package com.linkedin.databus.core; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * * A single File InputStream implementation which is capable of reading a file which is getting concurrently appended. * * For static files, this would be a regular fileInputStream * For concurrently appended files, this acts like a stream only returning EOF when the concurrent writer completes and notifies. * * Concurrent update (non-append type) is not supported and behavior is undefined */ public class ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream extends InputStream { public static final String MODULE = ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); public static final int EOF = -1; public static final int NULL_CHAR = 0x0; /** * * Behavior when EOF is received from underlying stream */ public static enum EOFSyncBehavior { NO_SYNC, // Return EOF if received from underlying stream without blocking SYNC_ONCE, // Sync once to check for more data. If EOF again, return EOF SYNC_TILL_NEW_DATA // Block and peridically sync till new appended data is seen in the stream }; /** File representation */ private final File _file; /** ReSync interval in Ms */ private final long _resyncIntervalMs; /** Byte Offset from which to start reading **/ private final long _byteOffset; /** Underlying File Input Stream */ private FileInputStream _inputStream = null; /** Behavior for sync on EOF */ private volatile EOFSyncBehavior _eofSync = null; /** Flag to indicate the channel is closed **/ private volatile boolean _closed = false; /** Cached last Modified timestamp */ private long _lastModifiedTimestamp; /** File Position needed for resync */ private long _currOffset = 0; /** Previous File Position needed for resync */ private long _prevOffset = 0; /** Number of byte read calls for this stream */ private volatile long _numReadCalls = 0; /** Number of byte read calls that resulted in a valid byte being sent **/ private volatile long _numReadCallsWithData = 0; /** * * Factory to create an inputStream from a file that is static (do not wait for more input if EOF is reached) * * @param fileName : Absolute path to the file * @param byteOffset : Byte Offset within the file where the read has to start * @return InputStream corresponding to the file * * @throws IOException if unable to access the file */ public static ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream createStaticFileInputStream(String fileName, long byteOffset) throws IOException { return new ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream(fileName, EOFSyncBehavior.NO_SYNC, byteOffset, 0); } /** * * Factory to create an inputStream from a file that is concurrently getting appended. The client is responsible for * calling the API {@link appendDone()} for the stream to detect end of the stream and return EOF. * * @param fileName : Absolute path to the file * @param byteOffset : Byte Offset within the file where the read has to start * @param syncInterval : interval between syncing when EOF is detected by the underlying stream * * @return InputStream corresponding to the file * * @throws IOException if unable to access the file */ public static ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream createAppendingFileInputStream(String fileName, long byteOffset, long syncInterval) throws IOException { return new ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream(fileName, EOFSyncBehavior.SYNC_TILL_NEW_DATA, byteOffset, syncInterval); } /** * * Construct a single File input-stream * * @param fileName : Absolute file path * @param eofSyncBehavior :EOF Sync behavior * @param byteOffset : ByteOffset from which read has to start * @param resyncIntervalMs : Resync Interval on reaching EOF * @throws IOException */ private ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream(String fileName, EOFSyncBehavior eofSyncBehavior, long byteOffset, long resyncIntervalMs) throws IOException { _byteOffset = byteOffset; _file = new File(fileName); _eofSync = eofSyncBehavior; _resyncIntervalMs = resyncIntervalMs; _lastModifiedTimestamp = _file.lastModified(); syncStreamOnce(true); if ( _byteOffset > 0 ) _inputStream.getChannel().position(_byteOffset); _currOffset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); _prevOffset = _currOffset; } @Override public synchronized int read() throws IOException { int retVal =; _prevOffset = _currOffset; _currOffset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); _numReadCalls++; boolean isDebugEnabled = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); // if valid byte, return immediately if ( (retVal != EOF) && (retVal != NULL_CHAR)) { _numReadCallsWithData++; if (isDebugEnabled) LOG.debug("Byte returned (non-EOF) is :" + retVal + ", State is :" + toString()); return retVal; } boolean done = false; while ( ((retVal == EOF) || (retVal == NULL_CHAR)) && (!_closed) && (!done)) { if ( retVal == NULL_CHAR) { // Force sync using prevOffset syncOnceAndSleep(); retVal =; _prevOffset = _currOffset; _currOffset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); continue; } switch (_eofSync) { case NO_SYNC : { retVal =; _prevOffset = _currOffset; _currOffset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); if (isDebugEnabled) LOG.debug("Byte returned (NO_SYNC) is :" + retVal + ", State is :" + toString()); done = true; break; } case SYNC_ONCE : { // sync and set behavior to NO_SYNC syncStreamOnce(true); _eofSync = EOFSyncBehavior.NO_SYNC; break; } case SYNC_TILL_NEW_DATA : { // sync and read the next byte syncOnceAndSleep(); retVal =; _prevOffset = _currOffset; _currOffset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); break; } } } if (retVal != EOF) _numReadCallsWithData++; if (isDebugEnabled) LOG.debug("Byte returned is :" + retVal + ", State is :" + toString()); return retVal; } /** * * Verifies if the byte-array contains NULL character between offset and len * * @param b Data buffer * @param offset start location for scanning * @param len number of bytes to scan * @return true if NULL character is found, otherwise false */ private boolean isNullByteSeen(byte[]b, int offset, int len) { int limit = offset + len; for (int i = offset; i < limit; i++) { if ( b[i] == NULL_CHAR) { LOG.warn("Found NULL character from data read from underlying stream. Offset :" + offset + ", Length :" + len + " Re-Syncing"); return true; } } return false; } @Override public synchronized int read(byte[] b) throws IOException { int retVal =; _prevOffset = _currOffset; _currOffset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); _numReadCalls++; boolean nullBytesSeen = false; boolean isDebugEnabled = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); // if not EOF or NULL, return immediately if ( retVal != EOF ) { nullBytesSeen = isNullByteSeen(b, 0, retVal); if ( ! nullBytesSeen ) { _numReadCallsWithData++; if (isDebugEnabled) LOG.debug("Num Bytes returned (non-EOF) is :" + retVal + ", State is :" + toString()); return retVal; } } boolean done = false; while ( ((retVal == EOF) || nullBytesSeen) && (!_closed) && (!done)) { if ( nullBytesSeen ) { // Force sync using prevOffset syncOnceAndSleep(); retVal =; _prevOffset = _currOffset; _currOffset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); } else { switch (_eofSync) { case NO_SYNC : { retVal =; _prevOffset = _currOffset; _currOffset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); if (isDebugEnabled) LOG.debug("Num bytes returned (NO_SYNC) is :" + retVal + ", State is :" + toString()); done = true; break; } case SYNC_ONCE : { // sync and set behavior to NO_SYNC syncStreamOnce(true); _eofSync = EOFSyncBehavior.NO_SYNC; break; } case SYNC_TILL_NEW_DATA : { // sync and read the next byte syncOnceAndSleep(); retVal =; _prevOffset = _currOffset; _currOffset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); break; } } } nullBytesSeen = isNullByteSeen(b, 0, retVal); } if (retVal != EOF) _numReadCallsWithData++; if (isDebugEnabled) LOG.debug("Num Bytes returned is :" + retVal + ", State is :" + toString()); return retVal; } @Override public synchronized int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException { int retVal =, off, len); _prevOffset = _currOffset; _currOffset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); _numReadCalls++; boolean isDebugEnabled = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); boolean nullBytesSeen = false; // if not EOF or NULL, return immediately if ( retVal != EOF ) { nullBytesSeen = isNullByteSeen(b, off, retVal); if ( ! nullBytesSeen) { _numReadCallsWithData++; if (isDebugEnabled) LOG.debug("Num Bytes returned (non-EOF) is :" + retVal + ", State is :" + toString()); return retVal; } } boolean done = false; while ( ((retVal == EOF) || nullBytesSeen) && (!_closed) && (!done)) { if ( nullBytesSeen ) { // Force sync using prevOffset syncOnceAndSleep(); retVal =, off, len); _prevOffset = _currOffset; _currOffset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); } else { switch (_eofSync) { case NO_SYNC : { retVal =, off, len); _prevOffset = _currOffset; _currOffset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); if (isDebugEnabled) LOG.debug("Num bytes returned (NO_SYNC) is :" + retVal + ", State is :" + toString()); done = true; } case SYNC_ONCE : { // sync and set behavior to NO_SYNC syncStreamOnce(true); _eofSync = EOFSyncBehavior.NO_SYNC; break; } case SYNC_TILL_NEW_DATA : { // sync and read the next byte syncOnceAndSleep(); if ( ! _closed) { retVal =, off, len); _prevOffset = _currOffset; _currOffset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); } break; } } } nullBytesSeen = isNullByteSeen(b, off, retVal); } if (retVal != EOF) _numReadCallsWithData++; if (isDebugEnabled) LOG.debug("Num Bytes returned is :" + retVal + ", State is :" + toString()); return retVal; } /** * * Decide if stream is to be synced. If not,then sleep * * @throws IOException */ private synchronized void syncOnceAndSleep() throws IOException { // Ensure eofSync is Sync_TILL_NEW_DATA once inside the monitor if(_eofSync == EOFSyncBehavior.SYNC_TILL_NEW_DATA) { boolean refreshed = syncStreamOnce(false); if ( ! refreshed ) { try { wait(_resyncIntervalMs); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } } } /** * * Sync by reopening underlying stream. * If force == false, syncing is done only if lastModifiedTimestamp got updated otherwise, syncing is done unconditionally * * @param force * @throws IOException */ private synchronized boolean syncStreamOnce(boolean force) throws IOException { boolean doSync = force; long newLastModifiedTs = _file.lastModified(); if ( !force ) { if (_lastModifiedTimestamp < newLastModifiedTs) doSync = true; } if ( doSync) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Syncing from file :" + _file); closeStream(); _inputStream = new FileInputStream(_file); _inputStream.getChannel().position(_prevOffset); _lastModifiedTimestamp = newLastModifiedTs; } else { // Even if sync did not happen, we should align channel position with the offset _inputStream.getChannel().position(_prevOffset); } //Re-align the curOffset _currOffset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); return doSync; } @Override public synchronized void close() throws IOException {"Closing ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream for file :" + _file); _closed = true; closeStream(); notifyAll(); } public void closeStream() throws IOException { if ( null != _inputStream) _inputStream.close(); } public EOFSyncBehavior getEOFSyncBehavior() { return _eofSync; } /** * Notification by the client that concurrent append had been done and safe for this stream to return EOF if detected. */ public synchronized void appendDone() {"Marking file appending done for inputStream :" + toString()); // Safe to sync one more time when append is done !! this._eofSync = EOFSyncBehavior.SYNC_ONCE; notifyAll(); } @Override public String toString() { return "ConcurrentAppendableSingleFileInputStream [_file=" + _file + ", _resyncIntervalMs=" + _resyncIntervalMs + ", _inputStream=" + _inputStream + ", _eofSync=" + _eofSync + ", _closed=" + _closed + ", _lastModifiedTimestamp=" + _lastModifiedTimestamp + ", _currOffset=" + _currOffset + ", _numReadCalls=" + _numReadCalls + ", _numReadCallsWithData=" + _numReadCallsWithData + "]"; } public long getNumReadCalls() { return _numReadCalls; } public long geNumReadCallsWithData() { return _numReadCallsWithData; } public File getFile() { return _file; } public synchronized long getCurrPosition() { long offset = -1; try { offset = _inputStream.getChannel().position(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Got exception when getting the current position. State :" + toString(), ex); } return offset; } }