package com.linkedin.databus.core; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.DatabusSubscription; import com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.LogicalPartition; import com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.LogicalSource; import com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.PhysicalPartition; import com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.PhysicalSource; import com.linkedin.databus.core.monitoring.mbean.DbusEventsStatisticsCollector; import com.linkedin.databus.core.monitoring.mbean.StatsCollectors; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.BufferNotFoundException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.filter.AllowAllDbusFilter; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.filter.ConjunctionDbusFilter; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.filter.DbusFilter; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.filter.LogicalSourceAndPartitionDbusFilter; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.filter.PhysicalPartitionDbusFilter; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.LogicalSourceConfig; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.LogicalSourceStaticConfig; import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.PhysicalSourceStaticConfig; public class DbusEventBufferMult { public static final String MODULE = DbusEventBufferMult.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); public static final String PERF_MODULE = MODULE + "Perf"; public static final Logger PERF_LOG = Logger.getLogger(PERF_MODULE); // set of unique buffers final private Set<DbusEventBuffer> _uniqBufs = new HashSet<DbusEventBuffer>(); // physical key to a buffer mapping final private TreeMap<PhysicalPartitionKey, DbusEventBuffer> _bufsMap = new TreeMap<PhysicalPartitionKey, DbusEventBuffer>(); // partition to physical sources mapping final private Map<PhysicalPartitionKey, Set<PhysicalSource>> _partKey2PhysiscalSources = new HashMap<PhysicalPartitionKey, Set<PhysicalSource>>(); // logical partition to physical partition mapping final private Map<LogicalPartitionKey, PhysicalPartitionKey> _logicalPKey2PhysicalPKey = new HashMap<LogicalPartitionKey, PhysicalPartitionKey>(); // when passed only logical source id - need to find corresponding LogicalSource final private Map<Integer, LogicalSource> _logicalId2LogicalSource = new HashMap<Integer, LogicalSource>(); private File _mmapDirectory = null; private DbusEventFactory _eventFactory; // specify if we want to drop SCN less then current when adding new events to this buffers boolean _dropOldEvents = false; private final double _nanoSecsInMSec = 1000000.0; public static final String BAK_DIRNAME_SUFFIX = ".BAK"; // (almost) empty constructor: used only by tests public DbusEventBufferMult() { // creates empty mult buffer, new buffers can be added later _eventFactory = new DbusEventV2Factory(); // this is required in order to add buffers, though } // we should keep a set of all the buffers // we should build mapping based on unique physical source ids public DbusEventBufferMult(PhysicalSourceStaticConfig [] pConfigs, DbusEventBuffer.StaticConfig config, DbusEventFactory eventFactory) throws InvalidConfigException { _eventFactory = eventFactory; if(pConfigs == null) { // if we expect to get partitions configs from relay - we can create an EMPTY relay LOG.warn("Creating empty MULT buffer. No pConfigs passed"); return; }"Creating new DbusEventBufferMult for " + pConfigs.length + " physical configurations"); for(PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pConfig : pConfigs) { addNewBuffer(pConfig, config); } if (config.getAllocationPolicy() == DbusEventBuffer.AllocationPolicy.MMAPPED_MEMORY) { _mmapDirectory = config.getMmapDirectory(); } } /** getOnebuffer by logical source args */ public DbusEventBuffer getOneBuffer(LogicalSource lSource, LogicalPartition lPartition) { if(lPartition == null) lPartition = LogicalSourceStaticConfig.getDefaultLogicalSourcePartition(); if(lSource == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot find buffer without source"); LogicalPartitionKey lKey = new LogicalPartitionKey(lSource, lPartition); PhysicalPartitionKey pKey = _logicalPKey2PhysicalPKey.get(lKey); if (pKey == null) { return null; } return _bufsMap.get(pKey); } /** getOneBuffer by physical partiton */ public DbusEventBuffer getOneBuffer( PhysicalPartition pPartition) { if(pPartition == null) pPartition = PhysicalSourceStaticConfig.getDefaultPhysicalPartition(); PhysicalPartitionKey key = new PhysicalPartitionKey(pPartition); return _bufsMap.get(key); } public void resetBuffer(PhysicalPartition pPartition, long prevScn) throws BufferNotFoundException { DbusEventBuffer buf = getOneBuffer(pPartition); if(buf == null) { throw new BufferNotFoundException("cannot find buf for partition " + pPartition); } buf.reset(prevScn); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //**************** // public apis //**************** /** get appendable for single Physical source id (all partitions) */ public DbusEventBufferAppendable getDbusEventBufferAppendable(PhysicalPartition pPartition) { return getOneBuffer(pPartition); } /** get appendable for single Logical source id (all partitions) */ public DbusEventBufferAppendable getDbusEventBufferAppendable(int lSrcId) { LogicalSource lSource = _logicalId2LogicalSource.get(lSrcId); return getDbusEventBufferAppendable(lSource); } /** get appendable for single Logical source (all partitions) */ public DbusEventBufferAppendable getDbusEventBufferAppendable(LogicalSource lSource) { return getDbusEventBufferAppendable(lSource, null); } /** get appendable for single Logical source (all partitions) */ public DbusEventBufferAppendable getDbusEventBufferAppendable(LogicalSource lSource, LogicalPartition lPartition) { return getOneBuffer(lSource, lPartition); } /** get appendable for physical source/partion pair public DbusEventBufferAppendable getDbusEventBufferAppendable(PhysicalSource pSource, PhysicalPartition pPartition) { return getDbusEventBufferAppendable(pPartition); }*/ /** get dbusEventBuffer directly by LSource */ public DbusEventBuffer getDbusEventBuffer(LogicalSource lSource) { return getOneBuffer(lSource, null); } public DbusEventBufferBatchReadable getDbusEventBufferBatchReadable(CheckpointMult cpMult, Set<PhysicalPartitionKey> ppartKeys, StatsCollectors<DbusEventsStatisticsCollector> statsCollectors) throws IOException { return new DbusEventBufferBatchReader(cpMult, ppartKeys, statsCollectors); } public DbusEventBufferBatchReadable getDbusEventBufferBatchReadable(Collection<Integer> ids, CheckpointMult cpMult, StatsCollectors<DbusEventsStatisticsCollector> statsCollector) throws IOException { return new DbusEventBufferBatchReader(ids, cpMult, statsCollector); } public DbusEventBufferBatchReadable getDbusEventBufferBatchReadable( CheckpointMult cpMult, Collection<PhysicalPartitionKey> physicalPartitions, StatsCollectors<DbusEventsStatisticsCollector> statsCollector) throws IOException { return new DbusEventBufferBatchReader(cpMult, physicalPartitions, statsCollector); } /** get physical partition corresponding to this src and DEFAULT logical partition */ public PhysicalPartition getPhysicalPartition(int srcId ) { return getPhysicalPartition( srcId, new LogicalPartition(LogicalSourceConfig.DEFAULT_LOGICAL_SOURCE_PARTITION)); } /** get physical partition mapping by logical source */ public PhysicalPartition getPhysicalPartition(int srcId, LogicalPartition lPartition ) { LogicalSource lSource = _logicalId2LogicalSource.get(srcId); if(lSource == null) return null; LogicalPartitionKey lKey = new LogicalPartitionKey(lSource, lPartition); PhysicalPartitionKey pKey = _logicalPKey2PhysicalPKey.get(lKey); return (pKey==null) ? null : pKey.getPhysicalPartition(); } // iterator to go over all buffers public Iterable<DbusEventBuffer> bufIterable() { return _uniqBufs; } //CM API /** add new buffer * also checks if any buffers should be removed * @throws InvalidConfigException */ public synchronized DbusEventBuffer addNewBuffer(PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pConfig, DbusEventBuffer.StaticConfig config) throws InvalidConfigException { long startTimeTs = System.nanoTime(); if(config == null) throw new InvalidConfigException("config cannot be null for addNewBuffer"); // see if a buffer for this mapping exists PhysicalPartition pPartition = pConfig.getPhysicalPartition(); PhysicalPartitionKey pKey = new PhysicalPartitionKey(pPartition); //record pSource association to the buffer PhysicalSource pSource = pConfig.getPhysicalSource(); Set<PhysicalSource> set = _partKey2PhysiscalSources.get(pKey); if(set == null) { set = new HashSet<PhysicalSource>(); _partKey2PhysiscalSources.put(pKey, set); } set.add(pSource); DbusEventBuffer buf = _bufsMap.get(pKey); if(buf != null) {"Adding new buffer. Buffer " + buf.hashCode() + " already exists for: " + pConfig); } else { if (pConfig.isDbusEventBufferSet()) { buf = new DbusEventBuffer(pConfig.getDbusEventBuffer(), pPartition, _eventFactory);"Using- source specific event buffer config, the event buffer size allocated is: " + buf.getAllocatedSize()); } else { buf = new DbusEventBuffer(config, pPartition, _eventFactory);"Using- global event buffer config, the buffer size allocated is: " + buf.getAllocatedSize()); } addBuffer(pConfig, buf); } buf.increaseRefCounter(); deallocateRemovedBuffers(false); // check if some buffers need to be removed long endTimeTs = System.nanoTime(); if (PERF_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { PERF_LOG.debug("addNewBuffer took:" + (endTimeTs - startTimeTs) / _nanoSecsInMSec + "ms"); } return buf; } /* * Remove an existing buffer - just decrements ref counter * If pSource is null, then it removes all the physical sources associated with the buffer. * Typically only during dropDatabase call when it has information only for the pKey */ public synchronized void removeBuffer(PhysicalPartitionKey pKey, PhysicalSource pSource) { long startTimeTs = System.nanoTime(); DbusEventBuffer buf = _bufsMap.get(pKey); if(buf == null) { LOG.error("Cannot find buffer for key = " + pKey); return; } // remove physical source association Set<PhysicalSource> set = _partKey2PhysiscalSources.get(pKey); if (pSource != null) {"removing physicalSource = " + pSource + " for key = " + pKey); if(set == null || !set.remove(pSource)) { // not good, but not critical LOG.warn("couldn't remove pSource for key=" + pKey + ";set = " + set + "; psource=" + pSource); } } else {"removing all physicalSources for key = " + pKey); _partKey2PhysiscalSources.remove(pKey); } buf.decreaseRefCounter(); long endTimeTs = System.nanoTime(); if (PERF_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { PERF_LOG.debug("removeNewBuffer took:" + (endTimeTs - startTimeTs) / _nanoSecsInMSec + "ms"); } } public synchronized void removeBuffer(PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pConfig) { PhysicalPartitionKey pKey = new PhysicalPartitionKey(pConfig.getPhysicalPartition()); PhysicalSource pSource = pConfig.getPhysicalSource(); removeBuffer(pKey, pSource); } // actually removes buffers with refcount == 0 (and update happen more then a 'threshold' time ago) public synchronized void deallocateRemovedBuffers(boolean now) { HashSet<DbusEventBuffer> set = new HashSet<DbusEventBuffer>(5); //most cases should 1 or 2 // first step remove the keys pointing to the expired buffer Iterator<PhysicalPartitionKey> it = _bufsMap.keySet().iterator(); for(; it.hasNext(); ) { PhysicalPartitionKey pKey =; DbusEventBuffer buf = _bufsMap.get(pKey); if(buf.shouldBeRemoved(now)) { it.remove(); removeAuxMapping(pKey); set.add(buf); } } // now remove the buffers from the list of uniq buffers for(DbusEventBuffer b : set) { b.closeBuffer(false); // do not persist buffer's mmap info _uniqBufs.remove(b); } } public synchronized void close() { if (_mmapDirectory != null) { // Move all meta files. We will create new ones when each buffer gets closed. File bakDir = new File(_mmapDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + BAK_DIRNAME_SUFFIX); FilePrefixFilter filter = new FilePrefixFilter(DbusEventBuffer.getMmapMetaInfoFileNamePrefix()); File[] metaFiles = _mmapDirectory.listFiles(filter); for (File f : metaFiles) { if (f.isFile()) { moveFile(f, bakDir); } } } for (Map.Entry<PhysicalPartitionKey, DbusEventBuffer> entry: _bufsMap.entrySet()) { try { entry.getValue().closeBuffer(true); } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.error("error closing buffer for partition: " + entry.getKey().getPhysicalPartition() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } if (_mmapDirectory != null) { File bakDir = new File(_mmapDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + BAK_DIRNAME_SUFFIX); moveUnusedSessionDirs(bakDir); } } private void moveUnusedSessionDirs(File bakDir) {"Moving unused session directories from " + _mmapDirectory); FilePrefixFilter sessionFileFilter = new FilePrefixFilter(DbusEventBuffer.getSessionPrefix()); FilePrefixFilter metaFileFilter = new FilePrefixFilter((DbusEventBuffer.getMmapMetaInfoFileNamePrefix())); File[] metaFiles, sessionDirs; try { metaFiles = _mmapDirectory.listFiles(metaFileFilter); sessionDirs = _mmapDirectory.listFiles(sessionFileFilter); } catch(SecurityException e) { LOG.warn("Could not scan directories. Nothing moved.", e); return; } HashMap<String, File> sessionFileMap = new HashMap<String, File>(sessionDirs.length); for (File f : sessionDirs) { if (f.isDirectory()) { sessionFileMap.put(f.getName(), f); } } for (File f: metaFiles) { if (!f.isFile()) { continue; } // If the metafile references a session, remove it from the map. try { DbusEventBufferMetaInfo mi = new DbusEventBufferMetaInfo(f); mi.loadMetaInfo(); if (mi.isValid()) { String sessionId = mi.getSessionId(); sessionFileMap.remove(sessionId); } } catch(DbusEventBufferMetaInfo.DbusEventBufferMetaInfoException e) { // If we cannot parse even one meta file, there is no way to know which session is // valid, and which one is not, so we don't continue here. LOG.warn("Error parsing meta info file" + f.getName() + ". Nothing moved", e); return; } } // Now the map must have only those session directories that are not referenced in any meta file. // Move the remaining session directories to the backup area. int nDirsMoved = 0; for (File d : sessionFileMap.values()) { try { if (moveFile(d, bakDir)) {"Moved directory " + d.getName()); nDirsMoved++; } else { LOG.warn("Could not move directory " + d.getName() + ". Ignored"); } } catch(SecurityException e) { LOG.warn("Could not move directory " + d.getName() + ". Ignored", e); } }"Moved " + nDirsMoved + " session directories from " + _mmapDirectory); } // move a file or directory element to a backup Directory private boolean moveFile(File element, File bakDir) {"backing up " + element); String baseName = element.getName(); String bakDirName = bakDir.getAbsolutePath(); if (!bakDir.exists()) { // Create the directory if (!bakDir.mkdirs()) { LOG.warn("Could not create directory " + bakDir.getName()); return false; } } else { if (!bakDir.isDirectory()) { LOG.error(bakDir.getName() + " is not a directory"); return false; } } File movedFile = new File(bakDirName, baseName); return element.renameTo(movedFile); } private void removeAuxMapping(PhysicalPartitionKey key) { // figure out all the logicalKeys pointing to the this pPartKey List<LogicalPartitionKey> l = new ArrayList<LogicalPartitionKey>(10); for(Map.Entry<LogicalPartitionKey, PhysicalPartitionKey> e : _logicalPKey2PhysicalPKey.entrySet()) { if(e.getValue().equals(key)) { l.add(e.getKey()); } } // now remove the keys for(LogicalPartitionKey lk : l) _logicalPKey2PhysicalPKey.remove(lk); } /** assert */ public void assertBuffers() { // TBD } /** add another buffer with the mappings */ public synchronized void addBuffer(PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pConfig, DbusEventBuffer buf) {"addBuffer for phSrc=" + pConfig + "; buf=" + buf.hashCode()); PhysicalPartition pPartition = pConfig.getPhysicalPartition(); PhysicalPartitionKey pKey = new PhysicalPartitionKey(pPartition); _bufsMap.put(pKey, buf); _uniqBufs.add(buf); buf.setDropOldEvents(_dropOldEvents); for(LogicalSourceStaticConfig lSrc: pConfig.getSources()) { updateLogicalSourceMapping(pKey, lSrc.getLogicalSource(), lSrc.getPartition()); } } public Set<PhysicalSource> getPhysicalSourcesForPartition(PhysicalPartition pPart) { PhysicalPartitionKey pKey = new PhysicalPartitionKey(pPart); return _partKey2PhysiscalSources.get(pKey); } /** * Processes all {@link DatabusSubscription} and generates a filter to match events for any of * those subscriptions. */ public DbusFilter constructFilters(Collection<DatabusSubscription> subs) throws DatabusException { HashMap<PhysicalPartition, PhysicalPartitionDbusFilter> filterMap = null; for (DatabusSubscription sub: subs) { PhysicalPartition ppart = sub.getPhysicalPartition(); if (sub.getLogicalSource().isWildcard()) { if (!ppart.isWildcard()) { if (null == filterMap) filterMap = new HashMap<PhysicalPartition, PhysicalPartitionDbusFilter>(10); filterMap.put(ppart, new PhysicalPartitionDbusFilter(ppart, null)); } else { LOG.warn("ignoring subscription with both physical partition and logical source wildcards"); } } else { PhysicalPartitionDbusFilter ppartFilter = null != filterMap ? filterMap.get(ppart) : null; LogicalSourceAndPartitionDbusFilter logFilter = null; if (null == ppartFilter) { logFilter = new LogicalSourceAndPartitionDbusFilter(); ppartFilter = new PhysicalPartitionDbusFilter(ppart, logFilter); if (null == filterMap) filterMap = new HashMap<PhysicalPartition, PhysicalPartitionDbusFilter>(10); filterMap.put(ppart, ppartFilter); } else { logFilter = (LogicalSourceAndPartitionDbusFilter)ppartFilter.getNestedFilter(); } if (null != logFilter) logFilter.addSourceCondition(sub.getLogicalPartition()); else LOG.error("unexpected null filter for logical source"); } } if (0 == filterMap.size()) return AllowAllDbusFilter.THE_INSTANCE; else if (1 == filterMap.size()) { DbusFilter result = filterMap.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue(); return result; } else { ConjunctionDbusFilter result = new ConjunctionDbusFilter(); for (Map.Entry<PhysicalPartition, PhysicalPartitionDbusFilter> filterEntry: filterMap.entrySet()) { result.addFilter(filterEntry.getValue()); } return result; } } public NavigableSet<PhysicalPartitionKey> getAllPhysicalPartitionKeys() { return _bufsMap.navigableKeySet(); } private void updateLogicalSourceMapping(PhysicalPartitionKey pKey, LogicalSource lSource, LogicalPartition lPartition) { // add mapping between the logical source and the buffer LogicalPartitionKey lKey = new LogicalPartitionKey(lSource, lPartition);"logical source " + lKey + " mapped to physical source " + pKey); _logicalPKey2PhysicalPKey.put(lKey, pKey); _logicalId2LogicalSource.put(lSource.getId(), lSource); } public void setDropOldEvents(boolean val) { _dropOldEvents = val; for(DbusEventBuffer buf : _uniqBufs) { buf.setDropOldEvents(val); } } //////////////////// multiple buffers streaming /////////////////////////////// /** * this decorator class helps keep track of how much was written to this channel */ static public class SizeControlledWritableByteChannel implements WritableByteChannel { private final WritableByteChannel _channel; private int _totalWritten; public SizeControlledWritableByteChannel(WritableByteChannel ch) { _channel = ch; _totalWritten = 0; } public int writtenSoFar () { return _totalWritten; } @Override public boolean isOpen() { return _channel.isOpen(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { _channel.close(); } @Override public int write(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException { int written = _channel.write(src); _totalWritten += written; return written; } } /** * this object is created with the list of source and the checkpoints * allows to read from different buffers (mapped by the sources) one window at a time */ public class DbusEventBufferBatchReader implements DbusEventBufferBatchReadable { private final NavigableSet<PhysicalPartitionKey> _pKeys; CheckpointMult _checkPoints; int _clientEventVersion = 0; private final StatsCollectors<DbusEventsStatisticsCollector> _statsCollectors; public DbusEventBufferBatchReader(CheckpointMult cpMult, Collection<PhysicalPartitionKey> physicalPartitions, StatsCollectors<DbusEventsStatisticsCollector> statsCollectors) throws IOException { _statsCollectors = statsCollectors; _checkPoints = cpMult; // physicalPartitions will be null in v2 mode _pKeys = (null != physicalPartitions) ? new TreeSet<PhysicalPartitionKey>(physicalPartitions) : new TreeSet<PhysicalPartitionKey>(); } // V2 mode public DbusEventBufferBatchReader(Collection<Integer> ids, CheckpointMult cpMult, StatsCollectors<DbusEventsStatisticsCollector> statsCollectors) throws IOException { this (cpMult, null, statsCollectors); // list of ids comes from request, so some values can be invalid // make sure that there is a buf for each id // and some can point to the same buf boolean debugEnabled = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); for(int id: ids) { // figure out LogicalSource LogicalSource lSource = _logicalId2LogicalSource.get(id); LogicalPartition lPartition = null; // TBD - should be passed by caller if(lPartition == null) lPartition = LogicalPartition.createAllPartitionsWildcard(); // use wild card if (debugEnabled) LOG.debug("Streaming for logical source=" + lSource + "; partition=" + lPartition); List<LogicalPartitionKey> lpKeys = null; // for wild card - take all the source which id match (disregarding logical partition) if(lPartition.isAllPartitionsWildcard()) { lpKeys = new ArrayList<LogicalPartitionKey>(_logicalPKey2PhysicalPKey.size()); for(LogicalPartitionKey lpKey : _logicalPKey2PhysicalPKey.keySet()) { if(lpKey.getLogicalSource().getId().equals(id)) { lpKeys.add(lpKey); } } } else { lpKeys = new ArrayList<LogicalPartitionKey>(1); LogicalPartitionKey lKey = new LogicalPartitionKey(lSource, lPartition); lpKeys.add(lKey); } for(LogicalPartitionKey lpKey :lpKeys) { PhysicalPartitionKey pKey = _logicalPKey2PhysicalPKey.get(lpKey); DbusEventBuffer buf = null; if(pKey != null) { buf = _bufsMap.get(pKey); if(buf != null) { _pKeys.add(pKey); } else { LOG.warn("couldn't find buffer for pKeyp=" + pKey + " and lKey=" + lpKey); } } if(debugEnabled) LOG.debug("streaming: for srcId=" + id + " and lKey=" + lpKey + " found pKey=" + pKey + " and buf=" + (null==buf? "null" : buf.hashCode())); } } } @Override public StreamEventsResult streamEvents(boolean streamFromLatestScn, int batchFetchSize, WritableByteChannel writeChannel, Encoding encoding, DbusFilter filter) throws ScnNotFoundException, BufferNotFoundException, OffsetNotFoundException { long startTimeTs = System.nanoTime(); int numEventsStreamed = 0; int batchFetchSoFar = 0; DbusEventBuffer.StreamingMode mode = DbusEventBuffer.StreamingMode.WINDOW_AT_TIME; // control how much is written thru this channel SizeControlledWritableByteChannel ch = new SizeControlledWritableByteChannel(writeChannel); boolean debugEnabled = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); // If there is a partition that had a partial window sent, then we need to start from that // partition (and the offset within that checkpoint). // If there was no partial window sourced and a cursor was set, then the cursor was the partition // from which we last streamed data. We start streaming from the partition *after* the cursor, // unless the cursor itself is not there any more (in which case, we stream from first partition). NavigableSet<PhysicalPartitionKey> workingSet = _pKeys; PhysicalPartition partialWindowPartition = _checkPoints.getPartialWindowPartition(); if (partialWindowPartition != null) { // Ignore cursorPartition, and construct a working set that includes the partialWindowPartition. workingSet = _pKeys.tailSet(new PhysicalPartitionKey(partialWindowPartition), true); if (workingSet.size() == 0) { // Apparently we sourced an incomplete window from a partition that has since moved away? // Throw an exception throw new OffsetNotFoundException("Partial window offset not found" + partialWindowPartition); } } else { // We sent a complete window last time (or, this is the first time we are sending something) // If cursor partition exists, and we can find it in our pKeys, we have a working set starting // from the partition greater than cursor. Otherwise, we go with the entire key set. workingSet = _pKeys; PhysicalPartition cursorPartition = _checkPoints.getCursorPartition(); if (cursorPartition != null) { PhysicalPartitionKey ppKey = new PhysicalPartitionKey(cursorPartition); workingSet = _pKeys.tailSet(ppKey, false); if (workingSet.isEmpty() || !_pKeys.contains(ppKey)) { workingSet = _pKeys; } } } // Initialize a datastructure, that contains the list of all physical partitions for which we invoked // streamEvents with streamFromLatest==true. // Details described in DDSDBUS-2461, DDSDBUS-2341 and rb 178201 Set<PhysicalPartitionKey> streamFromLatestState = new HashSet<PhysicalPartitionKey>(); // Send events from each partition in the working set, iterating through them in an ascending // order. Stop sending when we have overflowed the buffer, or there is nothing more to send in // any of the buffers. // Note that in the first iteration of the outer loop, it may be that we have not scanned all // partitions (because our working set was smaller). In that case, even if nothing was streamed, // we want to continue through (at least) one more iteration, scanning all partitions. // Keep track of partitions that are not able to send data because the event would not fit // into the buffer offered by the client. If we are returning from this method without sending a // single event *and* we had events in some of the partitions that would not fit in the client's // buffer, then send back the size of the smallest of such events to the client. It could well be // that the client can make progress in other partitions, but one partition could be blocked forever // because of this event if the client was offering its full buffer size. int minPendingEventSize = 0; boolean done = false; while (!done) { boolean somethingStreamed = false; // go over relevant buffers for(PhysicalPartitionKey pKey : workingSet) { DbusEventBuffer buf = _bufsMap.get(pKey); if (null == buf) { // in this case we want to disconnect the client String errMsg = "Buffer not found for physicalPartitionKey " + pKey; LOG.error(errMsg); throw new BufferNotFoundException(errMsg); } PhysicalPartition pPartition = pKey.getPhysicalPartition(); DbusEventsStatisticsCollector statsCollector = _statsCollectors == null ? null : _statsCollectors.getStatsCollector(pPartition.toSimpleString()); Checkpoint cp=null; cp = _checkPoints.getCheckpoint(pKey.getPhysicalPartition());// get the corresponding checkpoint if(debugEnabled) LOG.debug("get Checkpoint by pPartition" + pPartition + ";cp=" + cp); if(cp == null) { cp = new Checkpoint(); // create a checkpoint, NOTE: these values won't get back to V2 callers cp.setFlexible(); _checkPoints.addCheckpoint(pPartition, cp); } //by default we stream one Window worth of events if(_pKeys.size() == 1) // for single buffer just read as much as you can mode = DbusEventBuffer.StreamingMode.CONTINUOUS; StreamEventsArgs args = new StreamEventsArgs(batchFetchSize - batchFetchSoFar); boolean streamFromLatestScnForPartition = computeStreamFromLatestScnForPartition(pKey, streamFromLatestState, streamFromLatestScn); args.setEncoding(encoding).setStreamFromLatestScn(streamFromLatestScnForPartition); args.setSMode(mode).setFilter(filter).setStatsCollector(statsCollector).setMaxClientEventVersion(_clientEventVersion); StreamEventsResult result = buf.streamEvents(cp, ch, args); int numEvents = result.getNumEventsStreamed(); if (numEvents == 0 && result.getSizeOfPendingEvent() > 0) { // There was an event in the DbusEventBuffer that could not fit into the client's buffer. if (minPendingEventSize == 0) { minPendingEventSize = result.getSizeOfPendingEvent(); } else if (result.getSizeOfPendingEvent() < minPendingEventSize) { minPendingEventSize = result.getSizeOfPendingEvent(); } } if(numEvents>0) { somethingStreamed = true; } numEventsStreamed += numEvents; batchFetchSoFar = ch.writtenSoFar(); if(debugEnabled) LOG.debug("one iteration: read " + numEvents + " from buf " + buf.hashCode() + "; read so far " + batchFetchSoFar + "(out of " + batchFetchSize + ")"); _checkPoints.addCheckpoint(pPartition, cp); if (cp.getWindowOffset() < 0) { _checkPoints.setCursorPartition(pPartition); } if(batchFetchSoFar >= batchFetchSize) { break; } } if (batchFetchSoFar >= batchFetchSize) { done = true; } else if (!somethingStreamed && (workingSet.size() == _pKeys.size())) { done = true; } // Start again with all keys. workingSet = _pKeys; } long endTimeTs = System.nanoTime(); if (PERF_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { PERF_LOG.debug("streamEvents took: " + (endTimeTs - startTimeTs) / _nanoSecsInMSec + "ms"); } return new StreamEventsResult(numEventsStreamed, minPendingEventSize > 0 ? minPendingEventSize : 0); } @Override public CheckpointMult getCheckpointMult() { return _checkPoints; } @Override public void setClientMaxEventVersion(int version) { _clientEventVersion = version; } /** * A helper method to deal with enableStreamFromLatestScn logic between DbusEventBufferMult and DbusEventBuffer * If streamFromLatest==true, invoke streamEvents call on DbusEventBuffer exactly once with streamFromLatest==true. * Else if streamFromLatest==false, invoke streamEvents with streamFromLatest==false everytime. * Because of the information lost about the checkpoint, the same last event is repeatedly streamed until the buffer * fills up. The stop-gap solution to fix the issue is to send a subsequent call with streamFromLatest==false, and hence * have the incoming checkpoint respected * * @pKey The partition key that we currently want to stream from * @ppList The list of partition keys, which have already been invoked streamEvents with streamFromLatest==true. This is * assumed to be an allocated HashSet * @streamFromLatestScn The boolean variable that is input into {@link DbusEventBufferMult##streamEvents} */ protected boolean computeStreamFromLatestScnForPartition( PhysicalPartitionKey pKey, Set<PhysicalPartitionKey> ppList, boolean streamFromLatestScn) { if (! streamFromLatestScn) { // If streamFromLatestScn is false, always return false return false; } if ( pKey == null || ppList.contains(pKey) ) { return false; } if (!ppList.contains(pKey)) { ppList.add(pKey); } return true; } } /** * @return number of unique buffers */ public int bufsNum() { return _uniqBufs.size(); } /* these needs to be reviewed when refactoring DbusEventBuffer (for startEvents and start()) */ public void startAllEvents() { for(DbusEventBuffer buf : _uniqBufs) { buf.startEvents(); } } public void endAllEvents(long seq, long nTime, DbusEventsStatisticsCollector stats) { for(DbusEventBuffer buf : _uniqBufs) { buf.endEvents(seq, stats); } } /** * clear all buffers in Mult */ public void clearAll() { for(DbusEventBuffer buf : _uniqBufs) buf.clear(); } public synchronized void saveBufferMetaInfo(boolean infoOnly) throws IOException { for(DbusEventBuffer buf : _uniqBufs) buf.saveBufferMetaInfo(infoOnly); } public void validateRelayBuffers() throws DbusEventBufferMetaInfo.DbusEventBufferMetaInfoException { for(DbusEventBuffer buf : _uniqBufs) buf.validateEventsInBuffer(); } /** * guarantees that no events in un-finished windows */ public void rollbackAllBuffers() { for(DbusEventBuffer buf : _uniqBufs) buf.rollbackEvents(); } private static class FilePrefixFilter implements FilenameFilter { private final String _prefix; FilePrefixFilter(String prefix) { _prefix = prefix; } @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { if (name.startsWith(_prefix)) { return true; } return false; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } } ////////////////// mapping keys////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LogicalPartitionKey -> PhysicalPartitionKey // PhysicalPartitionKey -> DbusEventBuffer public static class LogicalPartitionKey { @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((_lPartition == null) ? 0 : _lPartition.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((_lSource == null) ? 0 : _lSource.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; LogicalPartitionKey other = (LogicalPartitionKey) obj; if (_lPartition == null) { if (other._lPartition != null) return false; } else if (!_lPartition.equals(other._lPartition)) return false; if (_lSource == null) { if (other._lSource != null) return false; } else if (!_lSource.equals(other._lSource)) return false; return true; } private final LogicalSource _lSource; private final LogicalPartition _lPartition; public LogicalSource getLogicalSource() { return _lSource; } public LogicalPartition getLogicalPartition() { return _lPartition; } public LogicalPartitionKey (LogicalSource lSource, LogicalPartition lPartition) { _lSource = lSource; if(lPartition == null) lPartition = LogicalSourceStaticConfig.getDefaultLogicalSourcePartition(); _lPartition = lPartition; } @Override public String toString() { return "" + _lSource + _lPartition; } } ////////////////////////////////// public static class PhysicalPartitionKey implements Comparable { @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 37; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((_pPartition == null) ? 0 : _pPartition.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; PhysicalPartitionKey other = (PhysicalPartitionKey) obj; if (_pPartition == null) { if (other._pPartition != null) return false; } else if (!_pPartition.equals(other._pPartition)) return false; return true; } private PhysicalPartition _pPartition; public PhysicalPartition getPhysicalPartition() { return _pPartition; } public void setPhysicalPartition(PhysicalPartition p) { _pPartition = p; } public PhysicalPartitionKey() { _pPartition = new PhysicalPartition(); } public PhysicalPartitionKey (PhysicalPartition pPartition) { _pPartition = pPartition; } public String toJsonString() { return ("{\"physicalPartition\":" + _pPartition.toJsonString() + "}"); } @Override public String toString() { return toJsonString(); } @Override public int compareTo(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof PhysicalPartitionKey)) { throw new ClassCastException("PhysicalPartitionKey class expected instead of " + other.getClass().getSimpleName()); } PhysicalPartition op = ((PhysicalPartitionKey)other).getPhysicalPartition(); return _pPartition.compareTo(op); } } }