package com.linkedin.databus.client.consumer; /* * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord; import org.apache.avro.util.Utf8; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.testng.Assert; import com.linkedin.databus.client.DbusEventAvroDecoder; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEvent; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventFactory; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventV2Factory; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventInfo; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventKey; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventPart; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusOpcode; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.SchemaId; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.SchemaRegistryService; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.VersionedSchemaSet; import com.linkedin.databus2.test.TestUtil; public class TestInternalMetadata { public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TestInternalMetadata.class.getName()); // what /register response would include: private static final String CORRECT_METADATA_SCHEMA = "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"metadata\",\"namespace\":\"\",\"version\":1,\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"etag\",\"type\":\"string\"},{\"name\":\"flags\",\"type\":[\"null\",\"int\"]},{\"name\":\"expires\",\"type\":[\"null\",\"long\"]}]}"; private static final String INCORRECT_METADATA_SCHEMA = "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"metadata\",\"namespace\":\"\",\"version\":1,\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"etag\",\"type\":\"long\"},{\"name\":\"flags\",\"type\":[\"null\",\"string\"]},{\"name\":\"expires\",\"type\":[\"null\",\"int\"]}]}"; // what onDataEvent() would include implicitly (DbusEvent bits): private static final long SCN = 5984881823629L; private static final long LONG_KEY = 456L; private static final long TIMESTAMP_IN_NANOS = 1370483609111000000L; private static final short PARTITION_ID = 23; private static final short SOURCE_ID = 345; private static final short METADATA_SCHEMA_VERSION = 1; // matches "version" value within CORRECT_METADATA_SCHEMA private static final byte[] METADATA_SCHEMA_CHECKSUM = new byte[] {45,46,47,48}; // incorrect (but not checked) private static final short PAYLOAD_SCHEMA_VERSION = 9; private static final byte[] PAYLOAD_SCHEMA_CHECKSUM = new byte[] {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15}; private static final byte[] PAYLOAD = "Some payload".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")); @BeforeClass public void setUpClass() { Date now = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss"); TestUtil.setupLogging(true, "TestInternalMetadata-" + dateFormatter.format(now) + ".log", Level.ERROR); } // construction of METADATA_BYTES: // cat metadata-schema.avsc | tr '\012' ' ' | sed -e 's/ *//g' -e 's/"/\\"/g' -e 's/$/\n/' // contents of metadata-schema.avsc = println(CORRECT_METADATA_SCHEMA) = subset of wiki: Espresso+Metadata+Schema // java -jar /path/to/avro-tools-1.7.3.jar jsontofrag "`cat metadata-schema.avsc`" metadata-record.json | hexdump -C // contents of metadata-record.json = {"etag":"dunno what an etag is","flags":null,"expires":{"long":1366150681}} private static final byte[] METADATA_BYTES = new byte[] { 0x2a, 0x64, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x77, 0x68, 0x61, 0x74, 0x20, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x65, 0x74, 0x61, 0x67, 0x20, 0x69, 0x73, 0x00, 0x02, (byte)0xb2, (byte)0xb8, (byte)0xee, (byte)0x96, 0x0a }; private static final int maxEventLen = 1000; private DbusEventPart createMetadataPart() { return new DbusEventPart(DbusEvent.SchemaDigestType.CRC32, METADATA_SCHEMA_CHECKSUM, METADATA_SCHEMA_VERSION, ByteBuffer.wrap(METADATA_BYTES)); } private DbusEvent createEvent(DbusEventPart metadataPart) throws Exception { DbusEventInfo eventInfo = new DbusEventInfo(DbusOpcode.UPSERT, SCN, PARTITION_ID, PARTITION_ID, TIMESTAMP_IN_NANOS, SOURCE_ID, PAYLOAD_SCHEMA_CHECKSUM, PAYLOAD, false, // enable tracing true, // auto-commit DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V2, PAYLOAD_SCHEMA_VERSION, metadataPart); DbusEventFactory eventFactory = new DbusEventV2Factory(); DbusEventKey eventKey = new DbusEventKey(LONG_KEY); ByteBuffer serialBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(maxEventLen).order(eventFactory.getByteOrder()); DbusEventFactory.serializeEvent(eventKey, serialBuf, eventInfo); return eventFactory.createReadOnlyDbusEventFromBuffer(serialBuf, 0); } private DbusEventAvroDecoder createDecoder(VersionedSchemaSet metadataSchemaSet) { VersionedSchemaSet sourceSchemaSet = new VersionedSchemaSet(); // empty is OK for our purposes return new DbusEventAvroDecoder(sourceSchemaSet, metadataSchemaSet); } /** * Verifies that getMetadata() returns the expected GenericRecord for the event's * metadata and that it has the expected fields and values in it. */ @Test public void testGetMetadata_HappyPath() throws Exception {"starting testGetMetadata_HappyPath()"); // build the event's metadata and then the event DbusEventPart metadataPart = createMetadataPart(); DbusEvent event = createEvent(metadataPart); // create a metadata schema set that correctly corresponds to the metadata VersionedSchemaSet metadataSchemaSet = new VersionedSchemaSet(); metadataSchemaSet.add(SchemaRegistryService.DEFAULT_METADATA_SCHEMA_SOURCE, metadataPart.getSchemaVersion(), // METADATA_SCHEMA_VERSION new SchemaId(metadataPart.getSchemaDigest()), // METADATA_SCHEMA_CHECKSUM CORRECT_METADATA_SCHEMA, true); // preserve original string // now create the decoder and use it to extract and decode the event's metadata DbusEventAvroDecoder eventDecoder = createDecoder(metadataSchemaSet); try { GenericRecord reuse = null; GenericRecord decodedMetadata = eventDecoder.getMetadata(event, reuse); Assert.assertNotNull(decodedMetadata, "getMetadata() returned null GenericRecord;"); Utf8 etag = (Utf8)decodedMetadata.get("etag"); Assert.assertEquals(etag.toString(), "dunno what an etag is"); Integer flags = (Integer)decodedMetadata.get("flags"); Assert.assertEquals(flags, null, "expected flags to be null"); Long expires = (Long)decodedMetadata.get("expires"); Assert.assertNotNull(expires, "expected expires to have a value;"); Assert.assertEquals(expires.longValue(), 1366150681); Utf8 nonexistentField = (Utf8)decodedMetadata.get("nonexistentField"); Assert.assertNull(nonexistentField, "unexpected value for 'nonexistentField';"); } catch (Exception ex) {"unexpected error decoding metadata: " + ex); }"leaving testGetMetadata_HappyPath()"); } /** * Verifies that getMetadata() throws an exception if the metadata schema specified * in the event header is unavailable. */ @Test public void testGetMetadata_UnhappyPath_MissingSchema() throws Exception {"starting testGetMetadata_UnhappyPath_MissingSchema()"); // build the event's metadata and then the event DbusEventPart metadataPart = createMetadataPart(); DbusEvent event = createEvent(metadataPart); // create an empty metadata schema set VersionedSchemaSet metadataSchemaSet = new VersionedSchemaSet(); // now create the decoder and attempt to use it to extract and decode the event's metadata DbusEventAvroDecoder eventDecoder = createDecoder(metadataSchemaSet); try { GenericRecord reuse = null; GenericRecord decodedMetadata = eventDecoder.getMetadata(event, reuse);"getMetadata() should have thrown exception"); } catch (Exception ex) { // expected case: event had metadata, but schema to decode it was missing }"leaving testGetMetadata_UnhappyPath_MissingSchema()"); } /** * Verifies that getMetadata() returns null if there's a mismatch between the event's metadata * and the metadata schema whose signature/checksum is specified in the event header. */ @Test public void testGetMetadata_UnhappyPath_BadSchema() throws Exception {"starting testGetMetadata_UnhappyPath_BadSchema()"); // build the event's metadata and then the event DbusEventPart metadataPart = createMetadataPart(); DbusEvent event = createEvent(metadataPart); // create a metadata schema set with a schema that claims to match the event's // metadata but doesn't actually VersionedSchemaSet metadataSchemaSet = new VersionedSchemaSet(); metadataSchemaSet.add(SchemaRegistryService.DEFAULT_METADATA_SCHEMA_SOURCE, metadataPart.getSchemaVersion(), // METADATA_SCHEMA_VERSION new SchemaId(metadataPart.getSchemaDigest()), // METADATA_SCHEMA_CHECKSUM INCORRECT_METADATA_SCHEMA, true); // preserve original string // now create the decoder and attempt to use it to extract and decode the event's metadata DbusEventAvroDecoder eventDecoder = createDecoder(metadataSchemaSet); try { GenericRecord reuse = null; GenericRecord decodedMetadata = eventDecoder.getMetadata(event, reuse); Assert.assertNull(decodedMetadata, "getMetadata() should have returned null;"); } catch (Exception ex) {"getMetadata() should not have thrown exception: " + ex); }"leaving testGetMetadata_UnhappyPath_BadSchema()"); } /** * Verifies that getMetadata() returns null if event has no metadata. */ @Test public void testGetMetadata_UnhappyPath_EventHasNoMetadata() throws Exception {"starting testGetMetadata_UnhappyPath_EventHasNoMetadata()"); // build the event without any metadata DbusEvent event = createEvent(null); // create a metadata schema set, just because we like to VersionedSchemaSet metadataSchemaSet = new VersionedSchemaSet(); metadataSchemaSet.add(SchemaRegistryService.DEFAULT_METADATA_SCHEMA_SOURCE, METADATA_SCHEMA_VERSION, new SchemaId(METADATA_SCHEMA_CHECKSUM), CORRECT_METADATA_SCHEMA, true); // preserve original string // now create the decoder and attempt to use it to extract and decode the event's metadata DbusEventAvroDecoder eventDecoder = createDecoder(metadataSchemaSet); try { GenericRecord reuse = null; GenericRecord decodedMetadata = eventDecoder.getMetadata(event, reuse); Assert.assertNull(decodedMetadata, "getMetadata() should have returned null;"); } catch (Exception ex) {"getMetadata() should not have thrown exception: " + ex); }"leaving testGetMetadata_UnhappyPath_EventHasNoMetadata()"); } }