package com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.server; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.api.BootstrapProcessingException; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.common.BootstrapConn; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.common.BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.common.BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO.SourceStatusInfo; import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.common.BootstrapDBTimedQuery; import com.linkedin.databus.core.monitoring.mbean.DbusEventsStatisticsCollector; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.container.request.BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException; import com.linkedin.databus2.util.DBHelper; public class BootstrapSCNProcessor { public static final String MODULE = BootstrapSCNProcessor.class.getName(); public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE); public final static long START_SCN_QUERY_WAIT_TIME = 60000; /* 1 MINUTE */ public final static long QUERY_WAIT_TIME_SLICE = 100; /* 100 ms */ private BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO _dbDao; private BootstrapServerStaticConfig _config; public final static String START_SCN_STMT_SQL_PREFIX = "SELECT min(windowscn) from bootstrap_applier_state where srcid IN ("; public final static String START_SCN_STMT_SQL_SUFFIX = ")"; public final static String PRODUCER_SCN_STMT_SQL_PREFIX = "SELECT max(windowscn) from bootstrap_producer_state where srcid IN ("; public final static String PRODUCER_SCN_STMT_SQL_SUFFIX = ")"; public BootstrapSCNProcessor(BootstrapServerStaticConfig config, DbusEventsStatisticsCollector curStatsCollector) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, DatabusException { _config = config; BootstrapConn conn = new BootstrapConn(); final boolean autoCommit = true; conn.initBootstrapConn(autoCommit, config.getDb().getBootstrapDBUsername(), config.getDb().getBootstrapDBPassword(), config.getDb().getBootstrapDBHostname(), config.getDb().getBootstrapDBName()); _dbDao = new BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO(conn, config.getDb().getBootstrapDBHostname(), config.getDb().getBootstrapDBUsername(), config.getDb().getBootstrapDBPassword(), _config.getDb().getBootstrapDBName(), autoCommit);"BootstrapSCNProcessor: config=" + config + ", dbConn=" + conn); } // Created for unit-testing only protected BootstrapSCNProcessor() { } /* * Business Logic to bypass snapshot phase. * Here are the rules that each source requested by client must satisfy: * 1. Events with windowscn = Min(sinceScn,startScn) MUST still be available in log tables (not purged). * 2. Approx NumRows between sinceSCN and startSCN MUST be less than or equal to RowsThresholdForSnapshotBypass * 3. It is not mandatory for startScn < sinceScn to bypass snapshot. That is, we can have startScn >= sinceScn, * but the log tables may still have events from sinceScn in the log tables. * 4. sinceSCN must be > 0. * @param startScn : The max scn in the snapshot table for the source ( windowscn in the bootstrap applier state ) * @param sinceScn : The scn from which the client wants to bootstrap from */ public boolean shouldBypassSnapshot(long sinceScn, long startScn, List<SourceStatusInfo> srcList) throws SQLException, BootstrapProcessingException { if ((srcList == null) || (srcList.isEmpty())) return false; if ( sinceScn <= 0 ) { // client is requesting full bootstrap. Cannot guarantee with just log tables."Client requesting from SCN (" + sinceScn + "). Bootstrap Snapshot will not be bypassed !!"); return false; } for (SourceStatusInfo pair: srcList) { boolean disableSnapshotBypass = _config.isBypassSnapshotDisabled(pair.getSrcName()); if ( disableSnapshotBypass) return false; boolean canCatchupFromLog = validateIfCanCatchupFromLog(sinceScn, startScn, pair.getSrcId()); if (! canCatchupFromLog) return false; long threshold = _config.getRowsThresholdForSnapshotBypass(pair.getSrcName()); if ( threshold == Long.MAX_VALUE) { // If the threshold for snapshot bypass is infinity, then we should bypass snapshot // for this source i.e., fetch from log table. Hence do not bother to get number of rows affected // for this source, as it could potentially be an expensive query continue; } long currRows = getRowDiff(sinceScn, startScn, pair.getSrcId()); if (currRows > threshold) {"Threshold check failed for source (" + pair.getSrcName() + ") Threshold:" + threshold + ",Approx Rows:" + currRows ); return false; } } return true; } /** * Validates if given the sinceScn and startScn for the source, we are able to catch up from logs * Makes the following checks : * - if sinceScn > startScn - return true ( no point going to snapshot ) * - else * - if sinceScn is not contained in logs, *have* to go to snapshot * - else can bypass snapshot */ protected boolean validateIfCanCatchupFromLog(long sinceScn, long startScn, int srcid) throws SQLException, BootstrapProcessingException { int startSCNLogId = _dbDao.getLogIdToCatchup(srcid, startScn); // Its possible that startSCN <= sinceSCN (case of slow bootstrapProducer). Encourage bypass_snapshot for this case if ( sinceScn >= startScn) return true; int sinceSCNLogId = -1; try { sinceSCNLogId = _dbDao.getLogIdToCatchup(srcid, sinceScn); } catch (BootstrapProcessingException bpe) { // If sincSCN is too old ( not found in log), we should not bypass bootstrap_snapshot but we can still serve LOG.warn("Got Bootstrap Processing exception. Will disable bypassing snapshot !!", bpe); return false; } // getLogIdToCatchup guarantees that return value is not negative. if (sinceSCNLogId > startSCNLogId) { //because of the earlier check. String msg = "Internal Error. sinceSCNLogId > startSCNLogId but sinceSCN < startSCN, sinceScn:" + sinceScn + ",startScn:" + startScn + ",sinceSCNLogId:" + sinceSCNLogId + ",startSCNLogId:" + startSCNLogId; LOG.error(msg); throw new BootstrapProcessingException(msg); } return true; } /** * Computes the number of rows required from catchup tables to catchup from startScn->sinceScn * It assumes that the catchup tables have all the required rows to do so * i.e., the method validateIfCanCatchupFromLog(sinceScn,startScn,srcid) returns true */ private long getRowDiff(long sinceScn, long startScn, int srcid) throws SQLException, BootstrapProcessingException { boolean debugEnabled = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); int startSCNLogId = _dbDao.getLogIdToCatchup(srcid, startScn); int sinceSCNLogId = _dbDao.getLogIdToCatchup(srcid, sinceScn); long startRowNum = _dbDao.getLogRowIdForSCN(sinceScn, sinceSCNLogId, srcid); long endRowNum = _dbDao.getLogRowIdForSCN(startScn, startSCNLogId, srcid); if ( debugEnabled) { LOG.debug("startRowNum is :" + startRowNum + ", endRowNum is :" + endRowNum + " sinceSCNLogId :" + sinceSCNLogId + ", startSCNLogId:" + startSCNLogId + ",sinceSCN :" + sinceScn + ",startSCN:" + startScn); } long numRows = 0; if ( sinceSCNLogId == startSCNLogId) { numRows = (endRowNum - startRowNum); } else { long currNumRows = _dbDao.getBootstrapConn().getMaxRowIdForLog(sinceSCNLogId, srcid); if ( debugEnabled) { LOG.debug("MaxRid for srcid :" + srcid + " and logid:" + sinceSCNLogId + " is :" + currNumRows); } numRows = (currNumRows - startRowNum); for (int i = (sinceSCNLogId + 1); i < startSCNLogId; i++) { currNumRows = _dbDao.getBootstrapConn().getMaxRowIdForLog(i, srcid); if ( debugEnabled) LOG.debug("MaxRid for srcid :" + srcid + " and logid:" + i + " is :" + currNumRows); numRows += currNumRows; } numRows += endRowNum; }"Total Rows (approx) :" + numRows + " between SCNs :" + sinceScn + " and " + startScn + " for srcid :" + srcid); return numRows; } /** * Note: for snapshoting each source, we get the min(windowscn) so that we * can guarantee not to deliver events later than the scn all prior sources * are consistent on. We may end up doing a bit more unnecessary catch up. * But it's an optimization we can investigate later. * @return startScn * @throws SQLException */ public long getMinApplierWindowScn(long sinceScn, List<SourceStatusInfo> sourceList) throws BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException, BootstrapProcessingException, SQLException { long terminationTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + START_SCN_QUERY_WAIT_TIME; long startScn = -1; long producerScn = -1; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = _dbDao.getBootstrapConn().getDBConn(); PreparedStatement getScnStmt = null; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); // get src id from db - make sure BootstrapDB is not too old boolean first = true; for ( SourceStatusInfo pair : sourceList) { if ( !pair.isValidSource()) throw new BootstrapProcessingException("Bootstrap DB not servicing source :" + pair.getSrcId()); if ( ! first ) buf.append(","); buf.append(pair.getSrcId()); first = false; } String sources = buf.toString(); while (producerScn < sinceScn && System.currentTimeMillis() < terminationTime) { try { String applierSql = START_SCN_STMT_SQL_PREFIX + sources + START_SCN_STMT_SQL_SUFFIX; String producerSql = PRODUCER_SCN_STMT_SQL_PREFIX + sources + PRODUCER_SCN_STMT_SQL_SUFFIX; // Get Applier SCN"Executing Applier SCN Query :" + applierSql); getScnStmt = conn.prepareStatement(applierSql); rs=new BootstrapDBTimedQuery(getScnStmt,_config.getQueryTimeoutInSec()).executeQuery(); if ( { startScn = rs.getLong(1); } DBHelper.close(rs,getScnStmt, null); rs = null; getScnStmt = null; // Get ProducerSCN"Executing Producer SCN Query :" + producerSql); getScnStmt = conn.prepareStatement(producerSql); rs = new BootstrapDBTimedQuery(getScnStmt,_config.getQueryTimeoutInSec()).executeQuery(); if ( { producerScn = rs.getLong(1); } if ( producerScn < startScn) { String msg = "Bootstrap Producer has lower SCN than Applier SCN. This is unexpected !! Producer SCN :" + producerScn + ", Applier SCN :" + startScn; LOG.fatal(msg); throw new BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException(msg); } if (producerScn < sinceScn) { // bootstrap producer needs sometime to consumer events in the buffer, wait a bit. LOG.warn("Bootstrap producer has not caught up to all events in its buffer yet to server client properly"); Thread.sleep(QUERY_WAIT_TIME_SLICE); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // keeps on sleeping until timed out } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.warn("SQLException encountered while querying for start scn", e); } finally { DBHelper.close(rs,getScnStmt, null); } } // Slow Producer case if ( producerScn < sinceScn) { String msg = "Bootstrap producer is slower than the client. Client is at SCN :" + sinceScn + ", Producer is at SCN :" + producerScn + ", Applier is at SCN :" + startScn; LOG.error(msg); throw new BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException(msg); }"StartSCN Request for sources :" + sources + ",Client SCN :" + sinceScn + ",Producer SCN :" + producerScn + ", Applier SCN :" + startScn); return startScn; } public long getSourceTargetScn(int srcId) throws SQLException { long scn = 0; ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement targetScnStmt = getTargetScnStmt(); try { targetScnStmt.setInt(1, srcId); rs = new BootstrapDBTimedQuery(targetScnStmt,_config.getQueryTimeoutInSec()).executeQuery(); while ( ()) { scn = rs.getLong(1); ( "target scn for source " + srcId + " is " + scn); } rs.close (); } catch(SQLException e) { LOG.error("Error encountered while selecting target scn for bootstrap_producer_state:", e); throw e; } finally { DBHelper.close(rs,targetScnStmt,null); } return scn; } private PreparedStatement getTargetScnStmt() throws SQLException { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { conn = _dbDao.getBootstrapConn().getDBConn(); stmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT windowscn FROM bootstrap_producer_state where srcid = ?"); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Error occurred while creating getTargetScnStatement", e); throw e; } return stmt; } public BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO getBootstrapMetaDataDAO() { return _dbDao; } public List<SourceStatusInfo> getSourceIdAndStatusFromName(List<String> sourceList) throws SQLException,BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException { return _dbDao.getSourceIdAndStatusFromName(sourceList,true); } public SourceStatusInfo getSrcIdStatusFromDB(String source, boolean activeCheck) throws SQLException, BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException { return _dbDao.getSrcIdStatusFromDB(source, activeCheck); } public void shutdown() { if (null != _dbDao) { _dbDao.getBootstrapConn().close(); _dbDao = null; } } }