package com.linkedin.databus.util; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificCompiler; /** * This tools is replaced by interactive schema generator tool, check InteractiveSchemaGenerator class for more details. */ @Deprecated public class SchemaGeneratorMain { private static final String[] DEFAULT_JDBC_DRIVERS = {"oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"}; private static final String DEFAULT_DATABASE = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@devdb:1521:devdb"; private static final String DEFAULT_USERNAME = "system"; private static final String DEFAULT_PASSWORD = "manager"; private final String _database; private final String _userName; private final String _password; private final String _viewName; private final String _recordName; private final String _namespace; private final File _javaOutDir; private final File _avroOutDir; private final boolean _verbose; private final String _driver; private final int _avroOutVersion; private String _primaryKey; /** * Command line: user/password@connect_string object_name [-driver foo] [-v] * * Like: * java -classpath bin:/Users/jwesterm/.ivy2/lin-cache/ivy-cache/ com.linkedin.databus.util.SchemaGenerator system/manager@jdbc:oracle:thin:@devdb:1521:db MEMBER2.SY\$MEMBER_PROFILE * or * java -classpath bin:/Users/jwesterm/.ivy2/lin-cache/ivy-cache/ com.linkedin.databus.util.SchemaGenerator system/manager@jdbc:oracle:thin:@devdb:1521:db MEMBER2.DATABUS_PROF_EDU_T */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { CommandLineHelper commandLineParser = new CommandLineHelper(); commandLineParser.addArgument("database", false, "Database JDBC connection string (e.g. jdbc:oracle:thin:@devdb:1521:db).", CommandLineHelper.ArgumentType.STRING); commandLineParser.addArgument("userName", false, "User name used to connect to the database.", CommandLineHelper.ArgumentType.STRING); commandLineParser.addArgument("password", false, "Password used to connect to the database.", CommandLineHelper.ArgumentType.STRING); commandLineParser.addArgument("viewName", true, "Name of the databus view for which to generate a schema..", CommandLineHelper.ArgumentType.STRING); commandLineParser.addArgument("recordName", true, "Record name for the generated schema (will be the Java class name of the compiled schema).", CommandLineHelper.ArgumentType.STRING); commandLineParser.addArgument("namespace", true, "Namespace for the generated schema (will be the Java package of the compiled schema).", CommandLineHelper.ArgumentType.STRING); commandLineParser.addArgument("javaOutDir", false, "Directory for generated Java source files (if absent, the files will not be generated).", CommandLineHelper.ArgumentType.DIRECTORY); commandLineParser.addArgument("avroOutDir", false, "Directory for generated .avsc files (if absent, the files will not be generated).", CommandLineHelper.ArgumentType.DIRECTORY); commandLineParser.addArgument("avroOutVersion", false, "Schema version for the avro output file (required if avroOutDir is specified).", CommandLineHelper.ArgumentType.INTEGER); commandLineParser.addArgument("primaryKey", false, "Primary key name).",CommandLineHelper.ArgumentType.STRING); commandLineParser.addArgument("verbose", false, "true to enable verbose output.", CommandLineHelper.ArgumentType.BOOLEAN); commandLineParser.addArgument("driver", false, "JDBC driver (if absent, defaults to oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver).", CommandLineHelper.ArgumentType.STRING); Map<String, Object> parsedArgs = commandLineParser.parseCommandLine(args); if(parsedArgs == null) { return; } if(parsedArgs.containsKey("avroOutDir") && !parsedArgs.containsKey("avroOutVersion")) { commandLineParser.showUsage("Bad command line. avroOutDir requires avroOutVersion to be specified as well."); return; } String database = null != parsedArgs.get("database") ? (String)parsedArgs.get("database") : DEFAULT_DATABASE; String username = null != parsedArgs.get("userName") ? (String)parsedArgs.get("userName") : DEFAULT_USERNAME; String password = null != (String)parsedArgs.get("password") ? (String)(String)parsedArgs.get("password") : DEFAULT_PASSWORD; String primaryKey = null != (String) parsedArgs.get("primaryKey") ? (String) parsedArgs.get("primaryKey") : ""; // Show the arguments we read from the command line (helpful when running in an IDE, where you // don't always see the command line) commandLineParser.showParsedArguments("Processed command line arguments:", parsedArgs); // Create the new SchemaGeneratorMain instance using the command line args SchemaGeneratorMain generator = new SchemaGeneratorMain( database, username, password, (String)parsedArgs.get("viewName"), (String)parsedArgs.get("recordName"), (String)parsedArgs.get("namespace"), (File)parsedArgs.get("javaOutDir"), (File)parsedArgs.get("avroOutDir"), (Boolean)parsedArgs.get("verbose"), (String)parsedArgs.get("driver"), (Integer)parsedArgs.get("avroOutVersion"), primaryKey); // Load JDBC drivers generator.loadJdbcDrivers(); // Generate the schema generator.generateSchema(); System.out.println("Done."); } public SchemaGeneratorMain(String database, String userName, String password, String viewName, String recordName, String namespace, File javaOutDir, File avroOutDir, Boolean verbose, String driver, Integer avroOutVersion, String primaryKey) { _database = database; _userName = userName; _password = password; _viewName = viewName; _recordName = recordName; _namespace = namespace; _javaOutDir = javaOutDir; _avroOutDir = avroOutDir; _verbose = verbose != null && verbose; _driver = driver; _avroOutVersion = avroOutVersion != null ? avroOutVersion : 0; _primaryKey = primaryKey; } public void loadJdbcDrivers() { // If a JDBC driver was specified then try to load it, otherwise load Oracle and MySQL if available if(_driver != null) { try { if(_verbose) { System.out.println("Loading JDBC driver: " + _driver); } Class.forName(_driver); if(_verbose) { System.out.println("JDBC driver loaded successfully."); } } catch(ClassNotFoundException ex) { System.out.println("Could not load JDBC driver: " + _driver); return; } } else { boolean loadedAtLeastOneDriver = false; for(int i=0; i < DEFAULT_JDBC_DRIVERS.length; i++) { String driver = DEFAULT_JDBC_DRIVERS[i]; try { if(_verbose) { System.out.println("Loading default JDBC driver: " + driver); } Class.forName(driver); loadedAtLeastOneDriver = true; if(_verbose) { System.out.println("JDBC driver loaded successfully."); } } catch(ClassNotFoundException ex) { System.out.println("Could not load JDBC driver: " + driver); } } if(!loadedAtLeastOneDriver) { System.out.println("Unable to load any of the default JDBC drivers. Please make sure one of the default drivers \n" + "is available in the classpath, or specify a driver with [-driver]. \n" + "Default drivers are: " + Arrays.toString(DEFAULT_JDBC_DRIVERS)); } } } public void generateSchema() throws IOException { Connection con = null; try { con = getConnection(); String owner; String table; String[] nameParts = _viewName.split("\\."); if(nameParts.length == 1) { owner = _userName; table = nameParts[0]; } else { owner = nameParts[0]; table = nameParts[1]; } System.out.println("Generating schema for " + _viewName); if(_avroOutDir == null) { System.out.println("Avro schema will not be saved (use -avroOutDir if you want to save it)."); } if(_javaOutDir == null) { System.out.println("Java files will not be generated (use -javaOutDir if you want to generate them)."); } TableTypeInfo ti = (TableTypeInfo) new TypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(con, owner, table, 0, 0,_primaryKey); String topRecordAvroName = _recordName + "_V" + _avroOutVersion; String namespace = _namespace; String topRecordDatabaseName = _viewName; FieldToAvro fa = new FieldToAvro(); String schema = fa.buildAvroSchema(namespace, topRecordAvroName, topRecordDatabaseName, null, ti); System.out.println("Generated Schema:\n" + schema); if(_avroOutDir != null || _javaOutDir != null) { // We will write the schema out to a file. If an output directory was specified then we will // write it there. Otherwise we write to a temp file that is deleted on exit. File avroOutFile; if(_avroOutDir != null) { avroOutFile = new File(_avroOutDir, _namespace + "." + _recordName + "." + _avroOutVersion + ".avsc"); System.out.println("Avro schema will be saved in the file: " + avroOutFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { avroOutFile = File.createTempFile(getClass().getName(), null); avroOutFile.deleteOnExit(); } // Write the schema to a file. PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(avroOutFile)); pw.println(schema); pw.flush(); pw.close(); if(_javaOutDir != null) { System.out.println("Generating Java files in the directory: " + _javaOutDir.getAbsolutePath()); SpecificCompiler.compileSchema(avroOutFile, _javaOutDir); } } } catch(SQLException ex) { System.out.println(ex); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { SchemaUtils.close(con); } } public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { try { if(_verbose) { System.out.println("Connecting to database: " + _database); } Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(_database, _userName, _password); if(_verbose) { System.out.println("Connected successfully."); } return con; } catch(SQLException ex) { System.out.println("Could not connect to database: " + _database); System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); if(_verbose) { ex.printStackTrace(); } throw ex; } } }