package org.freehep.math.minuit; /** API class for Minos error analysis (asymmetric errors). * Minimization has to be done before and minimum must be valid; * possibility to ask only for one side of the Minos error; * @version $Id: 8584 2006-08-10 23:06:37Z duns $ */ public class MnMinos { /** construct from FCN + minimum */ public MnMinos(FCNBase fcn, FunctionMinimum min) { this(fcn,min,MnApplication.DEFAULT_STRATEGY); } /** construct from FCN + minimum + strategy */ public MnMinos(FCNBase fcn, FunctionMinimum min, int stra) { this(fcn,min,new MnStrategy(stra)); } /** construct from FCN + minimum + strategy */ public MnMinos(FCNBase fcn, FunctionMinimum min, MnStrategy stra) { theFCN = fcn; theMinimum = min; theStrategy = stra; } public MinosError minos(int par) { return minos(par,1.); } public MinosError minos(int par, double errDef) { return minos(par,errDef, MnApplication.DEFAULT_MAXFCN); } /** * Causes a MINOS error analysis to be performed on the parameter whose number is * specified. MINOS errors may be expensive to calculate, but are very reliable since * they take account of non-linearities in the problem as well as parameter correlations, * and are in general asymmetric. * @param maxcalls Specifies the (approximate) maximum number of function calls per parameter * requested, after which the calculation will be stopped for that parameter. */ public MinosError minos(int par, double errDef, int maxcalls) { assert(theMinimum.isValid()); assert(!theMinimum.userState().parameter(par).isFixed()); assert(!theMinimum.userState().parameter(par).isConst()); MnCross up = upval(par, errDef, maxcalls); MnCross lo = loval(par, errDef, maxcalls); return new MinosError(par, theMinimum.userState().value(par), lo, up); } public Point range(int par) { return range(par,1); } public Point range(int par, double errDef) { return range(par,errDef, MnApplication.DEFAULT_MAXFCN); } /** * Causes a MINOS error analysis for external parameter n. * @return The lower and upper bounds of parameter */ public Point range(int par, double errDef, int maxcalls) { MinosError mnerr = minos(par, errDef, maxcalls); return mnerr.range(); } public double lower(int par) { return lower(par,1); } public double lower(int par, double errDef) { return lower(par,errDef, MnApplication.DEFAULT_MAXFCN); } /** calculate one side (negative or positive error) of the parameter */ public double lower(int par, double errDef, int maxcalls) { MnUserParameterState upar = theMinimum.userState(); double err = theMinimum.userState().error(par); MnCross aopt = loval(par, errDef, maxcalls); double lower = aopt.isValid() ? -1.*err*(1.+ aopt.value()) : (aopt.atLimit() ? upar.parameter(par).lowerLimit() : upar.value(par)); return lower; } public double upper(int par) { return upper(par,1); } public double upper(int par, double errDef) { return upper(par,errDef, MnApplication.DEFAULT_MAXFCN); } public double upper(int par, double errDef, int maxcalls) { MnUserParameterState upar = theMinimum.userState(); double err = theMinimum.userState().error(par); MnCross aopt = upval(par, errDef, maxcalls); double upper = aopt.isValid() ? err*(1.+ aopt.value()) : (aopt.atLimit() ? upar.parameter(par).upperLimit() : upar.value(par)); return upper; } public MnCross loval(int par) { return loval(par,1); } public MnCross loval(int par, double errDef) { return loval(par,errDef, MnApplication.DEFAULT_MAXFCN); } public MnCross loval(int par, double errDef, int maxcalls) { errDef *= theMinimum.errorDef(); assert(theMinimum.isValid()); assert(!theMinimum.userState().parameter(par).isFixed()); assert(!theMinimum.userState().parameter(par).isConst()); if(maxcalls == 0) { int nvar = theMinimum.userState().variableParameters(); maxcalls = 2*(nvar+1)*(200 + 100*nvar + 5*nvar*nvar); } int[] para = {par}; MnUserParameterState upar = theMinimum.userState().clone(); double err = upar.error(par); double val = upar.value(par) - err; double[] xmid = {val}; double[] xdir = {-err}; int ind = upar.intOfExt(par); MnAlgebraicSymMatrix m = theMinimum.error().matrix(); double xunit = Math.sqrt(errDef/err); for(int i = 0; i < m.nrow(); i++) { if(i == ind) continue; double xdev = xunit*m.get(ind,i); int ext = upar.extOfInt(i); upar.setValue(ext, upar.value(ext) - xdev); } upar.fix(par); upar.setValue(par, val); double toler = 0.1; MnFunctionCross cross = new MnFunctionCross(theFCN, upar, theMinimum.fval(), theStrategy, errDef); MnCross aopt = cross.cross(para, xmid, xdir, toler, maxcalls); if(aopt.atLimit()) System.out.println("MnMinos parameter "+par+" is at lower limit."); if(aopt.atMaxFcn()) System.out.println("MnMinos maximum number of function calls exceeded for parameter "+par); if(aopt.newMinimum()) System.out.println("MnMinos new minimum found while looking for parameter "+par); if(!aopt.isValid()) System.out.println("MnMinos could not find lower value for parameter "+par+"."); return aopt; } public MnCross upval(int par) { return upval(par,1); } public MnCross upval(int par, double errDef) { return upval(par,errDef, MnApplication.DEFAULT_MAXFCN); } public MnCross upval(int par, double errDef, int maxcalls) { errDef *= theMinimum.errorDef(); assert(theMinimum.isValid()); assert(!theMinimum.userState().parameter(par).isFixed()); assert(!theMinimum.userState().parameter(par).isConst()); if(maxcalls == 0) { int nvar = theMinimum.userState().variableParameters(); maxcalls = 2*(nvar+1)*(200 + 100*nvar + 5*nvar*nvar); } int[] para = { par }; MnUserParameterState upar = theMinimum.userState().clone(); double err = upar.error(par); double val = upar.value(par) + err; double[] xmid = {val}; double[] xdir = {err}; int ind = upar.intOfExt(par); MnAlgebraicSymMatrix m = theMinimum.error().matrix(); double xunit = Math.sqrt(errDef/err); for(int i = 0; i < m.nrow(); i++) { if(i == ind) continue; double xdev = xunit*m.get(ind,i); int ext = upar.extOfInt(i); upar.setValue(ext, upar.value(ext) + xdev); } upar.fix(par); upar.setValue(par, val); double toler = 0.1; MnFunctionCross cross = new MnFunctionCross(theFCN, upar, theMinimum.fval(), theStrategy, errDef); MnCross aopt = cross.cross(para, xmid, xdir, toler, maxcalls); if(aopt.atLimit()) System.err.println("MnMinos parameter "+par+" is at upper limit."); if(aopt.atMaxFcn()) System.err.println("MnMinos maximum number of function calls exceeded for parameter "+par); if(aopt.newMinimum()) System.err.println("MnMinos new minimum found while looking for parameter "+par); if(!aopt.isValid()) System.err.println("MnMinos could not find upper value for parameter "+par+"."); return aopt; } private FCNBase theFCN; private FunctionMinimum theMinimum; private MnStrategy theStrategy; }