package com.linkedin.databus2.core.filter; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.ConfigBuilder; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.ConfigLoader; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException; /** * @author bvaradar */ public class KeyFilterConfigHolder { public static final String MODULE = KeyFilterConfigHolder.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); public static final String NO_PARTITIONING = "NONE"; public static final String RANGE_PARTITIONING = "RANGE"; public static final String MOD_PARTITIONING = "MOD"; public static final Long UPPER_END_UNLIMITED = Long.MAX_VALUE; private PartitionType partitionType; private KeyFilterConfig filterConfig; /* * Partition Types Supported */ public static enum PartitionType { NONE, RANGE, MOD }; public KeyFilterConfigHolder(StaticConfig config) { partitionType = config.getType(); filterConfig = config.getConfig(); } public KeyFilterConfigHolder() {} public PartitionType getPartitionType() { return partitionType; } public void setPartitionType(PartitionType partitionType) { this.partitionType = partitionType; } public KeyFilterConfig getFilterConfig() { return filterConfig; } public void setFilterConfig(KeyFilterConfig filterConfig) { this.filterConfig = filterConfig; } @Override public String toString() { return "KeyFilterConfigHolder [partitionType=" + partitionType + ", filterConfig=" + filterConfig + "]"; } public static class StaticConfig { private PartitionType type; private KeyFilterConfig config; public PartitionType getType() { return type; } public void setType(PartitionType type) { this.type = type; } public KeyFilterConfig getConfig() { return config; } public void setConfig(KeyFilterConfig config) { this.config = config; } public StaticConfig(PartitionType type, KeyFilterConfig config) { super(); this.type = type; this.config = config; } } public static class Config implements ConfigBuilder<StaticConfig> { private KeyRangeFilterConfig.Config range; private KeyModFilterConfig.Config mod; private String type; public Config() { range = new KeyRangeFilterConfig.Config(); mod = new KeyModFilterConfig.Config(); } public KeyRangeFilterConfig.Config getRange() { return range; } public void setRange(KeyRangeFilterConfig.Config range) { this.range = range; } public KeyModFilterConfig.Config getMod() { return mod; } public void setMod(KeyModFilterConfig.Config mod) { this.mod = mod; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public StaticConfig build() throws InvalidConfigException { PartitionType pType = PartitionType.valueOf(type); KeyFilterConfig config = null; if ( (null == range.getPartitions()) && (pType == PartitionType.RANGE)) { throw new InvalidConfigException("PartitionType is set to range but range configuration is not given."); } if ( (null == mod.getBuckets()) && (pType == PartitionType.MOD)) { throw new InvalidConfigException("PartitionType is set to mod but mod configuration is not given."); } if (pType == PartitionType.RANGE) config = new KeyRangeFilterConfig(; else if (pType == PartitionType.MOD) config = new KeyModFilterConfig(; return new StaticConfig(pType,config); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("dummy.type", "MOD"); props.setProperty("dummy.mod.numBuckets", "10"); props.setProperty("dummy.mod.buckets", "[1,2,4-7]"); Config config = new Config(); ConfigLoader<StaticConfig> configLoader = new ConfigLoader<StaticConfig>("dummy.", config); StaticConfig staticConfig = configLoader.loadConfig(props); KeyFilterConfigHolder holder = new KeyFilterConfigHolder(staticConfig); System.out.println("Holder is :" + holder.toString()); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String s = mapper.writeValueAsString(holder); System.out.println("Config Holder JSON:" + s); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(s); String type = obj.getString("partitionType"); String configStr = obj.getString("filterConfig"); KeyFilterConfigHolder configHolder = new KeyFilterConfigHolder(); configHolder.setPartitionType(PartitionType.valueOf(type)); KeyFilterConfig conf = null; if (PartitionType.MOD == configHolder.getPartitionType()) { conf = mapper.readValue(configStr,KeyModFilterConfig.class); } else if (PartitionType.RANGE == configHolder.getPartitionType()) { conf = mapper.readValue(configStr,KeyRangeFilterConfig.class); } configHolder.setFilterConfig(conf); System.out.println("Holder2 is :" + configHolder.toString()); } }