/* * Catroid: An on-device visual programming system for Android devices * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 The Catrobat Team * (<http://developer.catrobat.org/credits>) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * An additional term exception under section 7 of the GNU Affero * General Public License, version 3, is available at * http://developer.catrobat.org/license_additional_term * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.catrobat.catroid.common; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import org.catrobat.catroid.physics.PhysicsObject; import org.catrobat.catroid.physics.PhysicsObject.Type; import org.catrobat.catroid.physics.PhysicsWorld; public final class BrickValues { //constants Motions public static final int X_POSITION = 100; public static final int Y_POSITION = 200; public static final int CHANGE_X_BY = 10; public static final int CHANGE_Y_BY = 10; public static final Float MOVE_STEPS = 10f; public static final Float TURN_DEGREES = 15f; public static final Float POINT_IN_DIRECTION = 90f; public static final int GLIDE_SECONDS = 1000; public static final int GO_BACK = 1; public static final int DURATION = 1; //constants Physics public static final PhysicsObject.Type PHYSIC_TYPE = Type.DYNAMIC; public static final Float PHYSIC_MASS = PhysicsObject.DEFAULT_MASS; public static final Float PHYSIC_BOUNCE_FACTOR = PhysicsObject.DEFAULT_BOUNCE_FACTOR; public static final Float PHYSIC_FRICTION = PhysicsObject.DEFAULT_FRICTION; public static final Vector2 PHYSIC_GRAVITY = PhysicsWorld.DEFAULT_GRAVITY; public static final Vector2 PHYSIC_VELOCITY = new Vector2(); public static final Float PHYSIC_TURN_DEGREES = TURN_DEGREES; //constants Looks public static final Float SET_SIZE_TO = 60f; public static final Float CHANGE_SIZE_BY = 10f; public static final Float SET_TRANSPARENCY = 50f; public static final Float CHANGE_TRANSPARENCY_EFFECT = 25f; public static final Float SET_BRIGHTNESS_TO = 50f; public static final Float CHANGE_BRITHNESS_BY = 25f; public static final Float SET_COLOR_TO = 0f; public static final Float CHANGE_COLOR_BY = 25f; public static final Float VIBRATE_SECONDS = 1f; public static final int GO_TO_TOUCH_POSITION = 80; public static final int GO_TO_RANDOM_POSITION = 81; public static final int GO_TO_OTHER_SPRITE_POSITION = 82; //constants Pen public static final Float PEN_SIZE = 4f; public static final Color PEN_COLOR = Color.BLUE; //constants Sounds public static final Float SET_VOLUME_TO = 60f; public static final Float CHANGE_VOLUME_BY = -10f; //Constants Control public static final int WAIT = 1000; public static final int REPEAT = 10; public static final String IF_CONDITION = "1 < 2"; public static final String NOTE = "add comment hereā€¦"; public static final int STOP_THIS_SCRIPT = 0; public static final int STOP_ALL_SCRIPTS = 1; public static final int STOP_OTHER_SCRIPTS = 2; //Constants Lego public static final String LEGO_MOTOR = "A"; public static final int LEGO_ANGLE = 180; public static final int LEGO_SPEED = 100; public static final float LEGO_DURATION = 1.0f; public static final int LEGO_FREQUENCY = 2; public static final int LEGO_VOLUME = 100; //Constants Drone public static final int DRONE_MOVE_BRICK_DEFAULT_TIME_MILLISECONDS = 1000; public static final float DRONE_MOVE_BRICK_DEFAULT_MOVE_POWER_PERCENT = 0.2f; public static final String STRING_VALUE = "default"; public static final int DRONE_ALTITUDE_MIN = 3; public static final int DRONE_ALTITUDE_INDOOR = 5; public static final int DRONE_ALTITUDE_OUTDOOR = 10; public static final int DRONE_ALTITUDE_MAX = 100; public static final int DRONE_VERTICAL_MIN = 200; public static final int DRONE_VERTICAL_INDOOR = 700; public static final int DRONE_VERTICAL_OUTDOOR = 1000; public static final int DRONE_VERTICAL_MAX = 2000; public static final int DRONE_ROTATION_MIN = 40; public static final int DRONE_ROTATION_INDOOR = 100; public static final int DRONE_ROTATION_OUTDOOR = 200; public static final int DRONE_ROTATION_MAX = 350; public static final int DRONE_TILT_MIN = 5; public static final int DRONE_TILT_INDOOR = 12; public static final int DRONE_TILT_OUTDOOR = 20; public static final int DRONE_TILT_MAX = 30; //Constants Variables public static final double SET_VARIABLE = 1d; public static final double CHANGE_VARIABLE = 1d; //Constants Lists public static final double ADD_ITEM_TO_USERLIST = 1d; public static final int DELETE_ITEM_OF_USERLIST = 1; public static final int INSERT_ITEM_INTO_USERLIST_INDEX = 1; public static final double INSERT_ITEM_INTO_USERLIST_VALUE = 1d; public static final int REPLACE_ITEM_IN_USERLIST_INDEX = 1; public static final double REPLACE_ITEM_IN_USERLIST_VALUE = 1d; //Constants Phiro public static final int PHIRO_SPEED = 100; public static final int PHIRO_DURATION = 1; public static final int PHIRO_VALUE_RED = 0; public static final int PHIRO_VALUE_GREEN = 255; public static final int PHIRO_VALUE_BLUE = 255; public static final String PHIRO_IF_SENSOR_DEFAULT_VALUE = "Front Left Sensor"; //Constants Arduino public static final int ARDUINO_PWM_INITIAL_PIN_VALUE = 255; public static final int ARDUINO_PWM_INITIAL_PIN_NUMBER = 3; public static final int ARDUINO_DIGITAL_INITIAL_PIN_VALUE = 1; public static final int ARDUINO_DIGITAL_INITIAL_PIN_NUMBER = 13; //Constants Raspi public static final int RASPI_DIGITAL_INITIAL_PIN_VALUE = 1; public static final int RASPI_DIGITAL_INITIAL_PIN_NUMBER = 3; public static final String RASPI_PRESSED_EVENT = "pressed"; public static final String RASPI_RELEASED_EVENT = "released"; public static final double RASPI_PWM_INITIAL_PERCENTAGE = 50.0; public static final double RASPI_PWM_INITIAL_FREQUENCY = 100.0; //Constants NFC public static final short TNF_MIME_MEDIA = 0; public static final short TNF_WELL_KNOWN_HTTP = 1; public static final short TNF_WELL_KNOWN_HTTPS = 2; public static final short TNF_WELL_KNOWN_SMS = 3; public static final short TNF_WELL_KNOWN_TEL = 4; public static final short TNF_WELL_KNOWN_MAILTO = 5; public static final short TNF_EXTERNAL_TYPE = 6; public static final short TNF_EMPTY = 7; public static final byte NDEF_PREFIX_HTTP = 0x03; public static final byte NDEF_PREFIX_HTTPS = 0x04; public static final byte NDEF_PREFIX_TEL = 0x05; public static final byte NDEF_PREFIX_MAILTO = 0x06; // Suppress default constructor for noninstantiability private BrickValues() { throw new AssertionError(); } }