package com.linkedin.databus.core; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jboss.netty.logging.InternalLoggerFactory; import org.jboss.netty.logging.Log4JLoggerFactory; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; import com.linkedin.databus2.test.ConditionCheck; import com.linkedin.databus2.test.TestUtil; public class TestConcurrentAppendOnlySingleFileInputStream { public static final String MODULE = TestConcurrentAppendOnlySingleFileInputStream.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); @BeforeClass public void setUpClass() throws InvalidConfigException { //setup logging TestUtil.setupLogging(true, null, Level.INFO); InternalLoggerFactory.setDefaultFactory(new Log4JLoggerFactory()); } @Test public void testStaticStream() throws Exception { File srcFile = File.createTempFile("src_trail_", null); File destFile = File.createTempFile("dest_trail_", null);"Src File :" + srcFile);"Dest File :" + destFile); WriterThread w1 = new WriterThread("Writer1",srcFile, 10,null); w1.start(); Thread.sleep(1000); w1.shutdown(); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream.createStaticFileInputStream(srcFile.getAbsolutePath(),0))); WriterThread w2 = new WriterThread("Writer2",destFile, 0, r); w2.start(); w2.join(); r.close(); FileComparator cmp = new FileComparator(srcFile.getAbsolutePath(),destFile.getAbsolutePath());; } @Test /** * Test when reader starts immediately after writer * @throws Exception */ public void testConcurrentAppendStream1() throws Exception { File srcFile = File.createTempFile("src_trail_", null); File destFile = File.createTempFile("dest_trail_", null);"Src File :" + srcFile);"Dest File :" + destFile); WriterThread w1 = new WriterThread("Writer1",srcFile, 10,null); w1.start(); ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream i = ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream.createAppendingFileInputStream(srcFile.getAbsolutePath(),0,100); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(i)); WriterThread w2 = new WriterThread("Writer2",destFile, 0, r); w2.start(); Thread.sleep(10000); w1.shutdown(); i.appendDone(); w2.join(); r.close();"FileInputStream state :" + i); FileComparator cmp = new FileComparator(srcFile.getAbsolutePath(),destFile.getAbsolutePath());; } @Test /** * Test when reader sees intermediate NULL characters * @throws Exception */ public void testConcurrentAppendStreamNullCharacters() throws Exception { File srcFile = File.createTempFile("src_trail_", null); File destFile = File.createTempFile("dest_trail_", null);"Src File :" + srcFile);"Dest File :" + destFile); // Writer Thread will insert 1 set (5) of NULL characters after inserting 100 lines and pause // The test thread will wait for number of NULL characters inserted to be >= 1 before unpausing Writer. // Writer will then remove the NULL bytes and start appending valid data. // Reader is expected to read all the data as in the source file. final WriterThread w1 = new WriterThread("Writer1",srcFile, 10,null, true, 1, 100); w1.start(); ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream i = ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream.createAppendingFileInputStream(srcFile.getAbsolutePath(),0,100); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(i)); WriterThread w2 = new WriterThread("Writer2",destFile, 0, r); w2.start(); TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() { @Override public boolean check() { return w1.getNumNullsInserted() >= 1; } }, "wait for writer to write atleast one NULL ", 10000, LOG); w1.unpause(); Thread.sleep(1000); w1.shutdown(); i.appendDone(); w2.join(); r.close();"FileInputStream state :" + i); FileComparator cmp = new FileComparator(srcFile.getAbsolutePath(),destFile.getAbsolutePath());; // Ensure no NULL characters are seen in file created by the reader. FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(destFile); try { int retVal = 0; while (retVal != -1) { retVal =; Assert.assertTrue(retVal != 0x0); } } finally { fis.close(); } } @Test /** * Test when reader sees intermediate NULL characters are seen multiple times during the stream read * @throws Exception */ public void testConcurrentAppendStreamMultipleNullCharacters() throws Exception { File srcFile = File.createTempFile("src_trail_", null); File destFile = File.createTempFile("dest_trail_", null);"Src File :" + srcFile);"Dest File :" + destFile); // Writer Thread will insert 3 sets (5 each time) of NULL characters after inserting 100 lines and pause // The test thread will wait for number of NULL characters inserted to be >= 1 before unpausing Writer. // Writer will then remove the NULL bytes and start appending valid data. // Reader is expected to read all the data as in the source file. final WriterThread w1 = new WriterThread("Writer1",srcFile, 10,null, true, 3, 100); w1.start(); ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream i = ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream.createAppendingFileInputStream(srcFile.getAbsolutePath(),0,100); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(i)); WriterThread w2 = new WriterThread("Writer2",destFile, 0, r); w2.start(); for ( int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { final int nullInsertTimes = j; TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() { @Override public boolean check() { return w1.getNumNullsInserted() == nullInsertTimes; } }, "wait for writer to write atleast one NULL ", 10000, LOG); w1.unpause(); Thread.sleep(3000); } w1.shutdown(); i.appendDone(); w2.join(); r.close();"FileInputStream state :" + i); FileComparator cmp = new FileComparator(srcFile.getAbsolutePath(),destFile.getAbsolutePath());; // Ensure no NULL characters are seen in file created by the reader. FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(destFile); try { int retVal = 0; while (retVal != -1) { retVal =; Assert.assertTrue(retVal != 0x0); } } finally { fis.close(); } } /** * Test when reader starts before writer * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testConcurrentAppendStream2() throws Exception { File srcFile = File.createTempFile("src_trail_", null); File destFile = File.createTempFile("dest_trail_", null);"Src File :" + srcFile);"Dest File :" + destFile); ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream i = ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream.createAppendingFileInputStream(srcFile.getAbsolutePath(),0,100); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(i)); WriterThread w2 = new WriterThread("Writer2",destFile, 0, r); w2.start(); WriterThread w1 = new WriterThread("Writer1",srcFile, 10,null); w1.start(); Thread.sleep(10000); w1.shutdown(); i.appendDone(); w2.join(); r.close(); FileComparator cmp = new FileComparator(srcFile.getAbsolutePath(),destFile.getAbsolutePath());; } @Test /** * Test when reader starts after delay after writer * @throws Exception */ public void testConcurrentAppendStream3() throws Exception { File srcFile = File.createTempFile("src_trail_", null); File destFile = File.createTempFile("dest_trail_", null);"Src File :" + srcFile);"Dest File :" + destFile); WriterThread w1 = new WriterThread("Writer1",srcFile, 10,null); w1.start(); Thread.sleep(3000); ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream i = ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream.createAppendingFileInputStream(srcFile.getAbsolutePath(),0,100); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(i)); WriterThread w2 = new WriterThread("Writer2",destFile, 0, r); w2.start(); Thread.sleep(10000); w1.shutdown(); i.appendDone(); w2.join(); r.close(); FileComparator cmp = new FileComparator(srcFile.getAbsolutePath(),destFile.getAbsolutePath());; } public static class FileComparator { private final String _file1; private final String _file2; public FileComparator(String file1, String file2) { _file1 = file1; _file2 = file2; } public void compare() throws Exception { BufferedReader br1 = null; BufferedReader br2 = null; try { FileInputStream fstream1 = new FileInputStream(_file1); FileInputStream fstream2 = new FileInputStream(_file2); DataInputStream in1= new DataInputStream(fstream1); DataInputStream in2= new DataInputStream(fstream2); br1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in1)); br2 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in2)); String strLine1 = null; String strLine2 = null; long line = 0; while((strLine1 = br1.readLine()) != null & (strLine2 = br2.readLine()) != null) { line++; if(! strLine1.equals(strLine2)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unmatched : Line :" + line + ", Str 1: (" + strLine1 + "), Str 2: (" + strLine2 + ")"); } } if ((strLine1 != null) || (strLine2 != null)) throw new RuntimeException("Unmatched : Line :" + line + ", Str 1: (" + strLine1 + "), Str 2: (" + strLine2 + ")"); } finally { if ( null != br1) br1.close(); if ( null != br2) br2.close(); } } } public static class WriterThread extends DatabusThreadBase { private final SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); private final File _file; private BufferedWriter _writer; private final long _intervalMs; private final BufferedReader _reader; private FileOutputStream _fileOutputStream; private String _lastLine; /** Do we need to insert NULL characters **/ private final boolean _insertNullCharacters; /** Number of times NULL character has to be inserted **/ private final int _numNullInsertions; /** Number of valid lines to appear between successive NULL insertion **/ private final int _nullInterval; //Counters private int _numNullInserted = 0; private int _numLinesInserted = 0; public WriterThread(String name, File file, long intervalMs, BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { this(name, file, intervalMs, reader, false, 0,1); } public WriterThread(String name, File file, long intervalMs, BufferedReader reader, boolean insertNullCharacters, int numNullInsertions, int nullInterval) throws IOException { super(name); _file = file; _intervalMs = intervalMs; _fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); _writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(_fileOutputStream)); _reader = reader; _insertNullCharacters = insertNullCharacters; _numNullInsertions = numNullInsertions; _nullInterval = nullInterval; } @Override public boolean runOnce() throws DatabusException { try { if ( _reader == null) { // Random generation String randomString = new BigInteger(200, random).toString(32); _writer.append(randomString); _lastLine = randomString; _writer.append("\n"); //"Written String :" + randomString); } else { // Copy from reader String line = _reader.readLine(); _lastLine = line; LOG.debug("Read String is :" + line); if ( line != null) { _writer.append(line); _writer.append("\n"); } else { return false; } } _numLinesInserted ++; if ( _insertNullCharacters && ( _numNullInserted < _numNullInsertions) && ((_numLinesInserted % _nullInterval) == 0)) { _writer.flush(); _fileOutputStream.flush(); long position = _fileOutputStream.getChannel().position(); // Append some 0x0 characters byte[] b = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; _writer.append(new String(b)); _writer.flush(); _fileOutputStream.flush(); _numNullInserted ++; try { awaitUnPauseRequest(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {}"Writer resuming. Starting to write valid data from position " + position); _fileOutputStream.getChannel().position(position); _writer.append("VALID DATA HERE"); } if (_intervalMs > 0 ) { try { Thread.sleep(_intervalMs); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {"Got interrupted while sleeping for :" + _intervalMs + " ms"); } } _writer.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Got Exception :", e); throw new DatabusException(e); } return true; } @Override public void beforeRun() {} @Override public void afterRun() { try { _writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Got Exception while closing inputStream for file :" + _file, e); } } public String getLastLine() { return _lastLine; } public long getNumLinesInserted() { return _numLinesInserted; } public long getNumNullsInserted() { return _numNullInserted; } } }