package; import; import; import java.util.Properties; class Hbook { private final static int VERSION = 2; private static boolean init = false; private static boolean[] luns; static boolean getCWDataBoolean(long buffer, int offset, int size) { return getCWDataInt(buffer, offset, size) != 0; } static native double getCWDataDouble(long buffer, int offset, int size); static native int getCWDataInt(long buffer, int offset, int size); static native long getCWDataLong(long buffer, int offset, int size); static native String getCWDataString(long buffer, int offset, int size); static synchronized native void setCWEvent(int id, int ievent); static native double getRWData(long buffer, int column); static synchronized native void setRWEvent(int id, int ievent, long buffer); static native void CWClearMap(int id, String block, long buffer); static native void CWMap(int id, String block, long buffer, String setName, int offset, int type); static native double[] CWgetMinMax(int id, long buffer, int offset, int type, int size, int fixed, int indexOffset); static native double[] CWrebin(int id, long buffer, int offset, int type, int size, int fixed, int indexOffset, int bins, double min, double max); static native double[] Hist1DData(int id, int bins); static native double[] Hist1DErrors(int id, int bins); static native double[][] Hist2DData(int id, int xbins, int ybins); static native double[][] Hist2DErrors(int id, int xbins, int ybins); static native double[] RWrebin(int id, int column, int size, int bins, double min, double max); static synchronized native long allocBuffer(int size); static synchronized void close(String s, int lun) { closeFile(s, lun); freeLun(lun); } static synchronized native void delete(int id); static synchronized native void freeBuffer(long buffer); static native int init(); static synchronized HbookFileHObj openFile(String s, int recordSize) throws IOException { if (!init) { doInit(); } CompositeHbookObject result = openFile(s, getLun(),recordSize); if (result == null) { throw new IOException("Could not open " + s); } return (HbookFileHObj) result; } static synchronized native int visitChildren(HbookObject h); private static synchronized int getLun() { for (int i = 10; i < luns.length; i++) { if (luns[i]) { luns[i] = false; return i; } } throw new RuntimeException("No free luns"); } private static native void closeFile(String s, int lun); private static void doInit() { Properties mavenProperties = new Properties(); String propertyFileName = "/META-INF/maven/org.freehep/freehep-hbook/"; try { InputStream is = Hbook.class.getResourceAsStream(propertyFileName); if (is == null) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find "+propertyFileName+" in jar file"); mavenProperties.load(is); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("Problem resolving name of the native library", ioe); } String libName = mavenProperties.getProperty("artifactId","undefined")+"-"+ mavenProperties.getProperty("version", "undefined"); try { System.out.println("Loading " + libName + " ..."); System.loadLibrary(libName); int version = init(); if (version != VERSION) throw new RuntimeException("Hbook library version mismatch, expected "+VERSION+" got "+version); luns = new boolean[100]; for (int i = 0; i < luns.length; i++) luns[i] = true; init = true; } catch (Throwable t) { RuntimeException x = new RuntimeException("Error loading native library: " + libName); x.initCause(t); throw x; } } private static synchronized void freeLun(int lun) { luns[lun] = true; } private static native CompositeHbookObject openFile(String s, int lun, int recordSize); public static void main(String[] args) { doInit(); } }