package jas.hist.util; import jas.hist.HasSlices; import jas.hist.Rebinnable1DHistogramData; import jas.hist.Rebinnable2DHistogramData; import jas.hist.SliceParameters; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList; /** * A Two2SliceAdapter can be used to convert any * Rebinnable2DHistogramData object to a Rebinnable2DHistogramData * which also implements HasSlices */ public class TwoDSliceAdapter extends ScatterAdapter implements HasSlices, SliceAdapter { protected Vector slices = new Vector(); private EventListenerList listenerList = new EventListenerList(); public TwoDSliceAdapter(Rebinnable2DHistogramData source) { super(source); } public void addSliceListener(SliceListener l) { listenerList.add(SliceListener.class, l); } public void removeSliceListener(SliceListener l) { listenerList.remove(SliceListener.class, l); } // Notify all listeners that have registered interest for // notification on this event type. The event instance // is lazily created using the parameters passed into // the fire method. protected void fireSliceAdded(int index) { SliceEvent sliceEvent = null; // Guaranteed to return a non-null array Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList(); // Process the listeners last to first, notifying // those that are interested in this event for (int i = listeners.length-2; i>=0; i-=2) { if (listeners[i]==SliceListener.class) { // Lazily create the event: if (sliceEvent == null) sliceEvent = new SliceEvent(this,SliceEvent.EventType.SLICEADDED,index); ((SliceListener)listeners[i+1]).sliceAdded(sliceEvent); } } } protected void fireSliceRemoved(int index) { SliceEvent sliceEvent = null; // Guaranteed to return a non-null array Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList(); // Process the listeners last to first, notifying // those that are interested in this event for (int i = listeners.length-2; i>=0; i-=2) { if (listeners[i]==SliceListener.class) { // Lazily create the event: if (sliceEvent == null) sliceEvent = new SliceEvent(this,SliceEvent.EventType.SLICEREMOVED,index); ((SliceListener)listeners[i+1]).sliceRemoved(sliceEvent); } } } public int getNSlices() { return slices.size(); } public SliceParameters getSliceParameters(int n) { return ((AbstractSlice) slices.elementAt(n)).getParameters(); } public Rebinnable1DHistogramData getSlice(int n) { return (Rebinnable1DHistogramData) slices.elementAt(n); } public boolean canAddRemoveSlices() { return true; } public int addSlice(double x, double y, double width, double height, double phi) { int n = slices.size(); String title = (width==Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY?"Projection ":"Slice ")+n; if (source.isRebinnable()) { slices.addElement(new RebinnableSlice(title,x,y,width,height,phi)); } else { slices.addElement(new NonRebinnableSlice(title,x,y,width,height,phi)); } fireSliceAdded(n); return n; } public void removeSlice(int n) { fireSliceRemoved(n); slices.removeElementAt(n); } private class NonRebinnableSlice extends AbstractSlice { NonRebinnableSlice(String title, double x, double y, double width, double height, double phi) { super(title, (width == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); this.parm = new DefaultSliceParameters(x,y,width,height,phi) { // We need to override all the set methods, since we are restrained by the source binning public void setPhi(double value) { value += 2*Math.PI; value %= Math.PI; value = (value > Math.PI/4 && value < 3*Math.PI/4) ? Math.PI/2 : 0; super.setPhi(value); } public void setX(double value) { double min = source.getXMin(); double max = source.getXMax(); int bins = source.getXBins(); int bin = Math.round((float) (bins*(value-min)/(max-min))); super.setX(min + bin*(max-min)/bins); } public void setY(double value) { double min = source.getYMin(); double max = source.getYMax(); int bins = source.getYBins(); int bin = Math.round((float) (bins*(value-min)/(max-min))); super.setY(min + bin*(max-min)/bins); } public void setWidth(double value) { double min,max; int bins; if (parm.phi == 0) { min = source.getXMin(); max = source.getXMax(); bins = source.getXBins(); } else { min = source.getYMin(); max = source.getYMax(); bins = source.getYBins(); } double binWidth = (max-min)/bins; int w = Math.round((float) (value/binWidth)); super.setWidth(w*binWidth); } public void setHeight(double value) { double min,max; int bins; if (parm.phi == 0) { min = source.getYMin(); max = source.getYMax(); bins = source.getYBins(); } else { min = source.getXMin(); max = source.getXMax(); bins = source.getXBins(); } double binWidth = (max-min)/bins; int w = Math.round((float) (value/binWidth)); super.setHeight(w*binWidth); } protected void changed() { sendUpdate(); } }; } public double[][] rebin(int bins, double min, double max, boolean wantErrors, boolean hurry) { double xmin = source.getXMin(); double xmax = source.getXMax(); double ymin = source.getYMin(); double ymax = source.getYMax(); int xbins = source.getXBins(); int ybins = source.getYBins(); double[][][] sresult = source.rebin(xbins,xmin,xmax,ybins,ymin,ymax,wantErrors,hurry,false); double[][] sdata = sresult[0]; double [] hist = new double[bins]; if (parm.phi == 0) // if slice is || to X axis { int minXBin = Math.round((float) ((min-xmin)*xbins/(xmax-xmin))); int maxXBin = Math.round((float) ((max-xmin)*xbins/(xmax-xmin))); if (maxXBin-minXBin != bins) throw new RuntimeException("Failed sanity check"); int minYBin = Math.round((float) ((parm.y-parm.height-ymin)*ybins/(ymax-ymin))); int maxYBin = Math.round((float) ((parm.y+parm.height-ymin)*ybins/(ymax-ymin))); for (int i = Math.max(minXBin,0); i < Math.min(maxXBin,xbins); i++) { for (int j = Math.max(minYBin,0); j < Math.min(maxYBin,ybins); j++) { hist[i-minXBin] += sdata[i][j]; } } } else { int minXBin = Math.round((float) ((min-ymin)*ybins/(ymax-ymin))); int maxXBin = Math.round((float) ((max-ymin)*ybins/(ymax-ymin))); if (maxXBin-minXBin != bins) throw new RuntimeException("Failed sanity check"); int minYBin = Math.round((float) ((parm.x-parm.height-xmin)*xbins/(xmax-xmin))); int maxYBin = Math.round((float) ((parm.x+parm.height-xmin)*xbins/(xmax-xmin))); for (int i = Math.max(minXBin,0); i < Math.min(maxXBin,ybins); i++) { for (int j = Math.max(minYBin,0); j < Math.min(maxYBin,xbins); j++) { hist[i-minXBin] += sdata[j][i]; } } } double[][] result = { hist }; return result; } public double getMin() { if (projection) { return parm.phi == 0 ? source.getXMin() : source.getYMin(); } else { return parm.phi == 0 ? parm.x-parm.width : parm.y-parm.width; } } public double getMax() { if (projection) { return parm.phi == 0 ? source.getXMax() : source.getYMax(); } else { return parm.phi == 0 ? parm.x+parm.width : parm.y+parm.width; } } public int getBins() { double min = getMin(); double max = getMax(); double binWidth = parm.phi == 0 ? (source.getXMax() - source.getXMin())/source.getXBins() : (source.getYMax() - source.getYMin())/source.getYBins(); return Math.round((float) ((max-min)/binWidth)); } public boolean isRebinnable() { return false; } } private class RebinnableSlice extends AbstractSlice { RebinnableSlice(String title, double x, double y, double width, double height, double phi) { super(title, (width == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); this.parm = new DefaultSliceParameters(x,y,width,height,phi) { // We need to override the setPhi method, since we only allow phi = 0 or PI/2 public void setPhi(double value) { value += 2*Math.PI; value %= Math.PI; value = (value > Math.PI/4 && value < 3*Math.PI/4) ? Math.PI/2 : 0; super.setPhi(value); } protected void changed() { sendUpdate(); } }; } public double[][] rebin(int bins, double min, double max, boolean wantErrors, boolean hurry) { // Since we know our source is rebinnable, we just ask it to do all the hard work! if (parm.phi == 0) { double[][][] data = source.rebin(bins,min,max,1,parm.y-parm.height,parm.y+parm.height,wantErrors,hurry,false); double[] hist = new double[bins]; for (int i=0; i<bins; i++) hist[i] = data[0][i][0]; double[][] result = { hist }; return result; } else { double[][][] data = source.rebin(1,parm.x-parm.height,parm.x+parm.height,bins,min,max,wantErrors,hurry,false); return data[0]; } } public double getMin() { if (projection) { return parm.phi == 0 ? source.getXMin() : source.getYMin(); } else { return parm.phi == 0 ? parm.x-parm.width : parm.y-parm.width; } } public double getMax() { if (projection) { return parm.phi == 0 ? source.getXMax() : source.getYMax(); } else { return parm.phi == 0 ? parm.x+parm.width : parm.y+parm.width; } } public int getBins() { return 40; } public boolean isRebinnable() { return true; } } }