package; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.client.DatabusHttpClientImpl; import com.linkedin.databus.client.DatabusHttpClientImpl.CheckpointPersistenceStaticConfig; import; import; import; import; import com.linkedin.databus.core.BaseCli; import com.linkedin.databus.core.Checkpoint; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusClientMode; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.filter.DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.filter.KeyFilterConfigHolder.PartitionType; /** * The implementation of a command line tool to consume and print events from one or more * Databus sources. */ public class Dtail { public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Dtail.class); static class Cli extends DtailCliBase { public static final String BOOTSTRAP_OPT_NAME = "with-bootstrap"; public static final char BOOTSTRAP_OPT_CHAR = 'b'; public static final String BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_OPT_NAME = "bstservers"; public static final String CONFIG_ROOT_OPT_NAME = "config_root"; public static final String FABRIC_OPT_NAME = "fabric"; public static final char FABRIC_OPT_CHAR = 'f'; public static final String MOD_PARTITION_OPT_NAME = "mod_part"; public static final String RELAYS_OPT_NAME = "relays"; public static final char RELAYS_OPT_CHAR = 'R'; public static final String SOURCES_OPT_NAME = "sources"; public static final char SOURCES_OPT_CHAR = 's'; public static final String CONSUMER_CLASS_NAME = "consumer"; protected String _sourcesString; protected String[] _sources; protected String _relaysOverride; protected String _bstserversOverride; protected File _configRoot = new File("."); protected long _modPartBase = -1; protected String _modPartIds; protected boolean _bootstrapEnabled = false; protected Class<?> _consumerClass; public Cli() { super(constructCliHelp(), Logger.getLogger(Dtail.class)); } private static BaseCli.CliHelp constructCliHelp() { return new BaseCli.CliHelpBuilder() .className(Dtail.class) .startHeader() .addSection("Description") .addLine("A command-line tool to consume and inspect events from Databus for Oracle") .addSection("Options") .finish() .startFooter() .addSection("Examples") .addLine("* Print all recent events for source from " + "the relay") .addLine() .addLine("bin/dtail -s -R") .addLine() .addLine("* Print 100 events for sources and " + " from the " + "relay since scn 987654321") .addLine() .addLine("bin/dtail -s," + " -R " + "--scn 987654321 -n 100") .addLine() .addLine("* Bootstrap from SCN 0 for source using" + " relay and bootstrap server " + " using checkpoint directory my_ckpt/ and print out " + " JSON format suitable for JSON deserialization") .addLine() .addLine("bin/dtail -s --scn 0 " + "--relays " + "-b --bstservers " + " --resume my_ckpt/ -F AVRO_JSON") .addLine() .addLine("* Consume events for 5 minutes for source "+ "from the relay since scn 987654321 and print out event" + "metadata rather than the payload") .addLine() .addLine("bin/dtail -s," + " -R " + "--scn 987654321 -u 5min -F EVENT_INFO") .addLine() .finish() .build(); } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") @Override protected void constructCommandLineOptions() { super.constructCommandLineOptions(); Option sourcesOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(SOURCES_OPT_NAME) .hasArg() .withArgName("sources") .withDescription("comma-separated list of sources:") .create(SOURCES_OPT_CHAR); Option configRootOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(CONFIG_ROOT_OPT_NAME) .hasArg() .withArgName("config_rootdir") .withDescription("directory with all config files; default: .") .create(); Option relaysOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(RELAYS_OPT_NAME) .hasArg() .withArgName("relay_list") .withDescription("semicolon-separated list of server:port") .create(RELAYS_OPT_CHAR); Option modPartOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(MOD_PARTITION_OPT_NAME) .hasArg() .withArgName("div:[id1,id2,...]") .withDescription("returns only events for which hash(key) mod div in {id1, ...}") .create(); Option bootstrapOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(BOOTSTRAP_OPT_NAME) .hasOptionalArg() .withArgName("[true|false]") .withDescription("enable/disable bootstrap; Default: disabled") .create(BOOTSTRAP_OPT_CHAR); Option bstserversOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_OPT_NAME) .hasArg() .withArgName("bootstrap_server_list") .withDescription("semicolon-separated list of server:port") .create(); Option consumerClassOption = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(CONSUMER_CLASS_NAME) .hasArg() .withArgName("callback_class") .withDescription("a name of a class that implements " + "the DatabusCombinedConsumer interface and " + "a default constructor. Add your jars to the" + "lib/ directory.") .create(); _cliOptions.addOption(configRootOption); _cliOptions.addOption(sourcesOption); _cliOptions.addOption(relaysOption); _cliOptions.addOption(modPartOption); _cliOptions.addOption(bootstrapOption); _cliOptions.addOption(bstserversOption); _cliOptions.addOption(consumerClassOption); } private boolean processSources() { if (! _cmd.hasOption(SOURCES_OPT_CHAR)) { printError("sources list expected", true); return false; } _sourcesString = _cmd.getOptionValue(SOURCES_OPT_CHAR); LOG.debug("sources from cmd=" + _sourcesString); _sources = _sourcesString.split(","); return true; } private boolean processConfigRoot() { if (_cmd.hasOption(CONFIG_ROOT_OPT_NAME)) { String configRootName = _cmd.getOptionValue(CONFIG_ROOT_OPT_NAME); File f = new File(configRootName); if (!f.exists()) { printError("config directory " + configRootName + " does not exist", false); return false; } if (!f.isDirectory()) { printError("config directory " + configRootName + " is not a directory", false); return false; } _configRoot = f; }"using config root: " + _configRoot.getAbsolutePath()); return true; } private void processRelaysOverride() { if (_cmd.hasOption(RELAYS_OPT_CHAR)) { _relaysOverride = _cmd.getOptionValue(RELAYS_OPT_CHAR); if (! _relaysOverride.endsWith(String.valueOf(ServerInfoSetBuilder.SERVER_INFO_SEPARATOR))) { _relaysOverride = _relaysOverride + ServerInfoSetBuilder.SERVER_INFO_SEPARATOR; }"Using relays override: " + _relaysOverride); _relaysOverride = _relaysOverride.replaceAll( String.valueOf(ServerInfoSetBuilder.SERVER_INFO_SEPARATOR), ServerInfoBuilder.SOURCES_LIST_SEPARATOR + _sourcesString + ServerInfoSetBuilder.SERVER_INFO_SEPARATOR); } } private boolean processModPartition() { if (_cmd.hasOption(MOD_PARTITION_OPT_NAME)) { String modPartStr = _cmd.getOptionValue(MOD_PARTITION_OPT_NAME); String[] parts = modPartStr.split(":"); if (parts.length != 2) { printError("invalid mod partition specification: " + modPartStr, true); return false; } _modPartBase = Long.parseLong(parts[0]); if (_modPartBase <= 0) { printError("invalid mod partition specification: " + modPartStr, true); return false; } _modPartIds = parts[1]; } return true; } private void processBootstrap() { if (_cmd.hasOption(BOOTSTRAP_OPT_CHAR)) { String bstValue = _cmd.getOptionValue(BOOTSTRAP_OPT_CHAR); if (null == bstValue || 0 == bstValue.trim().length()) { _bootstrapEnabled = true; } else { _bootstrapEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(bstValue.trim().toLowerCase()); }"with boostrap enabled: " + _bootstrapEnabled); } } private void processBootstrapServers() { if (_cmd.hasOption(BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_OPT_NAME)) { _bstserversOverride = _cmd.getOptionValue(BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_OPT_NAME); if (! _bstserversOverride.endsWith(String.valueOf(ServerInfoSetBuilder.SERVER_INFO_SEPARATOR))) { _bstserversOverride = _bstserversOverride + ServerInfoSetBuilder.SERVER_INFO_SEPARATOR; }"Using bootstrap servers override: " + _bstserversOverride); _bstserversOverride = _bstserversOverride.replaceAll( String.valueOf(ServerInfoSetBuilder.SERVER_INFO_SEPARATOR), ServerInfoBuilder.SOURCES_LIST_SEPARATOR + _sourcesString + ServerInfoSetBuilder.SERVER_INFO_SEPARATOR); } } protected boolean processConsumerClass() { if (_cmd.hasOption(CONSUMER_CLASS_NAME)) { String className = _cmd.getOptionValue(CONSUMER_CLASS_NAME); try { _consumerClass = getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { printError("unable to find consumer callback class " + className, false); return false; } if (! DatabusCombinedConsumer.class.isAssignableFrom(_consumerClass)) { printError("consumer callback class " + _consumerClass + " does not implement DatabusCombinedConsumer", false); return false; } } return true; } @Override public boolean processCommandLineArgs(String[] cliArgs) { super.processCommandLineArgs(cliArgs); if (!processSources()) { return false; } if (!processConfigRoot()) { return false; } processRelaysOverride(); if (!processModPartition()) { return false; } processBootstrap(); processBootstrapServers(); if (!processConsumerClass()) { return false; } return true; } public String[] getSources() { return _sources; } public File getConfigRoot() { return _configRoot; } public String getRelaysOverride() { return _relaysOverride; } public long getModPartBase() { return _modPartBase; } public String getModPartIds() { return _modPartIds; } public boolean isBootstrapEnabled() { return _bootstrapEnabled; } public String getBstserversOverride() { return _bstserversOverride; } public Class<?> getConsumerClass() { return _consumerClass; } } private class ShutdownThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() {"Shutdown hook started"); if (_cli.isShowStats() && null != _consumer && (_consumer instanceof DtailPrinter)) {"Generating stats"); ((DtailPrinter)_consumer).printStats(); }"Shutdown hook finished"); } } private final Cli _cli; private final DatabusHttpClientImpl _client; DatabusCombinedConsumer _consumer = null; public Dtail(Cli cli) throws IOException, DatabusException, DatabusClientException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { _cli = cli; Properties props = _cli.getConfigProps(); DatabusHttpClientImpl.Config configBuilder = DatabusHttpClientImpl.createConfigBuilder("dtail.", props); String relaysOverride = _cli.getRelaysOverride(); configBuilder.getRuntime().setRelaysList(relaysOverride); String bstserverOverrides = _cli.getBstserversOverride(); configBuilder.getRuntime().getBootstrap().setServicesList(bstserverOverrides); if (null == _cli.getCheckpointDirName()) { configBuilder.getCheckpointPersistence().setType(CheckpointPersistenceStaticConfig.ProviderType.NONE.toString()); } else { configBuilder.getCheckpointPersistence().setType(CheckpointPersistenceStaticConfig.ProviderType.FILE_SYSTEM.toString()); configBuilder.getCheckpointPersistence().getFileSystem().setRootDirectory(_cli.getCheckpointDirName()); } if (cli.isBootstrapEnabled()) { configBuilder.getRuntime().getBootstrap().setEnabled(true); } Checkpoint ckpt = new Checkpoint(); if (DtailCliBase.BOB_SCN == cli.getSinceScn()) { ckpt.setConsumptionMode(DbusClientMode.ONLINE_CONSUMPTION); ckpt.setWindowScn(0L); ckpt.setFlexible(); } else if (DtailCliBase.EOB_SCN == cli.getSinceScn()) { throw new DatabusException("EOB checkpoint not supported by dtail yet"); } else { ckpt.setConsumptionMode(DbusClientMode.ONLINE_CONSUMPTION); ckpt.setWindowScn(cli.getSinceScn()); ckpt.setWindowOffset(-1); } _client = new DatabusHttpClientImpl(configBuilder); if (null != _client.getCheckpointPersistenceProvider()) { _client.getCheckpointPersistenceProvider().storeCheckpoint(Arrays.asList(cli.getSources()), ckpt); } //register consumers DtailPrinter.StaticConfigBuilder consConfBuilder = new DtailPrinter.StaticConfigBuilder(); consConfBuilder.setPrintPrintVerbosity(cli.getPrintVerbosity()); consConfBuilder.setMaxEventsNum(cli.getMaxEventNum()); consConfBuilder.setMaxDurationMs(cli.getDurationMs()); consConfBuilder.setPrintStats(cli.isShowStats()); if (null != cli.getConsumerClass()) { _consumer = (DatabusCombinedConsumer)cli.getConsumerClass().newInstance(); } else { switch (cli.getOutputFormat()) { case JSON: _consumer = new JsonDtailPrinter(_client,, cli.getOut()); break; case AVRO_JSON: _consumer = new AvroJsonDtailPrinter(_client,, cli.getOut()); break; case AVRO_BIN: _consumer = new AvroBinaryDtailPrinter(_client,, cli.getOut()); break; case NOOP: _consumer = new NoopDtailPrinter(_client,, cli.getOut()); break; case EVENT_INFO: _consumer = new EventInfoDtailPrinter(_client,, cli.getOut()); break; default: throw new InvalidConfigException("unsupported output format: " + cli.getOutputFormat()); } } DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig filterConfig = null; if (_cli.getModPartBase() > 0) { DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig.Config builder = new DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig.Config(); for (String src: cli.getSources()) { builder.getFilter(src).setType(PartitionType.MOD.toString()); builder.getFilter(src).getMod().setNumBuckets(cli.getModPartBase()); builder.getFilter(src).getMod().setBuckets(cli.getModPartIds()); } filterConfig = new DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig(; } _client.registerDatabusStreamListener(_consumer, filterConfig, cli.getSources()); _client.registerDatabusBootstrapListener(_consumer, filterConfig, cli.getSources()); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ShutdownThread()); } public void start() { _client.start(); _client.awaitShutdown(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Cli cli = new Cli(); if (!cli.processCommandLineArgs(args)) { System.exit(1); } Dtail dtail = new Dtail(cli); dtail.start(); } }