package com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.utils; /* * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.avro.Schema; import org.apache.avro.Schema.Field; import org.apache.avro.Schema.Type; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord; import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.utils.BootstrapAuditTableReader.ResultSetEntry; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.utils.BootstrapSrcDBEventReader.PrimaryKeyTxn; import com.linkedin.databus.client.DbusEventAvroDecoder; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventKey; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.StringUtils; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.OracleJarUtils; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.FileSystemSchemaRegistryService; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.SchemaRegistryService; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.VersionedSchema; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.VersionedSchemaSet; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.utils.SchemaHelper; import com.linkedin.databus2.util.DBHelper; public class BootstrapAuditMain { public static final String MODULE = BootstrapAuditMain.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); static { BasicConfigurator.configure(); Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.INFO); } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BootstrapSeederMain.init(args); BootstrapSeederMain.StaticConfig staticConfig = BootstrapSeederMain .getStaticConfig(); int interval = staticConfig.getController().getCommitInterval(); int sourceChunkSize = staticConfig.getController().getNumRowsPerQuery(); List<OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo> sources = BootstrapSeederMain .getSources(); BootstrapDBSeeder seeder = BootstrapSeederMain.getSeeder(); BootstrapSrcDBEventReader seedController = BootstrapSeederMain.getReader(); Map<String, String> pKeyNameMap = seedController.getpKeyNameMap(); Map<String, DbusEventKey.KeyType> pKeyTypeMap = seedController .getpKeyTypeMap(); for (OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo source : sources) { short srcId = source.getSourceId(); new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, ResultSetEntry>(); OracleTableReader oracleReader = null; MySQLTableReader mySQLReader = null; try { SchemaRegistryService schemaRegistry = FileSystemSchemaRegistryService .build(staticConfig.getSchemaRegistry().getFileSystem()); Map<Short, String> schemaSet = schemaRegistry .fetchAllSchemaVersionsBySourceName(source.getSourceName()); VersionedSchemaSet vSchemaSet = new VersionedSchemaSet(); Iterator<Map.Entry<Short, String>> it = schemaSet.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Short, String> pairs =; Schema s = Schema.parse(pairs.getValue()); VersionedSchema vs = new VersionedSchema(s.getFullName(), pairs.getKey(), s, null); vSchemaSet.add(vs); } /* Try and identify the schema key */ VersionedSchema vschema = schemaRegistry .fetchLatestVersionedSchemaBySourceName(source.getSourceName()); Schema schema = Schema.parse(vschema.getSchema().toString());"Schema =" + vschema.getSchema() + "version=" + vschema.getVersion() + " name=" + vschema.getSchemaBaseName()); /* Determine type of field txn */ Field txnFieldType = schema.getField("txn"); if (txnFieldType == null) { throw new Exception( "Unable to find field called 'txn'. Cannot proceeed\n"); } Type txnType = SchemaHelper.getAnyType(txnFieldType); /* * Determine primary key of schema. This is assumed to be invariant * across versions */ String keyOverrideName = SchemaHelper.getMetaField(schema, "pk"); String keyColumnName = "key"; if (null != keyOverrideName) { keyColumnName = keyOverrideName; } Field pkeyField = schema.getField(keyColumnName); if (null == pkeyField) { keyColumnName = "id"; pkeyField = schema.getField("id"); } if (null == pkeyField) { throw new Exception( "Unable to get the primary key for schema. Schema is :" + schema); } DbusEventAvroDecoder decoder = new DbusEventAvroDecoder(vSchemaSet); BootstrapAuditTester auditor = new BootstrapAuditTester(schema, BootstrapSrcDBEventReader.getTableName(source)); List<BootstrapAuditTester> auditors = new ArrayList<BootstrapAuditTester>(); auditors.add(auditor); oracleReader = new OracleTableReader(BootstrapSeederMain.getDataStore() .getConnection(), BootstrapSrcDBEventReader.getTableName(source), pkeyField, SchemaHelper.getMetaField(pkeyField, "dbFieldName"), SchemaHelper.getAnyType(pkeyField), sourceChunkSize, seedController.getPKIndex(source), seedController.getQueryHint(source)); mySQLReader = new MySQLTableReader(seeder.getConnection(), seeder.getTableName(srcId), pkeyField, "id", // THis is the primary // key always for // bootstrapDB SchemaHelper.getAnyType(pkeyField), interval); double samplePct = BootstrapSeederMain.getValidationSamplePct(); TableComparator comparator = new TableComparator(oracleReader, mySQLReader, auditor, decoder, interval, pKeyNameMap.get(source .getEventView()), pKeyTypeMap.get(source.getEventView()), txnType, samplePct); boolean success = false; if (BootstrapSeederMain.getValidationType().equals("point")) { success = comparator.compareRecordsPoint(); } else if (BootstrapSeederMain.getValidationType().equals("pointBs")) { success = comparator.compareRecordsPointBs(); } else { success = comparator.compareRecordsNew(); } if (success)"Audit completed successfully"); else LOG.error("Audit FAILED !!! "); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Caught an exception ex", ex); throw ex; } finally { if (null != oracleReader) oracleReader.close(); } } DBHelper.close(seeder.getConnection()); } public static class AuditStats implements Runnable { private long _numProcessed = 0; private long _numKeyEqual = 0; private long _numKeyAbsentInBootstrap = 0; private long _numKeyAbsentInOracle = 0; private long _numDataEqual = 0; private long _numOlderTxnInOracle = 0; private long _numOlderTxnInBootstrap = 0; private boolean _shutdown = false; final private int _intervalInSec; private long _numError = 0; public AuditStats() { this(30); } public AuditStats(int intervalSec) { _intervalInSec = intervalSec; } @Override public void run() { while (!_shutdown) { print(); try { Thread.sleep(_intervalInSec * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { _shutdown = true; } } print(); } public void print() {"AuditStats\n" + this); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(512); s.append(" numProcessed=").append(_numProcessed).append(" numKeyEqual=") .append(_numKeyEqual).append(" numDataEqual=").append(_numDataEqual) .append(" numKeyAbsentInOracle=").append(_numKeyAbsentInOracle) .append(" numKeyAbsentInBootstrap=").append(_numKeyAbsentInBootstrap) .append(" numOlderTxnInOracle=").append(_numOlderTxnInOracle) .append(" numOlderTxnInBootstrap=").append(_numOlderTxnInBootstrap) .append(" numError=").append(_numError); return s.toString(); } public synchronized void shutdown() { _shutdown = true; } public long getNumProcessed() { return _numProcessed; } public long getNumKeyEqual() { return _numKeyEqual; } public long getNumKeyAbsentInBootstrap() { return _numKeyAbsentInBootstrap; } public long getNumKeyAbsentInOracle() { return _numKeyAbsentInOracle; } public long getNumDataEqual() { return _numDataEqual; } public long getNumOlderTxnInOracle() { return _numOlderTxnInOracle; } public long getNumOlderTxnInBootstrap() { return _numOlderTxnInBootstrap; } public boolean isShutdown() { return _shutdown; } public int getIntervalInSec() { return _intervalInSec; } public long getNumError() { return _numError; } public synchronized void incNumProcessed() { _numProcessed++; } public synchronized void incNumnKeyAbsentInOracle() { _numKeyAbsentInOracle++; } public synchronized void incNumKeyAbsentInBootstrap() { _numKeyAbsentInBootstrap++; } public synchronized void incNumOlderTxnInBootstrap() { _numOlderTxnInBootstrap++; } public synchronized void incNumOlderTxnInOracle() { _numOlderTxnInOracle++; } public synchronized void incNumDataEqual() { _numDataEqual++; } public synchronized void incNumKeyEqual() { _numKeyEqual++; } public synchronized void incNumError() { _numError++; } } public static class TableComparator { private final OracleTableReader _srcReader; private final MySQLTableReader _destReader; private final DbusEventAvroDecoder _decoder; private final BootstrapAuditTester _auditor; private final int _interval; private final String _pKey; private final DbusEventKey.KeyType _pKeyType; private final Type _txnType; private final double _samplePct; private final Random _rand = new Random(); public TableComparator(OracleTableReader srcReader, MySQLTableReader destReader, BootstrapAuditTester auditor, DbusEventAvroDecoder decoder, int interval, String pKey, DbusEventKey.KeyType pKeyType, Type txnType, double samplePct) { _srcReader = srcReader; _destReader = destReader; _decoder = decoder; _interval = interval; _auditor = auditor; _pKey = pKey; _pKeyType = pKeyType; _txnType = txnType; _samplePct = samplePct;"Comparator: interval=" + _interval + " samplePct=" + _samplePct); } // called before deciding to compare private boolean shouldCompare() { if (_samplePct == 0) { return false; } else if (_samplePct == 100) { return true; } return (_samplePct > _rand.nextDouble() * 100.0); } public boolean compareRecordsPointBs() throws SQLException { AuditStats stats = new AuditStats(); Thread statsThread = new Thread(stats); try { ResultSet srcRs = null; ResultSet destRs = null; /* * long srcNumRows = _srcReader.getNumRecords(_pKey); long destNumRows = * _destReader.getNumRecords("id"); * *"Current Number of Rows in Source DB :" + srcNumRows); *"Current Number of Rows in Destination DB :" + destNumRows); */ statsThread.start(); String lastSrcKey = "0"; boolean oracleDone = true; boolean done = false; while (!done) { // Read the next chunks from src and dest db's if (oracleDone) { done = true; DBHelper.close(srcRs); srcRs = _srcReader.getRecords(lastSrcKey); } oracleDone = !; done = done && oracleDone; if (!oracleDone) { /* For getting next row in boostrap db and oracle */ /* The keys on which the query result set is ordered */ lastSrcKey = getKey(srcRs); // read one record from BS if (!shouldCompare()) continue; stats.incNumProcessed(); DBHelper.close(destRs); destRs = _destReader.getRecord(lastSrcKey); boolean found =; // Compare txn_id, key of both oracle and bs sources; // src_txn (oracle) , dst_txn(bootstrap) : destKey is the key field // in bs and srcKey is corresponding one in oracle if (found) { stats.incNumKeyEqual(); /* For reading txnid, key which will form the basis of comparison */ long srcTxnId = srcRs.getLong(2); long dstTxnId = getDestTxnId(destRs); // assumption: txnids are monotonically increasing if (srcTxnId == dstTxnId) { boolean result = _auditor .compareRecord(srcRs, destRs, _decoder); if (result) { stats.incNumDataEqual(); } else { LOG.error("Compare error: Key=" + lastSrcKey); } } else if (srcTxnId < dstTxnId) { stats.incNumOlderTxnInOracle(); } else { // older txn in bootstrap; stats.incNumOlderTxnInBootstrap(); } } else {"Absent in bootstrap: " + lastSrcKey); // key present in oracle but not in bootstrap; stats.incNumKeyAbsentInBootstrap(); } } }"Done with audit- end of stream reached\n"); stats.shutdown(); statsThread.interrupt(); statsThread.join(); return stats.getNumProcessed() == stats.getNumDataEqual(); } catch (SQLException e) { stats.shutdown(); statsThread.interrupt(); throw e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { }"Done with audit- end of stream reached\n"); return stats.getNumProcessed() == stats.getNumDataEqual(); } public boolean compareRecordsPoint() throws SQLException { AuditStats stats = new AuditStats(); Thread statsThread = new Thread(stats); try { ResultSet srcRs = null; ResultSet destRs = null; statsThread.start(); long lastDestId = 0; boolean bootstrapDone = true; boolean done = false; while (!done) { if (bootstrapDone) { done = true; // batch sample; for uniform sampling set batch size (_interval) to // 1 . if (shouldCompare()) { DBHelper.close(destRs); destRs = _destReader.getRecordsSequential(lastDestId); } else { // skip this batch done = false; lastDestId += _interval; continue; } } bootstrapDone = !; done = done && bootstrapDone; if (!bootstrapDone) { // get next rowId lastDestId = destRs.getLong(1); /* For getting next row in boostrap db and oracle */ String lastDestKey = destRs.getString(3); stats.incNumProcessed(); // read that one record from Oracle DBHelper.close(srcRs); srcRs = _srcReader.getRecord(lastDestKey); boolean found =; if (found) { stats.incNumKeyEqual(); /* For reading txnid, key which will form the basis of comparison */ long srcTxnId = srcRs.getLong(2); long dstTxnId = getDestTxnId(destRs); if (dstTxnId != 0) { // assumption: txnids are monotonically increasing if (srcTxnId == dstTxnId) { boolean result = _auditor.compareRecord(srcRs, destRs, _decoder); if (result) { stats.incNumDataEqual(); } else { LOG.error("Compare error: Key=" + lastDestKey); } } else if (srcTxnId < dstTxnId) { // older txn in oracle - this cannot happen stats.incNumOlderTxnInOracle(); } else { // older txn in bootstrap; stats.incNumOlderTxnInBootstrap(); } } else { stats.incNumError(); } } else { // key present in bootstrap but not in oracle; stats.incNumnKeyAbsentInOracle(); } } }"Done with audit- end of stream reached\n"); stats.shutdown(); statsThread.interrupt(); statsThread.join(); return stats.getNumProcessed() == stats.getNumDataEqual(); } catch (SQLException e) { stats.shutdown(); statsThread.interrupt(); throw e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { }"Done with audit- end of stream reached\n"); return stats.getNumProcessed() == stats.getNumDataEqual(); } public boolean compareRecordsNew() throws SQLException { AuditStats stats = new AuditStats(); Thread statsThread = new Thread(stats); try { ResultSet srcRs = null; ResultSet destRs = null; statsThread.start(); String lastSrcKey = "0"; String lastDestKey = "0"; int compareResult = 0; boolean oracleDone = true; boolean bootstrapDone = true; boolean done = false; while (!done) { // Read the next chunks from src and dest db's if (oracleDone) { done = true; DBHelper.close(srcRs); srcRs = _srcReader.getRecords(lastSrcKey); } if (bootstrapDone) { done = true; DBHelper.close(destRs); destRs = _destReader.getRecords(lastDestKey); } // Iterate over two streams in 'key' order if (compareResult <= 0) { oracleDone = !; } if (compareResult >= 0) { bootstrapDone = !; } done = done && (bootstrapDone || oracleDone); if (!bootstrapDone && !oracleDone) { // TODO: sampling stats.incNumProcessed(); /* The keys on which the query result set is ordered */ lastSrcKey = getKey(srcRs); lastDestKey = destRs.getString(3); compareResult = keyCompare(lastSrcKey, lastDestKey); // Compare txn_id, key of both oracle and bs sources; // src_txn (oracle) , dst_txn(bootstrap) : destKey is the key field // in bs and srcKey is corresponding one in oracle if (compareResult == 0) { stats.incNumKeyEqual(); /* For reading txnid, key which will form the basis of comparison */ long srcTxnId = srcRs.getLong(2); long dstTxnId = getDestTxnId(destRs); // assumption: txnids are monotonically increasing if (srcTxnId == dstTxnId) { boolean result = _auditor .compareRecord(srcRs, destRs, _decoder); if (result) { stats.incNumDataEqual(); } else { LOG.error("Compare error: Key=" + lastSrcKey); } } else if (srcTxnId < dstTxnId) { // older txn in oracle - this cannot happen stats.incNumOlderTxnInOracle(); } else { // older txn in bootstrap; stats.incNumOlderTxnInBootstrap(); } } else if (compareResult < 0) {"Absent in bootstrap: " + lastSrcKey); // key present in oracle but not in bootstrap; stats.incNumKeyAbsentInBootstrap(); } else {"Absent in oracle: " + lastDestKey); // key present in bootstrap but not in oracle; stats.incNumnKeyAbsentInOracle(); } } else if (!bootstrapDone && oracleDone) { compareResult = -1; } else if (!oracleDone && bootstrapDone) { compareResult = 1; } else { compareResult = 0; } }"Done with audit- end of stream reached\n"); stats.shutdown(); statsThread.interrupt(); statsThread.join(); return stats.getNumProcessed() == stats.getNumDataEqual(); } catch (SQLException e) { stats.shutdown(); statsThread.interrupt(); throw e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { }"Done with audit- end of stream reached\n"); return stats.getNumProcessed() == stats.getNumDataEqual(); } protected String getKey(ResultSet srcRs) throws SQLException { if (_pKeyType == DbusEventKey.KeyType.LONG) { Long key = srcRs.getLong(_pKey); return key.toString(); } return srcRs.getString(_pKey); } protected int keyCompare(String keySrc, String keyDst) { if (_pKeyType == DbusEventKey.KeyType.LONG) { long srcKeyLong = Long.parseLong(keySrc); long destKeyLong = Long.parseLong(keyDst); if (srcKeyLong == destKeyLong) { return 0; } return (srcKeyLong < destKeyLong) ? -1 : 1; } return keySrc.compareTo(keyDst); } private long getDestTxnId(ResultSet bsRes) throws SQLException { GenericRecord avroRec = _auditor.getGenericRecord(bsRes, _decoder); if (avroRec == null) { LOG.error("No avro record skipping"); return 0; } Object txnId = avroRec.get("txn"); if (txnId == null) { LOG.error("Could not find a field called 'txn' in avro event in bootstrap db"); return 0; } switch (_txnType) { case LONG: if (txnId instanceof Integer) { Integer i = (Integer) txnId; return i.longValue(); } else if (txnId instanceof Long) { return (Long) txnId; } case INT: Integer i = (Integer) txnId; return i.longValue(); default: return 0; } } } public static class MySQLTableReader extends BootstrapAuditTableReader { private PreparedStatement _pointRecordStmt = null; private PreparedStatement _rangeRecordStmt = null; private PreparedStatement _sequentialRangeRecordStmt = null; public MySQLTableReader(Connection conn, String tableName, Field pkeyField, String pkeyName, Type pkeyType, int interval) throws SQLException { super(conn, tableName, pkeyField, pkeyName, pkeyType, interval); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select id,scn,srckey,val from ").append(_tableName); sql.append(" where srckey= ?"); _pointRecordStmt = _conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); StringBuilder sqlSequence = new StringBuilder(); sqlSequence.append("select id,scn,srckey,val from ").append(_tableName); sqlSequence.append(" where id > ? limit ? "); _sequentialRangeRecordStmt = _conn.prepareStatement(sqlSequence .toString()); } public ResultSet getRecordsSequential(long lastDestId) throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = null; try { _sequentialRangeRecordStmt.setLong(1, lastDestId); _sequentialRangeRecordStmt.setLong(2, _interval); rs = _sequentialRangeRecordStmt.executeQuery(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { DBHelper.close(rs, _sequentialRangeRecordStmt, null); throw sqlEx; } return rs; } @Override public void close() { DBHelper.close(_pointRecordStmt); DBHelper.close(_rangeRecordStmt); DBHelper.close(_sequentialRangeRecordStmt); super.close(); } /** * * @param lastSrcKey * : a srckey ; * @return resultSet that may contain a row whose srckey=lastSrckey; * @throws SQLException */ public ResultSet getRecord(String lastSrcKey) throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = null; try { _pointRecordStmt.setString(1, lastSrcKey); // stmt.setFetchSize(10000); // stmt.setMaxRows(10); rs = _pointRecordStmt.executeQuery(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { DBHelper.close(rs, _pointRecordStmt, null); throw sqlEx; } return rs; } @Override public PreparedStatement getFetchStmt(String from) throws SQLException { try { if (_rangeRecordStmt == null || _rangeRecordStmt.isClosed()) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); /** * Ordering should be same as the other stream: srckey is a string * (type: varchar) */ sql.append(" select id, scn, srckey, val from ").append(_tableName); if (_pkeyType == Type.LONG || _pkeyType == Type.INT) { sql.append(" where cast(srckey as decimal(40)) > ? order by "); sql.append(" cast(srckey as decimal(40)) asc"); } else { sql.append(" where srckey > ? order by "); sql.append(" srckey asc"); } sql.append(" limit ? "); String stmtStr = sql.toString();"MySQL Query=" + stmtStr); _rangeRecordStmt = _conn.prepareStatement(stmtStr); }"MySQL Query params: FromSrcKey= " + from + ",Limit=" + (_interval)); _rangeRecordStmt.setString(1, from); _rangeRecordStmt.setLong(2, _interval); return _rangeRecordStmt; } catch (SQLException e) { DBHelper.close(null, _rangeRecordStmt, null); _rangeRecordStmt = null; throw e; } } } public static class OracleTableReader extends BootstrapAuditTableReader { private final DbusEventKey.KeyType _dbusKeyType; private final String _pkIndex; private final String _queryHint; private PreparedStatement _pointRecordStmt = null; private PreparedStatement _rangeRecordStmt = null; Method _setLobPrefetchSizeMethod = null; Class<?> _oraclePreparedStatementClass = null; public OracleTableReader(Connection conn, String tableName, Field pkeyField, String pkeyName, Type pkeyType, int interval, String pkIndex, String queryHint) throws SQLException { super(conn, tableName, pkeyField, pkeyName, pkeyType, interval); if ((pkeyType == Type.INT) || (pkeyType == Type.LONG)) { _dbusKeyType = DbusEventKey.KeyType.LONG; } else { _dbusKeyType = DbusEventKey.KeyType.STRING; } _pkIndex = pkIndex; _queryHint = queryHint; String pointRecordsql = generatePointQuery(_tableName, _pkeyName, _pkIndex, _queryHint); _pointRecordStmt = _conn.prepareStatement(pointRecordsql);"Tablename=" + tableName);"Point Oracle Query =" + pointRecordsql); try { _oraclePreparedStatementClass = OracleJarUtils .loadClass("oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement"); _setLobPrefetchSizeMethod = _oraclePreparedStatementClass.getMethod( "setLobPrefetchSize", int.class); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception raised while trying to get oracle methods", e); throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } } public String generatePointQuery(String table, String keyName, String pkIndex, String queryHint) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); if ((null == queryHint) || (queryHint.isEmpty())) sql.append("select /*+ INDEX(src ").append(pkIndex).append(") */ "); else sql.append("select /*+ " + queryHint + " */ "); sql.append(keyName).append(" keyn,"); sql.append(" txn txnid, src.* ").append(" from "); sql.append(table); sql.append(" src"); sql.append(" where src." + keyName + " = ?"); return sql.toString(); } @Override public void close() { DBHelper.close(_pointRecordStmt); DBHelper.close(_rangeRecordStmt); super.close(); } /** * * @param destKey * : the srckey * @return ResultSet * @throws SQLException */ public ResultSet getRecord(String destKey) throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = null; try { // Reuse prepared statement _pointRecordStmt.setString(1, destKey); // stmt.setFetchSize(10000); // stmt.setMaxRows(10); rs = _pointRecordStmt.executeQuery(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { DBHelper.close(rs, _pointRecordStmt, null); throw sqlEx; } return rs; } @Override public PreparedStatement getFetchStmt(String from) throws SQLException { try { if (_rangeRecordStmt == null || _rangeRecordStmt.isClosed()) { String sql = BootstrapSrcDBEventReader.generateEventQueryAudit( _tableName, _pkeyName, _dbusKeyType, _pkIndex, _queryHint);"Oracle Query =" + sql); _rangeRecordStmt = _conn.prepareStatement(sql); Object ds = _oraclePreparedStatementClass.cast(_rangeRecordStmt); try { _setLobPrefetchSizeMethod.invoke(ds, 1000); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Could not set LobPreFetchSize: " + e); throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } }"Oracle Query: From=" + from + " interval=" + _interval); _rangeRecordStmt.setString(1, from); _rangeRecordStmt.setLong(2, _interval); return _rangeRecordStmt; } catch (SQLException e) { DBHelper.close(_rangeRecordStmt); throw e; } } } public static class KeyTxnReader { private final BufferedReader _reader; public KeyTxnReader(File file) { try { _reader = new BufferedReader(StringUtils.createFileReader(file)); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("KeyTxnReader error: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe); throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } public boolean readNextEntry(PrimaryKeyTxn entry) throws IOException { String line = _reader.readLine(); if (null == line) return false; entry.readFrom(line); return true; } public void close() { try { _reader.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("KeyTxnReader error: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe); } } } }