package hep.aida.ref.root; import hep.aida.ITuple; import hep.aida.ref.tuple.ReadOnlyAbstractTuple; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.freehep.util.Value; /** * * @author tonyj */ class TLeafFolderColumn extends TLeafColumn { private TLeafI dim; private TLeafColumn[] columns; private EmbeddedTuple embedded; TLeafFolderColumn(TLeafI dim) { this.dim = dim; embedded = new EmbeddedTuple(name()); } void addColumn(TLeaf leaf) { // Each row represents an array, of which the first dimension is dim TLeafColumn col; if (leaf instanceof TLeafI) col = new TLeafIColumn((TLeafI) leaf); else if (leaf instanceof TLeafL) col = new TLeafLColumn((TLeafL) leaf); else if (leaf instanceof TLeafF) col = new TLeafFColumn((TLeafF) leaf); else if (leaf instanceof TLeafD) col = new TLeafDColumn((TLeafD) leaf); else if (leaf instanceof TLeafB) col = new TLeafBColumn((TLeafB) leaf); else { System.out.println("Ignored column " + leaf.getName() + " of type " + leaf.getClass()); return; } if (columns == null) columns = new TLeafColumn[] { col }; else { List x = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(columns)); x.add(col); columns = new TLeafColumn[x.size()]; x.toArray(columns); } } void getValue(int row, Value value) { try { // We need to return an ITuple as our value embedded.setGlobalRow(row); value.set(embedded); } catch (IOException x) { throw new RuntimeException("IOException accessing tuple", x); } } public void defaultValue(Value value) { //System.out.println("getting default value "+name()); value.set((Object) null); } public String name() { return "Folder["+dim.getName()+"]"; } public Class type() { return EmbeddedTuple.class; } void getArrayValue(int row, int dim, Value value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } private class EmbeddedTuple extends ReadOnlyAbstractTuple { private Value theValue = new Value(); private int nRows; private int theRow; EmbeddedTuple(String name) { super(name, ""); } void setGlobalRow(int row) throws IOException { theRow = row; nRows = dim.getValue(row); } public boolean providesColumnDefaultValues() { return false; } public void columnValue(int column, Value v) { columns[column].getArrayValue(theRow, getRow(), v); } public boolean isInMemory() { return false; } public ITuple findTuple(int param) { return null; } public int findColumn(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException { for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { if (columns[i].name().equals(name)) return i; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown column " + name); } public double columnMax(int index) throws IllegalArgumentException { columns[index].maxValue(theValue); return theValue.getDouble(); } public double columnMean(int index) throws IllegalArgumentException { columns[index].meanValue(theValue); return theValue.getDouble(); } public double columnMin(int index) throws IllegalArgumentException { columns[index].minValue(theValue); return theValue.getDouble(); } public String columnName(int index) throws IllegalArgumentException { return columns[index].name(); } public double columnRms(int index) throws IllegalArgumentException { columns[index].rmsValue(theValue); return theValue.getDouble(); } public Class columnType(int index) throws IllegalArgumentException { return columns[index].type(); } public int columns() { return columns.length; } public int rows() { return nRows; } public String columnDefaultString(int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public Object columnDefaultValue(int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public boolean supportsMultipleCursors() { return true; } public boolean supportsRandomAccess() { return true; } } }