUM_ROWS_QUERY; _numRowsPrefetch = DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS_PREFETCH; _LOBPrefetchSize = DEFAULT_LOB_PREFETCH_SIZE; _commitInterval = DEFAULT_COMMIT_INTERVAL ; _numRetries = DEFAULT_NUM_RETRIES; _numRowsPerQuery = DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS_PER_QUERY; _keyTxnFilesMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); _keyTxnBufferSizeMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); _pKeyNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); _pKeyTypeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); _pKeyIndexMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); _queryHintMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); _eventQueryMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); _beginSrcKeyMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); _endSrcKeyMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); } @Override public StaticConfig build() throws InvalidConfigException {"enableNumRowsQuery:" + _enableNumRowsQuery);"NumRowsPrefetch:" + _numRowsPrefetch);"_LOBPrefetchSize:" + _LOBPrefetchSize);"Commit Interval:" + _commitInterval);"Num Retries:" + _numRetries);"_numRowsPerQuery:" + _numRowsPerQuery);"_keyTxnFilesMap:" + _keyTxnFilesMap);"_keyTxnBufferSizeMap:" + _keyTxnBufferSizeMap);"_pKeyNameMap:" + _pKeyNameMap);"_pKeyTypeMap:" + _pKeyTypeMap);"_pKeyIndexMap:" + _pKeyIndexMap);"_queryHintMap:" + _queryHintMap);"_beginSrcKeyMap:" + _beginSrcKeyMap);"_endSrcKeyMap:" + _endSrcKeyMap); HashMap<String, DbusEventKey.KeyType> pKeyTypeMap = new HashMap<String, DbusEventKey.KeyType>(); Iterator<Entry<String, String>> itr = _pKeyTypeMap.entrySet().iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext()) { Entry<String, String> entry =; DbusEventKey.KeyType kType = DbusEventKey.KeyType.valueOf(entry.getValue()); pKeyTypeMap.put(entry.getKey(), kType); } return new StaticConfig(_enableNumRowsQuery, _numRowsPrefetch,_LOBPrefetchSize, _commitInterval,_numRetries, _numRowsPerQuery, _keyTxnFilesMap, _keyTxnBufferSizeMap, _pKeyNameMap, pKeyTypeMap, _pKeyIndexMap, _queryHintMap,_eventQueryMap, _beginSrcKeyMap, _endSrcKeyMap); } public int getNumRowsPrefetch() { return _numRowsPrefetch; } public void setNumRowsPrefetch(int numRowsPrefetch) { this._numRowsPrefetch = numRowsPrefetch; } public int getLOBPrefetchSize() { return _LOBPrefetchSize; } public void setLOBPrefetchSize(int lOBPrefetchSize) { _LOBPrefetchSize = lOBPrefetchSize; } public int getCommitInterval() { return _commitInterval; } public void setCommitInterval(int commitInterval) { this._commitInterval = commitInterval; } public int getNumRetries() { return _numRetries; } public void setNumRetries(int numRetries) { this._numRetries = numRetries; } public String getKeyTxnMapFile(String sourceName) { String file = _keyTxnFilesMap.get(sourceName); if ( null == file) { _keyTxnFilesMap.put(sourceName, DEFAULT_KEYTXN_MAP_FILES); return DEFAULT_KEYTXN_MAP_FILES; } return file; } public void setKeyTxnMapFile(String sourceName, String file) { _keyTxnFilesMap.put(sourceName, file); } public String getPKeyName(String srcName) { String key = _pKeyNameMap.get(srcName); if ( null == key) { _pKeyNameMap.put(srcName, DEFAULT_PKEY_NAME); return DEFAULT_PKEY_NAME; } return key; } public void setBeginSrcKey(String srcName, String key) { _beginSrcKeyMap.put(srcName, key); } public String getBeginSrcKey(String srcName) { String key = _beginSrcKeyMap.get(srcName); if ( null == key) { key = DEFAULT_BEGINSRC_KEY; _beginSrcKeyMap.put(srcName, key); } return key; } public void setEndSrcKey(String srcName, String key) { _endSrcKeyMap.put(srcName, key); } public String getEndSrcKey(String srcName) { String key = _endSrcKeyMap.get(srcName); if ( null == key) { key = DEFAULT_ENDSRC_KEY; _endSrcKeyMap.put(srcName, key); } return key; } public void setQueryHint(String srcName, String key) { _queryHintMap.put(srcName, key); } public String getQueryHint(String srcName) { String key = _queryHintMap.get(srcName); if ( null == key) { _queryHintMap.put(srcName, DEFAULT_QUERY_HINT); return DEFAULT_QUERY_HINT; } return key; } public void setPKeyName(String srcName, String key) { _pKeyNameMap.put(srcName, key); } public String getPKeyType(String srcName) { String type = _pKeyTypeMap.get(srcName); if ( null == type) { _pKeyTypeMap.put(srcName, DEFAULT_PKEY_NAME); return DEFAULT_PKEY_TYPE; } return type; } public void setPKeyType(String srcName, String type) { _pKeyTypeMap.put(srcName, type); } public String getPKeyIndex(String srcName) { String index = _pKeyIndexMap.get(srcName); if ( null == index) { String index2 = srcName + "_pk"; _pKeyIndexMap.put(srcName, index2); return index2; } return index; } public void setPKeyIndex(String srcName, String index) { _pKeyIndexMap.put(srcName, index); } public Integer getKeyTxnFileBufferSize(String sourceName) { Integer size = _keyTxnBufferSizeMap.get(sourceName); if ( null == size) { _keyTxnBufferSizeMap.put(sourceName, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); return DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; } return size; } public void setKeyTxnFileBufferSize(String sourceName, Integer size) { _keyTxnBufferSizeMap.put(sourceName, size); } public int getNumRowsPerQuery() { return _numRowsPerQuery; } public void setNumRowsPerQuery(int numRowsPerQuery) { this._numRowsPerQuery = numRowsPerQuery; } public boolean isEnableNumRowsQuery() { return _enableNumRowsQuery; } public void setEnableNumRowsQuery(boolean enableNumRowsQuery) { this._enableNumRowsQuery = enableNumRowsQuery; } public void setEventQuery(String name,String value) { _eventQueryMap.put(name, value); } public String getEventQuery(String src) { return _eventQueryMap.get(src); } private boolean _enableNumRowsQuery; private int _numRowsPrefetch; private int _LOBPrefetchSize; private int _commitInterval; private int _numRetries; private int _numRowsPerQuery; private final Map<String, String> _keyTxnFilesMap; private final Map<String, Integer> _keyTxnBufferSizeMap; private final Map<String, String> _pKeyNameMap; private final Map<String, String> _pKeyTypeMap; private final Map<String, String> _pKeyIndexMap; private final Map<String, String> _queryHintMap; private final Map<String, String> _eventQueryMap; private final Map<String, String> _beginSrcKeyMap; private final Map<String, String> _endSrcKeyMap; } public static class PrimaryKeyTxn { private long key; private String keyStr; private KeyType keyType; private long txn; public static final String DELIMITER = "@"; @Override public String toString() { return "PrimaryKeyTxn [key=" + key + ", keyStr=" + keyStr + ", keyType=" + keyType + ", txn=" + txn + "]"; } public long getKey() { return key; } public long getTxn() { return txn; } public void setType(KeyType t) { keyType = t; } public void setKeyTxn(long key, long txn) { this.keyType = KeyType.LONG; this.txn = txn; this.key = key; } public String getKeyStr() { return keyStr; } public void setKeyStrTxn(String keyStr, long txn) { this.keyType = KeyType.STRING; this.txn = txn; this.keyStr = keyStr; } public KeyType getKeyType() { return keyType; } public PrimaryKeyTxn(PrimaryKeyTxn keyTxn) { super(); copyFrom(keyTxn); } public PrimaryKeyTxn(long key) { super(); this.key = key; this.keyStr = null; this.keyType = KeyType.LONG; this.txn = -1; } public PrimaryKeyTxn(String key) { super(); this.keyStr = key; this.keyType = KeyType.STRING; this.key = -1; this.txn = -1; } public void writeTo(BufferedWriter writer) throws IOException { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if ( KeyType.LONG == keyType) { buffer.append(key).append(DELIMITER); } else { buffer.append(keyStr).append(DELIMITER); } buffer.append(txn).append("\n"); writer.write(buffer.toString()); } public void readFrom(String line) throws IOException { String[] toks = line.split(DELIMITER); if ( KeyType.LONG == keyType) { key = Long.parseLong(toks[0]); } else { keyStr = toks[0]; } txn = Long.parseLong(toks[1]); } public void readFrom(ResultSet rs, String keyName, KeyType keyType) throws SQLException { try { this.keyType = keyType; if (KeyType.LONG == keyType) { this.key = rs.getLong(keyName); } else { this.keyStr = rs.getString(keyName); } } finally { } } public long compareKey(PrimaryKeyTxn key2) { if ( this.keyType == KeyType.LONG) { return this.key - key2.getKey(); } else { return this.keyStr.compareTo(key2.getKeyStr()); } } public void copyFrom(PrimaryKeyTxn entry) { keyType = entry.getKeyType(); key = entry.getKey(); keyStr = entry.getKeyStr(); txn = entry.getTxn(); } public long compareTxn(PrimaryKeyTxn txn) { return this.txn - txn.getTxn(); } } @Override public List<OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo> getSources() { return _sources; } }