package com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.producer; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.avro.Schema; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.api.BootstrapProducerStatus; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.common.BootstrapConn; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.common.BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.common.BootstrapProducerStatsCollector; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.common.BootstrapReadOnlyConfig; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.common.SourceInfo; import com.linkedin.databus.client.consumer.AbstractDatabusStreamConsumer; import; import; import; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEvent; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventInternalWritable; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusPrettyLogUtils; import com.linkedin.databus.core.ScnNotFoundException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.RateMonitor; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.StringUtils; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.BackoffTimer; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; import com.linkedin.databus2.util.DBHelper; public class BootstrapProducerCallback extends AbstractDatabusStreamConsumer { public static final String MODULE = BootstrapProducerCallback.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); private BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO _bootstrapDao = null; private PreparedStatement _stmt = null; private PreparedStatement _logScnStmt = null; private int _numEvents = 0; private int _totalNumEvents = 0; private long _seedCatchupScn = -1; private int _state = BootstrapProducerStatus.ACTIVE; private long _oldWindowScn = -1; private long _newWindowScn = -1; // max(scn) of log at producer startup private long _producerStartScn = -1; private Map<String, SourceInfo> _trackedSources = null; private Map<Integer, String> _trackedSrcIdsToNames = null; private BootstrapReadOnlyConfig _config = null; private String _currentSource = null; private BackoffTimer _retryTimer = null; private List<String> _logicalSources = null; /* Stats Specific */ private BootstrapProducerStatsCollector _statsCollector = null; private final RateMonitor _srcRm = new RateMonitor( "ProducerSourceRateMonitor"); private final RateMonitor _totalRm = new RateMonitor( "ProducerTotalRateMonitor"); private int _currentLogId; private int _currentRowId; private final int _maxRowsInLog; private boolean _errorRetriesExceeded; private ErrorCaseHandler _errorHandler = null; public BootstrapProducerCallback(BootstrapReadOnlyConfig config, List<String> logicalSources) throws Exception { this(config, null, null, logicalSources); } public BootstrapProducerCallback(BootstrapReadOnlyConfig config, BootstrapProducerStatsCollector statsCollector, ErrorCaseHandler errorHandler, List<String> logicalSources) throws SQLException, DatabusException { _config = config; _logicalSources = logicalSources; _statsCollector = statsCollector; _maxRowsInLog = _config.getBootstrapLogSize(); _retryTimer = new BackoffTimer("BootstrapProducer", config.getRetryConfig()); _errorRetriesExceeded = false; _errorHandler = errorHandler; getConnection(); init(); } public void init() throws SQLException, DatabusException { Set<String> configedSources = new HashSet<String>(_logicalSources); _trackedSources = _bootstrapDao.getDBTrackedSources(configedSources); _trackedSrcIdsToNames = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (Entry<String, SourceInfo> entry : _trackedSources.entrySet()) { _trackedSrcIdsToNames.put(entry.getValue().getSrcId(), entry.getKey()); }"maxRowsInLog=" + _maxRowsInLog);"trackedSources: "); int lastState = BootstrapProducerStatus.UNKNOWN; int curr = 0; for (SourceInfo info : _trackedSources.values()) { if (0 == curr) { lastState = info.getStatus(); } else { if (info.getStatus() != lastState) { String msg = "Bootstrap Source state does not seem to be consistent for all the sources that this producer listens to. " + " Found atleast 2 different states :" + lastState + "," + info.getStatus(); LOG.error(msg); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } } curr++;; } _state = lastState; initWindowScn(); } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStartDataEventSequence(SCN startScn) { _srcRm.start(); _totalNumEvents = 0; ConsumerCallbackResult success = ConsumerCallbackResult.SUCCESS; try { if (_oldWindowScn == -1) { initWindowScn(); } } catch (SQLException e) { if (null != _statsCollector) _statsCollector.registerSQLException(); LOG.error( "Got SQLException in startDataEventSequence Hanlder!! Connections will be reset !!", e); try { reset(); } catch (DatabusException e2) { DbusPrettyLogUtils.logExceptionAtError("Unable to reset connection", e2, LOG); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { DbusPrettyLogUtils.logExceptionAtError("Got exception while resetting connections. Stopping Client !!", sqlEx, LOG); return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR_FATAL; } success = ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; } return success; } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onEndDataEventSequence(SCN endScn) { try { // Update the metadata for all sources updateAllProducerSourcesMetaData(); _oldWindowScn = _newWindowScn; // Update all the sources info in the database. // If we need to create new log file for a source, create one. updateSourcesInDB(); boolean markActive = false; if (_state == BootstrapProducerStatus.SEEDING_CATCHUP) { if (_newWindowScn > _seedCatchupScn) {"Bootstrap DB for sources (" + _trackedSources.values() + ") has completed the seeding catchup phase. Marking them active in bootstrap_sources table !! SeedCatchupSCN was :" + _seedCatchupScn); markActive = true; } } else if (_state == BootstrapProducerStatus.FELL_OFF_RELAY) { if (_newWindowScn > _producerStartScn) {"Bootstrap DB for sources (" + _trackedSources.values() + ") has started getting events since last fell-off relay !! Marking them active !!"); markActive = true; } } if (markActive) _bootstrapDao.updateSourcesStatus(_trackedSources.keySet(), BootstrapProducerStatus.ACTIVE); Connection conn = getConnection(); try { DBHelper.commit(conn); } catch (SQLException s) { DBHelper.rollback(conn); throw s; } if (markActive) { _state = BootstrapProducerStatus.ACTIVE; for (SourceInfo info : _trackedSources.values()) { info.setStatus(BootstrapProducerStatus.ACTIVE); } }"bootstrap producer upto scn " + _newWindowScn); } catch (SQLException e) { if (null != _statsCollector) _statsCollector.registerSQLException(); LOG.error( "Got SQLException in endDataEventSequence Handler !! Connections will be reset !!", e); try { reset(); } catch (DatabusException e2) { DbusPrettyLogUtils.logExceptionAtError("Unable to reset connection", e2, LOG); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { LOG.error( "Got exception while resetting connections. Stopping Client !!", sqlEx); return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR_FATAL; } return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; } finally { _totalRm.stop(); long latency = _totalRm.getDuration() / 1000000L; if (null != _statsCollector) { _statsCollector.registerEndWindow(latency, _totalNumEvents, _newWindowScn); } } return ConsumerCallbackResult.SUCCESS; } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onRollback(SCN startScn) { return _errorRetriesExceeded ? ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR_FATAL : ConsumerCallbackResult.SUCCESS; } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onStartSource(String source, Schema sourceSchema) { _numEvents = 0; boolean ret = false; SourceInfo srcInfo = null; _currentSource = source; _srcRm.start(); try { srcInfo = _trackedSources.get(source); if (null == srcInfo) { LOG.error("Source :" + source + " not managed in this bootstrap DB instance !! Managed Sources : (" + _trackedSources + ")"); return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; } ret = prepareStatement(srcInfo.getSrcId()); } catch (SQLException e) { if (null != _statsCollector) _statsCollector.registerSQLException(); LOG.error( "Got SQLException in startSource Hanlder!! Connections will be reset !!", e); try { reset(); } catch (DatabusException e2) { DbusPrettyLogUtils.logExceptionAtError("Unable to reset connection", e2, LOG); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { LOG.error( "Got exception while resetting connections. Stopping Client !!", sqlEx); return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR_FATAL; } return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; } return ret ? ConsumerCallbackResult.SUCCESS : ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onEndSource(String source, Schema sourceSchema) { try { // Update the metadata for this source updateProducerSourceMetaData(source); if (_stmt != null) { _stmt.close(); _stmt = null; } } catch (SQLException e) { if (null != _statsCollector) _statsCollector.registerSQLException(); LOG.error( "Got SQLException in endSource Hanlder!! Connections will be reset !!", e); try { reset(); } catch (DatabusException e2) { DbusPrettyLogUtils.logExceptionAtError("Unable to reset connection", e2, LOG); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { LOG.error( "Got exception while resetting connections. Stopping Client !!", sqlEx); return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR_FATAL; } return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; } finally { _srcRm.stop(); long latency = _srcRm.getDuration() / 1000000L; if (null != _statsCollector) _statsCollector.registerBatch(_currentSource, latency, _numEvents, _newWindowScn, _currentLogId, _currentRowId); _totalNumEvents += _numEvents; _numEvents = 0; } return ConsumerCallbackResult.SUCCESS; } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onDataEvent(DbusEvent e, DbusEventDecoder eventDecoder) { if (e.sequence() < _newWindowScn) { LOG.warn("Seeing an Old event. Dropping it !! Current SCN : " + _newWindowScn + ". Event :" + e.toString()); return ConsumerCallbackResult.SUCCESS; } _numEvents++; _newWindowScn = e.sequence(); try { // TODO (DDSDBUS-776) : remove erstwhile windowscn column _stmt.setLong(1, _newWindowScn); _stmt.setLong(2, _newWindowScn); String keyStr = null; if (e.isKeyNumber()) { keyStr = Long.toString(e.key()); } else if (e.isKeyString()) { keyStr = StringUtils.bytesToString(e.keyBytes()); } else if (e.isKeySchema()) { LOG.error("schema key type not supported: " + e); return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; } else { LOG.error("unknown event key type: " + e); return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; } _stmt.setString(3, keyStr); if (!(e instanceof DbusEventInternalWritable)) { throw new UnsupportedClassVersionError( "Cannot get raw bytes out of DbusEvent"); } ByteBuffer bytebuff = ((DbusEventInternalWritable) e).getRawBytes(); byte val[] = new byte[bytebuff.remaining()]; bytebuff.get(val); _stmt.setBytes(4, val); _stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e1) { if (null != _statsCollector) _statsCollector.registerSQLException(); LOG.error( "Got SQLException in dataEvent Hanlder!! Connections will be reset !!", e1); try { reset(); } catch (DatabusException e2) { DbusPrettyLogUtils.logExceptionAtError("Unable to reset connection", e2, LOG); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { LOG.error( "Got exception while resetting connections. Stopping Client !!", sqlEx); return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR_FATAL; } return ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; } return ConsumerCallbackResult.SUCCESS; } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onCheckpoint(SCN checkpointScn) { return ConsumerCallbackResult.SUCCESS; } @Override public ConsumerCallbackResult onError(Throwable err) { ConsumerCallbackResult success = ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; try { if (err instanceof ScnNotFoundException) { try { // Producer fell-off the relay. It could be in an active transaction // (last valid event was not EOP) in // which case, we should roll-back. This is safe since the checkpoint // is consistent with the // roll-back state getConnection().rollback(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { if (null != _statsCollector) _statsCollector.registerSQLException(); LOG.error("Got exception while rolling back transaction !!", sqlEx); } _bootstrapDao.updateSourcesStatus(_trackedSources.keySet(), BootstrapProducerStatus.FELL_OFF_RELAY); if (null != _statsCollector) _statsCollector.registerFellOffRelay(); } success = ConsumerCallbackResult.SUCCESS; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Got exception onError() ", e); success = ConsumerCallbackResult.ERROR; } return success; } /* * Reset the Bootstrap Connection and in memory state of Producer */ private void reset() throws SQLException, DatabusException { boolean success = false; /* * Retry Connections with exponential backoff upto 1 min. */ _retryTimer.reset(); while (!success) { try { // Close automatically rollbacks the transaction DBHelper.close(_stmt); _stmt = null; DBHelper.close(_logScnStmt); _logScnStmt = null; _bootstrapDao.getBootstrapConn().close(); _bootstrapDao.getBootstrapConn().getDBConn(); // recreate the Connection _bootstrapDao.getBootstrapConn().executeDummyBootstrapDBQuery(); // Initialize in memory state init(); success = true; } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { if (null != _statsCollector) _statsCollector.registerSQLException(); LOG.error("Unable to reset the Bootstrap DB connection !!", sqlEx); if (_retryTimer.getRemainingRetriesNum() <= 0) { String message = "Producer Thread reached max retries trying to reset the MySQL Connections. Stopping !!"; LOG.fatal(message); _errorRetriesExceeded = true; // throw sqlEx; /* * ERROR_FATAL is not implemented yet, Hence using callback to let * HttpClientImpl stop */ _errorHandler.onErrorRetryLimitExceeded(message, sqlEx); } _retryTimer.backoffAndSleep(); } } } private void updateAllProducerSourcesMetaData() throws SQLException { for (Map.Entry<String, SourceInfo> entry : _trackedSources.entrySet()) { String src = entry.getKey(); updateProducerSourceMetaData(src); } } private void updateProducerSourceMetaData(String source) throws SQLException { // Update the metadata for this source SourceInfo srcinfo = _trackedSources.get(source); _currentRowId = getLastLogEntry(source); _currentLogId = srcinfo.getCurrLogId(); setLogPosition(_currentLogId, _currentRowId, _newWindowScn, source); // Update the source info for this source srcinfo.setMaxRowId(_currentRowId); srcinfo.setWindowScn(_newWindowScn); } private boolean prepareStatement(int srcId) throws SQLException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("insert into "); sql.append(getTableName(srcId)); sql.append("(scn, windowscn, srckey, val) "); sql.append(" values(?,?,?,?)"); // sql.append("(scn, windowscn, srckey) "); // sql.append(" values(?, ?,?)"); _stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Got SQLException in prepareStatement!! ", e); throw e; } return true; } private void initWindowScn() throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = null; StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); Statement stmt = null; try { sql.append("select max(p.windowscn), max(s.endscn) from bootstrap_producer_state p, bootstrap_seeder_state s "); sql.append("where p.srcid = s.srcid and p.srcid in ("); int count = _trackedSources.size(); for (SourceInfo srcInfo : _trackedSources.values()) { count--; sql.append(srcInfo.getSrcId()); if (count > 0) sql.append(","); } sql.append(")"); stmt = getConnection().createStatement();"sql query = " + sql.toString()); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql.toString()); if ( { _producerStartScn = _oldWindowScn = _newWindowScn = rs.getLong(1); _seedCatchupScn = rs.getLong(2); } } catch (SQLException e) { if (null != _statsCollector) _statsCollector.registerSQLException(); LOG.error( "Unable to select producer's max windowscn. Setting windowscn to -1", e); _oldWindowScn = -1; _newWindowScn = -1; _producerStartScn = -1; throw e; } finally { DBHelper.close(rs, stmt, null); } } private int getLastLogEntry(String source) throws SQLException { int rid = 0; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; int srcId = _trackedSources.get(source).getSrcId(); try { stmt = getConnection().createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("select max(id) from " + getTableName(srcId)); if ( { rid = rs.getInt(1); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Unable to find max. rid. Setting current rid to -1", e); rid = -1; throw e; } finally { if (null != stmt) { stmt.close(); stmt = null; } if (null != rs) { rs.close(); rs = null; } } return rid; } private void setLogPosition(int logid, int logrid, long windowscn, String source) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = getLogPositionStmt(); stmt.setInt(1, logid); stmt.setInt(2, logrid); stmt.setLong(3, windowscn); stmt.setString(4, source); stmt.executeUpdate(); } private PreparedStatement getLogPositionStmt() throws SQLException { if (_logScnStmt != null) { return _logScnStmt; } Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("update bootstrap_producer_state set logid = ?, rid = ? , windowscn = ? where srcid = (select id from bootstrap_sources where src = ?)"); _logScnStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); } catch (SQLException e) { if (null != _statsCollector) _statsCollector.registerSQLException(); LOG.error( "Exception occurred while getting the bootstrap_producer statement", e); throw e; } return _logScnStmt; } private void updateSourcesInDB() throws SQLException { for (Map.Entry<String, SourceInfo> entry : _trackedSources.entrySet()) { SourceInfo srcinfo = entry.getValue(); srcinfo.saveToDB(getConnection()); } for (Map.Entry<String, SourceInfo> entry : _trackedSources.entrySet()) { SourceInfo srcinfo = entry.getValue(); if (srcinfo.getNumRows() >= _maxRowsInLog) { srcinfo.switchLogFile(getConnection()); setLogPosition(srcinfo.getCurrLogId(), 0, _newWindowScn, entry.getKey()); // getConnection().commit(); _bootstrapDao.createNewLogTable(srcinfo.getSrcId()); } } } private Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { Connection conn = null; if (_bootstrapDao == null) { BootstrapConn dbConn = new BootstrapConn(); try { final boolean autoCommit = false; dbConn.initBootstrapConn(autoCommit, _config.getBootstrapDBUsername(), _config.getBootstrapDBPassword(), _config.getBootstrapDBHostname(), _config.getBootstrapDBName()); _bootstrapDao = new BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO(dbConn, _config.getBootstrapDBHostname(), _config.getBootstrapDBUsername(), _config.getBootstrapDBPassword(), _config.getBootstrapDBName(), autoCommit); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.fatal("Unable to open BootstrapDB Connection !!", e); return null; } } try { conn = _bootstrapDao.getBootstrapConn().getDBConn(); } catch (SQLException e) { if (null != _statsCollector) _statsCollector.registerSQLException(); LOG.fatal("Not able to open BootstrapDB Connection !!", e); throw e; } return conn; } private String getTableName(int srcId) throws SQLException { return _bootstrapDao.getBootstrapConn().getLogTableNameToProduce(srcId); } public interface ErrorCaseHandler { /* Callback for handling case when error retries limit reached */ void onErrorRetryLimitExceeded(String message, Throwable exception); } }