package com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.common; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.api.BootstrapProcessingException; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.api.BootstrapProducerStatus; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.container.request.BootstrapDBException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.container.request.BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException; import com.linkedin.databus2.util.DBHelper; /** * * BootstrapDB MetaData DAO * */ public class BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO { public static final String MODULE = BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); public static final int NO_SOURCE_ID = -1; public static final long DEFAULT_WINDOWSCN = -1; public static final long INFINITY_WINDOWSCN= Long.MAX_VALUE; public static final String MIN_SCN_TABLE_NAME = "bootstrap_tab_minscn"; public static final String CREATE_MINSCN_TABLE = MIN_SCN_TABLE_NAME + " (srcid int(11) NOT NULL,minscn bigint(20) NOT NULL default -1, PRIMARY KEY (srcid)) ENGINE=InnoDB;"; private final BootstrapConn _bootstrapConn; private final String _dbHostname; private final String _dbUsername; private final String _dbPassword; private final String _dbName; public void reinitDB() throws SQLException { dropDB(); createDB(_dbName, _dbUsername, _dbPassword, _dbHostname); _bootstrapConn.close(); _bootstrapConn.recreateConnection(); setupDB(); } public void dropDB() throws SQLException { String sql = "drop database if exists " + _dbName; _bootstrapConn.executeDDL(sql); } public void setupDB() throws SQLException {"Setting up Bootstrap DB"); String [] sql = { "CREATE TABLE if not exists " + _dbName + ".bootstrap_sources (id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,src varchar(255) NOT NULL,status TINYINT default 1,logstartscn bigint(20) default 0, PRIMARY KEY (id),UNIQUE KEY src (src)) ENGINE=InnoDB;", "CREATE TABLE if not exists " + _dbName + ".bootstrap_loginfo (srcid int(11) NOT NULL,logid int(11) NOT NULL default 0,minwindowscn bigint(20) NOT NULL default -1,maxwindowscn bigint(20) NOT NULL default -1,maxrid bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,deleted TINYINT default 0,PRIMARY KEY (srcid, logid)) ENGINE=InnoDB;", "CREATE TABLE if not exists " + _dbName + ".bootstrap_producer_state (srcid int(11) NOT NULL,logid int(11) NOT NULL default 0,windowscn bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,rid bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,PRIMARY KEY (srcid)) ENGINE=InnoDB;", "CREATE TABLE if not exists " + _dbName + ".bootstrap_applier_state (srcid int(11) NOT NULL,logid int(11) NOT NULL default 0,windowscn bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,rid bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,PRIMARY KEY (srcid)) ENGINE=InnoDB;", "CREATE TABLE if not exists " + _dbName + ".bootstrap_seeder_state (srcid int(11) NOT NULL,startscn bigint(20) NOT NULL default -1,endscn bigint(20) NOT NULL default -1,rid bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,srckey varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (srcid)) ENGINE=InnoDB;", "CREATE TABLE if not exists " + _dbName + "." + CREATE_MINSCN_TABLE, }; for (int i =0; i < sql.length; i++) _bootstrapConn.executeDDL(sql[i]); } public void setupMinScnTable() throws SQLException { String sql = "CREATE TABLE if not exists " + _dbName + "." + CREATE_MINSCN_TABLE; _bootstrapConn.executeDDL(sql); } public static void createDB(String dbName, String dbUsername, String dbPassword, String dbHostname) throws SQLException { String dbSql = "CREATE DATABASE if not exists " + dbName; BootstrapConn bConn = new BootstrapConn(); Statement stmt = null; try {"Creating new db using SQL :" + dbSql); try { bConn.initBootstrapConn(false, dbUsername, dbPassword, dbHostname, null); } catch (InstantiationException e) { LOG.error("Got instantiation error while creating new bootstrapDB :", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { LOG.error("Got illegal access error while creating new bootstrapDB :", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("Got class-not-found error while creating new bootstrapDB :", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } stmt = bConn.getDBConn().createStatement(); int ret = stmt.executeUpdate(dbSql);"Create DB returned :" + ret); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { LOG.error("Got error while creating new bootstrapDB :", sqlEx); throw sqlEx; } finally { DBHelper.close(stmt); bConn.close(); } } public BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO(BootstrapConn bootstrapConn, String hostname, String dbUsername, String dbPassword, String dbName, boolean autoCommit) throws SQLException, DatabusException { _dbHostname = hostname; _dbUsername = dbUsername; _dbPassword = dbPassword; _dbName = dbName; _bootstrapConn = bootstrapConn; } public void addNewSourceInDB(String source, int state) throws SQLException, BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException { addNewSourceInDB(NO_SOURCE_ID, source, state); } public void addNewSourceInDB(int srcid, String source, int state) throws SQLException, BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException { Connection conn = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn(); PreparedStatement addSrcStmt = null; try { int i = 1; try { if ( srcid == NO_SOURCE_ID) { addSrcStmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into bootstrap_sources (src, status) values(?, ?) "); } else { addSrcStmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into bootstrap_sources (id, src, status) values(?, ?, ?) "); addSrcStmt.setInt(i++, srcid); } addSrcStmt.setString(i++, source); addSrcStmt.setInt(i++, state); addSrcStmt.executeUpdate(); } finally { DBHelper.close(addSrcStmt); } addSrcStmt = null; try { if ( srcid == NO_SOURCE_ID) { SourceStatusInfo srcIdStatus = getSrcIdStatusFromDB(source, false); srcid = srcIdStatus.getSrcId(); } addSrcStmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into bootstrap_loginfo (srcid) values(?)"); addSrcStmt.setInt(1, srcid); addSrcStmt.executeUpdate(); addSrcStmt.close(); } finally { DBHelper.close(addSrcStmt); } addSrcStmt = null; try { addSrcStmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into bootstrap_producer_state (srcid,windowscn) values(?, ?)"); addSrcStmt.setInt(1, srcid); addSrcStmt.setLong(2, DEFAULT_WINDOWSCN); addSrcStmt.executeUpdate(); addSrcStmt.close(); addSrcStmt = null; addSrcStmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into bootstrap_applier_state (srcid,windowscn) values(?,?)"); addSrcStmt.setInt(1, srcid); addSrcStmt.setLong(2, DEFAULT_WINDOWSCN); addSrcStmt.executeUpdate(); addSrcStmt.close(); } finally { DBHelper.close(addSrcStmt); } addSrcStmt = null; DBHelper.commit(conn); createNewSrcTable(srcid); createNewLogTable(srcid); } catch (SQLException e) { DBHelper.rollback(conn); DBHelper.close(addSrcStmt); LOG.error("Exception encountered while adding a new source for bootstrap tracking", e); throw e; } } public void createNewLogTable(int srcid) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement addLogTabStmt = null; Connection conn = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn(); try { String logTab = _bootstrapConn.getLogTableNameToProduce(srcid); StringBuilder logTabSql = new StringBuilder(); logTabSql.append("create table if not exists "); logTabSql.append(logTab); logTabSql.append(" ( id bigint NOT NULL auto_increment,"); logTabSql.append(" scn bigint NOT NULL, "); logTabSql.append(" windowscn bigint NOT NULL, "); logTabSql.append(" srckey varchar(255) NOT NULL,"); logTabSql.append(" val longblob, "); logTabSql.append(" PRIMARY KEY (id)) ENGINE=innodb"); final String sql = logTabSql.toString(); addLogTabStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); addLogTabStmt.executeUpdate();"Added a new log table for source : " + srcid); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while adding a new log table for source", e); throw e; } finally { if (null != addLogTabStmt) { addLogTabStmt.close(); addLogTabStmt = null; } } } public void createNewSrcTable(int srcId) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement addSrcTabStmt = null; Connection conn = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn(); try { String srcTab = _bootstrapConn.getSrcTableName(srcId); StringBuilder srcTabSql = new StringBuilder(); srcTabSql.append("create table if not exists "); srcTabSql.append(srcTab); srcTabSql.append(" ( id bigint NOT NULL auto_increment,"); srcTabSql.append(" scn bigint NOT NULL, "); srcTabSql.append(" srckey varchar(255) NOT NULL,"); srcTabSql.append(" val longblob, "); srcTabSql.append(" PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY(srckey)) ENGINE=innodb"); final String sql = srcTabSql.toString();"Table Creation Command :" + sql); addSrcTabStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); addSrcTabStmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered while adding a new Source table for source: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } finally { if (null != addSrcTabStmt) { addSrcTabStmt.close(); addSrcTabStmt = null; } } } /** * Drop all meta data and data for a source identified by source name (e.g. * @param sourceName * @throws SQLException */ public void dropSourceInDB(String sourceName) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; final String sql = "select id from bootstrap_sources where src=?"; int id=-1; try { stmt = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn().prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, sourceName); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { id = rs.getInt(1); dropSourceInDB(id); } } finally { DBHelper.close(rs, stmt, null); } } /* * Drop all tables ( meta + data) for the source specified by the source Id */ public void dropSourceInDB(int srcId) throws SQLException { final String DELETE_SOURCES_ENTRY_PREFIX = "delete from bootstrap_sources where id = "; final String DELETE_SEEDER_STATE_ENTRY_PREFIX = "delete from bootstrap_seeder_state where srcid = "; final String DELETE_APPLIER_STATE_ENTRY_PREFIX = "delete from bootstrap_applier_state where srcid = "; final String DELETE_PRODUCER_STATE_ENTRY_PREFIX = "delete from bootstrap_producer_state where srcid = "; final String DELETE_LOGINFO_ENTRY_PREFIX = "delete from bootstrap_loginfo where srcid = "; final String DELETE_MINSCN_ENTRY_PREFIX = "delete from bootstrap_tab_minscn where srcid = "; final String DROP_TAB_TABLE_PREFIX ="drop table if exists tab_"; final String DROP_LOG_TABLE_PREFIX = "drop table if exists log_"; List<Integer> logIds = getAllActiveLogIdsForSource(srcId); _bootstrapConn.executeUpdate(DELETE_SOURCES_ENTRY_PREFIX + srcId); _bootstrapConn.executeUpdate(DELETE_SEEDER_STATE_ENTRY_PREFIX + srcId); _bootstrapConn.executeUpdate(DELETE_APPLIER_STATE_ENTRY_PREFIX + srcId); _bootstrapConn.executeUpdate(DELETE_PRODUCER_STATE_ENTRY_PREFIX + srcId); _bootstrapConn.executeUpdate(DELETE_LOGINFO_ENTRY_PREFIX + srcId); _bootstrapConn.executeUpdate(DELETE_MINSCN_ENTRY_PREFIX + srcId); for (Integer logId : logIds) { String drop = DROP_LOG_TABLE_PREFIX + srcId + "_" + logId; _bootstrapConn.executeUpdate(drop); } _bootstrapConn.executeUpdate(DROP_TAB_TABLE_PREFIX + srcId); } public List<Integer> getAllActiveLogIdsForSource(int srcId) throws SQLException { final String SELECT_LOGINFO_ENTRY_PREFIX = "select logid from bootstrap_loginfo where deleted = 0 and srcid = "; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(); try { String sql = SELECT_LOGINFO_ENTRY_PREFIX + srcId; stmt = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn().createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while ( { result.add(rs.getInt(1)); } } finally { DBHelper.close(rs, stmt, null); } return result; } /* * Find the id for the start of the window SCN. * * @return * starting row id of the window in the log table * 0 if all the entries have higher SCN than the query SCN */ public long getLogRowIdForSCN(long scn, int logid, int srcid) throws SQLException { String table = _bootstrapConn.getLogTableName(logid, srcid); StringBuilder queryBuilder = new StringBuilder(); queryBuilder.append("select max(id) from "); queryBuilder.append(table); queryBuilder.append(" where scn < "); queryBuilder.append(scn); String sql = queryBuilder.toString(); long rowId = _bootstrapConn.executeQueryAndGetLong(sql, -1); return (rowId + 1); } public List<SourceStatusInfo> getSourceIdAndStatusFromName(List<String> sourceList, boolean activeCheck) throws SQLException,BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException { List<SourceStatusInfo> srcInfo = new ArrayList<SourceStatusInfo>(); try { for ( String source : sourceList) { SourceStatusInfo pair = getSrcIdStatusFromDB(source, activeCheck); srcInfo.add(pair); } } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { LOG.error("Got Exception while getting Source Status", sqlEx); throw sqlEx; } return srcInfo; } /** * helper function to get srcids from SourceStatusInfo structure * @param srcList * @return */ int[] getSrcIds(List<SourceStatusInfo> srcList) { int srcIds[] = new int[srcList.size()]; int i=0; for (SourceStatusInfo srcStatus: srcList) { srcIds[i++]=srcStatus.getSrcId(); } return srcIds; } /** * * * @return sourceStatusInfo for all sources in a given bootstrap DB * @throws SQLException * @throws BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException */ public List<SourceStatusInfo> getSrcStatusInfoFromDB() throws SQLException, BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException { int srcid = -1; int status = 1; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn(); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); List<SourceStatusInfo> srcInfo = new ArrayList<SourceStatusInfo>(); try { String sql = "SELECT id, src, status from bootstrap_sources "; rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql); while ( { srcid = rs.getInt(1); String src = rs.getString(2); status = rs.getInt(3); srcInfo.add(new SourceStatusInfo(src,srcid,status)); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Error encountered while selecting source id from bootstrap:", e); throw e; } finally { DBHelper.close(rs,stmt,null); } return srcInfo; } public SourceStatusInfo getSrcIdStatusFromDB(String source, boolean activeCheck) throws SQLException, BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException { int srcid = -1; int status = 1; PreparedStatement getSrcStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn(); SourceStatusInfo srcIdStatusPair = null; try { getSrcStmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT id, status from bootstrap_sources where src = ?"); getSrcStmt.setString(1, source); rs=getSrcStmt.executeQuery(); if ( { srcid = rs.getInt(1); status = rs.getInt(2); } //"srcid=" + srcid + " status=" + status); srcIdStatusPair = new SourceStatusInfo(source, srcid, status); if ( activeCheck ) validateStatus(source, status); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Error encountered while selecting source id from bootstrap:", e); throw e; } catch(BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException bde ) { LOG.error("Error encountered while selecting source id from bootstrap:", bde); throw bde; } finally { DBHelper.close(rs,getSrcStmt,null); } return srcIdStatusPair; } private void validateStatus(String source, int status) throws BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException { switch (status) { case BootstrapProducerStatus.ACTIVE: return; case BootstrapProducerStatus.FELL_OFF_RELAY: throw new BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException("The bootstrap database for source :" + source + " is too old!"); case BootstrapProducerStatus.SEEDING: throw new BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException("The bootstrap database for source :" + source + " is being seeded!"); case BootstrapProducerStatus.SEEDING_CATCHUP: throw new BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException("The bootstrap database for source :" + source + " is seeded but not yet consistent!"); case BootstrapProducerStatus.INACTIVE: throw new BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException("Bootstrapping for source :" + source + " is disabled"); default: // nothing to do at this point for those status } } public static class SourceStatusInfo { private int srcId; private String srcName; private int status; //TODO: DDSDBUS-361 Use Enum to track BootstrapDB Status public String getSrcName() { return srcName; } public void setSrcName(String srcName) { this.srcName = srcName; } public int getSrcId() { return srcId; } public void setSrcId(int srcId) { this.srcId = srcId; } public int getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(int status) { this.status = status; } public SourceStatusInfo(String srcName, int srcId, int status) { super(); this.srcName = srcName; this.srcId = srcId; this.status = status; } public SourceStatusInfo() { this.srcName = null; this.srcId = -1; this.status = -1; } public boolean isValidSource() { return srcId >= 0; } @Override public String toString() { return "SourceStatusInfo [srcId=" + srcId + ", srcName=" + srcName + ", status=" + status + "]"; } } /** * Responsible for getting the min(windowscn) for the listed sources from one of the * state tables (bootstrap_producer_state, bootstrap_applier_state, bootstrap_seeder_state) * @param sourceNames list of sources * @param table one of (bootstrap_producer_state, bootstrap_applier_state, bootstrap_seeder_state) * @return return the min(windowscn), throws Exception for any other error. * @throws BootstrapDBException * @throws SQLException */ public long getMinWindowSCNFromStateTable(List<String> sourceNames, String table) throws SQLException, BootstrapDBException { List<Integer> srcIdList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if ((null == sourceNames) || (sourceNames.isEmpty())) { String msg = "SourceNames is empty for getMinWindowSCNFromStateTable !!"; LOG.error(msg); throw new BootstrapDBException(msg); } for (String s : sourceNames) { SourceStatusInfo info = getSrcIdStatusFromDB(s, false); if (info.getSrcId() <0) { String msg = "Unable to determine sourceId for sourceName :" + s + " Source List is :" + sourceNames; LOG.error(msg); throw new BootstrapDBException(msg); } srcIdList.add(info.getSrcId()); } StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select min(windowscn) from "); sql.append(table); sql.append(" where srcid in ("); int count = srcIdList.size(); for ( Integer id : srcIdList) { count--; sql.append(id); if ( count > 0) sql.append(","); } sql.append(")"); return _bootstrapConn.executeQueryAndGetLong(sql.toString(), -1); } String arrayToString(int[] ids) { StringBuilder idBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int id: ids) { if (idBuilder.length() > 0) { idBuilder.append(','); } idBuilder.append(id); } return idBuilder.toString(); } /** * Used by bootstrap applier exactly once to get minScn of tab table that has just been populated by applier * @param srcid * @param tabRid : row offset in snapshot table (tab table) * @param timeoutInSec: specify max timeout in sec * @return minScn found in rows less than or equal to tabRid ; * WARNING: as tabRid increases this could become an expensive query * @throws SQLException */ public long getMinWindowScnFromSnapshot(int srcid,int tabRid,int timeoutInSec) throws SQLException { long minScn = BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO.DEFAULT_WINDOWSCN; if (tabRid >= 0) { String sql="select min(scn) from tab_"+srcid + " where id <= " + tabRid;"Executing min scn query from snapshot table : " + sql); minScn = _bootstrapConn.executeQuerySafe(sql, BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO.DEFAULT_WINDOWSCN,timeoutInSec);"Finished executing min scn query from snapshot table : minScn= " + minScn); } return minScn; } /** * * @param srcStatusList List of sources * @return Max of minscn of tab table for given set of srcIds; safest maxscn for a given set of sources; DEFAULT_WINDOWSCN if srcid doesn't exist * @throws SQLException */ public long getMinScnOfSnapshots(List<SourceStatusInfo> srcStatusList) throws SQLException { return getMinScnOfSnapshots(getSrcIds(srcStatusList)); } /** * * @param srcIds List of sources * @return max of minscn of tab table for given set of srcIds; safest maxscn for a given set of sources; DEFAULT_WINDOWSCN if srcid doesn't exist * @throws SQLException */ public long getMinScnOfSnapshots(int ...srcIds ) throws SQLException { String minScnQuery = "select max(minscn) from bootstrap_tab_minscn where srcid in (" + arrayToString(srcIds)+ ")"; long minScn = _bootstrapConn.executeQuerySafe(minScnQuery, DEFAULT_WINDOWSCN,0); if (minScn == DEFAULT_WINDOWSCN) { LOG.warn("srcid=" + Arrays.toString(srcIds) + " had no entry in bootstrap_tab_minscn. Returning " + DEFAULT_WINDOWSCN); } return minScn; } public boolean doesMinScnTableExist() throws SQLException { Connection conn = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean exists=false; try { final String query = "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=? and table_name=?"; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setString(1,_dbName); stmt.setString(2,MIN_SCN_TABLE_NAME); rs=stmt.executeQuery();; } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.warn("Error! " + e.getMessage()); } finally { DBHelper.close(rs,stmt,null); } return exists; } public boolean isSeeded(int srcId) throws SQLException { Connection conn = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean seeded=false; try { String query = "select srcid from bootstrap_seeder_state where srcid=?"; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setInt(1, srcId); rs=stmt.executeQuery(); seeded =; } finally { DBHelper.close(rs,stmt,null); } return seeded; } /** * * @param srcId :source-id as defined in bootstrap_sources table * @param purged : has source-id tab table ever been cleaned; i.e. has cleanup mode been set to anything other than BOOTSTRAP_FULL * @return minScn of the logtable - i.e. mindwindowScn of an undeleted table of source srcId ; if none exists return DEFAULT_WINDOWSCN * @throws SQLException */ public long getMinScnFromLogTable(int srcId,boolean purged) throws SQLException { //if it has been purged; then look for undeleted (deleted=0) else look for amongst the deleted String minScnQuery; if (purged) { //if it has been purged; then look for undeleted (deleted=0) else look for amongst the deleted minScnQuery = "select min(minwindowscn) from bootstrap_loginfo where deleted=0 and srcid=" + srcId; } else { //if it hasn't been purged ; then just find the minscn; from either deleted or non-deleted table entries minScnQuery = "select min(minwindowscn) from bootstrap_loginfo where srcid=" + srcId; } long minScn = _bootstrapConn.executeQuerySafe(minScnQuery, DEFAULT_WINDOWSCN,0); if (minScn==DEFAULT_WINDOWSCN) { //return infinity even if sources didn't exist; LOG.warn("srcid=" + srcId + " had no entry in undeleted log tables. Returning " + minScn); } return minScn; } /** * * @param srcId * @param scn - minScn * update minscn of tab table of give srcId * @throws SQLException */ public void updateMinScnOfSnapshot(int srcId,long scn) throws SQLException { Connection conn = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { StringBuilder minScnQuery = new StringBuilder(); minScnQuery.append("insert into bootstrap_tab_minscn (srcid,minscn) values (?,?) "); minScnQuery.append(" on duplicate key update minscn=?"); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(minScnQuery.toString()); stmt.setInt(1, srcId); stmt.setLong(2, scn); stmt.setLong(3, scn); stmt.executeUpdate(); DBHelper.commit(conn);"Set minScn for tab_" + srcId + " to " + scn); } finally { DBHelper.close(stmt); } } /** * Used for tests to alter seeder state to simulate seeded table * @throws SQLException * @throws BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException */ public void updateRowOfSeederState(String sourceName,long rowId) throws SQLException, BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException { SourceStatusInfo srcInfo = getSrcIdStatusFromDB(sourceName, false); updateRowOfSeederState(srcInfo.getSrcId(), rowId); } /** * Used for tests to alter seeder state to simulate seeded table * @throws SQLException */ void updateRowOfSeederState(int srcId,long rowId) throws SQLException { Connection conn = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); //sql.append("insert into bootstrap_applier_state "); //sql.append("values (?,?,?,?) "); //sql.append("on duplicate key update rid = ?"); sql.append("insert into bootstrap_seeder_state (srcid,rid,srckey) "); sql.append("values (?,?,'')"); sql.append("on duplicate key update rid = ?"); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); stmt.setInt(1, srcId); stmt.setLong(2, rowId); stmt.setLong(3, rowId); stmt.executeUpdate(); DBHelper.commit(conn); } finally { DBHelper.close(stmt); } } public int getLogIdToCatchup(int srcId, long sinceScn) throws SQLException, BootstrapProcessingException { int logid = -1; int deleted = 0; Connection conn = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { if (0 >= sinceScn) { // special handling for invalid scn, e.g. 0 or -1: // in this case, we want to ruturn the logid corresponding to the earliest log stmt = conn.prepareStatement("select logid, deleted from bootstrap_loginfo where srcid = ? and minwindowscn = (select min(minwindowscn) from bootstrap_loginfo where srcid = ? and deleted != 1 and minwindowscn >= 0) order by logid asc limit 1"); stmt.setInt(1, srcId); stmt.setInt(2, srcId); } else { stmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT logid, deleted from bootstrap_loginfo where srcid = ? and minwindowscn <= ? and maxwindowscn >= ? order by logid asc limit 1"); stmt.setInt(1, srcId); stmt.setLong(2, sinceScn); stmt.setLong(3, sinceScn); } rs=stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { logid = rs.getInt(1); deleted = rs.getInt(2);"logid for catchup:" + logid + ", Deleted :" + deleted); } if ((0 > logid) || (1 == deleted)) { throw new BootstrapProcessingException("Log file with logid=" + logid + " ,srcid=" + srcId + " is either deleted or not found in bootstrap_loginfo for since scn: " + sinceScn); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Error encountered while selecting logid from bootstrap_loginfo", e); throw e; } finally { DBHelper.close(rs,stmt,null); } return logid; } public BootstrapConn getBootstrapConn() { return _bootstrapConn; } public Map<String, SourceInfo> getDBTrackedSources(Set<String> configedSources) throws SQLException, DatabusException { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select s.src,, p.logid, p.rid, l.minwindowscn, l.maxwindowscn, s.status "); sql.append("from bootstrap_sources s, bootstrap_producer_state p, bootstrap_loginfo l "); sql.append("where p.srcid = and p.srcid = l.srcid and p.logid = l.logid"); SourceInfoResultHandler handler = new SourceInfoResultHandler(configedSources); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn(); try { preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); if (rs == null) { throw new DatabusException( "No sources to track in this bootstrap producer. ResultSet is null"); } while ( { handler.processRow(rs); } DBHelper.commit(conn); return handler.getTrackedSources(); } finally { DBHelper.close(rs, preparedStatement,null); } } static class SourceInfoResultHandler { private final Set<String> _configedSources; private final Map<String, SourceInfo> _trackedSources; public SourceInfoResultHandler(Set<String> configedSources) { _configedSources = configedSources; _trackedSources = new HashMap<String, SourceInfo>(); } public void processRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { String src = rs.getString(1); if (_configedSources.contains(src)) { SourceInfo info = new SourceInfo(rs.getInt(2), rs.getInt(3), rs.getInt(4), rs.getLong(5), rs.getLong(6), rs.getInt(7)); _trackedSources.put(src, info);"SourceInfo :" + src + " :" + info); } } public Map<String, SourceInfo> getTrackedSources() { return _trackedSources; } } public void initMetadataTables(List<String> registeredSources) throws SQLException { // delete any existing rows if exist deleteExistingMetaTables(); // insert new rows based on the registered sources insertAllSources(registeredSources); } public void deleteExistingMetaTables() throws SQLException { StringBuilder deleteBootstraSourcesSql = new StringBuilder(); deleteBootstraSourcesSql.append("delete from bootstrap_sources"); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; Connection conn = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn(); try { preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(deleteBootstraSourcesSql.toString()); preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); DBHelper.commit(conn); } finally { DBHelper.close(preparedStatement); } // TODO: need to delete other metatables } private void insertAllSources(List<String> registeredSources) throws SQLException { StringBuilder insertSql = new StringBuilder(); insertSql.append("insert into bootstrap_sources (src, status) values (?, 0)"); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; Connection conn = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn(); try { preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(insertSql.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < registeredSources.size(); i++) { preparedStatement.setString(1, registeredSources.get(i)); preparedStatement.execute(); } DBHelper.commit(conn); } finally { DBHelper.close(preparedStatement); } } public void close() { _bootstrapConn.close(); } public void updateSourcesStatus(Set<String> registeredSources, int status) throws SQLException { StringBuilder updateSql = new StringBuilder(); updateSql.append("update bootstrap_sources set status = ? where src = ?"); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; Connection conn = _bootstrapConn.getDBConn(); try { preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(updateSql.toString()); for(String src : registeredSources) { preparedStatement.setInt(1,status); preparedStatement.setString(2, src); preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); } DBHelper.commit(conn); } finally { DBHelper.close(preparedStatement); } } }