package com.linkedin.databus.core.async; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.apache.commons.collections.buffer.CircularFifoBuffer; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DatabusComponentStatus; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.BackoffTimerStaticConfig; /** * A default implementation for an actor which let it be run in a thread and provides * controls for its lifecycle. */ public abstract class AbstractActorMessageQueue implements Runnable, ActorMessageQueue { public static final String MODULE = AbstractActorMessageQueue.class.getName(); public final Logger _log; public static final int MAX_QUEUED_MESSAGE_HISTORY_SIZE = 100; public static final int MAX_QUEUED_MESSAGES = 10; public static final long MESSAGE_QUEUE_POLL_TIMEOUT_MS = 100; private final String _name; private final Queue<Object> _messageQueue = new ArrayDeque<Object>(MAX_QUEUED_MESSAGES); protected final CircularFifoBuffer _messageProcessedHistory = new CircularFifoBuffer(MAX_QUEUED_MESSAGE_HISTORY_SIZE); volatile boolean _hasMessages; private final Lock _controlLock = new ReentrantLock(true); private final Condition _shutdownCondition = _controlLock.newCondition(); private final Condition _newStateCondition = _controlLock.newCondition(); private volatile LifecycleMessage _shutdownRequest = null; protected LifecycleMessage _currentLifecycleState; protected final DatabusComponentStatus _componentStatus; private final MessageQueueFilter pauseFilter = new DefaultPauseFilter(); private final MessageQueueFilter suspendFilter = new DefaultSuspendFilter(); private final MessageQueueFilter shutdownFilter = new DefaultShutdownFilter(); private long _numEnqueuedMessages = 0; private final boolean _enablePullerMessageQueueLogging; public AbstractActorMessageQueue(String name, BackoffTimerStaticConfig errorRetriesConf) { this(name, errorRetriesConf,false,null); } public AbstractActorMessageQueue(String name, BackoffTimerStaticConfig errorRetriesConf, boolean enablePullerMessageQueueLogging, Logger log) { super(); _name = name; _currentLifecycleState = null; _componentStatus = new DatabusComponentStatus(name, errorRetriesConf); _enablePullerMessageQueueLogging = enablePullerMessageQueueLogging; _hasMessages = false; if (null != log) { _log = log; } else { // Should happen only for unit-tests _log = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); } } // Used only for unit-testing. Ideally moved to a factory method and reduce scope to // be private. But there are unit tests which inherit from this class and require // simple super() methods protected AbstractActorMessageQueue(String name) { this(name,BackoffTimerStaticConfig.UNLIMITED_RETRIES); } /** * This method is called by the StatMachine thread after it exits out of the main loop in and * is about to shutdown. * After this method returns, the State Machine's status will be set to SHUTDOWN and other waiting threads (for this shutdown) will be signaled. * Subclasses must implement this method to cleanup their state for shutdown */ protected abstract void onShutdown(); /** * This method is called by the StatMachine thread after it exits out of the main loop in */ private void performShutdown() { onShutdown(); + " shutdown."); clearQueue(shutdownFilter); } protected void onResume() { } public final boolean doExecuteAndChangeState(Object message) { boolean success = false; try { success = executeAndChangeState(message); } catch (RuntimeException re) { _log.error("Stopping because of runtime exception :", re); success = false; } _messageProcessedHistory.add(message); _numEnqueuedMessages++; if ( ! success ) {"Message Queue History (earliest first) at end:" + getMessageHistoryLog()); } else if (_numEnqueuedMessages%MAX_QUEUED_MESSAGE_HISTORY_SIZE == 0) { if (_enablePullerMessageQueueLogging) {"Message Queue History (earliest first) :" + getMessageHistoryLog()); } else if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Message Queue History (earliest first) :" + getMessageHistoryLog()); } } return success; } protected boolean executeAndChangeState(Object message) { boolean success = true; if (message instanceof LifecycleMessage) { LifecycleMessage lcMessage = (LifecycleMessage)message; switch (lcMessage.getTypeId()) { case START: doStart(lcMessage); break; case PAUSE: doPause(lcMessage); break; case SUSPEND_ON_ERROR: doSuspendOnError(lcMessage); break; case RESUME: doResume(lcMessage); break; case SHUTDOWN: { _log.error("Shutdown message is seen in the queue but not expected : Message :" + lcMessage); success = false; break; } default: { _log.error("Unknown Lifecycle message in RelayPullThread: " + lcMessage.getTypeId()); success = false; break; } } } else { _log.error("Unknown message of type " + message.getClass().getName() + ": " + message.toString()); success = false; } return success; } protected void doResume(LifecycleMessage lcMessage) { + ": resuming"); _componentStatus.resume(); onResume(); } protected void doSuspendOnError(LifecycleMessage lcMessage) { final Throwable lastError = lcMessage.getLastError(); if (null != lastError) { + ": suspending due to " + lastError, lastError); } else { + ": suspending"); } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug(" because of message: " + lcMessage.getLastError()); _componentStatus.suspendOnError(lcMessage.getLastError()); clearQueue(suspendFilter); } protected void doPause(LifecycleMessage lcMessage) { + ": pausing"); _componentStatus.pause(); clearQueue(pauseFilter); } protected void doStart(LifecycleMessage lcMessage) { + ": starting"); _componentStatus.start(); } @Override public void run() { boolean isDebugEnabled = _log.isDebugEnabled(); Object nextState = null; boolean running = true; try { while (running && !checkForShutdownRequest()) { nextState = pollNextState(); if (null == nextState) { running = false; } else { if (isDebugEnabled) _log.debug(getName() + ": new state: " + nextState.toString()); running = doExecuteAndChangeState(nextState); } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error(getName() + ": stopping because of unhandled exception: ", e); running = false; } if (isDebugEnabled) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10240); sb.append(getName()); sb.append(": message queue at exit:"); while (null != (nextState = _messageQueue.poll())) { sb.append(nextState.toString()); sb.append(' '); } _log.debug(sb.toString()); } try { performShutdown(); } finally { _controlLock.lock(); try { _componentStatus.shutdown(); _shutdownCondition.signalAll(); } finally { _controlLock.unlock(); }"Message Queue History (earliest first) at shutdown:" + getMessageHistoryLog()); if (isDebugEnabled) _log.debug(getName() + ": exited message loop."); } } /* * Atomically filters the message queue and enqueues the passed message */ public void enqueueMessageAfterFilter(Object message, MessageQueueFilter filter) { try { _controlLock.lock(); clearQueue(filter); enqueueMessage(message); } finally { _controlLock.unlock(); } } /** * Preprocess message before enqueueing * * @param message Message to be enqueued * @return processed message */ protected Object preEnqueue(Object message) { return message; } @Override public void enqueueMessage(Object message) { if (null == message) { _log.warn("Attempt to queue empty state"); return; } _controlLock.lock(); try { message = preEnqueue(message); if (_componentStatus.getStatus() == DatabusComponentStatus.Status.SHUTDOWN) { _log.warn(getName() + ": shutdown: ignoring " + message.toString()); } else if (checkForShutdownRequest()) { _log.warn(getName() + ": shutdown requested: ignoring " + message.toString()); } else if ((_componentStatus.getStatus() == DatabusComponentStatus.Status.PAUSED) && (! shouldRetainMessageOnPause(message))) { _log.warn(getName() + ": ignoring message while paused: " + message.toString()); } else if ((_componentStatus.getStatus() == DatabusComponentStatus.Status.SUSPENDED_ON_ERROR) && (! shouldRetainMessageOnSuspend(message))) { _log.warn(getName() + ": ignoring message while suspended_on_error: " + message.toString()); } else { boolean offerSuccess = _messageQueue.offer(message); if (!offerSuccess) _log.error(getName() + ": adding a new state failed: " + message.toString() + "; queue.size=" + _messageQueue.size()); if (1 == _messageQueue.size()) _newStateCondition.signalAll(); _hasMessages = true; } // + ": " + _messageQueue.toString()); } finally { _controlLock.unlock(); } } public void shutdown() { + ": shutdown requested."); _shutdownRequest = LifecycleMessage.createShutdownMessage(); } public void awaitShutdown() { + ": waiting for shutdown" ); _controlLock.lock(); try { + ": status at shutdown: " + _componentStatus.getStatus()); + ": queue at shutdown: " + _messageQueue); while (_componentStatus.getStatus() != DatabusComponentStatus.Status.SHUTDOWN && _componentStatus.getStatus() != DatabusComponentStatus.Status.INITIALIZING) { _shutdownCondition.awaitUninterruptibly(); } } finally { _controlLock.unlock(); } } public String getName() { return _name; } public boolean isShutdown() { _controlLock.lock(); try { return _componentStatus.getStatus() == DatabusComponentStatus.Status.SHUTDOWN; } finally { _controlLock.unlock(); } } private Object pollNextState() { Object nextState = null; _controlLock.lock(); try { while (! checkForShutdownRequest() && _messageQueue.isEmpty()) { try { _newStateCondition.await(MESSAGE_QUEUE_POLL_TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ie){} } if (! checkForShutdownRequest()) { nextState = _messageQueue.poll(); _hasMessages = _messageQueue.size() > 0; } } finally { _controlLock.unlock(); } return nextState; } public DatabusComponentStatus getComponentStatus() { return _componentStatus; } public boolean checkForShutdownRequest() { return null != _shutdownRequest; } public String getQueueListString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); getQueueListString(sb); return sb.toString(); } public void getQueueListString(StringBuilder sb) { _controlLock.lock(); try { sb.append(getName()); sb.append(" queue: "); sb.append(_messageQueue.toString()); } finally { _controlLock.unlock(); } } protected void clearQueue(MessageQueueFilter filter) { try { _controlLock.lock(); Iterator<Object> itr = _messageQueue.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Object msg =; boolean retain = filter.shouldRetain(msg); if (! retain) itr.remove(); } } finally { _controlLock.unlock(); } } /** * By default, all messages except lifecycle messages are cleared on pause */ protected void clearMessageQueueOnPause() { clearQueue(new DefaultPauseFilter()); } /** * By default, all messages except life-cycle messages are cleared on Suspend_On_Error */ protected void clearMessageQueueOnSuspend() { clearQueue(new DefaultSuspendFilter()); } /** * By default, all messages are cleared on shutdown */ protected void clearMessageQueueOnShutdown() { clearQueue(new DefaultShutdownFilter()); } /** * Filter Interface for clearing Message Queue */ public interface MessageQueueFilter { public boolean shouldRetain(Object msg); } /** * Filter for clearing Message Queue on shutdown */ private class DefaultPauseFilter implements MessageQueueFilter { @Override public boolean shouldRetain(Object msg) { return shouldRetainMessageOnPause(msg); } } /** * Filter for clearing Message Queue on Suspend_on_Error */ private class DefaultSuspendFilter implements MessageQueueFilter { @Override public boolean shouldRetain(Object msg) { return shouldRetainMessageOnSuspend(msg); } } /** * Filter for clearing Message Queue on shutdown */ private class DefaultShutdownFilter implements MessageQueueFilter { @Override public boolean shouldRetain(Object msg) { return shouldRetainMessageOnShutdown(msg); } } /** * By default, all messages except lifecycle messages are cleared on pause */ protected boolean shouldRetainMessageOnPause(Object msg) { if ( msg instanceof LifecycleMessage) return true; return false; } /** * By default, all messages except lifecycle messages are cleared on suspend */ protected boolean shouldRetainMessageOnSuspend(Object msg) { if ( msg instanceof LifecycleMessage) return true; return false; } /** * By default, all messages are cleared on shutdown */ protected boolean shouldRetainMessageOnShutdown(Object msg) { return false; } public Queue<Object> getMessageQueue() { return _messageQueue; } public String getMessageHistoryLog() { return _messageProcessedHistory.toString(); } protected boolean hasMessages() { return _hasMessages; } }