package com.linkedin.databus.core; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.ByteSizeConstants; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.ConfigBuilder; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.RangeBasedReaderWriterLock; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.RangeBasedReaderWriterLock.LockToken; /** * A continuous journal writer of the events as they flow into the DbusEventBuffer * This journal can be used for refilling the buffer on startup using the EventLogReader class. * @author sdas * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public class EventLogWriter extends InternalDatabusEventsListenerAbstract implements Runnable { public static final String MODULE = EventLogWriter.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); private enum BatchState { INIT, STARTED, ENDED } public long getTotalBytesWritten() { return _totalBytesWritten; } private final DbusEventBuffer _eventBuffer; private final File _writeDir; private final RangeBasedReaderWriterLock _lockProvider; private final Encoding _encoding; private final AtomicBoolean _stopRunning; private final ArrayBlockingQueue<LockToken> _contiguousRanges; private final long _batchLimit; private final boolean _blockOnWrite; private final long _individualFileMaxBytes; private BatchState _batchState; private long _batchStartOffset; private long _batchNextOffset; private long _totalBytesWritten; private long _currentFileBytesWritten; private FileChannel _currentWritableByteChannel; private int _currentWriteFileIndex; private final ArrayBlockingQueue<File> _writeFileHandles; private final boolean _enabled; private final File _writeSessionDir; private final ReentrantLock _writeLock; private final long _fsyncIntervalInMillis; private long _lastFsyncTime; /** * * @param eventBuffer * @param writeDir * @param encoding * @param writeBatchSizeInBytes * @param maxPendingWritesBeforeAbort * @param individualFileMaxBytes */ public EventLogWriter(boolean enabled, DbusEventBuffer eventBuffer, File writeDir, File writeSessionDir, Encoding encoding, boolean blockOnWrite, long writeBatchSizeInBytes, int maxPendingWritesBeforeAbort, long individualFileMaxBytes, int maxFiles, long fsyncIntervalInMillis) { _enabled = enabled; _eventBuffer = eventBuffer; _lockProvider = eventBuffer.getRwLockProvider(); _encoding = encoding; _batchState = BatchState.INIT; _stopRunning = new AtomicBoolean(false); _writeLock = new ReentrantLock(); _fsyncIntervalInMillis = fsyncIntervalInMillis; _blockOnWrite = blockOnWrite; if (_blockOnWrite) { _contiguousRanges = new ArrayBlockingQueue<LockToken>(10); } else { _contiguousRanges = new ArrayBlockingQueue<LockToken>(maxPendingWritesBeforeAbort); } _batchLimit = writeBatchSizeInBytes; _individualFileMaxBytes = individualFileMaxBytes; _totalBytesWritten = 0; _currentFileBytesWritten = 0; if (!writeDir.isDirectory()) { if (!writeDir.mkdir()) { throw new RuntimeException(writeDir + "is not a directory, and I could not create one"); } } if (!writeDir.canWrite()) { throw new RuntimeException("Do not have write privileges on " + writeDir); } _writeDir = writeDir; _writeSessionDir = writeSessionDir; _writeFileHandles = new ArrayBlockingQueue<File>(maxFiles);"Configured with writeDirectory :" + _writeDir.getAbsolutePath());"Configured with writeSession Directory :" + _writeSessionDir.getAbsolutePath()); _eventBuffer.addInternalListener(this); } public EventLogWriter(StaticConfig staticConfig) { this(staticConfig.isEnabled(), staticConfig.getEventBuffer(), staticConfig.getTopLevelLogDir(), staticConfig.getWriteSessionDir(), staticConfig.getEncoding(), staticConfig.getBlockOnWrite(), staticConfig.getWriteBatchSizeInBytes(),staticConfig.getMaxPendingWrites(), staticConfig.getIndividualFileMaxBytes(), staticConfig.getMaxFiles(), staticConfig.getFsyncIntervalInMillis()); } @Override public void run() { _stopRunning.set(!_enabled); LockToken readRangeLock = null; // Init : delete existing files in this directory first // We don't do this as part of the constructor since we want the EventLogReader // to be able to read files if they are present. if (_writeSessionDir.exists()) { for (File f: _writeSessionDir.listFiles()) {"deleting file " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " in directory"); if (!f.delete()) { LOG.error("deleting failed: " + f.getAbsolutePath()); _stopRunning.set(true); } } } else { if (!_writeSessionDir.mkdir()) { LOG.error("directory creation failed: " + _writeSessionDir); _stopRunning.set(true); } } while (!_stopRunning.get()) { try { readRangeLock = _contiguousRanges.poll(_fsyncIntervalInMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"interrupted"); } if (readRangeLock !=null) { try { performWrite(readRangeLock); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("error writing events:" + e.getMessage(), e); _stopRunning.set(true); } finally { _lockProvider.releaseReaderLock(readRangeLock); } } else { // Timeout with no batches to write, create a write request if there were any events _writeLock.lock(); try { if (_batchState == BatchState.STARTED) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Timeout: will queue write request"); queueWriteRequest(); _batchState = BatchState.INIT; } } finally { _writeLock.unlock(); } } } flush(); } @Override public void onEvent(DbusEvent event, long offset, int size) { if (_stopRunning.get()) { return; } _writeLock.lock(); try { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("EventLogWriter:onEvent:" + event); if (_batchState == BatchState.INIT) { _batchStartOffset = offset; _batchNextOffset = offset + size; _batchState = BatchState.STARTED; return; } if (_batchState == BatchState.STARTED) { if ((_batchNextOffset != offset) || ((_batchNextOffset - _batchStartOffset) > _batchLimit)) { queueWriteRequest(); _batchStartOffset = offset; } _batchNextOffset = offset + size; } } finally { _writeLock.unlock(); } } private void queueWriteRequest() { // non-contiguous write // signal write ready LockToken readRangeLockToken = null; try { readRangeLockToken = _lockProvider.acquireReaderLock(_batchStartOffset, _batchNextOffset, _eventBuffer.getBufferPositionParser(), "EventLogWriter.queueWriteRequest"); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { LOG.warn("queueWriteRequest read lock wait interrupted", e1); _stopRunning.set(true); } catch (TimeoutException e1) { LOG.error("queueWriteRequest read lock wait timed out", e1); _stopRunning.set(true); } if (_blockOnWrite) { try { _contiguousRanges.put(readRangeLockToken); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"interrupted"); } } else { boolean addRange = _contiguousRanges.offer(readRangeLockToken); if (!addRange) { // Not able to keep up with event load // Abandon persisting? LOG.error("Not able to keep up with event load, abandoning attempts to persist the buffer"); _stopRunning.set(true); // Release all the read locks for (LockToken readRangeToken: _contiguousRanges) { _lockProvider.releaseReaderLock(readRangeToken); } _lockProvider.releaseReaderLock(readRangeLockToken); // Delete all the files generated so far if (_writeSessionDir.exists()) { for (File f: _writeSessionDir.listFiles()) {"deleting file " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " in directory"); if (!f.delete()) { LOG.error("deleting failed: " + f.getAbsolutePath()); } } } } } } public void stop() { _stopRunning.set(true); } private void performWrite(LockToken readRangeLock) throws IOException { if (_enabled) { FileChannel writeChannel = getCurrentWriteChannel(); assert writeChannel != null; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("BatchWrite:"+readRangeLock.getRange().start + ":" + readRangeLock.getRange().end); int bytesWritten = _eventBuffer.batchWrite(readRangeLock.getRange(), writeChannel, _encoding); _totalBytesWritten += bytesWritten; _currentFileBytesWritten += bytesWritten; if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - _lastFsyncTime) > _fsyncIntervalInMillis) { writeChannel.force(true); } } } private void flush() { LockToken readToken; while ((readToken = _contiguousRanges.poll()) != null) { try { performWrite(readToken); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("unable to flush" + e.getMessage(), e); _stopRunning.set(true); } finally { _lockProvider.releaseReaderLock(readToken); } } if (_batchState == BatchState.STARTED) { LockToken readRangeLockToken = null; try { readRangeLockToken = _lockProvider.acquireReaderLock(_batchStartOffset, _batchNextOffset, _eventBuffer.getBufferPositionParser(), "EventLogWriter.flush"); performWrite(readRangeLockToken); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("flush read lock wait interrupted", e); _stopRunning.set(true); } catch (TimeoutException e) { LOG.error("flush read lock wait timed out", e); _stopRunning.set(true); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("unable to flush" + e.getMessage(), e); _stopRunning.set(true); } finally { if (null != readRangeLockToken) _lockProvider.releaseReaderLock(readRangeLockToken); } } if (_currentWritableByteChannel != null) { try { _currentWritableByteChannel.force(true); _currentWritableByteChannel.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("flush error:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } } private FileChannel getCurrentWriteChannel() { if (_currentWritableByteChannel != null) { if (_currentFileBytesWritten >= _individualFileMaxBytes) { try { _currentWritableByteChannel.force(true); _lastFsyncTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); _currentWritableByteChannel.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } _currentWritableByteChannel = null; } } if (_currentWritableByteChannel == null) { File writeFile = getNextWriteFile(); try { _currentWritableByteChannel = new FileOutputStream(writeFile).getChannel(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } _currentFileBytesWritten = 0; } // TODO Auto-generated method stub return _currentWritableByteChannel; } private File getNextWriteFile() { _currentWriteFileIndex++; String fileName = _writeSessionDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "eventBuffer_" + _currentWriteFileIndex + "."; switch (_encoding) { case BINARY: fileName += "bin"; break; case JSON: case JSON_PLAIN_VALUE: { fileName += "json"; } }"Creating new file " + fileName); File writeFile = new File(fileName); try { writeFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } assert writeFile.canWrite(); while (_writeFileHandles.offer(writeFile) == false) { File deleteHandle = _writeFileHandles.poll(); if (deleteHandle != null) { if (!deleteHandle.delete()) { LOG.error("deleting failed:" + deleteHandle.getAbsolutePath()); } } } return writeFile; } public static class StaticConfig { protected DbusEventBuffer _eventBuffer; private final boolean _enabled; private final File _topLevelLogDir; private final File _writeSessionDir; private final Encoding _encoding; private final long _writeBatchSizeInBytes; private final boolean _blockOnWrite; private final long _individualFileMaxBytes; private final int _maxFiles; private final int _maxPendingWrites; private final long _fsyncIntervalInMillis; private EventLogWriter _existingLogWriter; public StaticConfig(DbusEventBuffer eventBuffer, boolean enabled, String topLevelLogsDir, String writeSessionDir, Encoding encoding, long writeBatchSizeInBytes, boolean blockOnWrite, long individualFileMaxBytes, int maxFiles, int maxPendingWrites, long fsyncIntervalInMillis) { super(); _eventBuffer = eventBuffer; _enabled = enabled; _topLevelLogDir = new File(topLevelLogsDir); _writeSessionDir = new File(writeSessionDir); _encoding = encoding; _writeBatchSizeInBytes = writeBatchSizeInBytes; _blockOnWrite = blockOnWrite; _individualFileMaxBytes = individualFileMaxBytes; _maxFiles = maxFiles; _maxPendingWrites = maxPendingWrites; _fsyncIntervalInMillis = fsyncIntervalInMillis; } /** The event buffer to read the events from */ public DbusEventBuffer getEventBuffer() { return _eventBuffer; } /** A flag if the writer is enabled and it will try to keep log of the events */ public boolean isEnabled() { return _enabled; } /** The parent directory for all write session directories */ public File getTopLevelLogDir() { return _topLevelLogDir; } /** The directory where the current write session logs will be written */ public File getWriteSessionDir() { return _writeSessionDir; } /** The encoding of the events: JSON or BINARY */ public Encoding getEncoding() { return _encoding; } /** The number of bytes to buffer before writing the logs */ public long getWriteBatchSizeInBytes() { return _writeBatchSizeInBytes; } /** A flag if the log writer should hold locks in the buffer until logs are written to disk */ public boolean getBlockOnWrite() { return _blockOnWrite; } /** The max size of a file with event logs in the write session directory */ public long getIndividualFileMaxBytes() { return _individualFileMaxBytes; } /** Max number of files in the write session directory */ public int getMaxFiles() { return _maxFiles; } /** * Max number of events that can be buffered before the event log writer gives up trying to * keep up with the event stream. */ public int getMaxPendingWrites() { return _maxPendingWrites; } /** The number of milliseconds between fsyncs to make sure logs are securely written to disk */ public long getFsyncIntervalInMillis() { return _fsyncIntervalInMillis; } public EventLogWriter getOrCreateEventLogWriter(DbusEventBuffer eventBuffer) { _eventBuffer = eventBuffer; _existingLogWriter = new EventLogWriter(this); return _existingLogWriter; } } public static class Config implements ConfigBuilder<StaticConfig> { public static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLED = false; public static final String DEFAULT_TOP_LEVEL_LOG_DIR = "eventLog"; public static final String DEFAULT_WRITE_SESSION_DIR = null; public static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING =; public static final long DEFAULT_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 64 * ByteSizeConstants.ONE_KILOBYTE_IN_BYTES; public static final boolean DEFAULT_BLOCK_ON_WRITE = false; private static int FIVE_HUNDRED_MEGABYTES_IN_BYTES = 500 * ByteSizeConstants.ONE_MEGABYTE_IN_BYTES; public static final int DEFAULT_INDIVIDUAL_FILE_MAX_SIZE = FIVE_HUNDRED_MEGABYTES_IN_BYTES; public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_FILES = 5; public static final long DEFAULT_FSYNC_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS = 10000; public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_PENDING_WRITES = 20; protected DbusEventBuffer _eventBuffer; protected boolean _enabled; protected String _topLevelLogDir; protected String _writeSessionDir; protected long _individualFileMaxBytes; protected int _maxFiles; protected String _encoding; protected boolean _blockOnWrite; protected long _writeBatchSizeInBytes; protected int _maxPendingWrites; protected long _fsyncIntervalInMillis; public Config() { super(); _enabled = DEFAULT_ENABLED; _topLevelLogDir = DEFAULT_TOP_LEVEL_LOG_DIR; _encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING; _writeBatchSizeInBytes = DEFAULT_WRITE_BATCH_SIZE_IN_BYTES; _blockOnWrite = DEFAULT_BLOCK_ON_WRITE; _individualFileMaxBytes = DEFAULT_INDIVIDUAL_FILE_MAX_SIZE; _maxFiles = DEFAULT_MAX_FILES; _fsyncIntervalInMillis = DEFAULT_FSYNC_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS; _maxPendingWrites = DEFAULT_MAX_PENDING_WRITES; } public Config(Config other) { _enabled = other._enabled; _topLevelLogDir = other._topLevelLogDir; _encoding = other._encoding; _writeBatchSizeInBytes = other._writeBatchSizeInBytes; _blockOnWrite = other._blockOnWrite; _individualFileMaxBytes = other._individualFileMaxBytes; _eventBuffer = other._eventBuffer; _maxFiles = other._maxFiles; _fsyncIntervalInMillis = other._fsyncIntervalInMillis; _maxPendingWrites = other._maxPendingWrites; } @Override public StaticConfig build() throws InvalidConfigException { //TODO add verification for the config"Event Log Writer enabled: " + _enabled); File writeDir = new File(_topLevelLogDir); if (writeDir.exists() && !writeDir.canWrite()) { throw new InvalidConfigException("Invalid Config value : Cannot write to writeDir: " + _topLevelLogDir); }"Event Log Writer writeDir: " + writeDir.getAbsolutePath()); if (_writeSessionDir == null) { File writeSessionDir = new File(writeDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "session" + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis()); _writeSessionDir = writeSessionDir.getAbsolutePath(); }"Event Log Writer writeSessionDir: " + _writeSessionDir); Encoding encoding = null; try { encoding = Encoding.valueOf(_encoding); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidConfigException("Invalid Config Value for encoding: " + _encoding); } if (_maxFiles <=0) { throw new InvalidConfigException("EventLogWriter: maxFiles configured <= 0 : " + _maxFiles); } if (_maxPendingWrites <=0) { throw new InvalidConfigException("EventLogWriter: maxPendingWrites configured <=0 : " + _maxPendingWrites); }"Event Log Writer encoding: " + _encoding);"Event Log Writer writeBatchSizeInBytes: " + _writeBatchSizeInBytes);"Event Log Writer blockOnWrite: " + _blockOnWrite);"Event Log Writer individualFileMaxBytes: " + _individualFileMaxBytes);"Event Log Writer maxFiles: " + _maxFiles);"Event Log Writer maxPendingWrites: " + _maxPendingWrites);"Event Log Writer fsyncIntervalInMillis: " + _fsyncIntervalInMillis); return new StaticConfig(_eventBuffer, _enabled, _topLevelLogDir, _writeSessionDir, encoding, _writeBatchSizeInBytes, _blockOnWrite, _individualFileMaxBytes, _maxFiles, _maxPendingWrites, _fsyncIntervalInMillis); } public boolean isEnabled() { return _enabled; } public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { _enabled = enabled; } public String getTopLevelLogDir() { return _topLevelLogDir; } public void setTopLevelDir(String topLevelLogDir) { _topLevelLogDir = topLevelLogDir; } public String getWriteSessionDir() { return _writeSessionDir; } public void setWriteSessionDir(String writeSessionDir) { _writeSessionDir = writeSessionDir; } public String getEncoding() { return _encoding; } public void setEncoding(String encoding) { _encoding = encoding; } public long getWriteBatchSizeInBytes() { return _writeBatchSizeInBytes; } public void setWriteBatchSizeInBytes(long writeBatchSizeInBytes) { _writeBatchSizeInBytes = writeBatchSizeInBytes; } public boolean getBlockOnWrite() { return _blockOnWrite; } public void setBlockOnWrite(boolean blockOnWrite) { _blockOnWrite = blockOnWrite; } public long getIndividualFileMaxBytes() { return _individualFileMaxBytes; } public void setIndividualFileMaxBytes(long individualFileMaxBytes) { _individualFileMaxBytes = individualFileMaxBytes; } public int getMaxFiles() { return _maxFiles; } public void setMaxFiles(int maxFiles) { _maxFiles = maxFiles; } public int getMaxPendingWrites() { return _maxPendingWrites; } public void setMaxPendingWrites(int maxPendingWrites) { _maxPendingWrites = maxPendingWrites; } public long getFsyncIntervalInMillis() { return _fsyncIntervalInMillis; } public void setFsyncIntervalInMillis(long fsyncIntervalInMillis) { _fsyncIntervalInMillis = fsyncIntervalInMillis; } } }