package com.linkedin.databus2.producers; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.avro.Schema; import org.apache.avro.Schema.Field; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DatabusRuntimeException; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DatabusThreadBase; import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusOpcode; import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.StringUtils; import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.ds.DbChangeEntry; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.ds.KeyPair; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.ds.PerSourceTransaction; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.ds.PrimaryKeySchema; import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.ds.Transaction; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.NoSuchSchemaException; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.SchemaRegistryService; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.VersionedSchema; import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.utils.SchemaHelper; /** * Open Replicator callback implementation * * The main callback API is {{@link #onEvents(BinlogEventV4)()}. * * This class is responsible for converting Bin log events to Avro records using schemaRegistry and calling an application callback * to let the application generate DbusEvent and append to EventBuffer. */ class ORListener extends DatabusThreadBase implements BinlogEventListener { /** * Application Callback from this class to process one transaction */ public interface TransactionProcessor { /** * Callback to process one transaction * @param txn * @throws DatabusException if unable to process the event. Relay will stop processing further * events if this problem happens */ public abstract void onEndTransaction(Transaction txn) throws DatabusException; }; /** Transaction object containing the current transaction that is being built from the Binlog **/ private Transaction _transaction = null; /** Track current file number for generating SCN **/ private int _currFileNum; /** Logger Service for this class **/ private final Logger _log; /** Bin Log File Prefix used to extract file numbers in RotateEvents **/ private final String _binlogFilePrefix; /** Schema Registry Service **/ private final SchemaRegistryService _schemaRegistryService; /** Table URI to Source Id Map */ private final Map<String, Short> _tableUriToSrcIdMap; /** Table URI to Source Name Map */ private final Map<String, String> _tableUriToSrcNameMap; /** Transaction Processor **/ private final TransactionProcessor _txnProcessor; /** Size in bytes in bin log for the transaction **/ private long _currTxnSizeInBytes = 0; /** Txn End Timestamp (nanos) as seen in the binlog **/ private long _currTxnTimestamp = 0; /** Nano sec timestamp at which the current timestamp begin seen **/ private long _currTxnStartReadTimestamp = 0; /** Flag to indicate the begining of the txn is seen. Used to indicate **/ private boolean _isBeginTxnSeen = false; /** Track all the table map events, cleared when the binlog rotated **/ private final Map<Long, TableMapEvent> _tableMapEvents = new HashMap<Long, TableMapEvent>(); /** Shared queue to transfer binlog events from OpenReplicator to ORlistener thread **/ private BlockingQueue<BinlogEventV4> _binlogEventQueue = null; /** Milli sec timeout for _binlogEventQueue operation **/ private long _queueTimeoutMs = 100L; /** correct unsigned int type*/ public static final int TINYINT_MAX_VALUE = 256; public static final int SMALLINT_MAX_VALUE = 65536; public static final int MEDIUMINT_MAX_VALUE = 16777216; public static final long INTEGER_MAX_VALUE = 4294967296L; public static final BigInteger BIGINT_MAX_VALUE = new BigInteger("18446744073709551616"); private String _curSourceName; private boolean _ignoreSource = false; public ORListener(String name, int currentFileNumber, Logger log, String binlogFilePrefix, TransactionProcessor txnProcessor, Map<String, Short> tableUriToSrcIdMap, Map<String, String> tableUriToSrcNameMap, SchemaRegistryService schemaRegistryService, int maxQueueSize, long queueTimeoutMs) { super("ORListener_" + name); _log = log; _txnProcessor = txnProcessor; _binlogFilePrefix = binlogFilePrefix; _tableUriToSrcIdMap = tableUriToSrcIdMap; _tableUriToSrcNameMap = tableUriToSrcNameMap; _schemaRegistryService = schemaRegistryService; _currFileNum = currentFileNumber; _binlogEventQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<BinlogEventV4>(maxQueueSize); _queueTimeoutMs = queueTimeoutMs; } @Override public void onEvents(BinlogEventV4 event) { boolean isPut = false; do { try { isPut = _binlogEventQueue.offer(event, _queueTimeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { _log.error("failed to put binlog event to binlogEventQueue event: " + event, e); } } while (!isPut && !isShutdownRequested()); } private void processTableMapEvent(TableMapEvent tme) { _tableMapEvents.put(tme.getTableId(), tme); _curSourceName = tme.getDatabaseName().toString().toLowerCase() + "." + tme.getTableName().toString().toLowerCase(); startSource(_curSourceName); } private void startXtion(QueryEvent e) { _currTxnStartReadTimestamp = System.nanoTime();"startXtion" + e); if ( _transaction == null) { _transaction = new Transaction(); } else { throw new DatabusRuntimeException("Got startXtion without an endXtion for previous transaction"); } } /** * Per {@link} * XidEvent signals a commit */ private void endXtion(AbstractBinlogEventV4 e) { _currTxnTimestamp = e.getHeader().getTimestamp() * 1000000L; long txnReadLatency = System.nanoTime() - _currTxnStartReadTimestamp; boolean em = ((e instanceof QueryEvent) || ( e instanceof XidEvent)); if (! em) { throw new DatabusRuntimeException("endXtion should be called with either QueryEvent of XidEvent"); } _transaction.setSizeInBytes(_currTxnSizeInBytes); _transaction.setTxnNanoTimestamp(_currTxnTimestamp); _transaction.setTxnReadLatencyNanos(txnReadLatency); if(_ignoreSource) { long scn = scn(_currFileNum, (int)e.getHeader().getPosition()); _transaction.setIgnoredSourceScn(scn); } try { _txnProcessor.onEndTransaction(_transaction); } catch (DatabusException e3) { _log.error("Got exception in the transaction handler ",e3); throw new DatabusRuntimeException(e3); } finally { reset(); if ( _log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("endXtion" + e); } } } private void rollbackXtion(QueryEvent e) { reset();"rollbackXtion" + e); } private void reset() { _transaction = null; _currTxnSizeInBytes = 0; } private void startSource(String newTableName) { Short srcId = _tableUriToSrcIdMap.get(newTableName); _ignoreSource = null == srcId; if (_ignoreSource) {"Ignoring source: " + newTableName); return; }"Starting source: " + newTableName); assert (_transaction != null); if (_transaction.getPerSourceTransaction(srcId) == null) { _transaction.mergePerSourceTransaction(new PerSourceTransaction(srcId)); } } private void deleteRows(DeleteRowsEventV2 dre) { if (_ignoreSource) {"Ignoring delete rows for " + _curSourceName); return; }"DELETE FROM " + _curSourceName); frameAvroRecord(dre.getTableId(), dre.getHeader(), dre.getRows(), DbusOpcode.DELETE); } private void deleteRows(DeleteRowsEvent dre) { if (_ignoreSource) {"Ignoring delete rows for " + _curSourceName); return; }"DELETE FROM " + _curSourceName); frameAvroRecord(dre.getTableId(), dre.getHeader(), dre.getRows(), DbusOpcode.DELETE); } private void updateRows(UpdateRowsEvent ure) { if (_ignoreSource) {"Ignoring update rows for " + _curSourceName); return; } List<Pair<Row>> lp = ure.getRows(); List<Row> lr = new ArrayList<Row>(lp.size()); for (Pair<Row> pr: lp) { Row r = pr.getAfter(); lr.add(r); } if (lr.size() > 0) {"UPDATE " + _curSourceName + ": " + lr.size()); frameAvroRecord(ure.getTableId(), ure.getHeader(), lr, DbusOpcode.UPSERT); } } private void updateRows(UpdateRowsEventV2 ure) { if (_ignoreSource) {"Ignoring update rows for " + _curSourceName); return; } List<Pair<Row>> lp = ure.getRows(); List<Row> lr = new ArrayList<Row>(lp.size()); for (Pair<Row> pr: lp) { Row r = pr.getAfter(); lr.add(r); } if (lr.size() > 0) {"UPDATE " + _curSourceName + ": " + lr.size()); frameAvroRecord(ure.getTableId(), ure.getHeader(), lr, DbusOpcode.UPSERT); } } private void insertRows(WriteRowsEvent wre) { if (_ignoreSource) {"Ignoring insert rows for " + _curSourceName); return; }"INSERT INTO " + _curSourceName); frameAvroRecord(wre.getTableId(), wre.getHeader(), wre.getRows(), DbusOpcode.UPSERT); } private void insertRows(WriteRowsEventV2 wre) { if (_ignoreSource) {"Ignoring insert rows for " + _curSourceName); return; }"INSERT INTO " + _curSourceName); frameAvroRecord(wre.getTableId(), wre.getHeader(), wre.getRows(), DbusOpcode.UPSERT); } private void frameAvroRecord(long tableId, BinlogEventV4Header bh, List<Row> rl, final DbusOpcode doc) { try { final long timestampInNanos = bh.getTimestamp() * 1000000L; final long scn = scn(_currFileNum, (int)bh.getPosition()); final boolean isReplicated = false; final TableMapEvent tme = _tableMapEvents.get(tableId); String tableName = tme.getDatabaseName().toString().toLowerCase() + "." + tme.getTableName().toString().toLowerCase(); VersionedSchema vs = _schemaRegistryService.fetchLatestVersionedSchemaBySourceName(_tableUriToSrcNameMap.get(tableName)); Schema schema = vs.getSchema(); if ( _log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("File Number :" + _currFileNum + ", Position :" + (int)bh.getPosition() + ", SCN =" + scn); for(Row r: rl) { List<Column> cl = r.getColumns(); GenericRecord gr = new GenericData.Record(schema); generateAvroEvent(vs, cl, gr); List<KeyPair> kps = generateKeyPair(cl, schema); DbChangeEntry db = new DbChangeEntry(scn, timestampInNanos, gr, doc, isReplicated, schema, kps); _transaction.getPerSourceTransaction(_tableUriToSrcIdMap.get(tableName)).mergeDbChangeEntrySet(db); } } catch (NoSuchSchemaException ne) { throw new DatabusRuntimeException(ne); } catch (DatabusException de) { throw new DatabusRuntimeException(de); } } private List<KeyPair> generateKeyPair(List<Column> cl, Schema schema) throws DatabusException { Object o = null; Schema.Type st = null; // Build PrimaryKeySchema String pkFieldName = SchemaHelper.getMetaField(schema, "pk"); if(pkFieldName == null) { throw new DatabusException("No primary key specified in the schema"); } PrimaryKeySchema pkSchema = new PrimaryKeySchema(pkFieldName); List<Schema.Field> fields = schema.getFields(); List<KeyPair> kpl = new ArrayList<KeyPair>(); int cnt = 0; for(Schema.Field field : fields) { if (pkSchema.isPartOfPrimaryKey(field)) { o = orToAvroType(cl.get(cnt), field); st = field.schema().getType(); KeyPair kp = new KeyPair(o, st); kpl.add(kp); } cnt++; } return kpl; } private void generateAvroEvent(VersionedSchema vs, List<Column> cols, GenericRecord record) throws DatabusException { // Get Ordered list of field by dbFieldPosition List<Schema.Field> orderedFields = SchemaHelper.getOrderedFieldsByDBFieldPosition(vs); // Build Map<AvroFieldType, Columns> if (orderedFields.size() != cols.size()) { throw new DatabusException("Mismatch in db schema vs avro schema"); } int cnt = 0; Map<String, Column> avroFieldCol = new HashMap<String, Column>(); for(Schema.Field field : orderedFields) { avroFieldCol.put(, cols.get(cnt)); cnt++; } for(Schema.Field field : orderedFields) { if(field.schema().getType() == Schema.Type.ARRAY) { throw new DatabusException("The parser cannot handle ARRAY datatypes. Found in field: "+ field); } else { // The current database field being processed // (field is avro field name and databaseFieldName is oracle field name (one to one mapping) String databaseFieldName = SchemaHelper.getMetaField(field, "dbFieldName").toLowerCase(); _log.debug("databaseFieldName = " + databaseFieldName); //Insert the field into the generic record insertFieldIntoRecord(avroFieldCol, record, databaseFieldName, field); } } if ( _log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Generic record = " + record); } } /** * Given the following : * 1. A row data as a map of (dbFieldName, Column) data) * 2. A generic record to populate * 3. dbFieldName * 4. avroFieldName * * The method locates the Column for the dbFieldName, extracts the data as a Java Object, * inserts into the generic record with as the key */ private void insertFieldIntoRecord( Map<String, Column> eventFields, GenericRecord record, String dbFieldName, Schema.Field avroField) throws DatabusException { String f =; Column fieldValue = eventFields.get(f); boolean isFieldNull = (fieldValue == null); Object fieldValueObj = null; try { if (! isFieldNull) fieldValueObj = orToAvroType(fieldValue, avroField); else fieldValueObj = null; record.put(, fieldValueObj); } catch(DatabusException e) { _log.error("Unable to process field: " +; throw e; } return; } /** * Given a OR Column, it returns a corresponding Java object that can be inserted into * AVRO record * @param avroField */ private Object orToAvroType(Column s, Field avroField) throws DatabusException { if (s instanceof NullColumn) { return null; } String fieldTypeSchemaStr = avroField.schema().toString(); if (fieldTypeSchemaStr.contains("int")) { return Integer.parseInt(s.getValue() + "") + (int) unsignedOffset(s, avroField); } if (fieldTypeSchemaStr.contains("long")) { if (s.getValue() instanceof Date) { return ((Date) s.getValue()).getTime(); } if (s instanceof LongLongColumn) { LongLongColumn llc = (LongLongColumn) s; BigInteger b = new BigInteger(llc.getValue() + ""); return b.add(new BigInteger(unsignedOffset(s, avroField) + "")); } return Long.parseLong(s.getValue() + "") + unsignedOffset(s, avroField); } if (fieldTypeSchemaStr.contains("double")) { return Double.parseDouble(s.getValue() + ""); } if (fieldTypeSchemaStr.contains("string")) { if (s.getValue() instanceof byte[]) { return new String((byte[]) s.getValue(), Charset.defaultCharset()); } return s.getValue() + ""; } if (fieldTypeSchemaStr.contains("bytes")) { if (!(s.getValue() instanceof byte[])) { throw new DatabusException(" need convert to bytes,but the column type is " + s.getClass()); } byte[] byteArr = (byte[]) s.getValue(); return ByteBuffer.wrap(byteArr); } if (fieldTypeSchemaStr.contains("float")) { return Float.parseFloat(s.getValue() + ""); } else { throw new DatabusRuntimeException("Unknown schema type " + fieldTypeSchemaStr + " Object = " + s); } } private long unsignedOffset(Column s, Field avroField) { if (s instanceof Int24Column) { Int24Column ic = (Int24Column) s; Integer i = ic.getValue(); if (i < 0 && SchemaHelper.getMetaField(avroField, "dbFieldType").contains("UNSIGNED")) { return ORListener.MEDIUMINT_MAX_VALUE; } return 0; } else if (s instanceof LongColumn) { LongColumn lc = (LongColumn) s; Long i = lc.getValue().longValue(); if (i < 0 && SchemaHelper.getMetaField(avroField, "dbFieldType").contains("UNSIGNED")) { return ORListener.INTEGER_MAX_VALUE; } return 0; } else if (s instanceof LongLongColumn) { LongLongColumn llc = (LongLongColumn) s; Long l = llc.getValue(); if (l < 0 && SchemaHelper.getMetaField(avroField, "dbFieldType").contains("UNSIGNED")) { return ORListener.BIGINT_MAX_VALUE.longValue(); } return 0; } else if (s instanceof ShortColumn) { ShortColumn sc = (ShortColumn) s; Integer i = sc.getValue(); if (i < 0 && SchemaHelper.getMetaField(avroField, "dbFieldType").contains("UNSIGNED")) { return ORListener.SMALLINT_MAX_VALUE; } return 0; } else if (s instanceof TinyColumn) { TinyColumn tc = (TinyColumn) s; Integer i = tc.getValue(); if (i < 0 && SchemaHelper.getMetaField(avroField, "dbFieldType").contains("UNSIGNED")) { return ORListener.TINYINT_MAX_VALUE; } return 0; } return 0; } /** * Creates the SCN from logId and offset * SCN = { Logid }{ Offset } * |--- High Order 32 bits ---||--- Low Order 32 bits --| * @param logId * @param offset * @return */ public static long scn(int logId, int offset) { long scn = logId; scn <<= 32; scn |= offset; return scn; } @Override public void run() { List<BinlogEventV4> eventList = new ArrayList<BinlogEventV4>(); BinlogEventV4 event; while (!isShutdownRequested()) { if (isPauseRequested()) {"Pause requested for ORListener. Pausing !!"); signalPause();"Pausing. Waiting for resume command"); try { awaitUnPauseRequest(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Interrupted !!"); }"Resuming ORListener !!"); signalResumed();"ORListener resumed !!"); } eventList.clear(); int eventNumber = _binlogEventQueue.drainTo(eventList); if (eventNumber == 0) { try { event = _binlogEventQueue.poll(_queueTimeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (event != null) { eventList.add(event); eventNumber = eventList.size(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Interrupted when poll from _binlogEventQueue!!"); } } for (int i = 0; i < eventNumber; i++) { event = eventList.get(i); if (event == null) { _log.error("Received null event"); continue; } try { // Beginning of Txn if (event instanceof QueryEvent) { QueryEvent qe = (QueryEvent)event; String sql = qe.getSql().toString(); if ("BEGIN".equalsIgnoreCase(sql)) { _isBeginTxnSeen = true;"BEGIN sql: " + sql); _currTxnSizeInBytes = event.getHeader().getEventLength(); startXtion(qe); continue; } } else if (event instanceof RotateEvent) { RotateEvent re = (RotateEvent) event; String fileName = re.getBinlogFileName().toString();"File Rotated : FileName :" + fileName + ", _binlogFilePrefix :" + _binlogFilePrefix); String fileNumStr = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(_binlogFilePrefix) + _binlogFilePrefix.length() + 1); _currFileNum = Integer.parseInt(fileNumStr); _tableMapEvents.clear(); continue; } if ( ! _isBeginTxnSeen ) { if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Skipping event (" + event + ") as this is before the start of first transaction"); } continue; } _currTxnSizeInBytes += event.getHeader().getEventLength(); if (event instanceof QueryEvent) { QueryEvent qe = (QueryEvent)event; String sql = qe.getSql().toString(); if ("COMMIT".equalsIgnoreCase(sql)) { _log.debug("COMMIT sql: " + sql); endXtion(qe); continue; } else if ("ROLLBACK".equalsIgnoreCase(sql)) { _log.debug("ROLLBACK sql: " + sql); rollbackXtion(qe); continue; } else { // Ignore DDL statements for now _log.debug("Likely DDL statement sql: " + sql); continue; } } else if (event instanceof XidEvent) { XidEvent xe = (XidEvent)event; long xid = xe.getXid(); _log.debug("Treating XID event with xid = " + xid + " as commit for the transaction"); endXtion(xe); continue; } else if (event instanceof FormatDescriptionEvent) { // we don't need process this event"received FormatDescriptionEvent event"); continue; } else if (event instanceof WriteRowsEvent) { WriteRowsEvent wre = (WriteRowsEvent)event; insertRows(wre); } else if (event instanceof WriteRowsEventV2) { WriteRowsEventV2 wre = (WriteRowsEventV2)event; insertRows(wre); } else if (event instanceof UpdateRowsEvent) { UpdateRowsEvent ure = (UpdateRowsEvent)event; updateRows(ure); } else if (event instanceof UpdateRowsEventV2) { UpdateRowsEventV2 ure = (UpdateRowsEventV2)event; updateRows(ure); } else if (event instanceof DeleteRowsEventV2) { DeleteRowsEventV2 dre = (DeleteRowsEventV2)event; deleteRows(dre); } else if (event instanceof DeleteRowsEvent) { DeleteRowsEvent dre = (DeleteRowsEvent)event; deleteRows(dre); } else if (event instanceof TableMapEvent) { TableMapEvent tme = (TableMapEvent)event; processTableMapEvent(tme); } else { _log.warn("Skipping !! Unknown OR event e: " + event); continue; } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("e: " + event); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("failed to process binlog event, event: " + event, e); } } }"ORListener Thread done"); doShutdownNotify(); } }