package com.linkedin.databus.client; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.client.ConnectionState.StateId; import com.linkedin.databus.client.netty.RemoteExceptionHandler; import; import; import com.linkedin.databus.core.BootstrapCheckpointHandler; import com.linkedin.databus.core.Checkpoint; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DatabusComponentStatus; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusClientMode; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusConstants; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventBuffer; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventFactory; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventInternalReadable; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventInternalWritable; import com.linkedin.databus.core.InvalidCheckpointException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.InvalidEventException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.PendingEventTooLargeException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.async.LifecycleMessage; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.IdNamePair; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.BackoffTimer; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.container.request.BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.filter.DbusKeyCompositeFilter; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.filter.DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.filter.DbusKeyFilter; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.filter.KeyFilterConfigHolder; public class BootstrapPullThread extends BasePullThread { public static final Short START_OF_SNAPSHOT_SRCID = (short)(DbusEventInternalWritable.PRIVATE_RANGE_MAX_SRCID - 1); public static final Short START_OF_CATCHUP_SRCID = (short)(DbusEventInternalWritable.PRIVATE_RANGE_MAX_SRCID - 2); public static final Short END_OF_BOOTSTRAP_SRCID = (short)(DbusEventInternalWritable.PRIVATE_RANGE_MAX_SRCID - 3); private static final EnumSet<ConnectionState.StateId> SHOULD_TEAR_CONNECTION = EnumSet.of(ConnectionState.StateId.START_SCN_REQUEST_SENT, ConnectionState.StateId.START_SCN_RESPONSE_SUCCESS, ConnectionState.StateId.START_SCN_REQUEST_ERROR, ConnectionState.StateId.START_SCN_RESPONSE_ERROR, ConnectionState.StateId.TARGET_SCN_REQUEST_SENT, ConnectionState.StateId.TARGET_SCN_RESPONSE_SUCCESS, ConnectionState.StateId.TARGET_SCN_REQUEST_ERROR, ConnectionState.StateId.TARGET_SCN_RESPONSE_ERROR, ConnectionState.StateId.STREAM_REQUEST_SENT, ConnectionState.StateId.STREAM_REQUEST_SUCCESS, ConnectionState.StateId.STREAM_REQUEST_ERROR, ConnectionState.StateId.STREAM_RESPONSE_ERROR, ConnectionState.StateId.BOOTSTRAP_DONE ); private Checkpoint _resumeCkpt; //private long _errorSleepMs = 0; private final RemoteExceptionHandler _remoteExceptionHandler; private DbusKeyCompositeFilter _bootstrapFilter; private final List<DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig> _bootstrapFilterConfigs; // track number of events read during the current bootstrap phase private long numEventsInCurrentState = 0; private final double _pullerBufferUtilizationPct; // keep track of the last open bootstrap connection so we can close it on shutdown private DatabusBootstrapConnection _lastOpenConnection; private final BackoffTimer _retriesBeforeCkptCleanup; private ReentrantLock _v3BootstrapLock = null; public BootstrapPullThread(String name, DatabusSourcesConnection sourcesConn, DbusEventBuffer dbusEventBuffer, ConnectionStateFactory connStateFactory, Set<ServerInfo> bootstrapServers, List<DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig> bootstrapFilterConfigs, double pullerBufferUtilPct, MBeanServer mbeanServer, DbusEventFactory eventFactory ) { this(name, sourcesConn, dbusEventBuffer, connStateFactory, bootstrapServers, bootstrapFilterConfigs, pullerBufferUtilPct, mbeanServer, eventFactory, null, null); } public BootstrapPullThread(String name, DatabusSourcesConnection sourcesConn, DbusEventBuffer dbusEventBuffer, ConnectionStateFactory connStateFactory, Set<ServerInfo> bootstrapServers, List<DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig> bootstrapFilterConfigs, double pullerBufferUtilPct, MBeanServer mbeanServer, DbusEventFactory eventFactory, ReentrantLock v3BootstrapLock, Logger log) { super(name, sourcesConn.getConnectionConfig().getBstPullerRetries(), sourcesConn, dbusEventBuffer, connStateFactory, bootstrapServers, mbeanServer, eventFactory, log); _retriesBeforeCkptCleanup = new BackoffTimer("BSPullerRetriesBeforeCkptCleanup", sourcesConn.getConnectionConfig().getBsPullerRetriesBeforeCkptCleanup()); _bootstrapFilterConfigs = bootstrapFilterConfigs; _remoteExceptionHandler = new RemoteExceptionHandler(sourcesConn, dbusEventBuffer, eventFactory); _pullerBufferUtilizationPct = pullerBufferUtilPct; _v3BootstrapLock = v3BootstrapLock; // TODO (DDSDBUS-84): if resumeCkpt is not empty, i.e. we are starting fresh, make sure the // sources passed in are exactly the same as what's stored in the checkpoint - // the order has to be the same as well. If not the same, we have to start fresh. // if (!matchSources(resumeCkpt.getAllBootstrapSources(), sources)) //{ // _resumeCkpt = new Checkpoint(); // _snapshotSource = ... // _catchupSource = ... // ... // } } @Override protected boolean shouldDelayTearConnection(StateId stateId) { boolean delayTear = SHOULD_TEAR_CONNECTION.contains(stateId); return delayTear; } @Override protected boolean executeAndChangeState(Object message) { boolean success = true; if (message instanceof ConnectionStateMessage) { if (_componentStatus.getStatus() != DatabusComponentStatus.Status.RUNNING) { _log.warn("not running: " + message.toString()); } else { ConnectionStateMessage stateMsg = (ConnectionStateMessage)message; ConnectionState currentState = stateMsg.getConnState(); switch (stateMsg.getStateId()) { case INITIAL: break; case BOOTSTRAP_DONE: break; //bootstrap is done -- wait for the next message case CLOSED: shutdown(); break; case BOOTSTRAP: case PICK_SERVER: doPickBootstrapServer(currentState); break; case REQUEST_START_SCN: doRequestStartScn(currentState); break; case START_SCN_RESPONSE_SUCCESS: doStartScnResponseSuccess(currentState); break; case REQUEST_TARGET_SCN: doRequestTargetScn(currentState); break; case TARGET_SCN_RESPONSE_SUCCESS: doTargetScnResponseSuccess(currentState); break; // no need to distinguish snapshot and catchup because ckpt has it already case REQUEST_STREAM: doRequestBootstrapStream(currentState); break; case STREAM_REQUEST_SUCCESS: doReadBootstrapEvents(currentState); break; case STREAM_RESPONSE_DONE: doStreamResponseDone(currentState); break; case STREAM_REQUEST_ERROR: processStreamRequestError(currentState); break; case STREAM_RESPONSE_ERROR: processStreamResponseError(currentState); break; case START_SCN_REQUEST_ERROR: processStartScnRequestError(currentState); break; case START_SCN_RESPONSE_ERROR: processStartScnResponseError(currentState); break; case TARGET_SCN_REQUEST_ERROR: processTargetScnRequestError(currentState); break; case TARGET_SCN_RESPONSE_ERROR: processTargetScnResponseError(currentState); break; default: { _log.error("Unknown state in BootstrapPullThread: " + currentState.getStateId()); success = false; break; } } } } else if (message instanceof CheckpointMessage) { CheckpointMessage cpMessage = (CheckpointMessage)message; switch (cpMessage.getTypeId()) { case SET_CHECKPOINT: doSetResumeCheckpoint(cpMessage); break; default: { _log.error("Unkown CheckpointMessage in BootstrapPullThread: " + cpMessage.getTypeId()); success = false; break; } } } else if (message instanceof SourcesMessage) { SourcesMessage sourcesMessage = (SourcesMessage)message; switch (sourcesMessage.getTypeId()) { case SET_SOURCES_IDS: doSetSourcesIds(sourcesMessage); break; case SET_SOURCES_SCHEMAS: doSetSourcesSchemas(sourcesMessage); break; default: { _log.error("Unkown CheckpointMessage in BootstrapPullThread: " + sourcesMessage.getTypeId()); success = false; break; } } } else { success = super.executeAndChangeState(message); } return success; } private void doSetSourcesSchemas(SourcesMessage sourcesMessage) { if (null != _currentState.getSourcesSchemas()) { final Set<Long> newIds = sourcesMessage.getSourcesSchemas().keySet(); final Set<Long> curIds = _currentState.getSourcesSchemas().keySet(); if (! newIds.containsAll(curIds)) { String msg = "Expected schemas for sources " + curIds + "; got: " + newIds; _log.error(msg); _currentState.switchToClosed(); enqueueMessage(LifecycleMessage.createSuspendOnErroMessage(new DatabusException(msg))); return; } } _currentState.setSourcesSchemas(sourcesMessage.getSourcesSchemas()); _sourcesConn.getBootstrapDispatcher().enqueueMessage(sourcesMessage); } private void doSetSourcesIds(SourcesMessage sourcesMessage) { // sourcesMessage.getSources() has the sources that the relay returned. The sources call response handler // in the relay puller has already verified that all the subscriptions are covered by the list of sources // returned from the relay (see RelayPullThread.buildSubsList() _currentState.setSourcesIds(sourcesMessage.getSources()); _currentState.setSourcesIdListString(sourcesMessage.getSourcesIdListString()); _sourcesConn.getBootstrapDispatcher().enqueueMessage(sourcesMessage); } private void doSetResumeCheckpoint(CheckpointMessage cpMessage) { _resumeCkpt = cpMessage.getCheckpoint(); if (null != _resumeCkpt) { DbusEventInternalReadable cpEvent = getEventFactory().createCheckpointEvent(_resumeCkpt); boolean success; try { success = _currentState.getDataEventsBuffer().injectEvent(cpEvent); } catch (InvalidEventException e) { _log.error("unable to create checkpoint event for checkpoint " + _resumeCkpt + "; error: " + e, e); success = false; } if (!success) { _log.error("Unable to write bootstrap phase marker"); } }"resume checkpoint: " + _resumeCkpt); } /** * Invoked when a LifeCycle message of type "START" is received by bootstrap puller thread * as defined in AbstractActorMessageQueue#executeAndChangeState(Object) * * 1. Acquire lock for Databus V3 bootstrap * 2. Invoke same method on super class * 3. Clear and switch state-machine to start choosing a server(relay) to connected to */ @Override protected void doStart(LifecycleMessage lcMessage) { lockV3Bootstrap(); super.doStart(lcMessage); _currentState.clearBootstrapState(); _currentState.switchToPickServer(); enqueueMessage(_currentState); } /** * Invoked when a LifeCycle message of type "RESUME" is received by bootstrap puller thread * as defined in AbstractActorMessageQueue#executeAndChangeState(Object) * * 1. Acquire lock for Databus V3 bootstrap * 2. Invoke same method in super class */ @Override protected void doResume(LifecycleMessage lcMessage) { lockV3Bootstrap(); super.doResume(lcMessage); } /** * Invoked when a LifeCycle message of type "SHUTDOWN" is received by bootstrap puller thread * as defined in AbstractActorMessageQueue#executeAndChangeState(Object) * * 1. Release lock for Databus V3 bootstrap * 2. Invoke same method in super class * 3. The currently open connection to server (relay) is tracked as we want "sticky" behavior, meaning * the ability to be able to connect to the previously connected server. Close the connection if open. */ // TODO: seems misleading; stickiness not really achieved with _lastOpenConnection (which is good, since // it's closed and forgotten here) but rather with lastReadBS in doPickBootstrapServer() @Override protected void onShutdown() { try { if (null != _lastOpenConnection) {"closing open connection"); _lastOpenConnection.close(); _lastOpenConnection = null; } } finally { unlockV3Bootstrap(true); }"shutdown complete."); } /** * Invoked when a LifeCycle message of type "PAUSE" is received by bootstrap puller thread * as defined in AbstractActorMessageQueue#executeAndChangeState(Object) * * 1. Release lock for Databus V3 bootstrap * 2. Invoke same method in super class */ @Override protected void doPause(LifecycleMessage lcMessage) { try { super.doPause(lcMessage); } finally { unlockV3Bootstrap(); } } /** * Invoked when a LifeCycle message of type "SUSPEND_ON_ERROR" is received by bootstrap puller thread * as defined in AbstractActorMessageQueue#executeAndChangeState(Object) * * 1. Invoke same method in super class * 2. Send an "I'm dead" heartbeat value as a failsafe * 3. Release lock for Databus V3 bootstrap */ @Override protected void doSuspendOnError(LifecycleMessage lcMessage) { try { super.doSuspendOnError(lcMessage); sendHeartbeat(_sourcesConn.getUnifiedClientStats(), -1); } finally { unlockV3Bootstrap(); } } /** * This method is not to be confused with the doResume method. The latter is invoked * on a LifeCycleMessage. This method is invoked when a RESUME message is received in * one of the inner workflows. */ @Override protected void onResume() { _currentState.switchToPickServer(); enqueueMessage(_currentState); } protected void doPickBootstrapServer(ConnectionState curState) { int serversNum = _servers.size(); if (0 == serversNum) { //enqueueMessage(LifecycleMessage.createSuspendOnErroMessage( // new DatabusException("No bootstrap services specified"))); _sourcesConn.getConnectionStatus().suspendOnError(new DatabusException("No bootstrap services specified")); return; } if (null == _resumeCkpt) { _sourcesConn.getConnectionStatus().suspendOnError(new DatabusException("Bootstrapping checkpoint is not set!")); return; } boolean restartBootstrap = false; String bsServerInfo = _resumeCkpt.getBootstrapServerInfo(); ServerInfo lastReadBS = null; if ( null != bsServerInfo) { try { lastReadBS = ServerInfo.buildServerInfoFromHostPort(bsServerInfo, DbusConstants.HOSTPORT_DELIMITER); } catch(Exception ex) { _log.error("Unable to fetch bootstrap serverInfo from checkpoint, ServerInfo :" + bsServerInfo, ex); } } if ( null == lastReadBS) restartBootstrap = true; int retriesLeft = 0; DatabusBootstrapConnection bootstrapConn = null; ServerInfo serverInfo = lastReadBS; if ( !restartBootstrap ) { //attempt to reconnect to the last used bootstrap server while (null == bootstrapConn && (retriesLeft = _retriesBeforeCkptCleanup.getRemainingRetriesNum()) >= 0 && !checkForShutdownRequest()) {"Retry picking last used bootstrap server :" + serverInfo + "; retries left:" + retriesLeft); if (lastReadBS.equals(_curServer) ) // if it is new server do not sleep? _retriesBeforeCkptCleanup.backoffAndSleep(); try { bootstrapConn = _sourcesConn.getBootstrapConnFactory().createConnection(serverInfo, this, _remoteExceptionHandler);"picked last used bootstrap server:" + serverInfo); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Unable to get connection to bootstrap server:" + serverInfo, e); } } if ((null == bootstrapConn) && (_retriesBeforeCkptCleanup.getRemainingRetriesNum() < 0)) {"Exhausted retrying the same bootstrap server :" + lastReadBS); } } if(checkForShutdownRequest()) {"Shutting down bootstrap"); return; } Random rng = new Random(); if ( null == bootstrapConn) {"Restarting bootstrap as client might be getting bootstrap data from different server instance !!");"Old Checkpoint :" + _resumeCkpt); curState.getBstCheckpointHandler().resetForServerChange(_resumeCkpt);"New Checkpoint :" + _resumeCkpt); _retriesBeforeCkptCleanup.reset(); } else { _curServer = serverInfo; } while ((null == bootstrapConn) && (retriesLeft = _status.getRetriesLeft()) >= 0 && !checkForShutdownRequest()) {"picking a bootstrap server; retries left:" + retriesLeft); backoffOnPullError(); _curServerIdx = (_curServerIdx < 0) ? rng.nextInt(serversNum) : (_curServerIdx + 1) % serversNum; Iterator<ServerInfo> setIter = _servers.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i <= _curServerIdx; ++i) serverInfo =; _curServer = serverInfo; try { bootstrapConn = _sourcesConn.getBootstrapConnFactory().createConnection(serverInfo, this, _remoteExceptionHandler);"picked a bootstrap server:" + serverInfo.toSimpleString()); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Unable to get connection to bootstrap server:" + serverInfo, e); } } /* * Close the old bootstrap Connection */ DatabusBootstrapConnection oldBootstrapConn = curState.getBootstrapConnection(); if ( null != oldBootstrapConn) resetConnectionAndSetFlag(); _lastOpenConnection = bootstrapConn; if (checkForShutdownRequest()) return; if (null == bootstrapConn) { _log.error("bootstrap server retries exhausted"); enqueueMessage(LifecycleMessage.createSuspendOnErroMessage(new DatabusException("bootstrap server retries exhausted"))); return; } sendHeartbeat(_sourcesConn.getUnifiedClientStats()); curState.bootstrapServerSelected(serverInfo.getAddress(), bootstrapConn, _curServer); //determine what to do next based on the current checkpoint"resuming bootstrap from checkpoint: " + _resumeCkpt); curState.setCheckpoint(_resumeCkpt); determineNextStateFromCheckpoint(curState); enqueueMessage(curState); } private void doRequestTargetScn(ConnectionState curState) { _log.debug("Sending /targetScn request"); curState.switchToTargetScnRequestSent(); sendHeartbeat(_sourcesConn.getUnifiedClientStats()); curState.getBootstrapConnection().requestTargetScn(curState.getCheckpoint(), curState); } protected void doTargetScnResponseSuccess(ConnectionState curState) { if (toTearConnAfterHandlingResponse()) { tearConnectionAndEnqueuePickServer(); } else { final Checkpoint cp = curState.getCheckpoint(); curState.getBstCheckpointHandler().advanceAfterSnapshotPhase(cp); curState.getBstCheckpointHandler().advanceAfterTargetScn(cp); curState.switchToRequestStream(curState.getCheckpoint()); enqueueMessage(curState); } } private void doRequestStartScn(ConnectionState curState) { _log.debug("Sending /startScn request"); String sourceNames = curState.getSourcesNameList(); curState.switchToStartScnRequestSent(); sendHeartbeat(_sourcesConn.getUnifiedClientStats()); curState.getBootstrapConnection().requestStartScn(curState.getCheckpoint(), curState, sourceNames); } private void doStartScnResponseSuccess(ConnectionState curState) { if (toTearConnAfterHandlingResponse()) { tearConnectionAndEnqueuePickServer(); } else { ServerInfo bsServerInfo = curState.getCurrentBSServerInfo(); if ( null == bsServerInfo) { String msg = "Bootstrap Server did not provide its server info in StartSCN !! Switching to PICK_SERVER. CurrentServer :" + _curServer; _log.error(msg); curState.switchToStartScnResponseError(); } else if (! bsServerInfo.equals(_curServer)){ // Possible for VIP case"Bootstrap server responded and current server does not match. Switching to Pick Server !! curServer: " + _curServer + ", Responded Server :" + bsServerInfo);"Checkpoint before clearing :" + _resumeCkpt); String bsServerInfoStr = _resumeCkpt.getBootstrapServerInfo(); final Long startScn = _resumeCkpt.getBootstrapStartScn(); curState.getBstCheckpointHandler().resetForServerChange(_resumeCkpt); curState.getBstCheckpointHandler().setStartScnAfterServerChange(_resumeCkpt, startScn); _resumeCkpt.setBootstrapServerInfo(bsServerInfoStr);"Checkpoint after clearing :" + _resumeCkpt); curState.switchToPickServer(); } else { curState.switchToRequestStream(curState.getCheckpoint()); } enqueueMessage(curState); } } protected void doRequestBootstrapStream(ConnectionState curState) { boolean debugEnabled = _log.isDebugEnabled(); if (debugEnabled) _log.debug("Checking for free space"); //curState.getDataEventsBuffer().waitForFreeSpace(FREE_BUFFER_THRESHOLD); int freeBufferThreshold=(int)(_sourcesConn.getConnectionConfig().getFreeBufferThreshold() * 100.0 / _pullerBufferUtilizationPct); int freeSpace = curState.getDataEventsBuffer().getBufferFreeReadSpace(); if (freeSpace >= freeBufferThreshold) { Checkpoint cp = curState.getCheckpoint(); if (debugEnabled) _log.debug("Checkpoint at RequestBootstrapData: " + cp.toString()); _log.debug("Sending /bootstrap request"); Map<String, IdNamePair> srcNameMap = curState.getSourcesNameMap(); String curSrcName = null; if (cp.getConsumptionMode() == DbusClientMode.BOOTSTRAP_SNAPSHOT) { curSrcName = cp.getSnapshotSource(); } else { curSrcName = cp.getCatchupSource(); } if ( null == _bootstrapFilter) { _bootstrapFilter = new DbusKeyCompositeFilter(); Map<String, IdNamePair> srcNameIdMap = curState.getSourcesNameMap(); for (DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig conf : _bootstrapFilterConfigs) { Map<String, KeyFilterConfigHolder> cMap = conf.getConfigMap(); Map<Long, KeyFilterConfigHolder> fConfMap = new HashMap<Long, KeyFilterConfigHolder>(); for ( Entry<String, KeyFilterConfigHolder> e : cMap.entrySet()) { IdNamePair idName = srcNameIdMap.get(e.getKey()); if ( null != idName) { fConfMap.put(idName.getId(),e.getValue()); } } _bootstrapFilter.merge(new DbusKeyCompositeFilter(fConfMap)); } _bootstrapFilter.dedupe(); } DbusKeyFilter filter = null; IdNamePair srcEntry = srcNameMap.get(curSrcName); if ( null != srcEntry) { Map<Long, DbusKeyFilter> fMap = _bootstrapFilter.getFilterMap(); if ( null != fMap) filter = fMap.get(srcEntry.getId()); } int fetchSize = (int)((curState.getDataEventsBuffer().getBufferFreeReadSpace() / 100.0) * _pullerBufferUtilizationPct); fetchSize = Math.max(freeBufferThreshold, fetchSize); curState.switchToStreamRequestSent(); sendHeartbeat(_sourcesConn.getUnifiedClientStats()); curState.getBootstrapConnection().requestStream( curState.getSourcesIdListString(), filter, fetchSize, cp, curState); } else { try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} enqueueMessage(curState); } } protected void doReadBootstrapEvents(ConnectionState curState) { boolean success = true; boolean debugEnabled = _log.isDebugEnabled(); boolean enqueueMessage = true; try { Checkpoint cp = curState.getCheckpoint(); DbusEventBuffer eventBuffer = curState.getDataEventsBuffer(); if (debugEnabled) _log.debug("Sending bootstrap events to buffer"); //eventBuffer.startEvents(); DbusEventInternalReadable cpEvent = getEventFactory().createCheckpointEvent(cp); byte[] cpEventBytes = new byte[cpEvent.size()]; if (debugEnabled) { _log.debug("checkpoint event size: " + cpEventBytes.length); _log.debug("checkpoint event:" + cpEvent.toString()); } cpEvent.getRawBytes().get(cpEventBytes); ByteArrayInputStream cpIs = new ByteArrayInputStream(cpEventBytes); ReadableByteChannel cpRbc = Channels.newChannel(cpIs); UnifiedClientStats unifiedClientStats = _sourcesConn.getUnifiedClientStats(); sendHeartbeat(unifiedClientStats); int ecnt = eventBuffer.readEvents(cpRbc); success = (ecnt > 0); if (!success) { _log.error("Unable to write bootstrap phase marker"); } else { ChunkedBodyReadableByteChannel readChannel = curState.getReadChannel(); String remoteErrorName = RemoteExceptionHandler.getExceptionName(readChannel); Throwable remoteError = _remoteExceptionHandler.getException(readChannel); if (null != remoteError && remoteError instanceof BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException) { _log.error("Bootstrap database is too old!"); _remoteExceptionHandler.handleException(remoteError); curState.switchToStreamResponseError(); } else if (null != remoteErrorName) { //remote processing error _log.error("read events error: " + RemoteExceptionHandler.getExceptionMessage(readChannel)); curState.switchToStreamResponseError(); } else { sendHeartbeat(unifiedClientStats); int eventsNum = eventBuffer.readEvents(readChannel, curState.getListeners(), _sourcesConn.getBootstrapEventsStatsCollector()); if (eventsNum == 0 && _remoteExceptionHandler.getPendingEventSize(readChannel) > eventBuffer.getMaxReadBufferCapacity()) { String err = "ReadBuffer max capacity(" + eventBuffer.getMaxReadBufferCapacity() + ") is less than event size(" + _remoteExceptionHandler.getPendingEventSize(readChannel) + "). Increase databus.client.connectionDefaults.bstEventBuffer.maxEventSize and restart."; _log.fatal(err); enqueueMessage(LifecycleMessage.createSuspendOnErroMessage(new PendingEventTooLargeException(err))); return; } else { resetServerRetries(); if (debugEnabled) _log.debug("Sending events to buffer"); numEventsInCurrentState += eventsNum;"Bootstrap events read so far: " + numEventsInCurrentState); String status = readChannel.getMetadata("PhaseCompleted"); final BootstrapCheckpointHandler ckptHandler = curState.getBstCheckpointHandler(); if (status != null) { // set status in checkpoint to indicate that we are done with the current source if (cp.getConsumptionMode() == DbusClientMode.BOOTSTRAP_CATCHUP) { ckptHandler.finalizeCatchupPhase(cp); } else if (cp.getConsumptionMode() == DbusClientMode.BOOTSTRAP_SNAPSHOT) { ckptHandler.finalizeSnapshotPhase(cp); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid bootstrap phase: " + cp.getConsumptionMode()); }"Bootstrap events read :" + numEventsInCurrentState + " during phase:" + cp.getConsumptionMode() + " [" + cp.getBootstrapSnapshotSourceIndex() + "," + cp.getBootstrapCatchupSourceIndex() + "]"); numEventsInCurrentState = 0; } else { // keep on reading more for the given snapshot // question: how is snapshotOffset maintained in ckpt if (eventsNum > 0) { cp.bootstrapCheckPoint(); } } curState.switchToStreamResponseDone(); } } } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { _log.error("interupted", ie); success = false; } catch (InvalidEventException e) { _log.error("error reading events from server: " + e.getMessage(), e); success = false; } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("runtime error reading events from server: " + e.getMessage(), e); success = false; } if (toTearConnAfterHandlingResponse()) { tearConnectionAndEnqueuePickServer(); enqueueMessage = false; } else if (!success) { curState.switchToPickServer(); } if ( enqueueMessage ) enqueueMessage(curState); } protected void doStreamResponseDone(ConnectionState curState) { boolean debugEnabled = _log.isDebugEnabled(); Checkpoint cp = curState.getCheckpoint(); if (debugEnabled) _log.debug("Checkpoint at EventsDone: " + cp); determineNextStateFromCheckpoint(curState); // if we successfully got some data - reset retries counter. _retriesBeforeCkptCleanup.reset(); enqueueMessage(curState); } /** * Update and persist checkpoint at the end of bootstrap phase so that * the online phase can continue from it. * @param cp * @throws IOException */ protected void processBootstrapComplete(Checkpoint cp, ConnectionState curState) throws IOException, DatabusException { logBootstrapPhase(DbusClientMode.BOOTSTRAP_CATCHUP, cp.getBootstrapSnapshotSourceIndex(), cp.getBootstrapCatchupSourceIndex());"Bootstrap got completed !! Checkpoint is :" + cp.toString()); /* * DDS-989 * WindowSCN need not match the bootstrapTargetSCN always when we are catching up multiple sources. * So set the windowSCN to be that of targetSCN as we are consistent as of targetSCN */ cp.setWindowScn(cp.getBootstrapTargetScn()); cp.setPrevScn(cp.getBootstrapTargetScn()); cp.setConsumptionMode(DbusClientMode.ONLINE_CONSUMPTION); cp.resetBootstrap(); // clear Bootstrap scns for future bootstraps DbusEventBuffer eventBuffer = curState.getDataEventsBuffer(); try { DbusEventInternalReadable cpEvent = getEventFactory().createCheckpointEvent(cp); boolean success = eventBuffer.injectEvent(cpEvent); if (!success) { _log.error("Unable to write bootstrap phase marker"); } else { //TODO need real partition for partitioned bootstrap DbusEventInternalReadable eopEvent = curState.createEopEvent(cp, getEventFactory()); success = eventBuffer.injectEvent(eopEvent); if (! success) { _log.error("Unable to write bootstrap EOP marker"); } } } catch (InvalidEventException iee) { _log.error("Unable to write bootstrap phase marker", iee); } unlockV3Bootstrap(); } //TODO REMOVE ME /* private Checkpoint initCheckpointForSnapshot(Checkpoint ckpt, Long sinceScn) { String source = _currentState.getSourcesNames().get(ckpt.getBootstrapSnapshotSourceIndex()); if (null == source) { throw new RuntimeException("no sources available for snapshot"); } ckpt.setConsumptionMode(DbusClientMode.BOOTSTRAP_SNAPSHOT); ckpt.setSnapshotSource(source); ckpt.startSnapShotSource(); // need to reset scn because it means the rid in the snapshot table ckpt.setSnapshotOffset(0); // set since scn ckpt.setBootstrapSinceScn(sinceScn); return ckpt; } */ /* private Checkpoint initCheckpointForCatchup(Checkpoint ckpt) { String source = _currentState.getSourcesNames().get(ckpt.getBootstrapCatchupSourceIndex()); if (null == source) { throw new RuntimeException("no sources available for catchup"); } ckpt.setConsumptionMode(DbusClientMode.BOOTSTRAP_CATCHUP); ckpt.setCatchupSource(source); ckpt.startCatchupSource(); ckpt.setWindowScn(ckpt.getBootstrapStartScn()); return ckpt; } */ protected void sendErrorEventToDispatcher(ConnectionState curState) { // TODO: add implementation after CB's branch merges (DDSDBUS-87) } private void logBootstrapPhase(DbusClientMode mode, int snapshotSrcId, int catchupSrcId) {"Bootstrap phase completed - " + mode + " [" + snapshotSrcId + ", " + catchupSrcId + "]"); } private void processStreamRequestError(ConnectionState state) { //TODO add statistics (DDSDBUS-88) if (toTearConnAfterHandlingResponse()) { tearConnectionAndEnqueuePickServer(); } else { state.switchToPickServer(); enqueueMessage(state); } } private void processStreamResponseError(ConnectionState state) { //TODO add statistics (DDSDBUS-88) if (toTearConnAfterHandlingResponse()) { tearConnectionAndEnqueuePickServer(); } else { state.switchToPickServer(); enqueueMessage(state); } } private void processTargetScnResponseError(ConnectionState currentState) { //TODO add statistics (DDSDBUS-88) if (toTearConnAfterHandlingResponse()) { tearConnectionAndEnqueuePickServer(); } else { currentState.switchToPickServer(); enqueueMessage(currentState); } } private void processTargetScnRequestError(ConnectionState currentState) { //TODO add statistics (DDSDBUS-88) if (toTearConnAfterHandlingResponse()) { tearConnectionAndEnqueuePickServer(); } else { currentState.switchToPickServer(); enqueueMessage(currentState); } } private void processStartScnResponseError(ConnectionState currentState) { //TODO add statistics((DDSDBUS-88) if (toTearConnAfterHandlingResponse()) { tearConnectionAndEnqueuePickServer(); } else { currentState.switchToPickServer(); enqueueMessage(currentState); } } private void processStartScnRequestError(ConnectionState currentState) { //TODO add statistics((DDSDBUS-88) if (toTearConnAfterHandlingResponse()) { tearConnectionAndEnqueuePickServer(); } else { currentState.switchToPickServer(); enqueueMessage(currentState); } } @Override protected void resetConnection() { DatabusServerConnection bootstrapConnection = _currentState.getBootstrapConnection(); if ( null != bootstrapConnection) { bootstrapConnection.close(); _currentState.setBootstrapConnection(null); } } protected BackoffTimer getRetriesBeforeCkptCleanup() { return _retriesBeforeCkptCleanup; } /** * Determines the next state based on the checkpoint. The idea is to determine where we are in the bootstrap flow and * move to the next state. * * <pre> * 1. Request startSCN (State=REQUEST_START_SCN, SNAPSHOT, !cp.isBootstrapStartScnSet()) * 2. For each snapshot source: * 2.1. Start snapshot (State=REQUEST_STREAM, SNAPSHOT, cp.isBootstrapStartScnSet() && * 0 == cp.getSnapshotOffset()) * 2.2. While (! cp.isSnapShotSourceCompleted()) * 2.2.1. Continue snapshot (State=REQUEST_STREAM, SNAPSHOT, cp.isBootstrapStartScnSet() && * 0 < cp.getSnapshotOffset()) * 2.3. Request targetSCN (State=REQUEST_TARGET_SCN, SNAPSHOT, cp.isBootstrapStartScnSet() && * cp.isSnapShotSourceCompleted() && 0 == cp.getWindowOffset()) * 2.4. For each catchup source <= the snapshot source: * 2.4.1. Start catchup (State=REQUEST_STREAM, CATCHUP, 0==cp.getWindowOffset() && handler.needsMoreCatchup()) * 2.4.2. While (! cp.isCatchupSourceCompleted()) * Continue catchup (State=REQUEST_STREAM, CATCHUP, ! cp.isCatchupSourceCompleted()) * </pre> * @param curState the bootstrap checkpoint */ private void determineNextStateFromCheckpoint(ConnectionState curState) { try { final Checkpoint cp = curState.getCheckpoint(); final BootstrapCheckpointHandler cpHandler = curState.getBstCheckpointHandler(); cpHandler.assertBootstrapCheckpoint(cp); switch (cp.getConsumptionMode()) { case BOOTSTRAP_SNAPSHOT: determineNextStateFromSnapshotCheckpoint(cp, cpHandler, curState); break; case BOOTSTRAP_CATCHUP: determineNextStateFromCatchupCheckpoint(cp, cpHandler, curState); break; default: _log.fatal("unexpected bootstrap checkpoint type: " + cp + "; shutting down"); curState.switchToClosed(); } } catch (InvalidCheckpointException e) { _log.fatal("invalid bootstrap checkpoint:", e); curState.switchToClosed(); } } /** * Determines the next state based on snapshot the checkpoint. See comments for * {@link #determineNextStateFromCatchupCheckpoint(Checkpoint, BootstrapCheckpointHandler, ConnectionState) * * @param cp the checkpoint * @param cpHandler the handler to modify the checkpoint * @param curState the state to modify */ private void determineNextStateFromSnapshotCheckpoint(Checkpoint cp, BootstrapCheckpointHandler cpHandler, ConnectionState curState) { if (!cp.isBootstrapStartScnSet()) { //(*, !cp.isBootstrapStartScnSet()) --> (REQUEST_START_SCN) curState.switchToRequestStartScn(cp); } else if (!cp.isSnapShotSourceCompleted()) { //(*, cp.isBootstrapStartScnSet() && ! cp.isSnapShotSourceCompleted()) --> (REQUEST_STREAM) curState.switchToRequestStream(cp); } else { //Snapshot complete -- send /targetSCN logBootstrapPhase(DbusClientMode.BOOTSTRAP_SNAPSHOT, cp.getBootstrapSnapshotSourceIndex(), cp.getBootstrapCatchupSourceIndex()); //cpHandler.advanceAfterSnapshotPhase(cp); curState.switchToRequestTargetScn(cp); } } /** * Determines the next state based on catchup the checkpoint. See comments for * {@link #determineNextStateFromCatchupCheckpoint(Checkpoint, BootstrapCheckpointHandler, ConnectionState) * @param cp the checkpoint * @param cpHandler the handler to modify the checkpoint * @param curState the state to modify */ private void determineNextStateFromCatchupCheckpoint(Checkpoint cp, BootstrapCheckpointHandler cpHandler, ConnectionState curState) { if (!cp.isCatchupSourceCompleted()) { //Finish current catchup source curState.switchToRequestStream(cp); } else { logBootstrapPhase(DbusClientMode.BOOTSTRAP_CATCHUP, cp.getBootstrapSnapshotSourceIndex(), cp.getBootstrapCatchupSourceIndex()); cpHandler.advanceAfterCatchupPhase(cp); if (cpHandler.needsMoreCatchup(cp)) { //Current catchup source is done but there are more curState.switchToRequestStream(cp); } else if (cpHandler.needsMoreSnapshot(cp)) { //All catchup sources are done, try next snapshot source curState.switchToRequestStream(cp); } else { //no snapshot or catchup source left -- bootstrap complete // write endOfPeriodMarker to trigger end sequence callback for bootstrap DbusEventInternalReadable eopEvent = getEventFactory().createLongKeyEOPEvent(cp.getBootstrapTargetScn(), (short) 0); try { boolean success = curState.getDataEventsBuffer().injectEvent(eopEvent); if (success) { // persist the checkpoint so BootstrapPullThread will get it and continue streaming try { processBootstrapComplete(cp, curState); curState.switchToBootstrapDone(); } catch (IOException e) { _log.error("Unable to persist checkpoint at the end of bootstrap", e); curState.switchToPickServer(); } catch (DatabusException e) { _log.error("Unable to complete bootstrap", e); curState.switchToPickServer(); } } else { _log.error("Unable to write bootstrap EOP marker"); curState.switchToPickServer(); } } catch (InvalidEventException e1) { _log.error("Unable to write bootstrap EOP marker", e1); } } } } /** * A method to safely acquire a lock on underlying re-entrant lock to serialize bootstrap * across partitions * The method is a no-op is the lock has *already* been acquired by current thread */ private void lockV3Bootstrap() { if (null != _v3BootstrapLock) { if (_v3BootstrapLock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) { _log.warn("lockV3Bootstrap is a no-op as the thread is already owner of bootstrap lock. Lock state = " + _v3BootstrapLock.toString()); return; }"Waiting for bootstrap lock " + toString()); _v3BootstrapLock.lock();"Obtained the bootstrap lock " + toString()); } } /** * A method to safely release a lock on underlying re-entrant lock to serialize bootstrap * across partitions. * The method is a no-op is the lock has *not* been acquired by current thread * * The shutdown flag is used to determine if not possessing the lock should be logged as a warning (rather than info) * This is because in normal processing: * Lock is acquired in doStart(), and relinquished in processBootstrapComplete(). By the time, shutdown is invoked, * the lock is not owned by current thread. * */ private void unlockV3Bootstrap(boolean shutdownCase) { if (null != _v3BootstrapLock) { // If the lock is not held, invoking an unlock throws an IllegalStateMonitorException // Check for this case if (! _v3BootstrapLock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) { String errMsg = "unlockV3Bootstrap is a no-op as current thread is NOT owner of bootstrap lock. Lock state = " + _v3BootstrapLock.toString(); if (shutdownCase) {; } else { _log.warn(errMsg); } return; } _v3BootstrapLock.unlock();"Unlocked BootstrapPuller " + this.toString()); } } /** * This unlock method is normally invoked, except in case of shutdown when we want some variation in how we log messages */ private void unlockV3Bootstrap() { unlockV3Bootstrap(false); } protected ReentrantLock getV3BootstrapLock() { return _v3BootstrapLock; } }