package com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.server; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.api.BootstrapEventCallback; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.api.BootstrapEventProcessResult; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.api.BootstrapProcessingException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.Checkpoint; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventFactory; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventV1Factory; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventInternalReadable; import com.linkedin.databus.core.Encoding; import com.linkedin.databus.core.monitoring.mbean.DbusEventsStatisticsCollector; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.filter.DbusFilter; public class BootstrapEventWriter implements BootstrapEventCallback { public static final String MODULE = BootstrapEventWriter.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); public final DbusEventFactory _eventFactory; public boolean _debug; private WritableByteChannel _writeChannel; private long _clientFreeBufferSize; private long _bytesSent; private long _numRowsWritten; // Size of event that could not be sent because of client buffer threshold private int _sizeOfPendingEvent = -1; private DbusEventInternalReadable _event; private DbusFilter _filter; private Encoding _encoding; public BootstrapEventWriter(WritableByteChannel writeChannel, long clientFreeBufferSize, DbusFilter filter, Encoding enc) { _eventFactory = new DbusEventV1Factory(); _event = null; _writeChannel = writeChannel; _encoding = enc; _clientFreeBufferSize = clientFreeBufferSize; _bytesSent = 0; _numRowsWritten = 0; _filter = filter; _debug = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); } @Override public BootstrapEventProcessResult onEvent(ResultSet rs, DbusEventsStatisticsCollector statsCollector) throws BootstrapProcessingException { long rid = -1; boolean exceededBufferLimit = false; boolean dropped = true; try { if (null == _event) { ByteBuffer tmpBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(rs.getBytes(4)); if (_debug) { LOG.debug("BUFFER SIZE:" + tmpBuffer.limit()); } _event = _eventFactory.createReadOnlyDbusEventFromBuffer(tmpBuffer, tmpBuffer.position()); } else { ByteBuffer tmpBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(rs.getBytes(4)); if (_debug) { LOG.debug("Resized BUFFER SIZE:" + tmpBuffer.limit()); } _event = _event.reset(tmpBuffer, 0); } if (_debug) { LOG.debug("Event fetched: " + _event.size() + " for source:" + _event.srcId()); } if (!_event.isValid()) { LOG.error("got an error event :" + _event.toString()); return BootstrapEventProcessResult.getFailedEventProcessingResult(_numRowsWritten); } rid = rs.getLong(1); if (_debug) { LOG.debug("sending: " + _event.getDbusEventKey() + " " + _event.sequence()); LOG.debug("event size:" + _event.size()); } if ((null == _filter) || (_filter.allow(_event))) { if (_debug) { if (null != _filter) { LOG.debug("Event :" + _event.getDbusEventKey() + " passed filter check !!"); } } // client has enough space for this event if (_bytesSent + _event.size() < _clientFreeBufferSize) { int sentBytes = _event.writeTo(_writeChannel, _encoding); // On exception, sentBytes are set to 0 if (0 >= sentBytes) { // Did not write successfully because of error. Done and dont write checkpoint // to avoid successive write failures !! return BootstrapEventProcessResult.getFailedEventProcessingResult(_numRowsWritten); } _bytesSent += sentBytes; _numRowsWritten++; // tracks processed Rows only dropped = false; if (_debug) { LOG.debug("SENT " + _bytesSent); } if (null != statsCollector) { statsCollector.registerDataEvent(_event); if (_debug) { LOG.debug("Stats NumEvents :" + statsCollector.getTotalStats().getNumDataEvents()); } } } else { exceededBufferLimit = true; _sizeOfPendingEvent = _event.size();"Terminating batch with max. size of " + _clientFreeBufferSize + "; Bytes sent in the current batch is " + _bytesSent + "; Rows processed in the batch is " + _numRowsWritten + ((_numRowsWritten <= 0) ? ", Pending Event Size is : " + _sizeOfPendingEvent : "")); } } else { if (null != statsCollector) { statsCollector.registerDataEventFiltered(_event); if (_debug) { LOG.debug("Stats NumFilteredEvents :" + statsCollector.getTotalStats().getNumDataEventsFiltered()); } if (_debug) { LOG.debug("Event :" + _event.getDbusEventKey() + " failed filter check !!"); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("SQLException encountered while sending to client row " + rid); throw new BootstrapProcessingException(e); } return new BootstrapEventProcessResult(_numRowsWritten, exceededBufferLimit, dropped); } @Override public void onCheckpointEvent(Checkpoint currentCheckpoint, DbusEventsStatisticsCollector curStatsCollector) { // refresh LOG level _debug = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); // store values in the internal structure currentCheckpoint.bootstrapCheckPoint(); // write ckpt back to client DbusEventInternalReadable checkpointEvent = _eventFactory.createCheckpointEvent(currentCheckpoint); checkpointEvent.writeTo(_writeChannel, _encoding); //"Sending snapshot checkpoint to client: " + currentCheckpoint.toString()); } public long getNumRowsWritten() { return _numRowsWritten; } public int getSizeOfPendingEvent() { return _sizeOfPendingEvent; } }