package com.linkedin.databus.client.consumer; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import; import; import java.util.Formatter; import org.apache.avro.Schema; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerationException; import; import; import com.linkedin.databus.client.DbusEventAvroDecoder; import; import; import; import; import; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEvent; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventPart; import com.linkedin.databus.core.FileBasedEventTrackingCallback; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.ConfigApplier; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.ConfigBuilder; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.VersionedSchema; /** * A databus stream consumer that can be used for logging/debugging purposes. The class is thread- * safe. * @author cbotev * */ public class LoggingConsumer extends DelegatingDatabusCombinedConsumer implements DatabusV3Consumer { public static final String MODULE = LoggingConsumer.class.getName(); private static final Logger CLASS_LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); private static final double NANOS_PER_MS = 1000000.0; private static final long BOOTSTRAP_EVENT_LOG_FREQUENCY = 100; private static final String BOOTSTRAP_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT = "bootstrap => #events: %d, last scn: %d, last key: %s, source: %s"; public static enum Verbosity { EVENTS_ONLY, EVENT_WINDOWS, ALL } private final StaticConfig _staticConfig; private RuntimeConfig _runtimeConfig; private long _currentWindowScn; private long _lastWindowSeq; private long _lastWindowStartTs; private long _lastWindowEndTs; private long _curSourceStartTs; private int _curSourceEvents; private int _curWindowEvents; private long _bstEventsNum; private StringBuffer _perSourceMsgBuilder; private FileBasedEventTrackingCallback _fileBasedCallback = null; // used only by tests (TestConsumerRegistration, TestMultiConsumerCallback, etc.) public LoggingConsumer() throws InvalidConfigException { this(new Config()); } public LoggingConsumer(Config configBuilder) throws InvalidConfigException { this(; } // apparently used only by DatabusHttpV3ClientImpl: public LoggingConsumer(StaticConfig staticConfig, String regId) throws InvalidConfigException { this(staticConfig, regId, null); } public LoggingConsumer(StaticConfig staticConfig) throws InvalidConfigException { this(staticConfig, null, (DatabusCombinedConsumer)null); } public LoggingConsumer(StaticConfig staticConfig, String regId, DatabusCombinedConsumer delegate) throws InvalidConfigException { super(delegate, regId == null ? null : Logger.getLogger(MODULE + ":" + regId) ); _staticConfig = staticConfig;"logging listener config: " + staticConfig.toString()); staticConfig.getRuntime().managedInstance(this); _runtimeConfig = staticConfig.getRuntime().build(); _currentWindowScn = -1; _lastWindowStartTs = System.nanoTime(); _lastWindowEndTs = _lastWindowStartTs; _curSourceEvents = 0; _curWindowEvents = 0; _lastWindowSeq = -1; } public void enableEventFileTrace(String outputFileName) throws IOException { if (outputFileName != null) { enableEventFileTrace(outputFileName,false); } } public void enableEventFileTrace(String outputFileName, boolean append) throws IOException { if (outputFileName != null) { _fileBasedCallback = new FileBasedEventTrackingCallback(outputFileName, append); _fileBasedCallback.init(); } } public boolean isEnabled() { return _runtimeConfig.isEnabled(); } public Level getLogLevel() { return _runtimeConfig.getLogLevel(); } public Verbosity getVerbosity() { return _runtimeConfig.getVerbosity(); } public boolean isValidityCheckEnabled() { return _runtimeConfig.isValidityCheckEnabled(); } public RuntimeConfig getRuntimeConfig() { return _runtimeConfig; } private void setNewConfig(RuntimeConfig runtimeConfig) { _runtimeConfig = runtimeConfig; } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onEndDataEventSequence(SCN endScn) { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onEndDataEventSequence(endScn); return doEndDataEventSequence(endScn, result, false); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onDataEvent(DbusEvent e, DbusEventDecoder eventDecoder) { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onDataEvent(e, eventDecoder); return doDataEvent(e, eventDecoder, result, false); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onCheckpoint(SCN checkpointScn) { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onCheckpoint(checkpointScn); return doCheckpoint(checkpointScn, result, false); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onEndSource(String source, Schema sourceSchema) { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onEndSource(source, sourceSchema); return doEndSource(source, sourceSchema, result, false); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onRollback(SCN rollbackScn) { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onRollback(rollbackScn); return doRollback(rollbackScn, result, false); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStartDataEventSequence(SCN startScn) { startDataEventSequenceStats(); ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onStartDataEventSequence(startScn); return doStartDataEventSequence(startScn, result, false); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStartSource(String source, Schema sourceSchema) { startSourceStats(sourceSchema); ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onStartSource(source, sourceSchema); return doStartSource(source, sourceSchema, result, false); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onEndBootstrapSequence(SCN endScn) { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onEndBootstrapSequence(endScn); return doEndDataEventSequence(endScn, result, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onEndBootstrapSource(String source, Schema sourceSchema) { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onEndBootstrapSource(source, sourceSchema); return doEndSource(source, sourceSchema, result, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onBootstrapEvent(DbusEvent e, DbusEventDecoder eventDecoder) { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onBootstrapEvent(e, eventDecoder); return doDataEvent(e, eventDecoder, result, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onBootstrapCheckpoint(SCN batchCheckpointScn) { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onBootstrapCheckpoint(batchCheckpointScn); return doCheckpoint(batchCheckpointScn, result, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStartBootstrapSequence(SCN startScn) { startDataEventSequenceStats(); ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onStartBootstrapSequence(startScn); return doStartDataEventSequence(startScn, result, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStartBootstrapSource(String source, Schema sourceSchema) { startSourceStats(sourceSchema); ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onStartBootstrapSource(source, sourceSchema); return doStartSource(source, sourceSchema, result, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStartConsumption() { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onStartConsumption(); return doStartConsumption(result, false); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStopConsumption() { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onStopConsumption(); return doStopConsumption(result, false); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onBootstrapRollback(SCN rollbackScn) { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onBootstrapRollback(rollbackScn); return doRollback(rollbackScn, result, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStartBootstrap() { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onStartBootstrap(); return doStartConsumption(result, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStopBootstrap() { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onStopBootstrap(); return doStopConsumption(result, true); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onError(Throwable err) { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onError(err); return doError(err, result, false); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onBootstrapError(Throwable err) { ConsumerCallbackResult result = super.onBootstrapError(err); return doError(err, result, true); } @Override public boolean canBootstrap() { return false; } private ConsumerCallbackResult doStartConsumption(ConsumerCallbackResult result, boolean bootstrapOn) { RuntimeConfig rtConfig = getRuntimeConfig(); if (! rtConfig.isEnabled() || !Verbosity.ALL.equals(rtConfig.getVerbosity())) return result; _log.log(rtConfig.getLogLevel(), bootstrapOn ? "startBootstrap" : "startConsumption"); if (bootstrapOn) { _bstEventsNum = 0; } return result; } private ConsumerCallbackResult doStartDataEventSequence(SCN startScn, ConsumerCallbackResult result, boolean bootstrapOn) { RuntimeConfig rtConfig = getRuntimeConfig(); if (! rtConfig.isEnabled() || Verbosity.EVENTS_ONLY.equals(rtConfig.getVerbosity())) return result; _log.log(rtConfig.getLogLevel(), (bootstrapOn ? "startBootstrapSequence:" : "startDataEventSequence:") + startScn.toString()); return result; } private ConsumerCallbackResult doStartSource(String source, Schema sourceSchema, ConsumerCallbackResult result, boolean bootstrapOn) { RuntimeConfig rtConfig = getRuntimeConfig(); if (! rtConfig.isEnabled() || !Verbosity.ALL.equals(rtConfig.getVerbosity())) return result; _log.log(rtConfig.getLogLevel(), (bootstrapOn ? "startBootstrapSource:" : "startSource:") + source); return result; } private ConsumerCallbackResult doDataEvent(DbusEvent e, DbusEventDecoder eventDecoder, ConsumerCallbackResult result, boolean bootstrapOn) { RuntimeConfig rtConfig = getRuntimeConfig(); if (! rtConfig.isEnabled()) return result; // check for event validity as long as the option is NOT disabled if (rtConfig.isValidityCheckEnabled()) { if (!e.isValid()) { _log.error("invalid event received:"); _log.error(e.toString()); } } //for backwards compatibility if (bootstrapOn) { ++ _bstEventsNum; if (_bstEventsNum % BOOTSTRAP_EVENT_LOG_FREQUENCY == 1) { final VersionedSchema payloadSchema = eventDecoder.getPayloadSchema(e); String schemaName = (null == payloadSchema) ? "unknown source: " + e.getSourceId() : payloadSchema.getSchema().getName(); String keyStr = null; try { if (e.isKeyString()) { keyStr = new String(e.keyBytes(), "UTF-8"); } else if (e.isKeyNumber()) { keyStr = Long.toString(e.key()); } else if (e.isKeySchema()) { // TODO Fix to use a decoder (DDSDBUS-2076) DbusEventPart keyPart = e.getKeyPart(); keyStr = keyPart.toString(); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { keyStr = "unsupported key encoding"; } catch (RuntimeException ex) { keyStr = "key decoding error: " + ex; } String msg = String.format(BOOTSTRAP_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT, _bstEventsNum, e.sequence(), keyStr, schemaName); _log.log(rtConfig.getLogLevel(), msg); } } _currentWindowScn = e.sequence(); if (_fileBasedCallback != null) { _fileBasedCallback.onEvent(e); } if (_staticConfig.isLogTypedValue()) { logTypedValue(e, eventDecoder, rtConfig, bootstrapOn ? "b:" : "s:"); } updateEventStats(e); return result; } private ConsumerCallbackResult doEndSource(String source, Schema sourceSchema, ConsumerCallbackResult result, boolean bootstrapOn) { endSourceStats(sourceSchema); RuntimeConfig rtConfig = getRuntimeConfig(); if (! rtConfig.isEnabled() || !Verbosity.ALL.equals(rtConfig.getVerbosity())) return result; _log.log(rtConfig.getLogLevel(), (bootstrapOn ? "endBootstrapSource" : "endSource:") + source); return result; } private ConsumerCallbackResult doCheckpoint(SCN checkpointScn, ConsumerCallbackResult result, boolean bootstrapOn) { RuntimeConfig rtConfig = getRuntimeConfig(); if (! rtConfig.isEnabled() || Verbosity.EVENTS_ONLY.equals(rtConfig.getVerbosity())) return result; _log.log(rtConfig.getLogLevel(), (bootstrapOn ? "bootstrapCheckpoint:" : "Checkpoint:" ) + checkpointScn); return result; } private ConsumerCallbackResult doRollback(SCN rollbackScn, ConsumerCallbackResult result, boolean bootstrapOn) { RuntimeConfig rtConfig = getRuntimeConfig(); if (! rtConfig.isEnabled() || !Verbosity.ALL.equals(rtConfig.getVerbosity())) return result; _log.log(rtConfig.getLogLevel(), (bootstrapOn ? "bootstrapRollback" : "rollback") + rollbackScn); return result; } private ConsumerCallbackResult doError(Throwable err, ConsumerCallbackResult result, boolean bootstrapOn) { RuntimeConfig rtConfig = getRuntimeConfig(); _log.log(rtConfig.getLogLevel(), bootstrapOn ? "onBootstrapError" : "onError", err); return result; } private ConsumerCallbackResult doEndDataEventSequence(SCN endScn, ConsumerCallbackResult result, boolean bootstrapOn) { RuntimeConfig rtConfig = getRuntimeConfig(); if (! rtConfig.isEnabled() || Verbosity.EVENTS_ONLY.equals(rtConfig.getVerbosity())) return result; endDataEventSequenceStats(rtConfig, bootstrapOn); return result; } private void startDataEventSequenceStats() { _lastWindowStartTs = System.nanoTime(); _curWindowEvents = 0; _perSourceMsgBuilder = new StringBuffer(200); } private void endDataEventSequenceStats(RuntimeConfig rtConfig, boolean bootstrapOn) { long endTs = System.nanoTime(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(500); Formatter fmt = new Formatter(sb); long curWindowSeq = _currentWindowScn; fmt.format("%s: %d updates => wt:%.3f;cb:%.3f%nevents => bop=%d eop=%d %s", (bootstrapOn ? "bst" : "str"), _curWindowEvents, (_lastWindowStartTs - _lastWindowEndTs) / NANOS_PER_MS, (endTs - _lastWindowStartTs) / NANOS_PER_MS, _lastWindowSeq, curWindowSeq, _perSourceMsgBuilder ); fmt.flush(); _log.log(rtConfig.getLogLevel(), fmt.toString()); fmt.close(); _lastWindowEndTs = endTs; _lastWindowSeq = curWindowSeq; _perSourceMsgBuilder = null; } private ConsumerCallbackResult doStopConsumption(ConsumerCallbackResult result, boolean bootstrapOn) { RuntimeConfig rtConfig = getRuntimeConfig(); if (! rtConfig.isEnabled() || !Verbosity.ALL.equals(rtConfig.getVerbosity())) return result; _log.log(rtConfig.getLogLevel(), bootstrapOn ? "stopBootstrap" : "stopConsumption"); return result; } private void startSourceStats(Schema sourceSchema) { _curSourceStartTs = System.nanoTime(); _curSourceEvents = 0; } private void endSourceStats(Schema sourceSchema) { Formatter fmt = new Formatter(_perSourceMsgBuilder); fmt.format("%s=%d (%.3f ms) ", sourceSchema.getName(), _curSourceEvents, (System.nanoTime() - _curSourceStartTs) / NANOS_PER_MS); fmt.flush(); fmt.close(); } private void updateEventStats(DbusEvent e) { ++ _curWindowEvents; ++ _curSourceEvents; } protected void logTypedValue(DbusEvent e, DbusEventDecoder eventDecoder, RuntimeConfig rtConfig, String phase) { if (eventDecoder instanceof DbusEventAvroDecoder) { try { DbusEventAvroDecoder avroDecoder = (DbusEventAvroDecoder)eventDecoder; ByteArrayOutputStream stringOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); stringOut.write(phase.getBytes("UTF-8")); avroDecoder.dumpEventValueInJSON(e, stringOut); stringOut.flush(); _log.log(rtConfig.getLogLevel(), stringOut.toString("UTF-8")); } catch (IOException ex) { _log.warn("typed value serialization error:" + ex.getMessage() ,ex); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { _log.warn("typed value serialization error:" + ex.getMessage() ,ex); } } } public class RuntimeConfig implements ConfigApplier<RuntimeConfig> { private final boolean _enabled; private final Level _logLevel; private final Verbosity _verbosity; private final boolean _validityCheckEnabled; public RuntimeConfig(boolean enabled, Verbosity verbosity, Level logLevel, boolean validityCheckEnabled) { super(); _enabled = enabled; _logLevel = logLevel; _verbosity = verbosity; _validityCheckEnabled = validityCheckEnabled; } /** A flag that indicates if the consumer is enabled */ public boolean isEnabled() { return _enabled; } /** Logging level to be used by the consumer */ public Level getLogLevel() { return _logLevel; } /** A flag that indicates if the consumer should check the validity of the events it gets */ public boolean isValidityCheckEnabled() { return _validityCheckEnabled; } /** * The verbosity of the consumer, i.e. which events are to be logged. * <ul> * <li>EVENTS_ONLY - only onEvent() and onBootstrapEvent() calls are logged</li> * <li>EVENT_WINDOWS - all calls in EVENTS_ONLY plus start/endEventSequence() and * start/endBootstrapSequence() are logged </li> * <li>ALL - all calls are logged </li> * </ul> **/ public Verbosity getVerbosity() { return _verbosity; } @Override public void applyNewConfig(RuntimeConfig oldConfig) { if (null == oldConfig || !equals(oldConfig)) { setNewConfig(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object otherConfig) { if (null == otherConfig || !(otherConfig instanceof RuntimeConfig)) return false; return equalsConfig((RuntimeConfig)otherConfig); } @Override public boolean equalsConfig(RuntimeConfig otherConfig) { if (null == otherConfig) return false; return isEnabled() == otherConfig.isEnabled() && getLogLevel().equals(otherConfig.getLogLevel()) && isValidityCheckEnabled() == otherConfig.isValidityCheckEnabled(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return (_enabled ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0) ^ _logLevel.hashCode() ^ (_validityCheckEnabled ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0); } } public static class RuntimeConfigBuilder implements ConfigBuilder<RuntimeConfig> { private boolean _enabled; private String _logLevel; private LoggingConsumer _managedInstance; private String _verbosity; private boolean _validityCheckEnabled; public RuntimeConfigBuilder() { _enabled = true; _logLevel = "INFO"; _verbosity = "EVENT_WINDOWS"; _managedInstance = null; _validityCheckEnabled = true; } public boolean isValidityCheckEnabled() { return _validityCheckEnabled; } public void setValidityCheckEnabled(boolean validityCheckEnabled) { _validityCheckEnabled = validityCheckEnabled; } public boolean isEnabled() { return _enabled; } public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { _enabled = enabled; } public String getLogLevel() { return _logLevel; } public void setLogLevel(String logLevel) { _logLevel = logLevel; } public LoggingConsumer managedInstance() { return _managedInstance; } public void managedInstance(LoggingConsumer managedInstance) { _managedInstance = managedInstance; } @Override public RuntimeConfig build() throws InvalidConfigException { if (null == _managedInstance) { throw new InvalidConfigException("Managed logging listener not set"); } Level logLevel = null; try { logLevel = Level.toLevel(getLogLevel()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidConfigException("Invalid log level:", e); } Verbosity verbosity = null; try { verbosity = Verbosity.valueOf(getVerbosity()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidConfigException("Invalid verbosiry:", e); } return RuntimeConfig(isEnabled(), verbosity, logLevel, isValidityCheckEnabled()); } public String getVerbosity() { return _verbosity; } public void setVerbosity(String verbosity) { _verbosity = verbosity; } @Override public String toString() { return toJsonString(); } public String toJsonString() { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(100); try { mapper.writeValue(writer, this); writer.flush(); return writer.toString(); } catch (JsonGenerationException e) { CLASS_LOG.error("json error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (JsonMappingException e) { CLASS_LOG.error("json error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { CLASS_LOG.error("json i/o error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } return ""; } } public static class StaticConfig { private final RuntimeConfigBuilder _runtime; private final boolean _logTypedValue; public StaticConfig(RuntimeConfigBuilder runtime, boolean logTypedValue) { super(); _runtime = runtime; _logTypedValue = logTypedValue; } /** Runtime configuration properties*/ public RuntimeConfigBuilder getRuntime() { return _runtime; } /** A flag that indicates if the consumer should log the typed value of data events as JSON */ public boolean isLogTypedValue() { return _logTypedValue; } @Override public String toString() { return toJsonString(); } public String toJsonString() { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(100); try { mapper.writeValue(writer, this); writer.flush(); return writer.toString(); } catch (JsonGenerationException e) { CLASS_LOG.error("json error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (JsonMappingException e) { CLASS_LOG.error("json error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { CLASS_LOG.error("json i/o error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } return ""; } } public static class Config implements ConfigBuilder<StaticConfig> { private RuntimeConfigBuilder _runtime; private boolean _logTypedValue = false; public Config() { _runtime = new RuntimeConfigBuilder(); } public RuntimeConfigBuilder getRuntime() { return _runtime; } public void setRuntime(RuntimeConfigBuilder runtime) { _runtime = runtime; } public boolean isLogTypedValue() { return _logTypedValue; } public void setLogTypedValue(boolean logTypedValue) { _logTypedValue = logTypedValue; } @Override public StaticConfig build() throws InvalidConfigException { return new StaticConfig(getRuntime(), _logTypedValue); } } }