package com.linkedin.databus.core.monitoring; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.ConfigBuilder; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException; public class HistogramBasedIntStats { public static final String MODULE = HistogramBasedIntStats.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); private final int[] _data; private final int[] _histogram; private final int[] _bucketValues; private final StaticConfig _staticConfig; private final int _bucketWidth; private final int _bucketRealMax; private int _dataStart; private int _dataSize; public static class Stats { private int _num; private int _max; private int _min; private int _sum; private int _median; private int _perc75; private int _perc90; private int _perc95; private int _perc99; private double _mean; private double _stdDev; public Stats() { clear(); } public void clear() { _max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; _min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; _mean = Integer.MIN_VALUE; _median = Integer.MIN_VALUE; _perc75 = Integer.MIN_VALUE; _perc90 = Integer.MIN_VALUE; _perc95 = Integer.MIN_VALUE; _perc99 = Integer.MIN_VALUE; _sum = 0; _stdDev = 0; _num = 0; } public int getNum() { return _num; } public int getMax() { return _max; } public int getMin() { return _min; } public int getSum() { return _sum; } public int getMedian() { return _median; } public int getPerc75() { return _perc75; } public int getPerc90() { return _perc90; } public int getPerc95() { return _perc95; } public int getPerc99() { return _perc99; } public double getMean() { return _mean; } public double getStdDev() { return _stdDev; } } public HistogramBasedIntStats(StaticConfig staticConfig) { _staticConfig = staticConfig; int bwidth = (staticConfig.getBucketsMax() - staticConfig.getBucketsMin()) / staticConfig.getBucketsNum(); _bucketWidth = (0 >= bwidth) ? 1 : bwidth; _bucketRealMax = staticConfig.getBucketsMin() + staticConfig.getBucketsNum() * _bucketWidth; _data = new int[staticConfig.getCapacity()]; _histogram = new int[staticConfig.getBucketsNum() + 2]; _bucketValues = new int[staticConfig.getBucketsNum() + 2]; _dataStart = -1; _dataSize = 0; //initialize bucket values for (int i = 0; i <= _staticConfig.getBucketsNum() + 1; ++i) { _bucketValues[i] = _staticConfig.getBucketsMin() + _bucketWidth * (i - 1) + _bucketWidth / 2; } } public void add(int v) { int capacity = _staticConfig.getCapacity(); if (-1 == _dataStart) _dataStart = 0; else if (_dataSize == capacity) { for (int i = 0; i < _staticConfig.getDropNum(); ++i) { //drop the oldest data point -- _histogram[_data[_dataStart++]]; _dataStart %= capacity; } _dataSize -= _staticConfig.getDropNum(); } //update histogram int vBucket = getBucket(v); ++ _histogram[vBucket]; _data[(_dataStart + _dataSize++) % capacity] = vBucket; //update statistics } public void clear() { _dataSize = 0; } public int size() { return _dataSize; } public void calcStats(Stats stats) { stats.clear(); stats._num = _dataSize; int totalCount = 0; long sumOfSq = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _staticConfig.getBucketsNum() + 2; ++i) { int count = _histogram[i]; totalCount += count; int curValue = _bucketValues[i]; stats._sum += curValue * count; sumOfSq += curValue * curValue * count; if (count > 0) { if (curValue < stats._min) stats._min = curValue; if (curValue > stats._max) stats._max = curValue; if (Integer.MIN_VALUE == stats._median && totalCount >= _dataSize / 2) stats._median = curValue; if (Integer.MIN_VALUE == stats._perc75 && totalCount >= _dataSize * 0.75) stats._perc75 = curValue; if (Integer.MIN_VALUE == stats._perc90 && totalCount >= _dataSize * 0.90) stats._perc90 = curValue; if (Integer.MIN_VALUE == stats._perc95 && totalCount >= _dataSize * 0.95) stats._perc95 = curValue; if (Integer.MIN_VALUE == stats._perc99 && totalCount >= _dataSize * 0.99) stats._perc99 = curValue; } } stats._mean = 0 != stats._num ? 1.0 * stats._sum / stats._num : 0.0; stats._stdDev = 1 >= _dataSize ? 0.0 : Math.sqrt((sumOfSq - 2.0 * stats._mean * stats._sum + _dataSize * stats._mean * stats._mean) / (_dataSize - 1.0)); } public int[] getHistogram() { return Arrays.copyOf(_histogram, _histogram.length); } public int[] getBucketValues() { return Arrays.copyOf(_bucketValues, _bucketValues.length); } private int getBucket(int v) { int bmin = _staticConfig.getBucketsMin(); if (v < bmin) return 0; else if (v >= _bucketRealMax) return _staticConfig.getBucketsNum() + 1; else return 1 + (v - bmin) / _bucketWidth; } public void mergeDataFrom(HistogramBasedIntStats source, int dataPointsNum) { int[] otherData = source.getData(); int realNum = Math.min(dataPointsNum, otherData.length); for (int i = 0; i < realNum; ++i) add(otherData[i]); } public void copyDataTo(HistogramBasedIntStats source) { if (_staticConfig.getBucketsMin() != source.getStaticConfig().getBucketsMin() || _staticConfig.getBucketsMax() != source.getStaticConfig().getBucketsMax() || _staticConfig.getBucketsNum() != source.getStaticConfig().getBucketsNum() || _staticConfig.getCapacity() != source.getStaticConfig().getCapacity()) { LOG.error("trying to merge a histogram with different configuration; ignoring"); return; } //we do this weird copyFrom/copyTo implementation to make sure that each of the objects //can synchronize themselves if necessary source.copyDataAndHistogramTo(this); } public StaticConfig getStaticConfig() { return _staticConfig; } protected int[] getData() { int[] dataCopy = new int[_dataSize]; return dataCopy; } protected void copyDataAndHistogramTo(HistogramBasedIntStats target) { System.arraycopy(_data, 0, target._data, 0, _data.length); System.arraycopy(_histogram, 0, target._histogram, 0, _histogram.length); target._dataSize = _dataSize; target._dataStart = _dataStart; } public static class StaticConfig { private final int _capacity; private final int _bucketsMin; private final int _bucketsMax; private final int _bucketsNum; private final int _dropNum; public StaticConfig(int capacity, int bucketsMin, int bucketsMax, int bucketsNum, int dropNum) { super(); _capacity = capacity; _bucketsMin = bucketsMin; _bucketsMax = bucketsMax; _bucketsNum = bucketsNum; _dropNum = dropNum; } public int getCapacity() { return _capacity; } public int getBucketsMin() { return _bucketsMin; } public int getBucketsMax() { return _bucketsMax; } public int getBucketsNum() { return _bucketsNum; } public int getDropNum() { return _dropNum; } } public static class StaticConfigBuilder implements ConfigBuilder<StaticConfig> { private int _capacity = 60000; private int _bucketsMin = 0; private int _bucketsMax = 100; private int _bucketsNum = 20; private int _dropNum = -1; public StaticConfigBuilder() { } public int getCapacity() { return _capacity; } public void setCapacity(int capacity) { _capacity = capacity; } public int getBucketsMin() { return _bucketsMin; } public void setBucketsMin(int bucketsMin) { _bucketsMin = bucketsMin; } public int getBucketsMax() { return _bucketsMax; } public void setBucketsMax(int bucketsMax) { _bucketsMax = bucketsMax; } public int getBucketsNum() { return _bucketsNum; } public void setBucketsNum(int bucketsNum) { _bucketsNum = bucketsNum; } public int getDropNum() { return _dropNum; } public void setDropNum(int dropNum) { _dropNum = dropNum; } @Override public StaticConfig build() throws InvalidConfigException { if (0 >= _dropNum) _dropNum = Math.max((int)(_capacity * 0.01), 1); return new StaticConfig(_capacity, _bucketsMin, _bucketsMax, _bucketsNum, _dropNum); } } }